Fated To Love You Forever

Chapter Sixty One

Madison had never walked to work as fast as she did that morning.

After a long week, it was finally the last day of the month, and also payday for her.

She was so excited for all the things she would finally be able to get, and internally she had promised to treat herself to something really lavish when she finally got paid.

Maybe a baked strawberry iced cake would do some good to her sweet greedy tooth, or some chocolate chip cookies. She didn’t remember the last time she’d had those treats, and she certainly deserved it as she had been working so hard.

She smiled as she cornered into the street that would lead to her workplace.

The fact that she felt excited seemed strange to her suddenly, as Madison noted to herself that she couldn’t describe exactly how she felt right now.

She’d had such a shitty month, so it was nice to have something to look forward to, but even then whenever she recalled the threats lingering at her neck, her excitement died down instant.

Discarding those thoughts sneaking into her head, Madison decided to run the rest of the way to the bakery so she wouldn’t be late.

Sooner than she expected, she arrived at the bakery and rushing inside she quickly put on her apron, tying the belts speedily.

Today would be the worst day to be late for work, and she wouldn’t let anything put that long awaited pay in jeopardy, because even the slightest delay or mistake could cost her and she just couldn’t afford it.

The whole of the day, Madison concentrated on work.

She was more careful and efficient than she usually was, and sometimes she got too excited again that even at lunch she didn’t eat much of the snack she’d gotten.

Her stomach kept grunting hungrily in disapproval, wanting more but she didn’t care at all.

Finally, the day ran by speedily and work came to an end.

Slipping off her apron, she began to prepare to leave, not wanting it to seem obvious that she was waiting for the pay, but deep inside she really was waiting for her superior or manager to call her over and hand her the freaking money.

After some minutes she began to lose hope of getting the pay today as there was no signal, but then as the employees began to pick up their bags and purses, a rather odd bell rang signaling them to stop.

The manager of the large bakery walked in, and the first thing Madison noted in his hands were envelopes, and her heart soared to the ceilings. She stood, her fingers nervously clutching at her purse as she waited for him to get to her turn.

Realizing that the names of the employees were written at the back, she stood patiently knowing that eventually she would get her own enveloped wage.

She sighted her friend Gina standing all the way across the hall, and when their eyes met, she waved excitedly at her.

Madison only smiled and faced the manager once more, not wanting to loose any sight of him. She was more than glad that they were paid in cash and not cheques or withdrawal slips, as it would be easier for her that way, and she wouldn’t even have to stress herself at all.


For a moment Madison did not realize that she had been called, but when her surname was repeated again, she quickly rushed up to the manager to collect hers.

Her hands trembling, the feel of the envelope felt so unreal that it nearly brought tears to her eyes, but she blinked it away. This was the time to be happy and not sad, so she had to chill.

As soon as pay time was over, and the manager said a small speech, effectively dismissing the workers, Madison rushed outside to meet her friend. They had agreed to meet outside when work closed for the day, and squealing with excitement, they both tore their envelopes open and began to count the money.

When they were done they both faced each other, startled.

“Oh my goodness! He gave me extra. Is this for overtime or a mistake?” Madison asked, breathing out the words in surprise.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I don’t know what it’s for but I also got an extra too.” Gina giggled, and Madison overjoyed joined in the laughter too.

Madison couldn’t believe she had been given an extra, and this was her fucking first pay. She vowed to keep working as hard as she did, if it meant more extras as this was a good sign.

As Madison began to walk down the street to her house, Gina grabbed her arm, pulling her back. “Where do you think you’re going?” She laughed adding, “We have to celebrate! You can’t just head on home right now babe.”

“Celebrate? Right now?” Madison asked confused, as she was unsure of that plan, “Let’s leave it for another day, okay?”

“No, no, no.” Gina shook her head, “That won’t do. Come on, let’s go. There’s a three-star restaurant down that other street. Let’s have some good food for once, and not these carbs and canned food we eat every time. Bedsides if I recall correctly, you didn’t have anything to eat at lunch today. You barely munched on your pie.”

Madison laughed, considering it, “If I also recall you helped me finish the pie.”

“Yeah I did, which further emphasizes my notion that you barely ate. Let’s just go out and splurge on some cheat meals okay. The restaurant might not be all that five star, but it’s a nice upgrade.”

She didn’t remember the last time she had been in a restaurant, and remembering the exact restaurant Gina was talking about, Madison confirmed that it did seem a tad bit extravagant.

Why couldn’t they just wait, and then go to a restaurant they could afford later this weekend. Not like they couldn’t afford it now, but then she would have ran over her expenses and costs for the month and whatever was left would be used to go to wherever Gina suggested they go to.

When she told this to her friend, Gina in turn shot her a death glare and then her arm, “I won’t take your petty excuses because this time. Come on, let’s go. It’ll be fun, and we can use the extra tip we were given to fund this meal. Besides we don’t even have to order too much.”

Before Madison had the chance to complain again, Gina has already pulled her behind her, and they began heading to the restaurant which was close by.

It was full of people when they arrived, but there were lots of empty seats available too, and Gina still dragging her, took the both of them to one of the empty tables and picked up the menu.

When a waiter came to attend to them, Gina went on to list out the things they would like to have, and even though Madison felt quite uncomfortable and out of place initially, later on she slowly began to relax.

Gina squealed in delight when the waiter brought in their mouthwatering orders, earning a weird look from the waiter, and Madison just couldn’t stop her own laughter at the waiter’s expression.

The food smelled so good that they immediately dug in, after the waiter left.

“Anything else I can get you?” The waiter asked, when he came back to serve them some wine and holding her fork, Gina again came to the rescue with her response albeit sarcastically.

Staring thoughtfully at the waiter, “How about a tall glass of you?” She asked, sending a smirk his way.

Madison was so caught off guard that she literally howled with laughter, and Gina joining her immediately.

The waiter reddened in surprise, obviously embarrassed but saying nothing he quickly took his leave while Madison continued to laugh.

Gina liked to play weird jokes like this and it was always funny to watch, so it didn’t feel out of place for her otherworldly lousy friend.

Madison could also feel the stares of everyone in the restaurant directed at them, but she was so caught up in the moment that she didn’t care and turning back to face her friend, she urged her on as they both dug into their food together.

Chicken had never tasted so good to Madison as it did in that moment, and as they ate, talked and laugh she reveled in the sweet moment, having no care at all in the whole wide world.

As Gina made a toast to life and friendship raising her wine glass up, Madison felt something warm and fuzzy melt in her chest.

Just like she always noted, this was the nicest she’d felt in a very long time.

Here she was in a fancy restaurant, eating food she never thought she would eat again, and having fun with someone so close to her.

Someone she loved! And the best part was that she didn’t have to worry about anything at all.

She didn’t have to worry about the bills, because she had some money stacked to clear it all, and as for hanging threats, she was in a place filled with so many people so she had no reason to be scared at all.

Truly she couldn’t remember the last time she had been this free… this happy. Maybe when she had gotten the job at the bakery or when Alvarez told her some good news about himself.

As she thought about everything, her only wish was for this moment to last.

She laughed out loud in disbelief, still unable to believe everything that was happening. Her laughter slowly turned into sobs, and carefully Madison placed her spoon down on the table and placed a hand on her chest. Tears spilled from her eyes down to her cheeks, but she had never been happier.

“Madison?” She heard Gina call out.

Madison looked up to see that her friend had stopped eating and worry was now visible on her face.

“Are you okay, Madison?” Gina asked again, her hand coming up to rub Madison’s back and she nodded shakily, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand.

She didn’t need Gina to worry about something that wasn’t even so important, and she replied instantly, “I’m fine. It’s probably just my hormones messing with me. Believe me, it’s nothing.”

Gina extracted a small white handkerchief from her purse, leaning forward and helping her wipe her tears away, as she queried again, “Are you really okay, Maddie? I’m worried about you. You know you can talk to me right?”

Madison smiled nodding, “I know I can talk to you, but I’m fine honestly. I promise you that.”

“Okay then, if you say so.” She muttered, reaching out to squeeze Madison’s hand reassuringly, “Now, come on. This food won’t finish itself now or would it?” She prodded, gesturing to their plates and laughing, Madison picked up her spoon and the two women continued having their dinner.


Although his flight had been quite comfortable, Damien felt fatigued for some reason and his bones hurt as well.

He wondered if it was the effect of staying awake the other night, but still then he wasn’t sure.

He had taken a nap all through the flight, so he wasn’t all that sleep deprived at all.

He had already planned to exercise and visit the spa as soon as he settled in, and he won’t dare forget that. His aching bones acted as a sore reminder too.

He had arrived in London about an hour ago, and he had ordered his driver to take him to one of the hotels he owned in the city.

Surprising how he owned lots of five-star hotels, restaurants and outlets in London but he had never visited them because he did not want to go anywhere near London due to his haunting past.

He had always sent someone to oversee and manage the hotels, and report back on how they were faring, and so this would be the first time he would step foot in his own hotel.

He had already informed the manager of his arrival and they were awaiting him.

As soon as he arrived, he had been treated well as expected, and with his luggage taken up to his room, one of the hosts offered to give him a tour which he assented to quite instantly.

As he walked round the hotel, Damien nodded in approval. The hotel was packed, and bubbly and it showed that business was going very well.

They were doing a very good job so far, and he could see that he had not made a mistake in choosing his manager. His hotel was in very good hands, and he felt a tad bit proud.

Satisfied with his tour, he handed the lady host some bills as a tip, and when she saw the huge amount he had offered, she gasped out loud, thanking him profusely but he just waved her off.

Procuring the key card to his suite out of his pocket, he walked in finally to the room. It was big and comfortable enough, and Damien had no complaints whatsoever.

He quickly took off his jacket and slipped his shoes off, before lowering himself onto the bed, heaving in relief.

Comfortable already, he brought his phone out of his pocket and turned it on. It had been off throughout the trip and he had forgotten to turn it back on when he arrived.

There were messages from his mother and Alvarez, and he first replied his mother, letting her know that he had arrived in London about an hour ago and that he was safe.

When he had sent the message, he continued to scroll down and immediately frowned when he saw that he also had messages from Katherine.

For some reason, it dampened his mood and not wanting his mood to worsen further, he didn’t open the text, ignoring it as he read through Alvarez’s. When he was done, he immediately replied, also letting his best friend know he had arrived safely.

Sighing, he went back to Katherine’s messages and scrolling through his fingers kept hovering over it, hesitating to check everything. She had sent different messages to his different social media accounts, and then to two of his numbers.

For a moment he was tempted to read them all, but he suspected they would only put him in a bad mood and so he only tapped on one of the messages.

She had sent a full paragraph as usual and his eyes roaming through the content, he could see that she was lashing out at him, calling him ungrateful and selfish at the same time. The next message was full of accusations and questions as she asked why he had been ignoring her calls and texts, and Damien hissed in disgust, shaking his head.

This was how it always was with her. Everything was always about her, every single time. Why didn’t he call her? Why didn’t he text her? Why did he treat her badly…? Amongst other things. it was just always about her.

He was suddenly filled with anger as he wondered if she ever thought about him.

All the months they had been together she had never asked him how he was doing, how he was feeling whenever they had a fight or a disagreement, or even bothered to apologize first when she did wrong. It was always about her and her feelings, and as he began to realize all this, Damien felt nothing but despise and anger tear at him.

How had it taken him so long to realize that Katherine was nothing but a self entitled bitch? She only cared about her wellbeing and herself, but why the hell was this puzzling pieces coming out now?

All she ever wanted from him, was to eat his money, have sex and be the exact trophy girlfriend that she was. She was always willing to go to fancy dinners and events with expensive clothes he got for her, show off on the media, go shopping, and exhaust him sexually but apart from that nothing else.

She never asked what he wanted. He wondered why he had not seen all this before, as it was obvious in everything she ever did. She was the most self-centered person he had ever met, and it irritated him to the core.

In anger, he carefully began to delete all her messages one at a time, even the once he hadn’t read at all. Once he had discarded them all, he tossed his phone to the bed and sighed heavily.

Grunting, he slowly began to pull off his clothes, wanting to take a shower.

Maybe if he was done, and got something to eat then hopefully he would feel better.

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