And Then There Were Four

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Baby Shower Confrontation


Two weeks passed with peace, and during that time, I had accomplished getting the nursery put together with the help of the guys, my mother, and Kate. My mother and Kate stayed longer to be with us, and I was more than happy to have them here.

It meant I was able to spend more time with them both, and with the delivery date getting closer, I needed a refreshing change. Something that didn’t revolve around what was going to happen and who wanted me dead.

“Hey, do you think we need to add more of the vines to that wall?” Kate asked as she stood staring at the wall above the dresser with her hand on her chin and confusion in her stance.

“I mean, I wouldn’t oppose it. I think that would be cute.” Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

She glanced at me for a moment before nodding her head. “You’re right. It’s way too cute to pass up.”

Shaking my head, I continued to fold the baby clothes in the white basket while she had fun. I thought T had bought a lot of things, but after a long shopping trip with those two, these kids had everything they would ever need for the entire first year of their lives.

“Ivy!” my mother called out as she came searching through the rooms until her eyes landed on me.” Ah, there you are. The guests will start arriving soon.”

Guests… I almost forgot that my mother had thrown a last-minute baby shower for me today. She had invited the entire pack, and made it co-ed so that the guys could be present. I wasn’t sure who was going

to come, though.

I wasn’t exactly liked much. “Okay, okay,” I smirked. “I’m coming down now.”

She didn’t miss a beat when she stood in front of me, staring at me with her hands on her hips. There was no way she was going downstairs without me, and as much as I wished she would, I knew this battle wasn’t one I would win.

“Go, Ivy. I’ll finish up here and be down in a minute.”

Knowing there was no way to avoid the inevitable, I nodded, and left with my mother to go appear before the non-existent masses she believed were coming. However, when I walked down the stairs, I found myself in shock at how many people were here.

It almost looked like the entire pack had shown up for the celebration. It warmed my heart to be a part of it. To see how many people in this pack came to celebrate the future rulers that would one day inherit this all.

“Congratulations,” the voices called out as I walked through the sea of people towards the back door, heading outside to where a grand event was being held.

“Mom, you really outdid yourself with this. You didn’t have to go through all this trouble.”

Gazing at my mother, though, I saw the wide smile on her face of pure joy. She was over the moon with the turnout, and would now talk about this day forever.

“know that I didn’t, but you are my only child, and you deserve the best. And so the best is what I plan on giving you.” The comment warmed my heart, making me even more thankful that she was here.

There were still unsaid things between her and i regarding how this all came about, but I knew that

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one day eventually, we would have that conversation. She was my mother, and she would let me know things if it were important, or when the time called upon it.

“Congratulations Luna on the arrival of your children, a woman with dark brown hair and bright green eyes said as she walked up to me, handing me a bouquet of flowers.

“Oh my goodness, these are absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much. What’s your name?” I asked, a little unsure of who the woman was. I had remembered seeing her around a few times, but I was still trying to get familiar with everybody.

“My name is Jada. I was actually going to offer you to join the mother’s circle that we have down at the park community center. I figured it would be a great way to get to know the other ladies of the pack and when the children are born, a great way for them to play with other children of the pack as well.”

The offer was more than generous and I had waited a while to have at least somebody accept me in. So for her to offer such a thing, there was no way that I could refuse. “That sounds wonderful. Please follow up with me later and make sure I get that information because I would really love to be able to join you.”

Jada smiled at me, before bowing her head in a show of respect as she continued to walk on to let another come up and speak to me. The procession went on like this for a while until every single woman had said their congratulations to me and delivered whatever gifts they had brought.

Thonestly didn’t think I needed a baby shower, considering everything was already purchased for the twins, but some gifts that were given were a lot more personal and I loved them.

One gentleman crafted a hand-painted glass mobile for the twins’ room with glass wolves dancing around a crystal moon. It was one piece that I loved the most out of everything that I had received, because the crystal moon replicated the color of my eyes.

“It looks like you’ve quite made out today,” Hale said as he and Talon came walking up next to me. They were right. I had made out, but seeing them here with me in a coed baby shower was a relief I didn’t think I would have.

“Yeah, I sure did. I don’t think we’re going to need anything for the children for quite some time. Between everything that we got, what my mother and Kate got, and nowhere at the baby shower, these children have things to last a lifetime.”

“Ain’t that the truth?” Talon chuckled before a loud commotion drew our attention towards the front of the house.

“I want you to stay here,” Hale demanded as I pulled away from him.

“Get out of my way….” I replied as I pushed past him on Talon. Making my way towards the front of the pack house to see what was going on.

It wasn’t exactly the greatest of ideas to put myself in the middle of something in my condition because the babies could be here within two weeks. But if something was going on, it was my responsibility to see what it was.

Coming around to the front of the House, three black cars came into view. All of them carrying security guards from the council’s chambers. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

“What in the hell is going on?” I asked as my crystalline eyes showed clear and bright to anyone who was currently in my presence. They had grabbed Damien, who was pushing them off as James was held back from whatever commotion was taking place.

“Luna Ivy, the ancient one. It’s a pleasure to see you,” replied a dark-haired older man who stepped out from behind the shadows of his security guards.

He didn’t look like the type of man that would particularly be a council member, but as he stepped closer, something inside of me snapped. There was something wrong with him, just as there had been once before with the elder Harrison, and I wasn’t sure what it was.

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But it was something I would not let anywhere near my children.

A deep growl left my throat as I bared my teeth at him. “Do not step any closer to me. I demand that you unhand my mates. For everyone’s safety.”

“Are you threatening the Council, Luna?” the man asked in a very stern voice, as if he was trying to intimidate me.

“There’s no need to threaten you. If I wanted you taken care of, you would have been dead the minute you stepped forward, however… that is not the case. I demand you unhand them and explain to me why you’re here ruining my baby shower.”

He stared at me for a moment, before laughter quickly left his lips, and he gestured with his hand for the men to allow Damian and James free.

“We are here because two weeks ago, one of our council people disappeared. Later on, they were found completely torn apart, as well as the son of a fellow alpha. Now, the alpha’s son, we have no idea why he was where he was, but the elder was last seen here…”

“Yes, I’m aware that the elder was last seen here,” I replied, as if it was the most obvious answer there ever had been. “But what do you mean that she’s dead? She was literally just here two weeks ago. When she left, she told me she would love to accept the invitation to come to the baby shower. If you check our cameras, you can see that she had taken off. We have security cameras at the guard shacks to monitor who comes in and out. I can assure you she left in her vehicle.”

There was a slight pause as his gaze drifted from mine to Damien’s and then back to me. “You are a lot more cooperative than your mate is. He wouldn’t allow us to obtain anything, but you’re telling me you can show proof from footage at your guard shack that Elder Harrison did indeed leave by herself in her vehicle from your property?”

“Why yes, I can. Actually, if you would like, I can have that information sent over to you this afternoon. Of course, I hope you would be considerate of the current events going on and allow us to continue my shower and then have that information sent over afterwards. There’s only about two hours left,” I replied, smiling sweetly at him.

I knew the footage was there, and it was the only footage I could give him because it was the only footage that didn’t implicate us. However, his eyes gazed up at the camera at the corner of the roof of the house and swirling ideas seemed to develop in his mind.

“I’d like the footage from that camera as well. Do you think you might manage that so it shows she got into the car in one piece?”

“As much as I would love to give you that, I can’t,” I replied with a frown. “And why can’t you? Are you guilty?” he sneered at me as his eyes narrowed.

“No,” I laughed. “While Elder Harrison was here, we had construction going on. We were having some remodeling for the new nursery, and the people who were remodeling hit an electrical line, and it fried some of the circuit.”

“I see. That sounds very convenient because of the current situation,” the gentleman said. “Do you have proof of this?”

“Of course I do. I can actually send you a copy of the invoice from the day that it was called. The situation that had happened, and when they actually came out to fix it, if you would like.”

Taking a moment, he thought over everything I said as he ran his tongue crossed his teeth. He quickly glanced back at another man that was with him.

“It seems the Luna and her mates are more than willing to helping us figure out what happened to the elder. Isn’t that correct, Luna?” he said before turning back to me. “Just to clear things up, could you tell me where you were that night?”

“Of course, I can. My mother and my best friend Kate actually came that very evening. They’ve been

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ere for the last two weeks. They’re from a neighboring pack down in Georgia.”

No matter what the elder asked, i had an answer for everything. I was surprised Damian himself Hidn’t speak up. Instead, he stood quietly with a stern glare across his face and his lips tightly met.

“Brilliant. I do apologize for the misunderstanding. I have no problem waiting. As soon as your shower is over, if you could please get that information to me, that would be much appreciated, and I hope that you will offer your services. Of course, in order to help us find out exactly who had done this.”

Knowing he had nothing else to ask. He was quickly wrapped up in the rest of the conversation, standing unsteadily on his feet as he gestured for the men to get back into their vehicles.

“Of course, I will make sure to get everything to you this afternoon.”

“Very good.” Turning his attention to Damian, I watched the man glare before letting a look of amusement pass over him. “I will see you around, Damian.”

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