A Girl Adopted

Chapter 17- Amara

Chapter 17- Amara

"What about it?" Aaron asked. He looks a lot better than before.

"I can't tell you everything. So please don't be mad at me about it and please don't freak out. Whatever

I am going to tell you, you have to keep it a secret. Not even a single person can know about it. Can I

trust you about not telling anyone, even if you are scared or freaked out?" I asked nervously.

“You know you are scaring me now but I promise not to say a single word to anyone, not even to my

dog." he said crossing his heart.

“You don’t have a dog bud.” I said laughing "Let's sit down. It's going to take a while."

He nodded and we sat down on the sand. I took a deep breath and started.

"My parents got married when they were eighteen, just after graduation. Mother was pregnant with

Elena at that time.”

“But you said she is your cousin.” He said confused.

“I know. I lied.” I said chewing on my nails nervously. “Back to what I was saying.” I took a deep breath.

“Father worked somewhere, but the income wasn't much. It was enough for a small family though. The

house they were living in was his parents. Father got it after they passed away. His older brother, Uncle

Dale lived in the house next to his. Everything was going alright. Three months after Elena was born,

mother got pregnant with me. They were not ready for a second child, with so less income and mother

wasn’t able to work because of the pregnancy. When I was born, things got even worse. After a month

of my birth, they got divorced and father moved here in Greycoast and mother lived in Esterden. Father

left the house to her. After that I became their bitter memory. Mother nor father used to look at me. I

can still remember the hate I saw in their eyes. Elena used to blame me for breaking her perfect family.

I was too little to know what they meant. Aunt Clair and Uncle Dale took me in. They had a three month

old son Alec. Alec and I grew up as twins. They took care of me. When I turned four and Elena five,

mother made us spend every summer in Greycoast.

Father never looked at me though. I used to take care of myself. He gave me the store room

downstairs as my room. I am not complaining or anything, it's better than nothing. I was invisible to

them. The summer when I was ten, one night father came home early. Elena was over her friend's

house. He went to kitchen and started drinking. I was watching him from the door of my room. After an

hour, he got up came towards me and said shit like I am the reason his family broke and stuff like that.

He slammed his fist right beside my head and left. I ran outside the house and into the woods. After

running for a while, I tripped on a tree root and I hit my head pretty hard." I hesitated a bit.

"A wolf spirit found me and took me to this abandoned cabin in the jungle. I woke up and met his whole

pack. They were nine including the one who saved me. I told them my story and the Alpha or the leader

adopted me as his own kin. He bit me on my left shoulder to accept me in the pack and the tattoo you

saw is the symbol of me being part of the pack. The wolf spirit that saved me is Alpha's son Ryder. I

call the Alpha, Papa. The other wolves went to the place where they were meant to be. I can't tell you

anything about it. It's just me, papa and Ryder now. Papa wanted me to move in when I turned

eighteen but due to some circumstances, I moved in early. I live in the cabin now with them. With my


Aaron didn't say anything during my whole story telling session. He is still sitting beside me saying

nothing. Please don't freak out. He turned towards me,

"Gosh girl you got it harder than me. But it wasn't your fault. Your father was the one who walked out on

you guys. I don't know if I should even call him your father. I so want to punch each of their faces to

pounds of mince." He said punching his left palm with his right fist.

"You are not scared that I live with wolves, spirits at that?" I asked checking his sanity.

"Why would I be scared? I mean they took care of you just like your uncle and aunt did." He said like I

was being stupid.

I hugged him, "Thank you so much for understanding."

Aaron said," This secret of yours, I will take it to my grave."

"Thank you Aaron. I thought I would have to murder you for not spilling it.", I joked.

Aaron gasped and bowed in front of me," Oh you mighty evil wolf girl please spare my precious life."

I laughed and Aaron joined me as well.

Aaron said," Let's get back home. It’s dark already and we have to climb the hill to get to the car."

"Yeah let's go." I said getting up.

We started walking towards the car. After twenty minutes of climbing we reached the car and Aaron

turned the key in the ignition.

"We should come back here again." he said.

"How about every Saturday?" I asked excited.

"This can be our thing." He said jumping up and down.

"Yeah. Just you and me." I said grinning.

"Will you take me to your cabin someday? Pretty please." He asked joining his palms in front of him like

praying. This cartoon.

"Sure. You are always welcome. We can go on any school day." I said laughing.

We ate at a small diner on the way. I got off when we reached the school. Aaron looked behind me and

his eyes widened. I turned around and Ryder was standing right behind me. How did I not feel him


"Aaron come out. I want to introduce you to him properly." I said to the horror stricken friend of mine.

Ryder rolled his eyes at me. Aaron got out of the car but he looked scared. Well anyone would be to

meet a six-seven foot tall wolf, spirit I mean.

"Aaron this is Ryder, my older brother." I turned towards Ryder "Ryder, this is my best friend Aaron."

Ryder growled at him lightly and Aaron jumped back a bit. I hit Ryder's head.

"Stop scaring him Ryder." I scolded.

Ryder nodded at Aaron. Aaron waved at him awkwardly.

Aaron said," I should go. It's really late now."

"Yeah sure. Bye. Good night." I said.

"Good night. See you soon kid." Ryder said. Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

Aaron pointed his finger at Ryder and said," He just talked."

"Of course I can talk. Did you think I was mute?" Ryder said annoyed. What crawled up his ass?

I dragged my hands on my face and glared at Ryder. He gave me 'what did I do' look. I shrugged.

"Aaron we will talk tomorrow, okay? There are a lots of things you don't know." I said.

"Okay. Good night. Good night Ryder." He hugged me really tight. Ryder growled at him but Aaron

chuckled at him. "Someone's over protective." I laughed. He got in the car and went home.

I turned towards Ryder," Let's go home. I want to cuddle with my teddy bears.”

"I am not a teddy bear." Ryder said annoyed.

"Ummhmm" I said grinning.

I climbed on his back and he dashed towards the cabin. I got off of his back when we reached home.

"Hey Ryder shouldn't you be mad at me for spilling our secret?" I asked.

"You trust him. I trust your decisions. Besides he is a nice kid." Ryder said shrugging or that’s what it

looked like.

"Then why did you growl at him?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"I don't like people of other sex touching you." He said matter of factly.

"Don't worry about it. He swings for the other team" I said smiling. “. I can totally check hot guys with

him.” I joked.

"That's good then. I won't growl at him again." He said visibly relaxing. Then something clicked in him.

“What do you by checking hot guys? I told you, you are not allowed to date anyone till you are thirty. Oh

let’s make it fifty.”

I grinned at him. Annoyed Ryder is a fun scene to watch. Papa came from nowhere as usual. I hugged

him. Ryder kept ranting but we completely ignored him.

Papa asked," How was your day sweetie?"

"Great." I replied.

"Did you eat?"

"Yeah we ate on the way. I am going to shower and sleep." I said.

"Okay. Ryder will be with you today. Good night princess."

"Good night papa." I called Ryder over my shoulder "Come on mister teddy bear."

He grumbled something under his breath. Papa and I laughed at him. Ryder and I went inside and

papa disappeared into the woods. I don't know what he does there. I am not going to ask him that

though. I took a shower and went to my bed cuddling with Ryder. He is so warm and soft, just like a

teddy bear.

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