Added into Daddy’s Life

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Michael's P.O.V.

Drew insisted on staying the night and helping Mya and I so I let him sleep in the guest room. He's

been so helpful. When Mya passed out I lost it. The way her eyes fluttered back made me think all

types of negative things. It honestly looked like she died. I was so scared. Drew helped me put cream

on all her cuts and he helped me bathe her. I'm so glad to have a friend like him. Sadly, he left this


Mya isn't doing too good. It seems like she's coming down with a bad cold. She's been sneezing and

coughing like crazy. Her coughs are very thick and heavy and she sometimes wheezes after them. I

had to give her her asthma pump twice already and it's only 10 a.m. I scheduled her in for the doctor

today so they can just check her out to make sure it's just a cold and nothing else.

Her body shivered every couple of minutes but her skin was hot. I didn't know what to do so I just put

another cold rag on her head.

I was currently changing her diaper but it was a little hard to do because she was crying so much.

Sweat broke out on her forehead and she squirmed against the changing table.

"Daddy I'm cold..." I sighed wiping her forehead, "But baby you're sweating and all you have on is a

diaper. She shrugged then let out a heavy cough. I cringed, that had to hurt her chest. I pulled her

down off the table and stood her on her feet. "What do you feel like wearing today princess?"

She thought for a moment and then smiled. "Daddy I wanna wear this one!" She gushed pulling out a

blue and white hippopotamus fluffy onesie. I squinted, "are you sure sweetheart?" She nodded, "yes

papa I sure."

I kissed her forehead and laid her on the bed. "Daddy where we going?"

"Baby I need to take you to the doctor."

She shook her head, "why we go to doctor daddy? I not sick."

I smiled lovingly at her, "Baby you've been coughing all morning so we're just gonna go to make sure

everything is ok." She twitched slightly but then nodded not saying anything else.

* * *

"NO!!" Mya screamed as I walked inside the doctor's office. I crouched down to her eye level.

"What's the matter to daddy."

She rubbed her eyes as tears built up in them. "Daddy I don't wanna go anymore. I scared." I stood

picking her up and holding her close to me. "Baby there's nothing to be afraid of ok? I'll be with you

until the doctor calls you in. She's really nice... I promise." She shook her head and scratched the left

side on her neck. "No daddy I don't wanna go!! NO NO!!"

I peck her lips. I knew she was sick but I didn't really care. Love beats everything else.

"Baby do you really think daddy would put you in danger?"

She shook her head laying it on my shoulder.

"Ok so let's just get this over with and then on the way home, I'll stop and get you some ice cream."

She looked up at me as excitement filled her eyes. "Ice cream?!" Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I nodded, "yes but only if you're good." She pecked my lips and smiled, "Ok papa I be good girl. I

promise I be best girl." I chucked, "ok baby."

Mya let out a harsh cough as we approached the front desk. The woman pouted at her then looked at

me. "What seems to be the matter with the princess?" Mya blushed at the word 'princess' and his her

face in my neck. I sighed, "I'm not sure what exactly is wrong but we have an appointment under


She typed something in the computer and then smiled, "ahh Mr. Michael Hoffstetter right on time. Have

a seat and the doctor will be with you shortly." I nodded thanking her.

As soon as I reached the seat the doctor came out. "Mya Hoffstetter!" Mya jumped at the sound of her

name. "It's ok sweetheart everything is fine." I cooed rubbing her back. I approached the doctor.

"Michael!!" She smiled brightly bringing me into a small hug careful not to hurt Mya. "Hi Susan how are


"I'm fine. Who's this little cutie?"

"This is Mya. Mya honey say hi to Ms. Susan." Mya slowly lifted her head and waved returning to her

spot on my shoulder.

"What's wrong with her today?"

I shrugged, "I really don't know honestly. This morning she was throwing up and was coughing. It

wasn't a regular cough either, she was coughing heavy thick coughs and they sounded really painful."

Susan nodded slowly, "and what happened to her face?" I froze for a second but then quickly

recovered. "Oh she fell outside running around with the dog."

Mya let out a heavy cough causing Susan to frown. "Ok let me being her in and look at her. I'll have her

out in no time." My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "What do you mean? I can't go in with her?"

She shook her head, "It's a new policy here at all the ddlg medical offices." I groaned, what the f!ck is

up with all these new policies. "Oh come on Susan can't you just bend the rules for me?" She smiled

sadly "I wish I could but my boss is here today." I rolled my eyes, "fine."

"Princess" I said softly placing Mya on her feet. "Daddy can't go in with you ok, so I want you to be a

big girl and go with Mrs. Susan." She shook her head and clung to me tightly. "No daddy come too." I

pecked her lips and pulled away just in time to avoid her thick cough. "See baby your sick. So go

ahead and remember what I said about the ice cream." Her eyes shined at the word ice cream causing

me to chuckle. I love her so much...

* * *

I've been pacing back and forth for what seemed like forever. My anxiety level was through the roof. I

was just so worried that Mya was really sick and it was something more than just the common cold.

The door finally opened and out came a smiling Mya. "Daddy daddy look what I got!! THREE

STICKERS!! Ms. Susan gave it to me because she said I was super good and guess what daddy, she

said I was her favorite ever!!" I chuckled matching her excitement "really baby?!?" She nodded. I

crouched down and kissed her cheek, "That's my girl!! I knew you could do it!!"

"Michael" Susan called motioning me to come over.

"Princess" I said standing to my full height. "I have to talk to Ms. Susan about something, so why dont

you go play with the toys over there and wait for daddy to come back." She surprised me by nodding

obediently and running over to the big stack of different toys in the corner.

Susan smiled at her then turned to me. "She's so beautiful Michael, and so well behaved. I mean she's

really something." I smiled nodding, "thank you." She read over her clip board and sighed, "Ok so I did

pin point a few things." I spoke up quickly, "is she ok?" She nodded, "yea yea everything is fine but she

does have a cold. I don't want to really give her anything for the coughing and sneezing because she

does have a little stomach virus coming on."

"Wait but where did she get the stomach virus from?"

Susan shook her head, "I didn't run any tests on her for it, but it could just be something she ate or

drank. It might have upset her stomach but it's nothing to worry about. It should go away in about three

days or so. Make sure she doesn't have any milk, if she wants the formula milk only give it to her once

a day. Once you see that the vomiting stops then she can have it whenever she likes."

I nodded making sure to remember everything. "Thanks Susan." She shook her head, "hold on Michael

I'm not done yet." I tilted my head, "What's wrong?" She scanned her clip board and sighed. "Well um

Mya seems to have ADD and impulsivity." My eyes widened, "w-what do you mean?" She sighed, "well

she has difficulty sitting still and she has a slight twitching problem. I saw the scratches on the left side

of her neck and she said 'ants'. She repeated that over and over. She kept saying that 'ants were

running all over her body' meaning that when she tries to sit still it's gets to be too much for her and it

feels like she's losing control. She also has a hard time focusing, so I gave her a small prescription just

to keep her calm because I am aware of the screaming and the tantrums. You can pick it up on your

way home. It's a liquid so you can either give it to her in a regular table spoon or you can put it into her

drink." I nodded taking in everything that she said.

I sighed, "thank you Susan....for everything." She pulled me into a hug and smiled, "anytime Michael."

I sighed running a hand through my hair. "Come on princess, daddy has to pick up something from the


A/N: Hey guys

Did you guys see this coming?

Where do you think Mya got the stomach virus from?

Do you think Michael will find out what Drew did to Mya?

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