Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 18

After that terrifying incident on the training field that night, Adrian seemed to be reclusive.

He only apologized for what happened the night after, but since then, he kept to himself and stopped coming afterwards. He told me he was sorry for making me afraid that night but stopped even looking at me. He chose to retreat to his chambers, only coming out when he was summoned for work. This left me bewildered and full of worry.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Days turned into nights, and still, Adrian remained secluded, avoiding any interaction with me. He didn’t need to explain what had happened that night as he looked visibly confused too after it happened, but with the way he behaved afterwards, it only made me wander. I couldn’t help but feel sad and confused.

Why was he pushing me away? What had happened when he was alone in his chambers? What had he made himself believe that justified for his behaviour to me after that night?

Each passing day only made me more concerned and I always found myself restlessly pacing the halls. My mind was filled with a bulk of unanswered questions. I wanted to understand, to help him through whatever had consumed him, but he remained closed off, hiding behind closed doors.

I thought of seeking him out, to confront him and demand an explanation for why he was behaving that way, but fear wouldn’t let me. What if I confronted him and he pushed me away even further? I knew deep down that he needed space and time to confront whatever he was facing.

Unable to bear the silence any longer, I confided in Jaxon.

“I need advice, Jax.” I started.

“What’s the matter?” He said, already attentive.

“It’s Adrian…”

“What about him?”

“Have you noticed anything strange about him recently? Like how he’s acting very strangely?”

“Not that it’s come to my notice…no. Why?”

“Jax, he’s ignoring me.”

“Why would he do that?”

“I don’t know. It was after that-” I quickly remembered Jaxon didn’t know about I and Adrian’s nightly meetings so I geared the conversation accordingly “I mean he normally greets me and we have light convos here and there, but now he’s completely secluding himself. He’s mostly in his chambers and occupied with work. I feel he’s intentionally doing so.”

“Maybe he’s just being careful and you’re misunderstanding him.”

“No, Jax.” I wanted to tell Jaxon about everything so badly, but I knew it would be risky, “Something’s wrong.”

“You know Tyler has been unbearably all up on his business lately…maybe that’s why-”

“No, that’s not it! Oh, just forget it.” I hissed to myself and palmed my face.

“Is there anything you’re not telling me, Lily?” Jaxon looked worried and suspicious.

“No…no it’s nothing. Thanks for listening.”

“Okay. Just, give him space if he wants it. Sometimes, dudes just want space and alone time. When he’s chill, he’ll come talk to you about it.”

What Jaxon told me made me patient. I understood Adrian had things to figure out himself but what I saw that night.. was it something he could figure out himself? He almost turned into a freaking werewolf and he couldn’t control himself.

Even if I tried to be less worried, the image of Adrian’s werewolf that night didn’t leave my memory.

Time passed, and I found distractions in the routine of my own duties in the grove. I wanted to keep my mind from constantly drifting to Adrian’s absence but no matter how occupied I kept myself, his absence weighed heavily on me.

Summoning every ounce of courage within me, one day, I stood outside Adrian’s chambers. I was able to get through the guards by bribing them with promise of more free time. The time for patience had passed; I needed answers. With a soft gasp, I pushed open the door and stepped into the room.

Adrian was sitting on the edge of the bed, his palms on his face. He turned to face me, surprised. I could see the torment etched on his face and how it could’ve been impossibly unbearable these past weeks he kept to himself.

“Adrian…” I said his name in a gasp and gulped hard. It was so hard seeing him again, after all these weeks I couldn’t.

His lips was slightly parted, as if he wanted to say something but no words came out.

“Why did you shut me out?” I asked, my voice wavering slightly, trying not to give away the emotions battling within me.

Adrian’s gaze met mine. They were filled with a mixture of regret and pain. He took a deep breath, “Lily, I… I was afraid. Afraid of what I might do to you.”

I was both confused and concerned. “What do you mean?”

“What I turned into that night…that wasn’t me. I have no idea what that was and it scares me.”

I got more fearful of what he was confessing to me and felt the urgency to be beside him, so I walked up to his front, “I know. I saw it in your face too once you transformed back. You turned into a-”

“Werewolf…I know…” The way he said it made me certain he couldn’t believe it himself.

“My dad succeeded then…” My heart broke as I said so.

“What?” He looked up at me, bewildered.

“When those healers transformed you into a Limean…”

“No.. no..” The more he spoke, the more I felt he was in denial of what was becoming the truth. “I’m a vampire. No werewolf ritual can turn me into anything else… I am what I am, and I am a vampire only.”

“But now you’re both.” I let out in a gasp. “A vampire and a werewolf. You’re a hybrid now, Adrian.”

His eyes seemed to dilute in colour as he slowly looked away from mine. The truth I had feared had now come to pass. We both wanted the ritual not to affect him in any way, yet, it still did.

“I’ve seen werewolves who go through that ritual and don’t survive – but you did. You’re now a hybrid, but my father doesn’t know this. He thinks he’s just surpressed your werewolf power and will but, he’s only heightened it and given you a double edged sword. You’re now two in one.”

I didn’t even know why what I said came easily out my mouth, despite the fact I was shocked to the core upon realising that, but Adrian was the one left completely shook.

He didn’t seem to believe it. He was still in denial.

“No, that isn’t possible.”

“It already is.”

“You won’t tell me who or what I am, Lily.”

He had stood up and looked squarely at me, the softness of his eyes, gone.

“Adrian, I know it’s hard for you…”

“Leave.. just go, please.”

I couldn’t believe he was pushing me away, yet again.

I wanted to say something when he abruptly held his stomach and fell to his knees. He made growl noises and I quickly held his shoulders tight.

“Adrian, are you okay? Breathe.. just breathe…”

His growling subdued but the pain in his face still showed. I held him tighter and made him sit on the floor, his back to the edge of the bed. I crouched beside him.

He looked weaker and conflicted, “What the hell is happening to me?”

“I’m sorry.” My voice broke.

“I thought…this isn’t even possible. What if I hurt you because I can’t control this?” He looked me in the eyes.

“You won’t. I’ll be by your side, I promise. I know this is much for you to digest but…I guess this is just how it’s going to be from now on. I’m really sorry.”

His eyes searched mine and then he looked away. I hugged him from the side and he rested in my embrace.

As we laid there, entwined in each other’s arms, a sense of worry settled within me.

What was going to happen from there on? Now Adrian had become a hybrid, would my dad find out? And once he finds out, what would he do to Adrian?

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