Forced by fate – Destined to be his Wife

Saturday Prt 1

TangShi was tired but pensively watching the door and checking her phone and watch obsessively. It was almost seven thirty and YuZhi hadn’t been in touch since he left for the airport before four pm earlier in the day. She had no idea if he was delayed or stuck somewhere.

“Girl, I love everything you create but that one is coming home with me.” Linlin gave her a nudge, pointing at a large painting in the center of the wall, hushing her voice so nearby lurkers wouldn’t know TangShi was the artist. Another pond scene, only this one had multicolor fantail goldfish that looked ethereal and magical like underwater sirens. A palette of pastel colors that gave a warmth like a summer day.

“This one is my favorite in the whole gallery. I’m sure you may have to fight me for it.” Rong Cai cut in, walking up behind them and Linlin gave him a side eyed squint. He had been hovering near TangShi all day and eavesdropping on any conversations she had looking for a way in.

“I’m a black belt in Taekwondo, I don’t think you really want to try me.” Linlin remarked haughtily, not liking this guy anymore since that night in the bar and no longer trusting him as far as TangShi was concerned. She got creep vibes the longer she knew him, and she had witnessed his eternal following around the gallery all day.

“Money speaks louder than punches, kiddo.” Rong jested, patting Linlin on the head and getting a glare of fury in return that could melt steel. Her temper rising because she hated people treating her like a child, based on her four-foot eight height. Not amused with this chump as it was and he earned himself another black mark.

“I’ll maim you if you do that again.” She stropped, spitting a snarky retort and TangShi had to pull her back and smile as though she was joking.

“Linlin is feral, excuse her. She bites.” She giggled nervously.

“Damn right she does, but that’s her sexiest quality.” A voice from further back drew both women to turn to see who it was and Linlin broke into a huge grin as ZhengLi swaggered towards them. Looking hot in washed out jeans, trainers, and a leather bomber jacket with a pair of shades sat on top of his head and that walk of a confident ‘dude’ who was used to being center of attention. Linlin couldn’t control herself and ran for him at speed, jumping into his awaiting arms and encircling him with legs, lassoing him around the neck for a welcome home kiss.

Sinking one on him that wasn’t appropriate for a public venue, but ZhengLi encouraged it by kissing her back and sliding his hands under her ass to keep her up while he devoured her. She too had been having serious withdrawals this past week without her man and yet had no clue he would come here today as he didn’t tell her. He was all about surprises.

TangShi squinted past them in excitement, not caring about their behavior as she was used to it now. Looking for YuZhi but as yet there was no sign of him, and she brushed past Rong and made her way to ZhengLi. All but ignoring the man who was craving her undivided attention and oblivious to his darkening mood.

“Where is he?” TangShi strained her neck looking towards the door and seeing no one new coming in. Her heart deflating with disappointment that maybe he sent ZhengLi instead. Confused as to why he would be here and YuZhi wasn’t.

“Behind you.” A voice right at her ear made her jump, her heart skipping a beat as she spun on the whisperer and squealed to see her own perfect lover in an outfit not all that different to ZhengLi’s. Obvious they both dressed causally to skip home for a night, and he looked swoon worthy and somehow Hollywood hot like this.

TangShi jumped into his arms, catching him around the neck and tugged him down to her face so she could kiss him with force. Overwhelmed with her happiness and smothering him with love, losing awareness of time and place and acting impulsively. YuZhi wrapped her up tight in an embrace and gave her a squeeze, kissing her with less passion than Zheng and Linlin’s due to him having more respect for art shows. Submitting to her sweet kisses and not really minding about the art lovers wandering around and throwing them snooty looks for their disruptive behavior. He indulged her, content with finally having her back in his arms.

Rong Cai scowled at them from his previous position, eyes narrowed in hatred and turned and stormed off in the direction of the adjoining hall. Knowing fine well sticking around would end in a scene because he was growing worse with the need to pull them apart. Temper riled once more and another reason to do something to get rid of YuZhi Leng from TangShi’s life.

“Come on, let me show you around. It’s closing soon and I want you to see all of it, not just mine.” TangShi slid her arm in YuZhi’s, leaning her head against him possessively, and gazed at him with adoration from her shorter height. Full of the joys of love and excitement and inwardly bursting with sunshine. Glad to be back with him while feeling like this was a dream and he wasn’t really here. He smelled of outside, and aftershave, and airport air, but he still felt too good to be true.

“Lead the way, baby. I’m all yours.” He slid his hand into hers without untangling her from him and wandered with her to the far corner where her work was displayed. Despite seeing a lot of her work firsthand at home or when she uploaded new pieces to her print shop, he still wanted to see them in this setting. Eyeing up a familiar framed picture as they got close, and he smiled brightly.

“Hey, you stole my favorite one.”

“Borrowed. And besides, yours was a print when I moved into the apartment, and you never noticed I replaced it with the real thing. So technically this is still mine.” She grinned at him.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Sneaky!! You’re really talented, Tang. There’s something about your work that stands out and you can always identify it among others. From the first time I saw something you painted; I loved your style.” He pulled her with him as he walked the length of the wall, admiring them all in the specialized lighting. Paying attention and taking real interest while mentally choosing which ones they were going to hang at home when this was over. He loved them all.

“You’re biased, like Linlin.” She pointed out, snuggling close and reluctant to be parted even for a second.

“I may be biased now but I liked them before I liked you.” He winked at her cheekily. “I’m serious. I would take all of them home if we had enough wall space.” He shook his arm out of her grip so he could slide it around her instead and tugged her in so he could kiss her on the forehead. Cuddling her into his body and continued walking her around.

“Dude, I’ll see you at the airport for the flight back. Don’t be late. Me and my wildcat have other things to do.” ZhengLi prodded him from behind, tugging Linlin with him and giving YuZhi a conspirational wink that hinted on what they were leaving for. Even TangShi caught on and blushed.

“Don’t YOU be late. Or I will leave without you and not cover for you.” YuZhi prodded him back in the shoulder and then nodded him away with some visual message passing between them that TangShi couldn’t translate.

“Sure, boss” ZhengLi saluted him with a mock bow then took off with Linlin waving wildly and blowing kisses TangShi’s way. She knew she was excess to needs now Tang had her boyfriend here and had much more fun things to be doing with ZhengLi while she had him home. Almost a week of being separated by a thousand kilometers was reason enough to drag him home and punish him for neglecting her and she had many fun and naked ways of doing that.

YuZhi admired every artist section in the gallery, aware they were on a time limit and turning down the offer of champagne from an attending waitress. He had plans of his own to wine and dine his girl after this and had to stay sober to drive so he could save them time.

TangShi didn’t notice the dark shadow who followed them around the hall at a distance. The way Rong’s eyes were glued to them in a spiteful manner as he observed their every move and interaction. Following them from room to room while thinking through all the ways he could ruin what they seemed to have together.

“It looks like they’re closing. Come on, you can buy me Xiaolongbao. I’m starving.” TangShi nudged YuZhi as she noted the main doors being latched to stop newcomers and leavers were being bid farewell as they were let out.

“Come on. I know of the perfect place that still serves until late.” YuZhi let go of TangShi and took her hand, walking them out in search of steamed dumplings without a backwards look at Rong Cai.

They bid farewells to the doorman and walked out into the unusually warm dark evening. It seemed peaceful in this area of Shanghai, and they were far enough from traffic to enjoy some subtle sounds of nature and domestic life of nearby buildings. It was somehow serene and added to the glow of happiness emanating from both of them. Walking with their entangled fingers, arms swinging between them merrily, like children, TangShi couldn’t help but admiring YuZhi dressed like this.

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