Arranged Bratva Love



I didn’t mind being bored. Boredom meant safety. It meant I could do whatever I wanted without fear ofrepercussions. Growing up, boring meant safety. If my father thought I was being driven crazy with boredom, he wouldn’t bother me. So, standing in Ive’s penthouse apartment wasn’t too bad. The view was incredible. I didn’t think I’d ever been in a place so high up, I felt like I was close to the clouds. It was pretty amazing. Staring out across the city, I couldn’t exactly make anything out, but it was just pleasing to see the world go by.

Hubert wasn’t in the mood for conversation today. I stoodstill near the main corridor, keeping an eye on the apartment. He was never one for small talk back at the country house, but this was different.

Ive’s apartment wasn’t quite the adventure to explore as his home was. I liked his home with all the houses and the sticky notes I’d placed on each door, reminding me I’d explored there. His apartment had a main sitting room, which did look comfortable. I’d already tried out the plush white sofa, and yes, I did indeed sink into it. It was so lovely. Better than anything I’d ever sat on. My booty felt like it had been treated well.

Then, of course, there was a dining room. I counted the chairs and wondered if he entertained at all. The table could sit twelve people, and it was spacious.

He didn’t have a lot of furniture or possessions, just enough to create a show home, or a show apartment. That was what this was. A showroom apartment.

The kitchen looked modern with pristine cupboards and top-of-the-range models. Did he spend a lot of time in the kitchen, or did he hire a chef like back home?

There were three bedrooms, as well as a small office. There was no library in his penthouse, nor a game room, nor a cinema room. So, again, not a lot to explore.

Staring out across the city grew tiresome, so I moved over to the sofa and took a seat. I made sure I faced Hubert. “You can sit down, you know?”

“We’re expecting a delivery,” he said.

“Ah, right, the clothes.” I wrapped my arms around myself. Shopping for clothes hadn’t been quite the enjoyment I had expected. I don’t know who had spoiled it more-me, Ive, or that dreadful woman who clearly wanted my husband.

Dropping my handsonto my lap, I couldn’t help but twirl my diamond wedding ring. Ivan Volkov had insisted I wear an engagement ring as well as a wedding one, both on the same finger. They were pretty. The most expensive things I’d ever owned in my life.

But the rings weren’t mine. No, they belonged to Ive, my husband, and if they killed me, they’d go back to him. I merely wore them for show. Nothing more than a trophy. I wasn’t a great trophy, though. The unwanted daughter, the mistaken kidnapping. This should be Cassie.

“Have you worked for Ive long?” I asked.

Hubert turned his gaze toward me, and his lips seemed to tense. Back at home, I rarely asked him personal questions. I’d been too busy exploring, and of course I’d been a little too nervous to ask questions.

This was the problemwith nothing to do. I was more than happy to be bored with no one for company but Hubert was here, and he was close to my husband … at least I assumed he was close.

“You don’t want to answer me. Is this some kind of code you guys have, that you won’t … I don’t know … talk about your time with your … master?” I didn’t know what to call Ive. Master, Boss, Monster. They all seemed befitting.

However, the tension in his jaw did seem to change, and there was a smirk, or what I believed to be a smirk. This made me smile.”I’ve known Ive, personally, a handful of months. That’s it.” I tried to offer an explanation for my husband. “He seems a little, I don’t know, cold.”

Hubert didn’t move but looked straight ahead. “I’ve worked for Mr. Yahontov for over fifteen years. I started small and earned his respect to be able to stay close to him.”

Thismade me frown. “Close to him? You work at his country home.”

“Mr. Yahontov rarely spends time in the city. He always returns to his country home.”

“Oh, I see.” Okay, that stung. My husband doesn’t want to bewith me. I could handle that. Easy. Fine. He didn’t like me, and that was fine. Of course it was fine. No one had to like everyone.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

There was no rule. I didn’t even like Ive. In fact, I think when he first captured me, I told him to suck and eat his own dick. I had no idea what I was saying or threatening. It was all a blur. Fear did that to a person. I know it did to me, quite badly as well.

Getting to my feet, I made my excuses and walked straight to the main bedroom, through to the en suite bathroom.

Why did it hurt so much tohear the truth out loud? I already knew Ive hated me. That was why he never returned to his house. I was there. I wasn’t like the Sophies of this world.

No one wanted me. I’d been told enough times. It wasn’t like this was news to me. Being married didn’t come with an automatic value. I meant nothing. I was still nothing.

Staring down at the ring on myfinger, I knew nothing had changed. The only difference was I wasn’t frightened of when my father would get bored and take his aggression out on me. I’d gotten out of the MC and away from it, but I’d been put in a different prison.

I heard the apartment doorbell ring. I glanced up into the mirror and saw tears in my eyes. I quickly swiped at them, not wanting them to fall. This was one of the benefits of not wearing makeup. I’d gotten used to hiding my tears.

Stepping out of the main bedroom, I saw the multiple packages waiting. Hubert talked, but I didn’t hear what he had to say. I picked up the packages and carried them through to the main bedroom. I could sort out the clothes. One by one, I unpacked them, feeling absolutely nothing. It was a feeling I was very much used to. I checked each item and when I got to the red dress for dinner, I kept that on the bed.

For the rest of the day, I stayed in the bedroom. Lunch came and went, and I didn’t eat anything because I just didn’t feel hungry. Hubert askedif he should order lunch, and I refused.

At six, I got into the red dress and pinned my hair up the best way I knew how. I didn’t bother with any makeup, there was no point. At six-thirty, Ive entered his bedroom.

“Ivan will meet us at the restaurant. Let’s go.” He held out his arm, and that was the extent of his invitation.

Taking his arm, we left his penthouse apartment, and I knew I didn’t like it. There was no character to it. Was that why he preferred to be at his country home? The one place that I’d been left, and he never was. Ihad that sick feeling in my stomach and I ignored it.

We traveled to the restaurant in silence. Ive was on his cell phone and he didn’t look happy. He didn’t take any calls, but he texted.

Hubert drove us to the restaurant, and once outside, Ive put his cell phone away and offered a hand to me. Part of me wanted to push the hand away, but I wasn’t going to be rude and expect his wrath.

We walked into the restaurant and themaitre d’ was all smiles as he escorted us to a table.

“There’s been a mistake,” Ive said. “We’re meeting someone.”

“Ah, yes, Mr. Volkov wanted me to tell you that something came up and he wouldn’t be able to make it. He hopes you enjoy the meal and said he’d make up for it some other time.”

Ivan wasn’t coming. This was all for nothing. I expected Ive to leave. His jaw tensed, but then he turned toward me, nudged the maitre d’ out of the way, and then helped me into my chair.

“If you’d like to leave, we can.”

“No,” Ive said. “Arrangements have been made for us to enjoy a meal, and that’s exactly what’s going to happen. We’re going to enjoy this.”

And he appeared to be gritting his teeth.

“I understand if you want to be somewhere else.” An image of a naked Sophie offering herself up to him entered my head and I hated the idea of him being anywhere near her.

I shouldn’t care. I know this. But I did. What the hell was wrong with me?

“No, I’m happy to eat here. Hubert informed me you didn’t eat this afternoon?”

“I wasn’t hungry.”

“Do you need me to call a doctor?”

“For not eating?”

Ive didn’t respond but merelylooked at me. I was about to respond to him, but the waiter brought us the menus. I thanked him and opened the menu. I had no idea what to order.

“There’s nothing wrong. I wasn’t hungry.”

Ive stared at me for several more seconds before returning his gaze to the menu. Did he care or was he going through the motions?

I had no idea how to handle men. I’d never had a boyfriend. Most boys at school hadn’t been interested in me. The rumors surrounding my birth were always quite elaborate and no one wanted to get involved with the MC, especially not with the unwanted daughter. So I was ignored. I don’t recall ever having a secret crush on a guy, especially not anyone within the club. I wasn’t used to dealing with men like Ive. I didn’t know what was happening.

“Whatdo you want to eat?” Ive asked.

I looked up and shook my head. “I have no idea.” Closing the menu, I offered him a smile. “Will you order for me?”

He nodded and signaledfor the waiter. Was it clear that I didn’t have the first clue what I was doing?

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