Auctioned By The Ceo

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Monique swung her stapler through the air, and for one horrifying minute, Hannah thought she was

going to throw that office implement at the two somber looking security guards, who were indeed

standing watch by the office entrance. The older one of them, Sean—Hannah stopped to chat to the

sweet old guy every day on her way in—she loved hearing him talk about his grandkids’ latest antics—

winced at Monique’s outburst. Poor Sean had worked here even longer than Hannah had and was due

to retire soon. He so didn’t need this on a Monday morning. His younger sidekick, whose name

escaped Hannah right now, a new addition to the team, employed by Logan himself, stepped forward.

“If you don’t want me to physically remove you from the premises right now, you’ll start behaving. Your

conduct is unbecoming.” He crossed his arms over his massive chest, and Hannah swallowed hard.

There was no doubt in her mind that he would follow through on that threat, but Monique took no


“Hah, that’s rich, my conduct? I’m not the one who got herself a promotion by sleeping with the new

boss. That would be all Miss Goody Two Shoes here.”

A collective murmur went around the open plan office, and Hannah wanted the ground to swallow her

whole. This was exactly what she’d been afraid of happening.

“How dare you, Monique. I won that proposal fair and square, and if you’re being sacked you only have

yourself to blame for your conduct at the auction. Last time I checked falsifying records was a sackable

offence. You didn’t think of that when you decided to put me on the auction block, did you?”

“Hah, as if you cared about that. Just gave you another in with the boss, or is this where you going to

tell me he forked ten grand out just for the privilege of holding your fucking hand? Admit it, you slept

with him.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to refute that notion, but that would have been a lie, so Hannah reined in

her temper and turned her back on the raging woman.

“I’ve got work to get on with, and I shan’t dignify that with an answer.”

“Because it’s the truth, that’s why. Get off me, you oaf.”

Hannah did her best to block out the other woman’s ranting and raving, which carried on all the way out

the office. She could still be heard through the open windows, once she was on the street, and Hannah

groaned under her breath.

“Well, that was enlightening.” Rosemary, who had been PA to the previous boss for the last twenty

years, and had retained her position under Logan, smiled at Hannah once the commotion had died

down. “Don’t worry, none of us really think that. You’re one of the hardest working employees here, and

it was about time that got recognized. Say what you will about Mr. Bryce, he recognizes and rewards

talent when he sees it. Monique isn’t the only one who got called into HR first thing. Herringey from

accounts got a dressing down, too, from what I can gather, so relax. This will all blow over. You’ll see.”

Hannah smiled back at the older woman, and glanced at Logan’s empty office.

“He won’t be in today for personal reasons he said.” Rosemary’s explanation didn’t make Hannah feel

any better about the situation, and her unease only grew as the week wore on and there was still no

sign of Logan at the office.

Lord only knew what was going on. His continued absence had nothing to do with Rhia, at least. Sarah

had been gushing down the phone about the little girl and Logan’s extremely generous donation, which

had earned the mite a place straightaway. Money most definitely did talk, and for once Hannah was

glad that it did. That little girl needed some stability in her life rather badly, and there was no one better

equipped than Sarah to help her.

“She’s a sweetheart, and she’s finally stopped calling me Hannah. Is there something you’re not telling

me about you and your uber-handsome boss, who by the way has been asking a lot of questions about

you, too?”

“There’s nothing to tell, and what do you mean, what sort of questions?”

Sarah’s giggle down the phone had done sweet FA to calm Hannah’s growing indigestion, whenever

she thought of Logan Bryce.

“Oh, just the usual, did you have a boyfriend type of questions? I didn’t tell him anything private, don’t

worry. But he likes you.” All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

Hannah had done her very best to dismiss that notion. If he liked her that much, then why wasn’t he at

the office? It was almost as though he was avoiding her, which was ridiculous. So much for this not

affecting their working relationship.

When he did eventually swan in four days later, she was in the middle of a phone call with one of their

most important clients. How she managed to keep talking and make any sense at all was something of

a miracle because Logan made a beeline straight for her, glared when he saw she was busy, and all

but snarled his instructions at her.

“My office, asap. Finish that call.”

When she shook her head, and mouthed the client’s name at him, he growled under his breath, yanked

the phone out of her hand, and ended the phone call for her.

“Logan Bryce here. Hannah will have to call you back. Something’s come up.”

He slammed the phone back on its receiver so hard, it bounced straight off again with an ominous

internal rattle.

“Rosemary, get maintenance on that.” Logan ran a hand through his hair, which made the dark strands

look even more messy, and grasping Hannah by the elbow yanked her out of the cubicle. “I said my

office, Hannah, unless you want us to have this conversation in full view of everyone.”

His fingers dug into her arm with enough force to leave bruises, and Hannah swallowed nervously

when his brooding attention settled on her. He looked… Well, he looked awful, truth be told. The deep

purple smudges under his eyes indicated a man who must have gone days without proper sleep. He

had at least three days’ worth of beard growth on his jaw, and as for his clothing…

Hannah had never seen him in anything but immaculately tailored suits at the office, yet he was in

scruffy jeans and a stained t-shirt, which clung to his muscled torso and showed off his tats to the

world. No wonder the office had fallen silent. Never mind his odd behavior, the way he looked would be

enough to send tongues wagging anew.

Damn the man.

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