Cursed By Fate

Finding His Footings

It’s finally the D-Day, Carl woke up to the sound of the alarm . He felt so tired from the previous day party . ” How did Laura want to go about if I’m feeling like this as a guy ?” Carl asked himself , a brush stuck to his mouth.

After he was done in the bathroom, he dressed up in the well ironed shirt and pants James gave to him , with his shoes well polished.

” I wish you good luck Dude !!” James wished him well on his way out .

” Thanks James” Carl replied. ” Hope I’m looking good?” Carl asked .

” Sure you are looking the best ” James replied.

Carl left for the company in a cab . He got to the company following the direction Laura gave him.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

He alighted from the cab and stood in the front of the company for some minutes before going inside.

” Hey , good morning. I’m here to see Laura.. sorry I mean miss Laura”.

” Did you book an appointment with her ?’ the receptionist asked Carl who was confused on what to say .

” humm , can you just call her and tell her that Carl is here to see her ?”

” I can’t just call her unless she has an appointment with you ” the receptionist replied.

Carl brought out his phone to give Laura a call but she was not answering her phone.

” You can just sit over there ” the receptionist pointed at an empty chair . ” I need to attend to other people ” .

” Will I just sit here without seeing the person I came to see ?” Carl was beginning to get frustrated about the whole scenero

” You can leave if you can’t wait and if luck will be on your side , she might just come out ” The receptionist said nonchalantly.

Carl had no choice but to sit and wait patiently for Laura at the receptionist.

After waiting for some minutes, he saw Laura approaching the reception with a lady standing behind , who was her personal assistant.

” Hey , did any guy come around to see me or something?” Laura asked the receptionist without noticing that Carl was sitted at a corner.

” Yes ma , I didn’t allow him in since he didn’t book an appointment with you and the reason why I didn’t call to ask was because you’re in a meeting” The receptionist explained.

” So where is he now?” Laura was already frowning at the receptionist.

The receptionist pointed at Carl who was sitted at the corner watching the way Laura was talking to the receptionist.

Laura looked back at Carl who was staring at her . ” Oh I’m so sorry I kept you waiting . You should have at least called me “.

” I did but you were not picking up your calls and your receptionist had refused to call your office line ” Carl stood up and walked towards Laura.

“i am sorry about that ” Laura apologized adjusting Carl’s shirt .

The people at the receptionist began to look at her like , ” why would a whole CEO be adjusting this mere man’s shirt ?” . Neither did they know that he was her boyfriend.

Laura walked Carl down to her office holding his hands leaving people to wonder who Carl was and what relationship he had with their CEO. Carl’s first day at the office was a whirlwind of meetings and introductions. He was eager to prove himself, but as the days went by, he realized that his lack of experience and education were major hurdles.

His colleagues were all highly qualified and experienced professionals, and Carl felt like a small fish in a big pond , he don’t know anything about what he was assigned to do .

Despite Laura’s support and encouragement, Carl struggled to keep up with the workload. He was assigned to work on a marketing campaign, but he had no idea where to start. He spent hours researching and trying to come up with ideas, but everything he came up with seemed amateurish and unimpressive.

His colleagues were patient and helpful, but Carl couldn’t shake off the feeling that he didn’t belong there. He felt like he was holding them back, and that they were all waiting for him to catch up.

A project was assigned to call immediately, while working on the project, Carl’s computer crashed, and he lost all his work. He panicked and felt like giving up. But Laura, who happened to be in the same room at that time, noticed his distress and came over to help him.

“Hey, it’s okay, Carl. We’ve all been there,” she said, calmly. “Let’s start again, and I’ll guide you through it.”

With Laura’s help, Carl was able to recover his work and complete the project. But he couldn’t help feeling like he was a burden to the team.

That night, he went home feeling defeated and demotivated. James, who was waiting for him, noticed his gloomy face and asked what was wrong.

“I just feel like I don’t belong there, James,” Carl said, sighing. “I’m not good enough, and I’m holding everyone back.”

James listened patiently and then said, “Carl, you’re not alone. We all feel like that sometimes. But the thing is, you’re not alone. You have Laura, and you have me. And we believe in you.”

Carl smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards James. He realized that he wasn’t alone, and that he had people who cared about him and wanted him to succeed.

The next day, Carl went to work with a renewed sense of determination. He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but he was willing to learn and work hard to prove himself.

And with Laura’s continued support and guidance, Carl slowly began to find his footings. He started to contribute to the team, and his ideas were met with praise and encouragement.

He realized that he didn’t have to be the most educated or experienced person in the room to be valuable. He just had to be willing to learn and work hard.

And as he left the office that day, Carl felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He knew he still had a long way to go, but he was ready for the challenge.

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