His Mafia Bride

Save her at all costs


Everywhere was dead silent, the only sound being made was my shoes which paced around the tiled floors of my office. My anger was rising with each nano second and a bomb was ticking in my head.

My sleeves were folded up to arms length and my shirt had a few buttons loose.

“Dante can you just relax for a moment?” Luca suggested. Luca, Enzo and Fabio were with me in my office, watching my sanity drain out with each passing moment.

I snapped my heated orbs to face him. “I should relax?” I rhetorically asked, walking over to him.

“That bitch, that whore escaped and you are saying I should relax!?” I boomed, my Adams apple gobbling.

It has been three fucking days since Alina escaped and I had not gotten any information about her whereabouts.

It is like she just disappeared into thin air. I wanted to find her and bring her back so I can melt out my anger on her.

She can’t escape from me so easily.

Luca sighed and moved away from me.

“Atleast you’ve found the maids. So just relax” Enzo butted in.

The maids were not hard to find. My men were diligent in fishing them out. They are currently locked in the cellar and I’ll deal with them later but Alina’s case is so difficult to wrap my head around.

My guards have interrogated and tortured them countless times to divulge Alina’s whereabouts but they keep on crying out that they have no clue.

The first place Alina could have ran off to could be her father’s abode in this city but she surely knows that would be my first guess. So I doubt she went there.

Fuck. Alina outsmarted me once. She can’t outsmart me again.

She just can’t. She can’t disappear into thin air.

That whore is hiding somwhere.

But where!?

“Fuck Goddamit!” I exclaimed, my veins throbbing with anger.

“Those maids are nothing. I need Alina. The only reason I had them brought back is to teach them a severe lesson, one they wouldn’t forget in their entire lives. If they survive my wrath” I seethed, clenching my fists in anger.

Suddenly my phone rang. I swiped it up from the table it laid on and accessed the caller.

It was an unknown caller. And more strange, the person was requesting for a video call.

I didn’t hesitate to answer.

“He..” I was about speaking when I caught sight of a scene that got my eyes widened.

“Dante!” Alina cried out to me from the phone. Her voice got the attention of my capos and they rushed to my side.

“What?…” Enzo whispered. The scene had left them stuperfied and they were all speechless.

Alina was bounded by her feet and legs, she was tied and crying in the middle of a room.

“Alina? Is that you?” I asked, my eyes unable to believe what it saw.

“Yes it’s me. Please come save me please” Alina cried. She looked so bruised up. The rag that her dress had become did little justice in covering her entire skin.

Dirt coated her features like a second skin and her hairs were greatly dishevelled.

Infact she looked worse than she was when she was locked up in my cellar.

Where the fuck was Alina? And who tied her up?

“Alina where are you?” Fabio quickly asked.

Concern was written all over the faces of my capos.

Alina had somehow created a soft spot for herself in the hearts of my capos.

These men were vile and ruthless men who dealt with arms and blood but before Alina, they usually became as gentle as doves.

“I-I am at….” Alina was interrupted when a distinct gruff male tone came into the conversation.

“Hello Dante” Nikolai came into my sight.

My fist clenched tighter in an instant the moment I saw him.

I should have known. She was with her goddamn father.

But then why was she tied up?

“What do you want you motherfucker?” I seethed.

Nikolia chucked and walked towards Alina. “Easy with your words boy. It could cost you dearly”

What was going on between these two?

The soft clicking of heels came into limelight too. It was his eldest daughter, Leila.

We all watched in apprehension.

“Oh finally the lover boy has been contacted” Leila gave a cackle.

“Did you call me to waste my time?!” I yelled, irritated at them all.

“Control your tongue boy! Else your wife will pay!” Nikolia threatened, yanking a fistful of Alina’s hair causing her to yelp in pain.

Was he now threatening me using his own daughter? This is ridiculous.

“You are a pathetic Nikolia. Do whatever you want to do with Alina. I give no fucks. Tell me why you fucking called me else I’ll hang up” I laughed.

“Dante please save me from this man” Alina cried out again, fear in her features. I could see that she was trembling.

“Shut the fuck up bitch!” Leila slapped her.

That earned her a shocked gasp from us all. What were they doing to Alina?

My heart raced for a moment but I composed myself and masked it.

“Dante your wife has said it all. Come save her from our clutches” Nikolia devilishly smiled.

I was so confused. “I should come save Alina from her you, her father? You all must think I’m a baby that was born yesterday. I will haunt you all I swear with everything in me and I’ll kill you Fedorovs!” I spoke angrily yet very confused.

“What sort of a dirty trick is this Nikolia?” Enzo spoke up.

“It’s not a trick. Please. Someone should come save me. This man here will kill me!” Alina trembled and cried even harder.

“Alina you are still a very devious liar. What new plan is this now? You want to lure me into your trap once again by playing the victim card. You and your father must be very foolish” I spat at her.

“If I were you, I would listen to your wife handsome” Leila gave me a lopsided grin before punching Alina on the nose.

“Alina!” I exclaimed before I could even stop myself. My capos were horrified at the gruesome treatment Alina was recieving from her father and sister.

Alina howled in pain, blood dripping from her nostrils.

“What the fuck is going on!?” I raged, seriously hot under my collar.

“Tell him pretty girl” Leila scowled before punching Alina once again.

My rage flamed up and my blood toppled.

“D-dante… he is n-not m-my father” Alina could barely speak.

“What?” I whispered.

“What nonsense is this Nikolia?!” I faced my attention at Nikolia.

“The fucking truth” Nikolia replied and I could tell he wasn’t bluffing.

“She is not my daughter neither is she a Russian to begin with. Alina is a pure Italian, picked from the streets of italy when she was but a young child. I sent this nicompoop to infiltrate your mafia but guess what she did, she fell for you instead and totally took your side. Foolish girl!” Nikolia growled before slapping Alina fiercely.

Alina fell back, coughing repeatedly.

My anger seared my heart and my knuckles tightened so hard that they could turn white.

At the same time I was shocked.

I lost my voice and my heart beat raced for its summit. It dawned on me that Alina was saying the truth all along.

“Ha! She is innocent. I knew it all along!” Enzo exclaimed, triumph ringing in his tone.

“Hate yourself now bastard” He added, glaring at me.

Pain brewed up in my chest and guilt overwhelmed me.

I can’t believe I almost killed Alina when she was nothing but innocent.

Guilt was an understatement of what I was feeling right now.

I felt like a fool once more.

I mean what was I thinking in sending my own wife down the cellar?

I hated myself at this moment.

My wife was framed up by the motherfucker she looked up to as her father. And I stupidly believed it all.

I’m such a big fool.

And the fact that she is also Italian!?

Want the actual fuck!

“Look at your pretty wife Dante..” Leila scowled dragging Alina up to face me.

Alina was barely conscious. Her face wreaked of blood and her breathing was rapid.Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

The sight had my stomach churning.

Anxiety and fear gripped me. My heart slammed repeatedly and a bitter gal rose up to my throat.

“I will do more than damaging her pretty face” Leila gritted and was about raising her fist when I yelled.

“Don’t you dare touch Alina!” I thundered, my gaze bloodshot at her.

“Loverboy” Leila taunted with a smirk before letting Alina fall back to the hard floor.

“I promise you will pay for every blood she sheds” I savagely told Leila.

“Enough of all these. Let’s settle these shits once and for all. I give you just twenty four hours to turn yourself in. Else I’ll kill your pretty wife and rip out the foetus growing in her” Nikolia blurted to my surprise.


“Alina is pregnant?” I asked no one in particular.

“Your foolish wife is pregnant. She confessed it herself. Now her life and the life of your unborn baby is in your hands.

You know my abode. Bring your goons let’s end this once for all. Heads shall roll” Nikolia spoke underneath his breath before hanging up.

“Goddammit!” I yelled punching the wall until my knuckles bled. How could I have been so careless and foolish?!

My inhumane treatment led Alina right to the den of that devil. Would she ever forgive me?

I tortured my pregnant wife for something she never did.

Tears brewed up in my eyes and I struggled to control my emotions.

“What’s the plan Dante?” Luca was the first to speak up.

I stared at all my capos dead in the eye and my thoughts ran wild.

“Do whatever it takes to save Alina” I replied, my demon out and ready to spill blood.

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