And Then There Were Four

Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Sexual Tension

“You did what?!” Damian yelled as I informed him and the others of Miss Harrison’s impromptu arrival within the next couple of days.

“What exactly did you want me to tell her, Damian? She sounded so pleasant on the phone, and I couldn’t very well say to the Council… Oh no, you guys are banned from com ing to our pack. We have to show them good faith regard less of what has happened. Perhaps we can get her on our side.”

— Damian pinched the bridge of his nose as he took slow, deep breaths in and out, trying to rein in his anger. I didn’t understand why he was making us such a big deal out of this. She was literally going to be here for a few days.

It wasn’t like she was just coming here purposely to spy on us, or at least I hoped that wasn’t the case. Now that I thought about it, I was suddenly second-guessing myself, but it was too late to do anything now.

“Ivy, you always talk to us about stuff like this before you just do whatever you want. You are not in the greatest of conditions right now between the pregnancy and your uncontrollable urges to do whatever the fuck you want. It doesn’t really make you the best host,” Damien replied, set

ting my nerves on edge.

Who did he honestly think he was?!

So yes, I might be a little emotional and may have mo ments of hunger that range in various ways, but that doesn’ t mean I can’t be a delightful host.

Giving Damian ‘the look’, I pushed aside the frustration and let out a heavy sigh. “Damian, for once, will you just trust me? Please get the guest house ready. The elder knows of the construction and will only be here for like, two days. I will be a proper Luna during that time. I promise.”

Turning away from him, I made my way upstairs to wards my room, but as soon as I got outside of my bed room door, 1 froze in my place, and something inside me told me to see Priscilla.

I wasn’t sure why the sudden urge came over me, but it did so. Groaning in protest, I turned and walked towards the staircase that led to her room. I knew she would expect me, and sure enough, as I got to the top, she opened the

door before I could even knock.

“You look absolutely exhausted, dear,” she replied with a mischievous glint in her eye.

“I am exhausted. Who knew dealing with these men was

going to be so exhausting?”

The sarcastic joke I made caused her to laugh, and as I entered her room, I noticed the two glasses of tea she had sitting on the coffee table waiting for me.

“You always know when I’m coming.”

Shrugging her shoulders, she walked forward and took her seat. “Yes, but that isn’t important. Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?”

“Where do I even start?” | groaned as I flopped down on the chair, sighing dramatically.

She watched for a moment, “Did you tell them about your dreams?”

Glancing at her, I shook my head no. “I don’t know how to, and as much as I want to tell them, I think it’d be best to speak to those above before I do.”

“That choice is yours, dear, but I already gave you my opinion about it. I don’t think that you should wait. Espe cially if it’s something of importance.”

I knew she was right, but I was in denial.

I had much more important things to think about, and

that was the upcoming arrival of our children. They would be here before I knew it, and I wouldn’t be able to contem plate the what-ifs of life. I would have to be focused.

“There is something that I wanted to speak to you about. Do you know anything about Elder Harrison?”

“The new elder that was recently put on the board…” she said with slight hesitation in her tone. “Yes, I heard of her. I take it that we are going to be welcoming her here

very soon.”

“For someone who always knows everything, I figured you would have known that by now,” I replied sarcastically as she swatted at me with a smile across her face.

“Behave yourself, Ivy. I may see a lot, but I don’t always see everything. So tell me why this woman is coming. What seems to bother you?”

“Well… The guys seemed to think that her being here is not a good thing, that it’s the Council spying on us, but honestly, from the conversation I had with her, I don’t feel like it is,” I replied with a defeated look upon my face as my eyes cast down towards my tea.

“What do you think it is, then?” Priscilla asked, causing my eyes to meet hers again.

“Honestly, I don’t know what to think about it. I mean, she’s coming, and supposedly she’ll be here in a few days, but… I just have a feeling that something else is going to happen, and I’m not sure what.”

Taking a moment, she seemed to think about what | said as she sipped on her tea. “For the first time in a long time, I’m unsure of what to say. I would highly suggest talk ing to the goddess, otherwise, there is a possibility the ce lestial side of you will take care of it herself.”

“You think I’ll go on the attack…”

Giving a smug look, she shrugged her shoulders. “Who knows what you may do? All of these hormones can be un predictable.”

“You know I hate it when you give me that look. It’s a smug glance that lets me know you know something that I don’t, and you know how much I hate being left in the dark.”

Patting my knee, she leaned forward with a smile. “I do know, dear. Speaking of which, I spoke to your mother yes terday.”

“Why did you speak to my mother?” To know they were secretly talking behind my back was a little weird. I didn’t know the women were close like that.

“Ah. Unfortunately, your mother is the one who called me, and if you would like to know what we spoke about, you will have to call her. I will say, though, the conversation was a pleasant one, so no need to worry.”


They’re always keeping fucking secrets. I hadn’t spoken to my mother in almost a week, and that was simply be cause she had been on vacation with her new mate, the in famous doctor Blake.

He was a man of few words, and I had seen him a few times on FaceTime, but he wasn’t exactly the kind of man ! had ever pictured my mother being with. Then again, I nev er pictured myself being with four men, either.

“Well, I need to catch up with her. Knowing that she called you means she must be back from her vacation. I hope everything went well.”

“That it did, my dear, now. I heard a little rumor that you went shopping today. Did you get everything you’ll need for the children?” There was excitement in her eyes, and I was often surprised she cared about us.

She was an old woman with empty nest syndrome and wanted nothing more than to love on the new babies as soon as they got here.

“I did. James and I went through a few things, and I bought a lot more than I expected. Talon had to come and help carry some things with the truck.”

“I bet,” she laughed. “I’m sure Talon being there was amusing as well.”

“It was, but you know, having them there was nice. Even though I sometimes wonder if they are more terrified than I am at the prospect of these babies coming.”

“In time, good things come to us,” she smiled. “So just be patient. I’m sure that you will find they will be more sup portive than you realize.”

Looking down at my watch, I realized what time it was. Dinner would be done soon, and if I wasn’t down there to eat James’s food, he would be more than unimpressed.

“I have to get going, Priscilla,” I said, placing down my cup. “James is cooking tonight, and he will be upset if I’m late.”

“Of course, dear.” Standing to our feet, she leaned in, hugging me, and for the first time in a while, I felt the warmth and affection that I dearly needed from my mother.

I hadn’t seen my mother since I left for Idaho, and I missed her dearly at the moment.


A few hours later, and much spaghetti was devoured by all the men, I found myself up in my room preparing for a night that hopefully would bring me some type of an swers. I wasn’t quite sure if the goddesses would hear me, but one could be hopeful.

A knock at my door drew my attention, and as I turned my head, I watched Damian waltz into the room with a look on his face that spoke of the mood he was in.

“I know you are preparing for bed right now, but I hoped that I could join you tonight,” he said with a lust – filled gaze. “If you want?”

Whereas most would have considered the thought that we would have a massive bed for all of us to share in the end, it was more respectable to do it this way. That way, nobody felt left out, and my door was always open to any who wanted to join me.

Not to mention, sometimes we just needed our own space.

It’s like four giant children you have to constantly please and take care of, or else their feelings will be hurt and temper tantrums will be thrown.

“Damian, you never have to ask to spend the night with me. All we have to do is come crawl in bed. I’m your mate…”

He hesitated for a moment as he looked at me. Some thing was troubling him, and I wasn’t quite sure what it was. But I felt as if he was holding back, blocking me from read ing his thoughts because he didn’t want me to know what it was.

“I know, but it’s only fair that my brothers and I respect the boundaries that we all decided upon and created.”

Staring at him, I let the soft curl of a smile cross my lips as | sauntered in his direction with one thought on my mind. This man was mine, and if he felt he couldn’t be him self with me, then I would fix that.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I crashed my lips to his and found myself quickly pressed against his body. The moment between us filled every need desired, and as he picked me up, he laid me on the soft blankets of my bed, kissing along my jaw.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he nipped at my ear lobe, causing my back to arch slightly in pleasure.

“Mmm… you’re such a tease when you want to me.”

A soft giggle escaped me as he slid down between my

thighs, hiking my nightgown to my waist as he hooked his finger around my panties and pulled them off in one go. The room’s cool air kissed the sensitive bare skin between my legs, and his warm breath took its place as his tongue

flicked out, causing me to gasp.

Slow circular motions caused moans to slip past my lips, but as my pleasure grew, he became more ravenous and his actions more fevered.

He devoured me until I was spilling over the edge and screaming in pleasure as the rippling orgasm rolled through my body.

One would think that being pregnant, I wouldn’t be as horny as I was, but they would be wrong. The farther along I got, the more the need was there, and I was glad I had four men to satisfy me in those ways.

“I need you, Damian,” I whined as he stood on his feet.

“On your hands and knees.”

The anticipation for what was to come formed a sadis tic smirk on my face as I assumed the position. His hands roamed over the bare skin of my ass before giving it a light smack that was hard enough to sting.

I wasn’t upset, though… oh, the contrary… that kind of

behavior turned me on like you wouldn’t believe.

Slowly, the head of his thick cock slid over the folds of my tight cunt, and with one hand on my firm, plump ass, he pushed his way inside me, allowing me to feel every inch of his erection. The sensation caused a small gasp to leave my lips before I moaned.

“Don’t hold back,” I groaned in pleasure. “I want it all.”

With another slap, the sting sent me into overdrive as his thrusting took off at a rapid pace. Over and over, the sensations of his rigid cock rubbing against the sensitive walls of my pussy put me into a euphoric high that I couldn’ t get enough of.

“Fuck, yes..”

More. I needed more, and as a wave of change came over me, I watched my nails turn into claws before he gripped my hair in his fist and pulled me back to his chest. His free hand came around to rub against

my sensitive clit.

“You like that, don’t you?” he growled low in my ear.

Fuck, I didn’t like it… I fucking loved it.

“Fuck me like you mean it, asshole,” I growled back at him. “Fill me with your cum so every wolf in this pack knows

who owns me.” This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

My panted demands were the driving force he needed to ravage me like the primal animal he was. The blissful ac tions of our union tipped me over the edge until a scream mixed with a carnal roar escaped my throat and he stilled cumming deep within.

These were the moments | cherished with the men | loved.

These moments reminded me I wasn’t just a Luna, mother, or someone’s mate. I was more than that… I was

theirs in every way as they were mine.

Destiny had paired us, and nothing could take that


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