Chapter 78

Kathy Pov

“Hey, baby? What are you doing?”

Cross asked as he walked into our room, I smiled brightly as he kissed me softly.

“Taste so good,”

I replied as he pulled me off where I sat and placed me on his lap.

“What’s up with my favorite girl today?”

“Hmm, nothing, I have just been here missing you so much,”

I replied holding his face, we have been living in utter bliss for the past one month we have been in Arizona, yes we stayed for over a month, sadly we were leaving by Sunday which was just two days away, I have to return to school while Cross has to go back to work, even though the company has been running smoothly without him, he still needed to be there, a lot have happened this past one month, my siblings and I got closer again, I made up with Juliet who was gonna move to New York soon, Nelson and Jenn finally got married after the many postponement, Nathan got back in terms with our family, Anna and Max made up even though they were still having fights, Max was returning to South Africa soon since he has to complete what took him there, and Anna’s twins were doing just fine, the best of everything was that me and Cross have become even closer, I couldn’t imagine how my life would be without him, everyday waking up was a blessing, even though he still had to help his day handle some business he made out time for us and we have gone out a lot of times and today was one of those days too.

“What are you thinking about baby?”

He asked rubbing my back.

“About how lucky I am to have you and how blessed it is to be part of our family,”

I said and kissed his nose.

“I think I am the lucky one here,”

“I guess we are both lucky and we have our parents to thank for giving us that luck because as much as I didn’t like how we started and almost ran away, I am glad that we got married Cross,”

I said sincerely, the fact that I had thought Cross wasn’t good for me, my parents knew best after all which is why I made up with my mom and had asked her to forgive me for being so insensitive, surprisingly, the woman had not been angry with but had embraced me and wished me the best, I told her that she already gave me the best.

“Are you ready to get back to busy life my lady? Vacation is almost over,”

Cross said and I pout in sadness, I didn’t want us to leave Arizona, I loved it here but we had to.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I wish we can stay longer,”

“Yeah, me too but we have to leave, now go get ready, we have an appointment to catch.”

He announced getting up with me still in his arms and setting me on the ground, still holding my waist.

“I can only get dressed if you let me go Mr.”

I whispered after we stood there for more than two minutes with him holding on to me.

“That’s right,”

He said finally letting me go.

“I will be back in ten minutes then we can leave,”

He added giving me a peck before he left, I twirled around smiling bright, I held my tummy where our baby was doing well, we were going to see the doctor and have our first scan today, it was part of our outing, we couldn’t do it all these while because it has been busy for us, and we barely had time together during the day, I couldn’t wait to meet our baby for the first time, I already took a bath when I woke up so all I had to do was get dressed, I looked for an easy and very casual outfit because these days I wanted more comfortable than fashion, I settled for a pretty dress, and denim jacket, less than ten minutes later my husband was back and asking me how long I am going to take to get dressed.

“You know, you haven’t even been gone up to five minutes,”

I said to him rolling my eyes as I applied mild makeup.

“Whatever my lady, I am eager to meet our baby,”

“Me too, but where did you go to?”

“Oh, I went to tell Mom we were leaving, so now let’s go meet our princess,”

“It’s might not be a princess though,”

I answered as I picked up my bag and he lead us out of the room.

“Yeah, but you were the one that put those ideas in my head so let me keep saying that, and if it turns out to be a prince, then we start saying, prince,”

He replied.

“Crazy, but I agree,”

I said as we made our way to where the cars were parked and before long we were on our way to the hospital, the same hospital where Anna had given birth, we already booked an appointment, so we were going to be meeting the doctor as soon as we got there, I was anxious to meet our baby and excited too, I figured I might be around two or three months pregnant but I couldn’t really tell so I am looking forward to finding out today, I touched my tummy where I felt the baby will reside, and whispered.

“We are going to meet soon baby,”

To which Cross answered “Yes angel, we are finally meeting,”

I smiled at him and we drove the rest way in blissful silence.

“You have a healthy baby, growing nicely and having the time of its life,”

The doctor said as he moved the monitor over my tummy, I looked at the screen and all I could make out was a dark shadow moving, and that movement and the heartbeat I felt was enough to bring me to tears, I couldn’t believe it, it was so surreal, I couldn’t believe I was going to bring someone to life, I held onto Cross’s hand and looked up at him, he smiled at me and whispered.

“I love you,”

“I love you more,”

I replied and turned back to the screen where our baby was moving and as the doctor said having the time of her life.

“Do you wanna know the gender?”

The doctor asked and I looked up at Cross as we both chorused no, we didn’t want to know the gender until the baby was born, maybe we wanted to keep calling it a she while clowning ourselves that it might be a he.

“Understandable, most soon to be parents prefer to be surprised, from the shape, seize and how developed it is, and other factors, you are about two months and three weeks gone, the risk of miscarriage at this rate is low but we can’t write it off completely so, you have to be careful not to stress yourself and just overall try to keep your body and mind in shape, bearing in mind that whatever goes on with you affects your baby,”

The doctor advised and we both listened intently. I had nothing to worry about, well aside from school which was going to start soon but I don’t plan on stressing myself with that as I plan on mainly taking online classes, Cross and I already talked about it and we both agreed that that would be best.

“Thank you so much doc, we will do our best to follow everything,”

“Yes do that and we will have a healthy delivery, I reckon you will not be in Arizona for the birth?”

“Nothing is decided yet doctor, might come back here for the birth since all our families are here,”

Cross replied to the doctor who nodded.

“Okay, that’s good to know, take care of yourself, my dear,”

She said and I nodded with thanks.

“Thank you doc,”

Cross said as the doctor rounded up the check-up and I was free to wear my dress, we were out of the hospital earlier than we expected and Cross suggested we go around town which I happily agreed to…

“That was a mind-blowing experience earlier,”

Cross voiced as we sat by the beach later that afternoon after going around town, window shopping and just doing anything and everything, I had so much fun today, the beach was almost empty, well the part we were was, it was a private beach and not much people were seen around at this hour, the cool wind blew around creating a serene atmosphere.

“I know right, that has to be one of my best moments if not the best,”

“I think that’s my second best moment, the first been when I decided to marry you, and the third been when I met Anna,”

He replied playing with my hair.

“I felt her heartbeat and all I could think about was do I deserve this? Do I deserve you and our baby, I just couldn’t help but think about that, and I decided that even though I might not deserve it, I am going to work hard so that I will be deserving of this much happiness,”

I said with much sincerity.

“You deserve all the happiness in the world baby,”

“Do you think we would have met again if I had succeeded in running away?”

I asked, the thought always comes to my mind once in a while, would I have found this much happiness if I had run away with Louis or Dylan? How would my life be right now?

“I guess we will never know, let’s just be thankful that fate thought we were meant to be together too,”

He answered, and I agreed, we sat there on the beach having small talks and making little places on how our little family is going to be after the birth of our baby, it was the moment in my life that I won’t exchange for the world, and when we both held hands and walked towards our car to go home later that evening, I promised myself that whatever I do, I will always be grateful to my family giving the opportunity to be happy and also to myself for letting myself forgive and be happy and most importantly, to Cross who gave me a chance and gave me happiness, I knew life wasn’t always going to be a bed of roses but whatever come my way from here on, I am not going to hide from it and I am not going to give up this life, this happiness for anything, which is why when I get to New York, I was going to try and contact Pearl and asked for Dylan’s contacts, even though I have not told Cross about it yet, I will tell him, I plan on settling anything we still had in common and break free from him completely, but in doing so I already decided within myself that I wasn’t going to let him ride on me a second time, I wasn’t going to give him my money, never…

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