Despicable Roommate


I woke up at 9 am the next morning which was very late since I had a class at 10. As soon as I opened my eyes, I jumped out of bed and dashed for the bathroom. There was no time to stay in bed till I felt strong like I’d always done.

Within thirty minutes, I was done with preparing myself for the day. Breakfast was out of the question, I would just take a cup of cold milk and that would take me till I got done with the lecture I was heading for.

After checking whether I had everything I needed in my backpack, I picked up my key and exited the room only to find Alec lying lazily on the couch.

“Morning,” I greeted as I went my way to the kitchen. He looked up, seeming surprised.

“Hey lazy ass,” Was his reply. I said nothing as I opened the fridge and took out a carton of milk then poured it into a glass. I went ahead to get some cookies from a glass jar.

On finishing, I left the kitchen, planning to clean it later. When I was almost at the main door, Alec stood up and ambled towards me. He grabbed my wrist.

“You’re not going anywhere,” He stated.

“I have a class and you can’t tell me what to do,” I protested, glaring at him despite feeling a bit intimidated under his sharp stare. I was beginning to wonder if he was sane.

“You’re not getting out of this place.”

I laughed.

“Why not?” I looked up at him.

“I need you to unpack my stuff and organize my room.”

I tilted my head, laughing. The audacity.

“You’re kidding, right?” I said. “Your girlfriend was here yesterday, I thought she’d helped you do all that.”

“She isn’t my girlfriend,” He remarked. “Besides, she didn’t come here to do that.”

“And I’m here to do that?” I questioned, tilting my head.

“You’re my roommate.”

“That doesn’t make me your maid,” I said in annoyance. “For your information, I have to be in class by ten.”

“Can’t you ditch that for even once?” he asked.

“I attend all my classes,” I told him. He was still holding my hand.

“Can you please help me, Lynn,” he said, almost humbly. “I really can’t do all the work alone.”

Seeing Alec beg me to help him was so funny I wanted to laugh. I looked at him. His eyes were fixed on mine, which was very intimidating. I realized he was still holding my hand and it made me feel fuzzy.

“That’s better,” I was charmed by his desperate look. He looked almost innocent yet stunning. “I’ll help you”.

Alec smiled.

“I really appreciate it, Lynn.” He said dropping my hand. I went and opened my bedroom door. On entering, I removed my blouse and knee length skirt then put on a tank top and three quarter shorts. Tying up my hair in a ponytail, I removed got my phone from the backpack.

I sent a text to Kari informing her that I wasn’t going to attend the lecture. She’d be really shocked because I never missed a class for anything.

What’s it? You sick?

Nuh… roommate issues. Bye n don’t text back.

That would surely make her unhappy for she was the cause of it all. Why did she leave me to go and live with her new boyfriend? I didn’t even like the idea because I never trusted Ron, her new love. I also didn’t understand why she would move in with someone she barely knew.

Will be checking on you guys soon.

After reading the reply, I placed the phone on my bed and headed to Alec’s room.

I walked straight inside as his door was open. Most of his stuff was still packed in suitcases and boxes so the room wasn’t too messy. He was putting some clothes in the closet so I decided to start with getting the shoes onto the shoe rack.

“So, what are you studying?” I tried to start a conversation.

“Art and Design,” he answered. “You?”


“That’s too easy, I guess,” He mocked. “I even wonder why you have to attend lectures every day.”

“Oh,” I picked up a pair of sneakers, carefully placing them on the shoe rack. I had no interest in getting into a useless argument, trying to make him understand that it was not easy.

“You got a boyfriend?” He asked all of a sudden.

“Why do you ask?” I inquired with lack of interest.

“Just wanted to know,” He replied.

“I see,” I wanted to avoid the topic.

“It’s not like I am interested in you. I just don’t want some guy coming here late in the night and having you moan so loud that I fail to sleep”

“You have a dirty mind,” I remarked. “I’m not dating anyone.”

He laughed. “I knew it.”

So why did you ask?

I wasn’t embarrassed about my relationship status because I was happy without a boyfriend. Not having one did not bother me at all because I never really needed one that much. Boys came with lots of stress and I already had enough stress to deal with in my life.

“Of course you knew it,” I remarked sarcastically.

“Can I ask you a question?” He asked me when I was done with the shoes. I went on to lay his bed.

“What?”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Nothing important,” He said as he put the last shirt on a hanger. “But you’re a pretty girl, I must say.”

We were almost done with the cleaning when I heard a knock at the main door. Carrying the bucket and mop, I left Alec’s bedroom. After leaving the cleaning supplies in the bathroom, I went to open the door. A girl was standing there.

“Hi,” I began.

“Is Alec in?” She asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “Come in.”

She entered when he was just getting out of his room.

“I got your text,” She smiled as he hugged her. “The room is now okay?”

“Yap,” He kissed and led her to his room.

I was left alone, furious. I’d missed a lecture to clean Alec’s room only for him to text a girl so they’d have good time in there? He’d acted really nice for all that time and I’d been fooled. It wasn’t like I wanted him but couldn’t he carry out his whoring acts elsewhere? I had been fooled but it was never going to happen again. I was getting rid of that bipolar whore.

I went out to see Mrs. Bent, the landlady.

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