And Then There Were Four

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Chapter 141: Sexual Tension & a Party


Who says you can’t be classy and sassy at the same time? The moment I put my egotistical brother in his place and showed everyone what kind of person I was, I felt better than I ever have. Lucas wanted to gain the attention of the surrounding woman, and I had no doubt many other men there noticed me at that moment as someone who was… Attainable.

Grabbing my jacket, I made my way back through the tunnel entrance of the colosseum, ready to get back to my room to relax. It may have been my first day, but the teachers here were unforgiving when it came to

homework… The sound of that word was disgusting on my tongue but needed, regardless.

As the shadows of the tunnel enveloped me from the sun, a firm grip caught me, and as I was spun, I came face to face with Lucas’ deep enchanting gaze, matched with a frown. “What the fuck was that out there, Cassie?”

Laughter bubbled in my throat as I ripped my arm from his grasp. “Don’t fucking touch me, Lucas. I was having fun, and I know you enjoyed it.”

“Fun?” He scoffed with irritation. “You and Lux both went too fucking far and you know it. What do you think you have to be badass and show the school who you are? I didn’ t take you for being the center of attention kind of girl.”

With my mouth open, I glared at him as I gripped my jacket in my hand tightly. “Who the hell are you to tell me what kind of girl I am? I can be whomever I want to be, and it’s none of your concern; Lucas.”

Turning, I continued to storm down the path, but was only able to make it a few feet before I was grabbed again and this time pinned against the cold brick wall of the colosseum. My heart raced in my chest as he pressed his body against me. His thigh was in between my legs as my wrists were held above my chest.

“You’re my fucking mate. It’s my job to be concerned.”

“Get the fuck off me,” I all but spat at him as I struggled within his grasp, unable to break free. He was stronger than he looked, and even though my body was on full alert, wanting him to devour me as that delicious fresh rain scent wrapped around me, I had to stay alert. I couldn’t allow myself to get distracted by him.

“No. You’re going to listen-”


“Go fuck yourself, Lucas. I’m not listening to shit you have to say. Why don’t you go back to the whores, you were entertaining and leave me the fuck alone. This between us is never going to happen,” I snapped, causing his eyes to go wide before a small smirk crossed his lips.

I had expected him to lash out because of my comment. To tell me he hated me or that he never wanted a mate like me, but instead, he stood there holding me in place with a shit- eating grin on his face. “You’re jealous.”

“What-no.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “Why would I be jealous of them? They are beneath me.”

“Beneath you, huh?” He chuckled as he leaned closer, our lips only inches apart, causing my breath to hitch at the proximity. “Seems like right now I’m the one technically beneath you… in between you-” The whispered response as he brushed his lips against mine caused me to gasp before he leaned in towards my ear.

“I can make you feel things you never have before, princess.”

Part of me hesitated when Lucas spoke, but the other part of me begged for him to show me. Yet, the part that controls my mouth was asking to be punished. “So can any other guy at this school. What makes you so special?”

There was not a moment of hesitation on his side as his lips captured mine and his tongue invaded my mouth. The taste of him on my tongue was pure heaven and as I moaned into the way he possessed me, a low growl escaped his throat, pushing him to become rougher and more dominating with every passing second.

Roaming hands and heated moments were things I wasn’t accustomed to. I had always preferred one- night stands and quick satisfaction, so this was beyond mind blowing, and caught up in the moment, I seemed to forget completely about what was going on around us, including where I was.

“Whoa, so much for not liking him.” A voice called out, stopping Lucas and me in our tracks.

There before me were Sansa and Trixie, staring at the compromising position Lucas and I were in. Pushing against him, the interrupted moment caused him to loosen up his grip and, with my push, he let go and stumbled back with a smile.

“Geez, no need to get aggressive, Cassie,” he muttered as I quickly adjusted myself, embarrassed by being caught.

“Go fuck yourself, Lucas.” The grumbled response caused Sansa to snort with laughter as she looked everywhere but at me.

Stepping close again, he brushed his fingers down my arm, leaving a trail of erotic sensations running through my body. “Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy that.”

“Oh, I hope you did,” I replied teasingly before letting my smile fall. “Because it will never happen again. Stay away from me… I’m not the girl you want.”

Pushing past him, I made my way towards Sansa and Trixie, gesturing for them to follow me. The last thing I wanted was for him to tell them anything, but no matter how I tried to tell myself that once again, the shared kiss with him was nothing-I couldn’t.

“So-” Trixie started to say before I quickly glared at her. “Nevermind…”


It took twenty minutes to get back to the place where I was staying, and the entire time we walked, I listened to Sansa and Trixie talking about the party that was supposed to be happening this evening. Some back to school thing that excited them.

“I think this season is going to be more chaotic than usual with how everyone is already acting,” Sansa commented, causing Trixie to laugh.

“No kidding. Especially with our two new pupils.” Looking at me as she spoke, a mischievous grin crossed her lips. “You’ re coming tonight, right?”

“Coming to what?”

“That party?” Sansa replied. “Were you listening to anything that we said?” Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

Shaking my head, I gave them a sheepish grin. I had been too preoccupied thinking about Lucas and the fight with Pollux to think about anything else. Now that my “badass” mood was gone, I felt embarrassed for acting out the way I did.

I didn’t like being the center of attention, and I had literally just painted a target on my back in a good and bad way. “No, sorry guys, I just have a lot on my mind.”

“You mean like Lucas?” Sansa grinned as Trixie playfully elbowed her.

“No, other things.” The response was meant to be vague, but it didn’t work. They knew I was lying by the way they busted out laughing. “I’m serious…”

“Sure you are. Regardless, you’re coming tonight,” Trixie said pointedly as she looped her arm through mine and pulled me down the hallway towards my room. “Come on, there is a lot to do before dark.”

“Guys, I can’t… I have homework-”

Never in my life had I used homework as an excuse to get out of a party, and now here I was, doing just that. All because I didn’t want to face anyone who had seen me act crazy today out in the arena. “Don’t be silly, Cassie. You’re going and I’m going to make you look hot, so stop worrying.”

The two women didn’t give me much room to protest as they quickly dragged me into my bedroom and plopped me down on the round vanity chair that sat in front of a large lighted mirror. I wore makeup and made myself look good on occasions.

However, I wasn’t the kind of girl that obsessed over it.

Not like Trixie and Sansa seemed to be.

“Trixie, you tackle hair and makeup and I will look for the perfect outfit.” Sansa directed as Trixie nodded and quickly got to work.

“Guys, seriously, I don’t want to go-”

“You’re going,” they both replied in unison, causing me to groan as I rolled my eyes.

There was no way out of this, and honestly, I was fine with that. If they wanted to dress me up then so be it. I could play the part, for once, instead of always trying to control a situation because I didn’t want

to do something others did for a chance.

Watching Trixie work her magic with makeup, I found myself entranced by every swirl of the brush that played against my skin like a canvas being painted by an artist. She didn’t go super heavy, and she didn’t dive too much into the bright colors I assumed she would have, considering she loved everything bright and cheerful.

Instead, she went with a dark purple lipstick and cool black smokey eye that matched my flawless skin, and when she curled my hair, she left every strand in a perfect spiral that fell down my back in waves. If there was one thing I loved about myself, it was my hair, and seeing how she took such care with it touched me for some odd reason. It was as if she knew I was particular about this part of myself, and when she finished and laid

down the curling iron, I stared at a version of me I almost didn’t recognize.

“Do you like it?” she asked softly, causing me to turn to her with a smile.

“Trixie, I love it. You really have a talent for this stuff.”

Shrugging her shoulders and giving a meek smile, we both broke out into laughter just as Sansa reappeared from my closet. “Okay, I think I have the perfect outfit-damn girl, you look good!”

Her exclamation to my appearance caused me to laugh again as I stood from the small vanity seat, making my way towards the closet. I didn’t know Sansa very well but from the little I did know; she was quite the character.

Her fun loving and very blunt personality almost matched my own. But she also was very artistic and had Trixie’s bright, happy persona. It was as if someone had decided to blend Trixie and I together and come out with a third to our quickly growing friendship circle.

The moment I stepped into the closet, I was shocked.

I half expected something bright and outstanding, but ́instead, that was far from the truth. Sansa also seemed to know my style, and the black skin tight dress she picked out for me was to die for.

“Look, I know you love black, so I kept it simple. However, I expect you to be in those killer ass shoes.” I had no idea what shoes she was talking about until I turned towards where she was pointing and spotted the bright red and black dagger designed heels. The silver of the blade glistened in the light, screaming nothing but danger.

Of course, there was a bottom to the heel tip, but the designer was able to implant the danger into the heel, giving it a terrifying look I was in love with.

“Where in the hell did those shoes come from?” I gasped as I quickly picked them up. “I don’t remember those being in here.”

Gazing back up to Sansa from the shoes, she shrugged with a smile as she turned towards Trixie, who remained laughing. A part of me knowing they planned this somehow. That all of it was part of their plan to make me go wild tonight.

Something I wasn’t sure about doing. Seeing as parties and I only end in regrets and bad decisions. “Stop over thinking it, Cassie.” Sansa said jokingly. “Get dressed.”

She was right, I was overthinking it. At least, I think she is right.

Taking a moment, I mustered the courage I needed and took the dress into the bathroom to change. If I was going to prove I could be someone who was competition, then I had to stop second guessing things and take initiative.

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