Fated To Love You Forever

Chapter Sixty Three

“What are you doing here?” Madison gasped in surprise when she opened the door to see Gina standing in front of her door.

She didn’t have work today as it was the weekend so she wasn’t expecting anyone, and she had been surprised when she heard someone knocking at her door.

She had also been a little scared, but then it was broad daylight and the weekend too. All her neighbors were hanging around the front yard, and so so she confidently opened up.

Gina had a huge smile plastered over her face as she faced Madison, “What do you think? It’s morning, and I can visit my friends or can’t I? Have you also forgotten what we planned to do today?”

Madison laughed, shaking her head as she remembered that they had made plans to go out today, but she hadn’t expected Gina this early at all.

“It’s nine in the morning miss. Don’t you think it’s a little bit early?” She complained, rubbing her forehead and opening the door wider for her friend to come in but Gina just shrugged, “The earlier we leave, the better. Do you have anything to do today? Laundry, housework, cooking, I could help you out.”

Madison shook her head. She had done all of that already. She liked to finish all her chores early during weekends, so she would have just enough time for herself. Maybe read a book, or bake some cookies for herself, and just about anything that counted as self-care, in fact.

“Well then, let’s go.” Gina prodded, “I’ll help you pick out what to wear.” She added, moving to the wardrobe and picking out a pair of jeans.

As she began to select a top, Madison went into the bathroom to get ready. By the time she had showered and combed her hair, Gina had laid out her outfit on the bed.

Laughing, Madison quickly creamed her body, and putting on her clothes, she took out some money from her pay which she would use for shopping and slipped it into her purse.

When she was ready, she first went into the kitchen to serve her friend some of the chocolate chip cookies she had baked, and as they ate the snack with a glass of milk, they conversed at the same time.

As soon as they were done, they headed out into town.

Again this cloth shopping was courtesy of Gina, and when her friend had suggested they go shopping she had wholeheartedly agreed. All her clothes were now very old and worn out. Some new ones would be nice, and they would surely boost her confidence. They also wanted to get nice dresses for the outing they had planned, and what better time than now.

Weaving into stores, one after the other, they kept on searching for nice dresses to their taste. They had made some progress when Gina suddenly remembered a boutique down the street, and dragging an all to eager Madison they went down to the medium sized boutique.

From the front glass window Madison could already see outfits she liked, and squealing they both rushed inside.

As they began to look through the clothes in the boutique, Madison saw a dress she liked and she immediately held it up, loving the style of the black dress. She quickly put it aside as one of the dresses she would try on and as she continued searching, she suddenly had a cold feeling.

It was the same way she had felt, the day she had seen that strange man trying to take her picture. That feeling that she was being watched…

Quickly, her head snapped to the transparent window, and right outside the boutique she sighted a man across the road. He was seated outside a saloon- a pair of shades covering his eyes and a newspaper wide open in his hands.

She could not see his eyes through the shades, but his gaze was directly pointed at her and just as soon as their gazes met, he quickly looked down to the newspaper in front of him.

Madison felt a chill run down her spine, and she continued to stare at him. It was like déjà vu for her – once again she was being watched. She was so scared that her hands began to shake, her head spinning.

All she wanted was to enjoy shopping with her friend and nothing more, but now that had been surly disrupted. Shaking her head, trying to discard the scary thoughts she turned her gaze away from him and back to the dresses she had been checking out. Maybe she was just being paranoid. Maybe she was just thinking things up. Maybe she was just running mad, oh well!

At intervals, her eyes would move back, and sure enough he was still there in the same position, his eyes focused on the newspaper. She continued to stare intently at him, unable to shake the feeling that he was up to something. Something she had no idea off.

“Madison!” She suddenly heard her friend call out and started Madison turned, only to see that Gina had been waving her hand in front of her face the whole time. It was her voice that had brought Madison out of her reverie, and she exhaled bluntly.

“Are you good?” Gina asked, staring at her friend with a worried look and Madison cursed herself internally for losing focus.

If Gina began to suspect anything, she wouldn’t stop pushing until she got her answer, and honestly Madison did not wish to alarm her friend in any way so she shook her head negatively and lied through her teeths on reply.

“Y-yes… I’m good. I’m just staring at the dresses. They are just so pretty, and I’m so confused on which to pick.” She finished her lie with a light laugh, hoping she was sounding believable at least.

To make her point more clear, she held up the black dress she had been staring at previously, and another green one, sighing as she gestured to the two, “Well, I think I like these two.”

Gina seemed to buy her story because she suddenly began to laugh, “Wow they are so pretty, and I would be confused too. Maybe you should try them on. See which one looks better on you. That would help.” She suggested.

“Hmm…” Madison pretended to think it through, “I’ll do that. Let me just pick out a few more. I want to have a lot of options.”

“Okay, you do that then.” Gina said and when she was satisfied that Madison was okay, she went back to the other section and resumed her own search.

Madison relaxed a little, feeling a little guilty for lying, but also glad that it the situation been sorted out.

Taking deep breaths, she decided she would focus on shopping and nothing else. She was here to have fun and that’s exactly what she was going to do, so shaking all her fears off she faced the clothes in front of her and began to pick out a few more in her size.

She finally picked out a red dress she really liked, and calling out to Gina, she held it up in front of her. Her friend smiled widely, giving her a thumbs up.

As much as Madison tried to control herself, and focus on her shopping through, she couldn’t stop her eyes from moving back to the opposite side of the street.

Every single time though, after the last incident when their gazes had locked, the man was focused on the newspaper the whole time, and not even sparing a glance at her.

Madison began to wonder if she had just been overthinking it. Had she just been seeing things? Every time her eyes moved to the man, he was quietly reading the newspaper and flipping through the pages, and soon she began to feel guilty for suspecting him in the first place.

She was so scared nowadays that she began to think everyone was stalking her.

Shaking her head, she chided herself for reading meaning into everything and then with a smile, she tore her eyes from him for the final time, and continued her shopping.



Katherine had never felt as bitter as she did when she slid out of bed this morning.

She hadn’t had so much sleep either, as she had spent the entire night cursing and trying to call Damien again only to realize he had switched off his phone.

She still couldn’t believe what had happened. The events of last night continued to haunt her… replaying over and over in her head.

Damien had broken up with her… but why? How dare he?

What she expected from him was a long explanation and an apology, but he hadn’t even mentioned that he was sorry. Damien had dared to break up with her? No one was allowed to break up with her. No one! Not him! Not after everything she’d done, and the lengths she had gone to keep him with her still.


Raving, Katherine jumped up from bed and began to pace around the room. A notification pinged her phone, and in anger she picked it up not with the intent of reading instead she switched her cell off.

She needed to spend her day in peace without any stupid disturbances, and when she had switched it off, she tossed the phone back to the bed.

Not bothering to change or prepare for the day, she walked to the cabinet and took out the bottles of whiskey she had ordered to be brought and stocked in her room.

She quickly popped the first bottle open and drinking directly from the bottle, she took a long gulp, grimacing from the taste. But she liked the feeling of the drink burning her throat, and so she took longer gulps.

She kept doing this, until finally she had gone through the first bottle, finishing the drink without a single liquid remaining.© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

She tossed the empty bottle to the side and quickly opened the next one, and as she drank, Damien’s words continued to replay in her head.

“H-how dare that bitch…try to take my p-property…” She slurred angrily, her thoughts going to Madison as she took yet another gulp and staggered across the room.

She felt weak and her legs were shaky but still she continued to walk around the room, cursing.

She dropped the bottle when she felt her stomach start to churn, and rushing into the bathroom, she threw up all over the bathtub.

When she had emptied her guts and wiped her lips, staggering back to her bedroom, picking up another bottle and taking a long gulp from it.

Her hands shaking and her breathing ragged, Katherine paced faster across the room. She was so consumed by anger that her hands began to shake. Her head was also beginning to hurt and raising her fists, she began to knock them against her head violently, yelling out Damien’s name as she did so, scattering her hair and making a scene

Screaming, she rushed to her bedside mirror, “What the fuck does he see in her?” She yelled, staring at herself in the mirror, “I’m a hundred times better, smarter and prettier than that bitch! Just look at me. I have the curves, the looks of a model and every single thing that the bitch doesn’t have. Yet she walks around with that disgusting strawberry blonde hair, so thin and shapeless and she thinks she can take my man? I mean just look at me.” She gestured to herself in the mirror, “Damien should be fucking lucky to have me! He should freaking treat me like the queen that I am!”

She took another swig of her whiskey, “So tell me! Tell me what he sees in that woman from the past that he’s so bent on pursuing! What does she have that I don’t? I’m better than her, okay? I’ve always been BETTER and I always will be!”

Screaming and shaking her head violently, she swung her fist to the mirror, shattering it in one blow.

She was so numb from drinking that she could not feel anything, and her knuckles were already bruised from the dastardly impact, making blood spill from the wound but still Katherine continued to punch the mirror with both hands like she was a crazed person.

When all the glass had shattered to the floor and there was nothing else to break, she kicked the table in the room, making everything on top of it fall to the floor.

She let out another piercing scream, turning to the bed and kicking at it.

Destructive now, she began to tear at the room, shredding everything down. The pillows, the bedspread, the duvet. She moved to the closet next and grabbing out her clothes she began to rip them, still screaming.

She was causing such a ruckus that her screams began to attract attention from the other guests in the room, such that some of them had alerted security, and soon enough much to her annoyance someone began to knock on Kathrine’s door.

She didn’t answer the heavy bangs on her door, and instead she continued to destroy her room, pausing only to take another swig of her drink. Her legs were already numb, and at some point she would throw up, feeling the pain from her bruises course through her but she didn’t stop at all.

It was so much that the hotel security had to break the door down, when no one was answering and when it fell, lo and behold a sight awaited them.

Katherine completely oblivious to the people watching her, continued to tear down everything in her room, her fists coated with blood and bottles of whiskey lying across the room. In fear that she would harm herself further, the guards quickly rushed in and grabbing her, they began pulling her away.

“Leave me the fuck alone!” She yelled, struggling to get out of their grip, “Don’t touch me! Don’t you dare!”

She used her nails to continue to scratch at them, still yelling curses but they were too strong for her.

They finally managed to subdue her, even when she continued to struggle. Finally, she could feel herself become weaker by the second, as she felt light like she would faint any moment and give way to abyss…

“I’ll kill her…” She croaked, her knees giving way, “I’m going to…. fucking… kill her… I’m going to kill that bitch!”

As those words left her lips, Katherine fell out of their grip and finally collapsed in a pool of her own vomit.

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