

Chapter 15 


A day ago. 

Tears formed in my eyes as I began to pack the little belongings I had. Technically speaking, they weren’t mine. Most of them are borrowed clothes from Raven, but that was beside the point. 

I swipe away the angry tears as I continue parking. Goddess, do I hate Alec. All that was happening was his fucking fault. I was leaving the place I knew and everything I knew for a foreign land. A place that was filled with so much uncertainty. 

If only Alec had been like Him. He was the alpha, yet he couldn’t tell that there was something fishy about everything. Why would I drug him and then stick around, knowing very well I would get caught? He was the renowned and feared Alpha Alec, but I was beginning to think he was nothing but dumb, stupid, and a complete monster. 

I can’t put all the blame on him, though. Some of the blame fell on his pack too. The same people who turned on me the first chance they got. I was also bitter towards Piper, my so–called best friend. How could she think I’d betray her like that? That I would hurt her and Alec just to get what I wanted? It still puzzles me because if the situations were flipped, I would have remained by her damn side and stuck with her even when everyone was against her. 

Sighing, I stopped packing and just dropped on the bed, already tired. I was angry and bitter, but I also know that most of the blame fell on whoever it was that framed me. I just don’t get it. Why would someone want to frame and hurt me? I’ve never done anything wrong to 

anyone, so 

I just don’t get it. Feeling tired of the constant unanswered questions, I went back to packing. I try my best to stop thinking about it so much, but I can’t. I’m so fucking frustrated, and I end up angrily shoving clothes and personal items into the duffle bag. 

“Are you ready?” Raven enters the room just as I finish packing. 

“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to leave everything I’ve known behind, but what choice do I have?” I murmured, my voice sounding brittle even to my own ears. 

I wanted to scream and shout. I wanted to rant. I wanted to punch someone so badly… but more importantly, I wanted to curl into a ball and just cry for everything I’d been through and lost. 

As if sensing my turmoil, Raven crosses the room and pulls me into her arms. I couldn’t fight the tears, so I just let them fall. Silently crying on her shoulders. 

Chapter 15 

I was so tired of crying. I now cry all the time, and I don’t know whether it’s because of my emotional turmoil or pregnancy hormones. 

Raven pulls away after some time and stares at me. “Don’t worry, I believe that everything will work out.” 

I wanted to believe her, but I had no hope. I couldn’t see any silver lining on the horizon. I just wish that my parents were still here. On days like these, I miss them so much. 

“Are you all set?” Beth asked, walking in. 

I simply nod my head, and Raven does the same. 

“Before you leave, I need some of your blood,” she says, making me frown. 

“What for?” 

“Well, to create a diversion, of course. The only way to make sure Alec stops hunting for you is to provide evidence that you’re dead; that’s where 

your blood comes in.” 

I get what she meant, but I also feel like she left out some other stuff. I wasn’t going to question her, though. She’d already done so much for me, and she was risking making an enemy out of Alec by just helping me. 

Without a word, I extended my hand. She fishes out a blood bag and inserts the needle into my arm. When she’s gotten enough, she seals the bag and sets it aside. We waited a couple of minutes just so I could get my strength back. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Okay, now hurry up. Every minute you spend here brings closer the chances of someone discovering you.” 

Raven and I pick up our bags and walk out, with Beth following us. We were going to use unchartered land because that was the safest option. Uncharted land was land that was unclaimed. It didn’t belong to any of the supernatural species. 

It takes us about an hour before we get there. 

“This is where I say goodbye,” Beth tells us with tears in her eyes. “May the deities be with you.” 

I smile, fighting my own tears. “The moon goddess left me long ago… but thank you for taking me in and watching over me. I owe you and Raven my life, and I’ve come to love you as family.” 

“Your goddess will always be with you, in mind, body and spirit, my dear.” 


She hugs me, and I hug her back before she does the same with Raven. 

Thank you for all that you’ve done for me, Beth. You’ve been my family since my mother passed away,” Raven sobbed, her heartache clear, 

They’ve been together for a couple of years, so it’s understandable that they would have a strong bond. 

“I love both of you and the tiny one growing inside you, Sadie,” she said before facing us. “Now go. Once things are settled, I will communicate.” 

She gently pushes us, and we cross the threshold. I wanted to ask how we would communicate, seeing that none of us had a phone. Before I could do that, though, she’d already turned and was already walking in the opposite direction. 

“Let’s go,” Raven urged me. 

It was painful, but there was no time for tears and lengthy goodbyes. If my baby and I were to survive, we needed to get moving. 

I give the place one last look before turning and leaving. The future was uncertain, but I was going to do everything to survive. I was going to get strong and make sure that no one would ever hurt me again. That’s a promise. 

As for Alec, I hoped that he and his pack would burn in hell. 


I had to hurry up. Time was not on my side. 

Once I made sure I was out of sight, I levitated to my house. This human body is old, and the fact that I walked Raven and Sadie to the threshold had already tired me out. 

It doesn’t take long before I get there, and when I do, I immediately set to work. I pulled out the werewolf body I had stashed in the shed

Don’t look at me like that. The woman was evil. Kidnapping children and torturing them to satisfy her own sick fantasies. The world is a better place without her, and no one will miss her. 

I drain all the blood from her body before replacing it with Sadie’s. 

I haven’t done this in a long time, and my power isn’t as strong as it was before. Someone close to me 

13:48 Tue, 9 Jul G. 

Chapter 15 

bound me to earth. This essentially weakened me because I wasn’t meant to stay on earth. 


She wanted to punish me and, at the same time, take my rightful place. She did punish me, but she wasn’t able to take my place. My throne rejected her because she wasn’t worth it. I still smile, remembering the look on her face when she realized she wouldn’t be in control. 

Shaking myself from those thoughts, I focused on the matter at hand. 

Using the blood Sadie gave me, I manipulate it so that it integrates into the woman’s body, replacing her DNA with that of Sadie. Once that’s done, I contort her body to look like Sadie’s. Her face, build, eyes, and hair color. When I’m done, she looks exactly like Sadie, and even when they perform a DNA test, it will show she’s Sadie. 

I release a breath and wipe my forehead. I was tired by the time I was done. I haven’t done this in millennia, and since I’m not at full power, it has drained me. 

After taking a few minutes to recover, I infuse power into the body, and it floats alongside me as I levitate. Once I get to my destination, I leave the body there for someone to find. Whoever finds it will alert Alec. 

As I left, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Alec. He had no idea what destiny held for him or the powers that were at play. He thinks his loss of Lola is because of Sadie. He doesn’t realize that this is bigger than him. That this is bigger than Sadie. He doesn’t know that this is part of a centuries–old feud. 

Oh well, I can’t tell him that because that would mean changing the wheels of time and the future. 

One thing is clear, though, Sadie is the answer, and she needs to be protected at all costs. 


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