Thirty One

Sounds of plates and trays dropping at different tables filled the atmosphere of the busy restaurant, classy men and women ate mildly. The restaurant was quiet but also a little noisy.

Janis and Jax continued to eat their lunch calmly, there was grave silence at the table although Jax could perceive that Janis had a thousand unspoken words. She had her eyes more stationed on Jax than the lunch in front of her.

Her eyes kept examining him again and again, when she notices his eyes slowly boring into hers, she withdraws and throws her gaze down to her food.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

She was famished to see Jax all decked up in wealth, the question of how he became so big and rich continued to hurl up inside her. Janis couldn’t help but admire him at every chance she gets.

Jax on the other hand was still very focused on his lunch but he also caught her eyes fixed on him a few times. He could see through her self control, the self control that held her from asking the questions she had on the inside.

Jax paused his lunch and glanced at Janis. “Is there something you want to ask? Because you have been restless ever since you got here” Jax said.

Janis frowned at his choice of words, ofcourse she was restless but should he shove it in her face?

“You can ask me anything, I have nothing to hide” Jax placed his elbows on the table and fixed his gaze at Janis.

Since she has gotten permission to ask then there was no point in keeping the questions to herself.

“Well I’ve just been curious about everything I’m seeing, like how did it happen? Where did you get all the wealth and riches from in the space of 2 years” Janis raised her head and let the questions flow out of her mouth like a running river.

Jax burst into laughter on hearing her questions, he always knew she would ask him how he got all the money.

“Are you sad or offended that I’m no longer the poor person you knew back then?” Jax smirked and continued to dig into his half eaten lunch.

A creased frown formed on the forehead of Janis, she became annoyed and perplexed to hear Jax speak like that.

“I didn’t care if you were” Janis replied angrily, the frown on her face was still very much visible.

Jax noticed the irritated look on her face, he felt remorseful for speaking to her like that so he cleared his throat and attempted to dish out an apology.

“I’m sorry…” he murmured. The least he could do was to be on good terms with Janis at the moment. He wanted to shove all the wealth in her face but he wasn’t that kind of person.

As they continued to eat, their eyes met unexpectedly, without wasting more time they would stop staring into each other’s eyes and act like it never happened. Jax had the intention of flaunting his newly acquired wealth initially but all that mattered to him now was his son Jerome.

“Well… my father is a populous business tycoon, I’m sure you’ve heard of Leo Storms. He is my father and his wealth now belongs to me” Jax spilled the beans to Janis. Her jaws dropped when she heard the shocking revelation.

She began to process all she had heard but still, it was too difficult to phantom. Leo storms is a huge figure, much more bigger than the Walters at large.

Janis knew that it would be a miracle if she was to sign a deal with Leo storms, it would be a breakthrough to Walters corporation.

Who knew Jax had a wealthy father? a man 10x wealthier than her… Janis thought to herself.

“Wow that’s really amazing, I’m really happy for you” Janis cried in delight, hearing the news made her happy.

Jax felt completely irritated, he could see nothing but fake smiles, He had the feeling that Janis was just trying to be nice so she wouldn’t look like Stravis who insulted him and spat words of mockery at him. When people came to an understanding that Jax was now a wealthy billionaire, they treated him better, probably because of what they would get from him or because they wanted to be liked and appreciated by a billionaire. That was all Jax read about Janis at that moment.

“Just cut the bullshit please, I’m not in for your fake congratulations, that’s how you proud people behave. You despise people when they have nothing and then when they finally become successful you come back with a fake smile on your face”


“Don’t bother”Jax interrupted. “I’m only here because of one reason, I organized this lunch meeting to speak to you about my son; Jerome” he added.

“Ok, what do you want?” Janis ignored his distasteful attitude and waited patiently for a response to her question. Janis felt hurt but not surprised, ofcourse he feels Stravis and Janis were the same. They both flaunted their wealth on his face when he had nothing and they were both related.

Irregardless of all that, Janis knew deep down that the conversation about Jerome was more important. She needed to hear him air out his mind concerning Jerome, the last thing she wanted was to see him take Jerome forcefully therefore any request of Jax must be granted. If Jax takes them to court, their long hidden secret would be revealed to the world. Everyone would know that Janis has a child and she got intimate with Jax storms.

“I want to see my son every week” Jax uttered plainly. He was ready to take drastic decisions if she refused.

Janis nodded in agreement, if that’s all it would take to keep whatever was going on a secret then she definitely wouldn’t disagree.

She dug her hands into her handbag and pulled out her personal card. The card had details of her phone number and her house address.

“Here is my house address” Janis handed it over to Jax and closed up her handbag.

“But I won’t be home everyday, my free days are Wednesday, Fridays and Sundays. Those are the only days you would be able to see Jerome” She added.

Jax agreed, all he ever wanted was to keep his son close to him and that’s what he would do.

“Thank you so much for the lunch, if that’s all I’ll be leaving now” Janis facials were masked with a beaming smile, she stood up and ambled her way out of the restaurant.

Jax’s eyes bore into her as she walked out of the restaurant, he couldn’t help but smile. For some reason he found Janis as a very interesting woman.

He would be delighted to study her and get to know her better but unfortunately he didn’t have the time to familiarize himself with Janis. This wasn’t his main aim, all he ever wanted was to get closer to his son and not Janis therefore every feeling of wanting to socialize must be put to a stop.

Jax stood up and walked over to the reception table to pay for the lunch, he pulled out his ATM card and handed it over the staff. The same staff who came to serve lunch and began to flirt with Janis, Jax shot the young man dagger stares and pointed at him.

“If you ever try that nonsense stunt you pulled out here, I’ll make sure you loose your job” Jax warned, his tone was harsh and deadly.

The young man apologized and dropped his gaze to the floor, remorse and fear was written all over him.

After paying for the dinner Jax sauntered out of the restaurant and into his car, whilst driving his mind wondered back to the moments Janis smiled. He tried to erase her smile from his memory but it was stuck, her beautiful facial kept popping up on Jax’s head.

“I would really love to get to know who Janis really is” Jax said to himself. He kept his eyes on road as he maneuvered the steering.


My heels married the tiles of the office floor as I ambled my way into the company, I was fully ready to take back my company from Stravis.

As usual I waved to the cheerful greetings of my staffs and walked right into my office to meet Stravis, twisting and swerving herself on my office chair like she owns the place.

She scowled at my appearance and stopped swerving. “What is it? What do you want?” she asked.

“I want my company back, leave” I ordered and dropped my handbag at the office table.

“It’s no longer your company, go and take care of your son, he needs you more” Stravis spoke with so much displeasure.

“Don’t make me repeat myself Stravis” my blood began to boil, seeing how stubborn and wayward she gets agitates every being of me.


“Leave!!!” I yelled.

” if you don’t leave before the count of ten you’ll loose your job as manager of this company and I’ll make sure to give you a job lower than that of my staffs” a blaze of indignation burned furiously in my eyes.

Antagonized by my threats, Stravis picked up her belongings angrily, gave me bloodshot glares and slammed the door on her way out.

She is so lucky that we are sisters, if not I would have fired her from the company and never give her a job here again. I am the rightful heir to this corporation, no matter how much Stravis tries she can never take over except I willingly give her the company.

Seeing her rude and stubborn self claim possession of my property irks me all the time, she just doesn’t know when to quit.

Now I see Jax’s frustration, Stravis has painted the whole family black, now Jax thinks we act alike.

Stravis has this domineering spirit and I find it very pestering, she does whatever she likes and expects everyone else to play along, not here and not in my company.

One day I’ll teach her a lession if she keeps up with this attitude of hers, the only reason why i haven’t fired Stravis was because she was my sister, very soon that grace would expire if she doesn’t comport herself.

I wasn’t even faking the smiles I gave him, I was sincerely happy for him. Just when I was thinking about making him rich and presentable he came back wealthier than I am.

I picked up my phone and glanced at Jax’s unsaved number, I didn’t save his number initially because I didn’t want to get familiar with him but since he was going to be visiting regularly then it wouldn’t hurt to save it.

I edited his number and saved it as JAX STORMS.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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