A Sex Slave To Alien Masters (Erotica)


The bed bounced and I opened my eyes to see Hannah’s grinning face above mine. Her teeth were enormous, seemingly longer than they had been the night before. She was crouching beside me waiting for me to wake up. For a split second, I saw the predator she could be.

Hannah was a ball of excited energy this morning. As I took my morning bath with my men she talked nonstop. She had hunted and eaten both dinner and breakfast in the mountains. The place she slept had been wonderful. She loved living in the rough.

“Mama, you wouldn’t believe it, but sleeping on my stomach on the warm stone is so comfortable. I don’t have to worry about catching anything with my spears or talons and I can relax,” she explained.

At breakfast she told me all about how wonderful sleeping in Nu-reeh’s cave had been. I agreed and encouraged, but couldn’t find the strength to tell her that was where she belonged. It was easier just to let her talk.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

The little medicine cup was at breakfast this morning. Watching my little girl I took it down quickly. I was grateful I would never have to do this again. My mind wasn’t built to feel comfortable watching my child of six moons go out on her own.

After breakfast Hannah wanted to show me where she had slept. The men went to the sorting room and she pulled me to an opening in the mountain.

“Up there, Mama,” she pointed toward the craggy cliffs at the cloud line, “just beyond the line of clouds is where I stayed. Nu-reeh said when the mine near there was fresh she slept in that cave to protect her ore.”

“Seems so high up,” I mused squinting up at the distant peak.

“I can go much higher than that,” Hannah said. “I flew around some last night. It was amazing. Dad’s family was right, I could see so much from up there.”

It was obvious I should tell Hannah what Nu-reeh had said, but I couldn’t. She pecked me on the cheek before she flew off to explore. I just told her to have a good time.

“I’ll be back around dinner time, Mama,” she shouted back as the wind carried her up.

After Hannah left I had a startling realization. My breasts felt fine, not full of milk or strained. The assumption I made was the shot Nu-reeh gave me must have dried me up. Thank goodness for small miracles, I thought as I walked back to our rooms.

I wanted to talk to Hannah about what Nu-reeh had said, but she didn’t return at dinner. My worry started to make me slightly panicked. Damien and his Brothers comforted me, but I didn’t feel better until she showed up at bedtime.

We sat in the main room and talked around the fire. The men each rested in a chair and I sat with my daughter on my lap. It was cozy.

Hannah told me how far she had gone. Being late had not been intentional, but she got wrapped up in her exploring. She had seen so many new things, she loved it.

“Well, you should enjoy exploring,” I said trying to sound positive. “You have your teeth, wings, and your fur is being covered by your adult hair. I imagine you are well suited to survey this world.”

“There is so much to see,” she said, “but I like knowing you are here for me. I don’t want you to go away.”

Hannah’s features looked troubled.

“I can’t stay here,” I told her trying not to sound sad, “and neither can you…”

“If you are at the compound, I can’t see you or talk to you, Mama,” Hannah whispered.

Damien spoke up then, “It isn’t safe here for your Mama. You know how the other women see her… the men aren’t much better.”

“Racists,” Hannah muttered and I laughed.

“Which is?” Christof asked.

I didn’t realize Hannah had spoken the word in English. There was no equivalent here.

“On my planet humans sometimes didn’t like each other because their ancestors came from different parts of the world,” I explained.

“It shouldn’t matter,” Hannah insisted. “I will talk to Nu-reeh and ask her to let you stay here.”

My eyes were wet and I shook my head, but Hannah insisted.

“We have to try Mama,” she explained. “We can’t let her separate us without at least trying.”

I took a big breath before I spoke next.

“Nu-reeh told me yesterday she wanted me to let you go in five days. If you don’t leave willingly, she will make you.”

Hannah stared at me and the men didn’t move. They’d suffered Hannah’s anger and loss of control once. No one wanted to bear the brunt of that again. Since no one spoke, I continued.

“I will be moved back to the compound with Damien and his Brothers. You will always know exactly where I am. Don’t fight Nu-reeh, it would be a waste. Spend the next several days with me and then leave this place still on good terms. See the world and build a life for yourself. We’ll see each other again, I am sure of it.”

“It isn’t fair, Mama,” she said quietly. “This isn’t how it should be between us.”

Fat tears ran down her face and I smiled at the human trait.

“Baby Girl,” I soothed stroking her, “life is never fair. It’s up to us, what we make of it. I chose to be happy, you need to make the same choice. I want to spend the next four days with you, carefree and together. The memories will have to last us, I want them to be good ones.”

We talked until late into the night. I tried to think of all the things I should tell her as her mother. I would miss almost every event as she grew into her woomanhood. She laughed as I struggled to give her all the advice I had.

“Really, Mama,” she laughed rolling her eyes, “you telling me to stay away from men?! What about your old boyfriend and the Chevy? Aren’t you going to warn me not to have sex with boys in cars?”

“It’s valid advice,” I said yawning loudly, “that isn’t how you should have your first man.”

Damien chuckled then, “No, no it’s a much better idea to find a man you can beat into the ground and then mount him.”

I yawned again and laughed.

“Talk tomorrow,” Damien said rising and motioning for me, “tonight you and the young one share the bed and rest.”

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