Daughter-in-law Strikes Harder

Leading clues

“And you have a problem with that?” Dalton’s voice cut her off immediately, and the entire family gasped at his reply.

They were shocked when they heard Eva talk out of line at first, but were surprised to hear that Aria was getting the huge departmental store. It was really a glaring fact that their brother was really serious Aria, even if their marriage was months away from its end.

Aria herself was inwardly elated when she found out that Dalton had finally approved it, even if she had no idea about how to run that kind of huge business. It was a pleasure to her that regardless of everything, she was going to get a huge reward at the end of their marriage.

“You are making this bitch the head of the store?!” Eleanor raged immediately forgetting her sins that were not yet forgiven, and Ellen turned to her mother immediately to give her a cautioning look.

“Yes. And that is my final decision,” he said and made to climb the stairs together with Aria, when he heard an offensive word that really sparked the rage out of him. Alex just frowned immediately, wondering why they could not just let Mrs. Eleanor Miller return back to her home.

“You are choosing her over your family?” Eleanor asked rhetorically with so much contempt.

“All of you here own large shares in the Millers corporation, even if you spend your days doing nothing and just keep spending. Mother chose to leave the Miller cosmetics company to legal managements, and stood running the business. Ellen wrecked the affiliate pharmaceutical company in just a few months, because she studied some kind of related course. Emma has interest in doing whatever, and Eva, is to run just the art gallery because grandfather does not want more than that.

How many more should I take?! None of you are competent to run any of the companies well, and I am not complaining about it. But if you disrespect my orders one more time, then I would have no reason to spare anyone,” Dalton threatened so fearfully, that put everyone and even Aria in great shock.

It was a side of Dalton they had never had to see before, even if he had gotten angry on a few occasions at them. They knew that they had crossed the boundary, and that everything was probably going to be hard on them.

The young billionaire had to carry all the burdens alone by himself without complaining, and worked out every company simultaneously even if it was a really strenuous task. None of his family were really into the family business, and could not run it effectively the way he would.

Aria walked ahead and climbed the stairs with everything they had bought, and made her way towards her room in cautiousness and fear. Though she had just been away from the mansion for just two days, yet everything looked too unfamiliar like she had left for so long.

It was when she got to the front of her room to open the door, that she found out that it was switched locked already without any keys to make use of. She wondered if she was still not welcomed in the house, as she turned back in frustration to see Dalton standing before her.

“Your room is this way,” he informed her and pointed to the door of his own room, as her eyes widened in shock of what he was saying.

‘What was he trying to say?’

“What do you mean, Dalton? How is my room going to be your own?” He asked with a really serious face this time around. She didn’t like that he was playing pranks against her.

“I have that room permanently locked, and we now stay in this room now as couples,” he informed her again.

“What?! No. I cannot share rooms with you Dalton, even if it is the size of this mansion. I would like my privacy and everything,” she screamed at him, which caught the attention of the troubled family that remained downstairs. They all wondered what the problem was.

“We are married. It shouldn’t be a problem,” he insisted, and she could almost got crazy at that point at the situation she was put in.

She could not imagine how uneasy and uncomfortable she would be even if he was mostly at work, if they got to share his huge room and space. It would be hard to do the things she would want to do, that Aria knew she totally hated the option he was offering to her.

‘She should have known better when he was acting all cool about making her the head of the departmental store.’

“I would prefer to place my wardrobe on display and sleep in the living room, rather than staying in the same room with you!” She spat at him and turned to go back to where the stairs were located, but he grabbed her by the waist immediately and carried her on his right shoulder.

Aria screamed more loudly than ever when he carried her into the room head upside down, and she landed on a soft bed that dipped as soon as her body touched it. She frowned at the way he carried her without her permission and glared at him, but he just smiled at her and pulled his shirt over his body.

It was then that she noticed the changes in the room, and it was crazier than what she had expected it to be. There were almost three portraits of her in different sizes hung on the wall, and the room seemed to have changed its color to a cooler blend.

There were now two dressers and even a mini one again under the huge one, and a new beautiful interior that made it look like it had been a couple’s room all along. Everything in the room at a second one to complement her presence in the room, except the most important of all.

“Why is there one bed, even if I would end up agreeing to your offer?” She asked him.

“Because, we would share bed as married people,” he answered her with a smirk, and she really hated the look of it.

Aria was still so pissed off as she walked round the huge room to take a look at it, and there was a much bigger dressing room by the left side of the room. Her clothes, shoes, and bags had been arranged accordingly, as she groaned so angrily when she realized that everything was planned in a way that she couldn’t refuse.

“You do know that you are putting so many things at risk by putting me in your room right?” Aria asked him maliciously with a smirk, and he nodded in affirmation to what she said.

“I would see where how much you can try,” he gave her a more brutally menacing grin.

Alex knocked the door to the room and made sure to hear an answer this time, before he stopped a few miles into the room and waited for Dalton to come and get him.

If it was still days ago that Dalton had not decided to saddle his wife’s room with his, he would have been able to evger into the room more freely.

Dalton directed him to the main study room that was built in the house rather than the one he chose to use, as they discussed the affairs of how every investigation that concerned Aria.

He was coming to realize that something was really wrong somewhere with every incident, that seemed to be aimed at her at every point.

“The chandelier that was broken is the kind that shatters if subjected to a light of extreme voltage, because of the kind of glass it was made of. It had been considered safe and sellable because it is quality, and the most likely inability for such voltage of light to be passed through it. Seems like someone tampered with the lights knowing that,” Alex reported.

“In this house? Even with the cameras working?!” Dalton almost yelled from where he was sitting in anger.

“There are quite a few number of blind spot in the house. Must have been properly handled,” Alex hated to say.

“What about the vacation house? Any clues?”

“The sprinklers had been disconnected when the fire fighters checked. The door also appeared to be faulty, making it difficult to decipher if someone intentionally shut the door or it was shut compulsively,” Alex proceeded.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“She said someone locked it when she entered,” Dalton clarified.

“The cameras seemed to be faulty too. Turns out they have stopped working for a while.”

“And the investigation with the picnic?” Dalton inquired again.

He was beginning to feel anxious about everything, as he remembered how the past had been for Aria. All the incidents that put her in grave danger that they overlooked, were all appearing real before him now that she was not even saying anything about it or making a fuss. And since he deeply cared.

“Found a lead from a lady who was in the list of guests that appeared to have left just barely five hours, she had arrived with an initial intention to spend three days. She spilled that she saw something happen during the trip,” Alex said carefully and calmly, so that it would not appear too serious and intense.

“And what was that?”

“She thinks she saw someone or something drop from an elevated height.”

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