Blind Billionaire Bride

Chapter 61 Melissa



“Is that child okay?” Ria asked Jenna. She is one of the workers assigned to help the kids try on their dresses.

“Who?” Jenna looked around.

Ria pointed to a six years old girl who sat alone with her legs curled beneath her. The little girl has been like that since they came in about twenty minutes ago.

“Her name is Melissa. She is always like that… alone.” Jenna answered.

Melissa is not looking happy about the dress like the rest of the kids. Ria turned to face her. “Please can I know her history?” She requested.

Ria knows that every child in Amber Foundation has a history. “Melissa lost her parents in a fire accident when she was four years old. Her paternal uncle left her at the hospital and none of her family members were ready to take her in when she regained consciousness after one month.” Jenna answered.

“How did she end up here?” Ria asked.

“A nurse came here and explained her case to Madam Charity so they brought her in here. I feel pity for her because she doesn’t remember anything about her parents plus she still gets traumatized anytime she sees fire. And that’s why we don’t bring her close to it, like the kitchen.” Jenna stated a cleared explanation of the little girl’s case.

“So she prefers to stay alone.” Ria mumbled.

“Yes. Even thought it has been over two years now but Melissa is finding it hard to accept this place.” Jenna added.

Ria looked at the little girl. She is so beautiful. Somehow the little child reminded Ria of her younger self when she was still trying to accept the fact that she was blind. The fact that she couldn’t see like everyone else had weighed her down. And she was always alone when her parents enrolled her in a school for the disabled.

Ria only remembered having one friend while she was growing up before Lucas took her away from her home. His name was Ethan. Actually, Ria won’t consider him as just a friend. Ethan was like a big brother to her because he was four years older than her. Ria used to help him mend his clothes back then while he helped her to school whenever he was less busy at work.

“She looks pitiful.” Ria mumbled.

“Even madam Charity has tried to help Melissa relate with the other kids but it seems she just wants to be all by herself.” Jenna said.

“Teacher Jenna, can I try my dress now?”

Ria and Jenna both looked down at the little girl who held the dress to her chest. “Yes.. Sophie.” Jenna replied.

Ria moved away from them and went to where Melissa sat quietly. She knew Melissa needed someone to talk to her and not just anyone but someone who is like her. Someone who has felt the loss of a parent and a loved one. Practically anyone with the saddest past could relate with Melissa.

“Hi Melissa.” Ria greeted in a low tone.

Melissa looked at her. “I am -” She stood up and walked away before Ria could complete her sentence.

Melissa went to the far end of the room and curled herself up under a large table. That’s weird! Why is she doing that? Sitting up in an uncomfortable way. Ria thought.

“I am not going to give up. She has to tell me what is wrong.” Ria muttered.

She made my way to the table, crouched down and sat under it too. The table was big enough to accommodate her size that she even sat with her legs crossed. Melissa stared at her in disbelief because anyone would have left her instead of crawling under the table to talk to her.

“Hi. I am Ria Robert.” Ria introduced.

Melissa didn’t respond. “And it is nice to meet you, Melissa.” Ria added.

“Go away. I don’t want to talk to you… or anyone else.” Melissa said in a low tone.

Ria stared back at her. It was a good thing that she said something. This conversation would hold by all means.

“I’ll just tell you a story of a girl.” Ria swallowed hard. “A blind girl. Do you know what it means to be blind?” She paused and waited for Melissa to say something again.

About two minutes clicked by before Melissa shook her head slowly. “Being blind is when you can’t see like everyone else and everything is dark. Lola was a blind girl and she wished that she could see like the other kids. She wanted friends but no one wants to be friends with a blind girl. Everyone saw her as a burden to her parents because she was disabled and she had to depend on her parents to help her do things. Lola had a very hard time accepting her blind state but in the end she accepted who she was and learned to do things normal people could do. She made up her mind that she won’t be a burden to her parents or anyone. She promised herself that she would become someone anyone could reckon with and also be great in life. And guess what? Lola started learning how to sew and mend torn dresses.” Ria stopped and studied Melissa’s expression. She was interested in the story!

“Lola could have gotten a surgery done but her parents couldn’t afford the medical bills. Do you want to know what happened to Lola?” Ria asked to be sure Melissa liked the story.

Melissa gave a short nod. “An unexpected incident took Lola’a parents away. They died when she was about sixteen and then she was alone and all by herself. She found herself in the hands of a wicked man who wanted Lola for himself. But at the point of giving up on herself, her dreams and everything, a kind hearted angel was sent to rescue Lola from that wicked man. She moved away from her hometown with her angel and they settled down in another city where she started working as a seamstress. Remember she learnt how to sew.” Ria stopped again and was about to continue when Melissa asked.

“Can Lola see now? I mean did.. she get to see…. like other people… when she moved to a new city with the angel?”

“Yes Melissa. Another nice angel was sent to help Lola. He paid for her surgery bills and also helped to establish her sewing business. And Lola is doing fine.” Ria paused only for her to notice the tears that strayed down Melissa’s cheeks.

“This is your story right?” Melissa said in a low tone.

Ria was surprised the little could relate things so fast but she found herself nodding in response. She couldn’t deny because it was her story in a reformed way. Ria didn’t know how the little girl figured that the story was about her or could it because she is a seamstress like Lola?

“I heard some of the workers talking about you being a talented blind lady.” Melissa mumbled.

Oh! The ghosting attitude had made Melissa find out things from the workers. Ria couldn’t hide the fact that Melissa is a smart girl. She moved closer to Melissa and wiped her tears with her fingertips.

“That’s sad…” Melissa muttered.

“I know.” Ria nodded again.

“I heard him…” Melissa bit her lower lip. “He said I am a bad luck.” She whispered.

“Who said that to you?” Ria asked with a raised eyebrows.

“Uncle Finn. I heard him telling his wife when I regained consciousness at hospital. I couldn’t make out what he said until I realized that I don’t remember anything about my parents. I only know the fact that they both died in a fire. Uncle Finn didn’t take me in because he said I am a bad luck and I will always bring trouble to everyone.” Melissa placed her palms on her face.

“I am the reason for my parents death. He told his wife and other members that I caused that fire at our home. So taking me in might bring them problems.” She sobbed.

And that is it! Melissa doesn’t want to relate with anyone because she thinks she is a bad luck. Uncle Finn should be blamed here because those words he said must have given her post traumatic syndrome disorder. How on earth could he refer to a little child as a bad luck? Things would have been different if Melissa didn’t hear her uncle refer to her as a bad Luck.

“Why didn’t you tell Madam Charity about it?” Ria asked.

“I didn’t… because she won’t understand me. No matter how nice she is.. she will never understand how I feel about being referred to as a bad luck. I didn’t get close to anyone because I fear that I might end up hurting them.” She cried.

“You are not a bad luck, Melissa.” Tears stings in Ria’s eyes too.

“You think so?”

“No one is a bad luck.” Ria shook her head.

“But it is all my fault… I killed my parents.” Melissa blamed herself.

“No.. no Melissa. Look, once in my life I blamed myself for my parents death too.” And part of Ria still blames herself. That if only she wasn’t blind then her dad wouldn’t have thought of accepting his inheritance. But what can she do? The deed has already been done!

“But.. I had to accept the fact that they were gone.” Ria held the little girls hands. “Listen Melissa, the ones we love are gone but they still remain in heart and memories. Look, I never saw the faces of my parents but I have good memories of their words.” They are possibly on the same boat. Melissa doesn’t remember the faces of her parents too!

“You have to do the same too. You don’t remember their face anymore but you have these feelings that they were good to you.” Melissa nodded in agreement. “So then accept the fact that they are gone and stop seeing yourself as a bad luck.” Ria wiped her tears again.

“Take a look-” Ria pointed to the kids that were playing happily around Cassidy and Jenna. “Don’t you want to be happy like them?”

Melissa looked at the children playing for a second. “I want to be happy.” She whispered.

“You know.. they all have their stories too. No parents, no family but they are still happy. Do you want to know why?” Ria asked.


“It is because they were able to accept what life has given to them. They call it-accepting the fact that life is where we live in and love is what we have. And no one can make you happy until you are ready to experience happiness. So just forget about Uncle Finn words and be the Melissa everyone wants to see. They all want you to be happy. Always happy.” Ria encouraged in a calm tone.

Melissa stared back at the kids. “I’ll be happy.” She shook her head slowly.

Then Ria pulled her in for a hug. “Please be happy, Melissa.”

“Thank you, miss Ria.” Melissa sniffed.

Ria comforted her with soothing words and she only let go of Melissa after she cried and calmed down.

“Would you like to try your dress now?” Ria pinched her rosy cheeks.

“Yes.” Melissa replied. And this time there was a small smile on her face.

Ria crawled out of the table and reached out her hand to Melissa. She hesitated. “To be happy.” Ria said to her.

“Yes. To be happy.” Melissa replied as she crawled out of the table.

Ria and Melissa walked back to the spot where the other kids were trying out their dresses. “Cassidy, where is Melissa’s dress?” She asked.

Jenna and Mrs Russell focused on Ria and they exchanged glances when they saw their locked hands.

“Melissa is ready to try her dress so-”

“And I want to perform too.” Melissa cuts in sharply.

Everywhere became silent at her words. Every kid stopped playing and workers helping out stopped what they were doing when they heard her voice. Melissa glanced up at Ria with a look of disappointment on her face. Melissa was a bit embarrassed by the sudden silence and she fixed her gaze on the floor.

“Oh yes! You can perform Melissa!” Mrs Russell exclaimed.

“I’ll help you with the rhymes and choreography.” Jenna added.

Melissa’s face brightened a bit. “I know the rhymes and every of the moves.” She said in her low tone.

“You do?” Mrs Russell was shocked.

“Yes. I can do everything.” Melissa responded in a clear tone.

Ria knew Melissa must have seen and watched the other children practice but she couldn’t join them because of that perspective of being a bad luck. Melissa has lived in fear of hurting and causing harm to others for close two years.

“Can you show everyone?” Ria requested.

Melissa let go of Ria’s hands immediately. “I have a hope for a brighter future. I know I can do well. I am strong. I am confident.” She displayed the choreography and sang the rhymes so perfectly.

Everyone clapped for her. “That’s good! Oh Melissa, you can join the other kids!” Mrs Russell was excited to see the little girl so active.

Cassidy passed Melissa’s dress to Ria which was the last pack in the bag. Ria helped her into the dress and she looked beautiful in it!

“Wow!” Melissa exclaimed as she examined herself.

“You like it?” Ria asked.

“I love it!” She clapped her hands in excitement. Melissa tried to do the moves again in her dress. Then Mrs Russell began to clap and the others joined in.

“Thank you, Miss Ria.” Mrs Russell said as Jenna silenced the kids while Cassidy helped Melissa pull off the dress.

“So children what do you say to Granny Perla for paying for your beautiful dresses?” Jenna stated.

“Thank you, Granny Perla!” They chorused.

“And what about Miss Ria and Miss Cassidy?”

“We say thank you!” The children screamed in unison.

“And would you like to see them again?” Jenna demanded.

“Yes, we will like to see you soon!”

Ria smiled brightly. They are really amazing and beautiful creatures and she couldn’t help but smile at the sight of them.

“Now you all say.”

“Bye, Miss Ria. Bye, Miss Cassidy.” The children waved.

Three nannies came in to the waiting section and ushered the children to the direction of the dormitories. Ria crouched down to Melissa’s size.

“How do you feel?” Ria questioned.

“I feel happy. Thank you, miss Ria.” Melissa hugged her.

“You are welcome. And always remain happy.” Ria withdrew from the embrace.

“When will you visit us again?” Melissa asked.

“I will see you at the grand finale of the event.” Ria answered. She would try to make it to the event so she can to watch Melissa perform.

“Okay. Bye, Miss Ria.” Melissa waved.

“Bye, Melissa.” Ria stood up and waved as Jenna led her out of the waiting section.

“She would be a good mother right?” Mrs Perla said in a whisper to Cassidy.

“Miss Ria is pretty good with children.” Cassidy answered.

And how did Mrs Perla come to conclude that Ria would make a good mother? It can’t be that her quick interaction with Melissa made her decide so quickly that Ria would be a good mother.

“We should get going.” Ria said as she turned to face Cassidy.

“I think we are ready to leave.” Cassidy announced after packing the bags they won’t be needing at the foundation since each kid took their clothes into the dormitories and to be submitted to their assigned dormitory matron.

“I’ll take these bags to the car.” Cassidy exited the room.

“Thank you for today.” Mrs Russell thank Ria and shook hands with her.

“Anytime.” Ria replied.

“So I’ll leave you both alone to talk while I attend to the children.” Mrs Russell walked away.

“I wasn’t surprised with what you did with Melissa since you have adopted kids too. Ian told me about them. Phoebe and Phoenix right?” Mrs Perla said.

“Yes ma’am. I only did what I had to do to help the little girl.” Ria rubbed her palms together.

“That’s good. Please let me walk you to the car.” Mrs Perla offered.

“Thank you ma’am.”

They both walked out of the waiting section to the compound. “I should be the one thanking you Ria for making those pretty dresses. So thank you very much.” Mrs Perla smiled.

“You are welcome ma’am.” Ria entered the car.

“Bye Granny!” Cassidy waved at her.

“Take care Cassidy and extend my greetings to your mom.” Mrs Perla waved back.

Benjamin started the car and he drove out of the driveway. He pressed the horn and Mrs Perla waved them goodbye.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

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