Forgive My Ex-husband

Chapter 52 The Gift

Chapter 52 The Gift

The dress looked even more alluring as the light hit hundreds of the tiny crystals sewn into the fabric. It

looked like the Milky Way was glittering all over Melinda’s body.

It hugged her every curve, the skirt flaring out at the bottom and swaying at her every step. Her figure

gave a sensuous edge to the dress, which was perfectly tempered by her naturally gentle demeanor.

She looked like an accidental temptress who was completely unaware of her lethal beauty.

Jonas was smiling when she walked out of the fitting room, but his eyes had a dangerous, hungry glint

to them.

"It’s so beautiful!" Melinda ran a hand over the bodice of the dress as she checked herself in the mirror.

It truly was a piece of art, and as she gazed at her reflection, she briefly fantasized that she was a

goddess who had descended upon the mortal world. This was without a doubt even more luxurious

than the previous dress.

When the couple returned hand in hand to the banquet hall, all eyes immediately fell on Melinda.

Women, in particular, eyed her with venomous envy, Yulia included.

She had fancied this very dress when she saw it on display, but she couldn’t afford it. It was, after all,

the only one of its kind.

She had not lamented the loss of the dress since she couldn’t help letting it go, but now the damn

dress was on Melinda, and so was everyone’s attention.

Melinda, on the other hand, was squirming inside. She wasn’t used to being the focus of such massive

and rapt attention. She felt awkward and embarrassed, and moved a little closer to Jonas.

He gave her hand a little squeeze. "Chin up, chest out, and smile."

His words lent Melinda some confidence, and she heeded his words. When they stood side by side,

they were the picture of a perfect couple.

To those who didn’t know Melinda personally, she had been nothing but a wife who was unloved by her

husband. But now people were doubting their presumptions, since there was no mistaking the doting

tenderness in Jonas’s eyes.

At this point all of the invited guests had already arrived, and the couple walked up to Nelson. The elder

was wearing a traditional red suit, which only served to emphasize his festive mood.

He was mostly pleased with the obvious affection between the young couple. Nelson took Melinda’s

hand and guided her around the room, taking his time in introducing her, with no small amount of pride,

to those in attendance.

By the time the evening was over, nobody would ever mistake Melinda as anything else but a beloved

member of the Gu family.

As the evening progressed, Melinda took Nelson aside. "Grandpa, Jonas and I have prepared a little

present for you."

She gave the old man a little secret smile, which only made him curious. Jonas nodded to a couple of

servants, and a painting was brought into the room. "It is but a small thing, Grandpa, we hope you

wouldn’t mind."

When the painting was unveiled, it arrested the attention of everyone in the room. Nelson himself was

wearing a pleased grin, and Jonas was beaming at Melinda.

It was clear that she painted it herself. The people milling around the painting began to praise her

talents, while the two men in her life were nodding contentedly behind her.

In a far corner of the room, Yulia was seething. She happened to also have prepared a painting for her

grandfather, only she bought the damn thing.

If she were to present it in the wake of Melinda’s ridiculous display, then she would only embarrass

herself. She couldn’t stand how things were turning out; even now that bitch was surrounded by


Yulia slowly approached the circle that gathered around the couple, and without any warning she

forcefully pushed the man near the front. The man lost his balance, and was soon hurtling towards


Jonas didn’t miss a beat. With a subtle movement, he swept Melinda to the side, out of the man’s way.

The poor man sprawled into the floor, and when he raised his head to try to get up, his face was red

with fury and mortification.

"Who pushed me?!" the man shouted as he looked back to where he stood only moments ago. The

people in that area only looked at each other; they hadn’t seen anyone push the man.

In the end they all tried to cajole him until his mood improved, and that small incident luckily didn’t

dampen the fun of the party.

Unbeknownst to everyone, there was someone who knew who the culprit was. Jonas saw everything

that transpired, and he glared at the direction where Yulia excused herself.

Beside him Melinda was shaking a little. She had a fairly good idea who might have pushed that man.

There were very few people who would love to see her make a fool of herself in public after all.

Jonas tightened his hold around her waist. "Stay with me."

As much as he wanted to take Melinda away from any further mess, there were still a good number of Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

people that needed to be greeted for tonight.

He stirred his wife among the throng, and this arrangement brought great comfort to Melinda’s nerves.

It was a brief respite, however, because it was soon time for them to dance the first dance. Melinda’s

nerves began to spiral again; she didn’t want to make any mistakes and drag Jonas into an

embarrassing spectacle she might orchestrate.

Fortunately for her, there was nothing to worry about at all. Jonas was a splendid dancer, and he led

Melinda with ease. They were a sight to behold, a beautiful man and woman swaying with grace and


While seeming unperturbed, Jonas was in fact feeling on edge since earlier that night. Now that

Melinda was in his arms, he could barely contain himself.

His wife, on the other hand, was keenly aware of all the stares from their audience. By the end of the

dance her face was blushing a furious red in the midst of everyone’s applause.

Jonas hadn’t let go of her yet, and she grabbed the opportunity to bury her face in his chest.

She felt the deep rumble of his quiet laughter. He perched his chin on top of her head. "What’s this, are

you shy?"

Melinda knew he would only tease her about, so she immediately stepped back even though her face

was still burning. "No, I’m not. I’m just tired! My feet hurt, let’s head inside."

She was looking a little sulky again, and Jonas felt an irresistible urge to kiss her pouting lips. His

grandfather’s laughter thankfully pulled him back to his senses, and he offered his hand to Melinda and

walked her off the dance floor.

When they returned to Nelson’s side, the people flocked to them yet again, gushing about how

perfectly suited they were with each other. The elder man was grinning with pleasure the entire time.

Meanwhile, in another part of the mansion, Yulia stormed into her bedroom. After that failed fiasco, she

made a few brief greetings for formality’s sake, and then retired for the night.

The servants she ran into all scurried away when they caught sight of her thunderous face. They were

well aware just how monstrous her temper could be.

The moment her bedroom door shut she started throwing things, her muffled screams still audible

through the empty hall.

When she was done, she plopped on her bed. Her pillows and doll collection were all strewn across the


To say she was angry would be an understatement. Yulia was consumed with envy and fury. Tonight

was supposed to be the time she knocked that bitch Melinda off a few notches, but the complete

opposite happened.

Now Melinda was in the limelight, and she was again brushed off to the side, where she had been all

her life. She grabbed one of her pillows and smacked it with her fist. "Melinda that bitch! She has to


Yulia had a maniacal look on her face; whatever sweet, gentle facade she wore in front of others was

long gone. Her hair was a mess from where she pulled during her little rampage.

Her clutch on the pillow was getting firmer and tighter as she fantasized about making Melinda

disappear, when a sudden knock on the door pulled her out of her trance.

"Who is it?" she yelled.

There was a pause from the other side before a smooth male voice answered. "I am someone who has

known about you for a while now, Miss Gu. I was hoping I might finally make a friend today."

There was a charismatic touch to his voice, and Yulia hesitated only for a moment before clearing out a

path in her whirlwind of a room and making a little effort to tidy her hair.

After all that had transpired that evening, she was no longer expecting anyone to notice her, let alone

come after her.

She opened the door to a tall young man. He was dressed in a black suit, which complimented his

figure and straight posture very well. He had a gentle smile, the reassuring kind, the kind that made

people like him after the first meeting.

He was holding a small box in one hand, and as he turned to Yulia, she noticed a hint of shrewdness

dancing in his eyes, hidden ever so slightly beneath his glasses.

"Miss Gu." He gave a little bow in greeting. "How gracious of you to accommodate me under these

unexpected circumstances. This is a present for you, I hope you will like it."

He handed it to Yulia, grinning as the girl’s eyes lit up.

"Thank you, but I’m afraid I cannot take it," Yulia said demurely, fluttering her lashes in an effort to

appear timid and reserved. In truth she was itching to snatch the box and pry it open.

"Oh dear," the man said with a feigned frown, completely in synch with the little game the girl was

playing. "Well I got it especially for you. If you will not accept it then I fear I wouldn’t know what I’m to

do with it."

Despite herself, Yulia felt flattered, and a little blush crept onto her cheeks as she reached for the box.

"Well, we can’t have that, can we? Come in and take a seat."

He strode into the room with the air of an elegant rich man used to getting his way. He seated himself

on a small sofa in the corner, and Yulia sat on a chair across him. She opened the box, and in it a

dainty bracelet was nestled. "I love it! Thank you," she sighed, and hurriedly fastened it around her


She admired it against her skin for a few seconds before collecting herself. "I’m sorry, you said you

know me?"

"I do," the man flashed another of his smiles. "You rather surprised me back there at the banquet." He

was sitting with his legs crossed, one arm draped over the back of the sofa.

The way he was leaning back had a languid quality to it, and Yulia couldn’t help but ogle the man. Not

only was he handsome and charming, but he was openly expressing his interest in her.

This man obviously had perfect taste, seeing as how he wasn’t swayed by Melinda’s good two shoes

facade. It had been a while since Yulia last enjoyed this kind of attention, and she was going to milk

every last drop.

"You seem to be in a bad mood, yes?" the man asked. The question made Yulia recall all that

happened, starting with the ruined dress.

She grimaced, then quickly smoothed her expression and gave him a fake little grin as she shook her

head. The man pounced on that little play on her face.

"You know, just because you’re a female, it doesn’t mean you should go to great lengths to cover up

how you feel. Being angry is a matter of course. It’s bad if you bottle up your emotions. Well, I’m not

exactly sure if my words can lend you some comfort, but let me tell you something interesting."

The man settled on the sofa and began telling stories that amused Yulia. He was charming, and clever,

and she hung to his every word.

They were interrupted when the man’s cell phone suddenly rang. He raised a finger to excuse himself

and glanced at his phone’s screen.

"I’m terribly sorry, Miss Gu, but I’m afraid my friend wants to see me immediately." He rose from his

seat, and so did Yulia.

He took her hand and gave it a little peck. "It’s been such a pleasure. I hope we meet again soon." And

with that, he left the room, just as suddenly as he’d entered it.

Yulia followed him to the door and stared at his retreating back, feeling no small amount of regret at his

departure. She milled about her doorway for a few moments, biting her lip, before deciding to head

back down to the banquet hall.

The party was lively as ever. Melinda and Jonas were seated at a chaise longue near the French

windows, taking some respite from all the mingling and socializing.

Jonas had been especially attentive to his wife, holding her glass for her when necessary. Their

intimacy sparked in anyone who was watching.

The moment Melinda caught sight of Yulia striding back into the hall, she unconsciously grabbed at

Jonas’s sleeve. He turned to her, saw her wide and alarmed eyes, and then turned to see what put her

in such a fit. His sister was stomping her way around, her face wearing a mask of brood as she

scanned the hall.

Yulia was looking for her mysterious night guest. She had gone over the faces in attendance twice now,

and she still did not find him.

Was it all an illusion? Was she so angry that her mind started to play tricks on her? But the bracelet

around her wrist was proof she hadn’t been imagining the rendezvous.

Feeling defeated, she walked to the edge of the hall, wandering aimlessly until she found herself in

front of one of the large windows that opened to the garden outside.

'He said he was leaving to meet with his friend. If they aren’t here in the banquet hall, then he must be


She sneaked her way out, careful not to get noticed by any of the guests. She went past the garden,

and was nearing the gates when she finally saw him.

She made no attempt to hide the fact that she had been looking at him, and came up to him with a

small, expectant smile.

"Why are you out here?" the man asked.

"It’s too stuffy inside," Yulia answered with a stupid grin.

They both know it was a poor excuse, but Yulia didn’t offer to elaborate further, and the man didn’t

bother to question her either.

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