Chapter 90

Kathy Pov

I stood up panicking, Cross and I were waiting for Pearl call together and it was taking so long to come up, she had called this morning and Cross had sent men to the location that they were meeting at, the men were there hours before she would meet Louis, Cross had told her about it two days ago and also told her Ginna had stopped by the office, finding out Ginna worked with Louis hadn’t shocked me, I don’t know but I sort of guessed it but I wasn’t so sure so I hadn’t spoken about it, when Cross had told me what she asked for I had the urge to go look for her and beat her up and bring her back to her senses but Cross had said there was no need to call her out or interact with her, he said she was sick in the head.

“Can you sit down Miss? You moving up and down is not helping,”

Cross said I stopped walking about.

“Don’t blame me, okay, I am anxious and also I am a Mrs., not a Miss. get it right,”

I scolded even though I was worried sick.

“Yes ma’am, now sit down, it will turn out fine, we got this baby,”

He assured and I forced a smile, I knew just how worried he was too, we have been waiting for Louis to call again but so far he hasn’t called not even once since after that talk we had the day he blackmailed me, he seemed to be taking his time calling and I didn’t like his silence and had been leaving in panic even after Cross told me about Pearl’s plan.

“Are you going to keep walking about my lady?”

Cross asked for the hundredth time, I told to him and gave him a disgusting look, he knew how much I was worried, he shouldn’t be making fun of me even if it’s just to cheer me up and make me forget what was up.

“Leave me alone, I can’t stay put, not with Pearl not calling, it’s been over four hours Cross, I told you this will not work out,”

I said feeling tears gather in my eyes again, what did I ever do to deserve all these? I know, I know I was stupid but that shouldn’t be reason enough for the universe to punish this much, if, for anything, Louis is the one who deserves to be punished.

“I knew I should have gone with the men, but I couldn’t leave you here on your own and Pearl said the bastard knew me and would sense something was off if I am there, I am sorry that I can’t do anything for you, my love,”

He said getting up to hug me.

“It’s okay, I understand, it’s just that I can’t keep calm until I hear from Pearl,”

“She will call don’t worry,”

They seemed to have a communication spirit because the phone started ringing immediately he said that I hurriedly picked it up and when I saw the caller was Pearl, my heartbeat increased as I clicked receive hoping to hear good news and also expecting the worst.

“Hello? ”

“Hey, Katherine, it’s done, you are free from that bastard and I am got home safely, I couldn’t call you until I was out of there, tell Cross he can call his men to leave, I left through the back gate so they may not be aware,”

She said as tears gathered in my eyes.

“Oh my God, Pearl, I don’t know what to say, you saved me from shame, I don’t know how to pay you for this,”

I said bursting out in tears, I couldn’t believe it was finally over, Cross collected the phone from me and continued speaking with Pearl.

“I did what was right, tell her she owes me nothing,”

“Thank you so much, we are grateful for this,”

“It’s fine, one more thing, he might call to request for the ones he sent her before when he finds out the ones he had was gone, don’t fall for it, he is cunny but stupid, he will definitely call,”

“We will not, Kathy’s phone is with me, so nothing can go wrong,”

Cross said to her while looking at me.

“Okay then, tell her that I wish her well, I have to go now, my boyfriend is waiting for me,”

Pearl said.

“Thank you so much, Pearl,”

I let out holding back tears.

“It’s all good Katherine, take care of yourself,”

“I will, you too,”

I responded and the call ended, I looked up at Cross, he smiled and opened his arms, I ran into them, as I let the tears lose, I wasn’t crying because I was sad I was crying because I was a relief, when Cross had told me Pearl’s plan I had so much doubt that it would work, but thank God it did, we just have to wait for Louis’ call, I have going to have a field day laughing at him, he thought he was smart.

“I told you it will walk out just fine and you didn’t believe me,”

“I believed you, I just wasn’t sure that much, I didn’t want to hope,”

“Now it worked out just fine all we need to do now is get back to living our lives like this whole shits never happened and you have to stop crying at every time, scared the heck out of me,”

He said cringing, I laughed out loud.

“I am a hormonal woman, okay, crying is a norm until I drop this,”

I said pointing at my tummy, he placed his hands over them and smiled at me.

“God, I am so happy right now, and you and our baby are my happiness, I love you both so much,”

“We love you too, thank you for coming into my life, thank you for loving me even with all my imperfections,”

“No, I should be thanking you, you called for me remember? I was almost going to leave Arizona and you had to jump in front of my car and I hadn’t even recognized you, and then you were asking me to marry you,”

“Yeah, I had been desperate,”

“I am thankful for that day, thankful that I accepted your offer, thankful that we gave each other a chance,”

“Yes me too,”

“I love you,”

“I love you more,”

I replied and he claimed my lips are in a soulful kiss that spoke of love happiness and the start of a great life ahead of us, I went to sleep in his arms feeling safe and secured knowing that he got me…This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.


I woke up the next morning to the ringing of s phone, my phone, I got off the bed naked and collected the phone, my heart skipped a beat before I remembered the issues were resolved this call only proved that indeed those photos and videos were gone forever and I had Pearl, someone who I thought I hated and who hated me, indeed we never truly know people, I went back to the bed and woke Cross up.


“Yes, baby, ”

He answered waking up immediately.

It’s him Cross, it’s Louis,”

I revealed showing him my phone, he got up and collected the phone from me, he looked at the number and handed it back to me.


I asked as the phone continued ringing.

“Pick it, I know you have things to say to him, you just put it on loudspeaker,”

“What? Fine,”

I said but before I could pick it the call ended, I waited for it to ring again, it did a few minutes later and I picked it up immediately, made sure to put it on speaker.

“Hello, princess, you missed me, right? You have been waiting for my call,”

Louis’s voice echoed over the phone, I rolled my eyes.

“In your dreams right? You better wake up from that dream Louis,”

“Always so sassy, one of the things I admired about you,”

“What do you want Louis? Why are you calling me again?”

I asked tired of his nonsense talks, Cross was having a field day playing with my breast and it was making me lose concentration, I wanted this call to end so that I can enjoy the moment.

“You know, we talked about it, now stop playing a dummy or it might get me angry, by the way, those photos and video I sent, mind if you send it back to me? You know I have more so, send the ones I sent back to me princess,”

He said and my heart leaped with joy. He said it, he said the words, which confirmed the fact that those tapes were indeed gone, he must take me for the naive girl he knew before, even if Pearl hadn’t told us already there was no way I would have sent the tapes I had a k to him, not when I was thinking straight.

“Louis, you are a fool, do you understand?”

“Princess, don’t make me angry, do as I say while I am still talking nicely or I won’t be held accountable for my next line of action,”

He let out, I could tell he was losing his shit and felt peace knowing he was going through it, Cross and I exchanged a look and he signaled for me to give him the phone which I did immediately.

“Say what now bastard?”

Cross asked in a harsh tone that I have never heard him use not even when he was mad at me.

“Huh? Who is this?”

I heard him ask to which Cross let out a curse word before telling him he is my husband, Louis went silent for a while before he talked again.

“Okay, we might not have met before but dude, your wife and I have some unfinished business and I would like to speak with her if you don’t mind,”

Louis said, I couldn’t believe he dared to say those words to Cross, that man was unbelievable.

“The heck you will, now listen to me and listen very well, I am letting you go now because I am in a good mood but don’t you ever call this line again if you don’t want to spend the rest of your miserable life behind bars,”

Cross warned, I knew he meant every word, Louis started laughing, I could feel the pain in his laugh, dude hadn’t expected what got to him, o had Pearl to thank for all of this, I wasn’t going to forget that.

“You will regret this Katherine, I promise you, don’t think it’s over yet, and watch your back,”

He threatened and ended the call, Cross and I exchanged looks, he saw the fearing my eyes and pulled me to him.

“Dont give what he said a thought baby, he can’t do anything to you, not when you have me,”

“I know and I trust you,”

“Good, we won baby,”

“Yes, we did, I can’t believe it all over,”

“Me too, which is why I want us to go outing this weekend to celebrate,”

Cross said and I smiled excitedly kidding him.


“I don’t know yet but where ever you went baby,”

“Alright, I have some searching to do,”

I let out in excitement, this was it, this was the kind of life I wanted, the kind of life I deserve, a life filled with happiness and laughter.

“I love you, my husband, thank you, thank you, thank you,”

I said kissing him all over his face, he laughed.

“I love you too my sassy, little wifey,”

“I am not little, I am five-seven,”

“No, you are five, five and a half,”

“No, I am not,”

I argued.

“Okay, sounds fake but let me agree, but still you are little,”

“Whatever, I am hungry go get me breakfast,”

I commanded.

“Yes, my lady, one healthy breakfast coming up,”

He said kissing me and getting off the bed, he was out of the room in seconds after putting on a shirt, I sent a silent prayer of thanks to the heavens for giving me a chance to truly be happy…

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