His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies

Chapter 365

Chapter 365

Chapter 365


“I don’t know if anyone has ever told you this before-but you look ridiculous.” I shook my head disapprovingly, looking at Beau, who had his two toddlers seated on his lap.

I guess it was selfish of me to say, but I missed the good old times when my friends didn’t have any dad duties. Most of them had children, while it felt like I was stuck on the same level with my life not going anywhere.

“Not half as ridiculous as you driving to that thing’s house last night to make amends.”

“Really funny.” I rolled my eyes. “Her name is Aria, and she is the one that apologized to me.”

“I don’t understand why you’d want to listen to a single word she had to say,” Beau said. “Especially after the way she talked about Serena.”

“I know she’s said many questionable things, but she’s not that bad.”

Aria was crazy. I had concluded that a long time ago, but yesterday after seeing the tears streaming down her face, I felt terrible for her and could tell she honestly had no idea her actions had been disrespectful.

I wanted a peaceful marriage, and I wanted to be on the same page. Aria showing me she was willing to listen and communicate had changed my opinion about her. She would only be my wife in name, not in heart-but that did not mean I didn’t wish for us to get along.

“And what’s up with all these moving trucks.” Beau sighed. “Are you sure it’s just her and not her entire family?”

“No, not her family.” I scratched my head. “Just her maids, bodyguards, chef, driver, gardener-

“Yeah, yeah-I get it.”

“Emma, Ethan?” I leaned forward, smiling at the two toddlers who stared at me with wide eyes. “Do you think uncle Vince should get married?”

“Yes!” The two spoke, earning a scoff from their dad. “They don’t know what you’re talking about, and these two say yes to anything.

He had always been an honest person and had no problem telling me I was wrong. Also, this time he believed I made a big mistake in trusting Aria and trying to make this marriage work.

Unfortunately for him, I needed Aria to bring my family back on top. No matter how much I wanted to deny it, she was of value to me.

“Are you taking them back home later?” I smiled at Emma and Ethan, who rested their heads against their dad, yawning simultaneously.

“I’m dropping them off at my parents, so ‘’you know who can pick them up from there,”


“Because I don’t want to see her.” Beau pulled a disgusted face, refusing to call Isobel by her name. “And I’m pretty sure she’s been stalking me.”

I’m pretty sunworn cheebeen looking out for you. I gave my opinion. “She never broke up with you. You

roke up with hich

That’s why being in love with someone to the point you couldn’t think clearly before knowing they’re safe was a curse. That he be di ti ke that with Serena, and even though my feelings weren’t fully there

anymore—Ï ouldn’t stop caring dget beher.

Did she get enough sleeph

id she eat etough

she happyt

» Christian treating her wrti:||:

Those were only natural fedlings.

erena was the sister of my ben friend ac and he wife of my other, meaning it wasn’t

iscuss so freely. I had to deal with these findings on ay na

I believe you should at least try to be on oppicaling terms with her-because it’s not about

eelings. I gave my two cents. It’s about these canidres

Ah, the children!” Beau cackled, squeezing that two on his lap. “Since you’re such a family guy-why- ou go and make one yourself?”,

No thanks, I’ll have to pass.

Doesn’t Aria want children?” He shrugged. hitaying g

This marriage will be strictly business. I reminded had no intentions of starting a family with Aria -and I still had no idea for how long whatever we were de duing would last.

How do you feel about getting back to work? Bea asked her the wedding—right?”

Yes, I kept it short. Perhaps I was still being a bit petty over bhim choosing to work for Christian over me. We had been friends for a long time, and after Lhad awoked troiromynty com—I had expected him to stand y my side, but he didn’t.

le patted me on the shoulder, told me he was happy I was alive and moved on with his life.

That’s good.” Beau nodded. “Serena is also happy for you.”

Hey, Vince, what’s up, Beau!” Luis barged through the door mopeven giving us as much as a single glance.

have a lot of homework-so I’ll catch you later!”

Did you see that?” I spoke, shocked. “Luis, come here and groet our guest with empect!”

wasn’t trying to be hard on him, but many families weren’t that fond of of which was why I didn’t want a gave them the slightest reason to prove their points.

deep breath left Luis’ mouth, but he eventually turned around and ran over to give de Beaua quick hug. ‘s good to see you” He said. “Emma and Ethan just keep getting bigger and bditges,

Es good to see you too, Luis.”

“What’s that behind your back?” I noticed the large envelope he was hiding.

Luis jaw tightened as he stepped back, frightened. “Oh, nothing.” He spoke, trying to make his exit. “It was really good seeing you, but I should really get to my homework, so—”

“Luis!” I raised my voice which was something I didn’t have to do often.

My eyes softened as my brother’s shoulder’s dropped. “Yes?”

“Give me the envelope.” I stuck out my hand, wondering what the big deal was, Knowing Luis, it was most likely some certificate for being the best student in school.

1 accepted the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper, but it was not the certificate I had expected to see. No, it was far from that.

It was his report card, filled with D’s and F’s, leaving me completely puzzled.

“What is this?” I hammered, still trying to figure out the situation.

Luis stretched his arms behind his head, sighing as if nothing had happened. “It’s just for this semester and-

“No, I don’t understand!” I threw the piece of paper onto the table. “What is it that you’ve been doing instead of studying?”

Luis lowered his head, not having any more excuses to fool me. Was this because I hadn’t been paying enough

attention to him?

“Is it because of those video games? Do you need me to empty your room?” I questioned. “Do you need me to homeschool you? Do I need to sit at the table and watch you study for you to get decent grades?”

“Dude, calm down.” Beau tapped my arm, whispering. “You’re embarrassing him.”

“Embarrassing him?” I said out loud. “He’s the one embarrassing me!” Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

I had protected him and stuck up for him after only uncle Bruno, but also Aria had warned me about his gaming devices. How would I even explain this?

My wish for Luis was to go to the best university and to get out of this hell hole, so he didn’t have to deal with the organization. I had different plans for my little brother, big plans-and those plans did not include a report card full of below-average grades.

“I’m sorry.” Luis apologized just above a whisper, not daring to look up.

“Luis, what happened to your grades?” I was determined to get to the bottom of this. These grades_a- are you stupid?”

“You should watch who you’re calling stupid because I’m not the one getting married to a monster.” Luis scoffed and walked away.

Pissed, I smacked my fist on the table. “Luis, come back here!” I yelled. “I’m talking to you!”

“You are doing too much.” Beau picked up his two toddlers, not planning to take any part in this. “I know this is out of character for Luis-but calling him stupid?”

“You’re not leaving because of this, are you?”

“No.” Beau frowned. “I promised Christian I’d-”

Of course.

“Do his dirty work because that’s your duty.” I figured. “It’s fine. I get it.”

Beau cleared his throat. “I promised to come over with Emma and Ethan so they can play with their cousins.” I heard a hint of annoyance in his tone. “And I don’t know what’s been going on with you lately- but whatever it is, please fix it and don’t take it out on us.”

1 furrowed my brows. “What’s going on with me?”

“Vince, are you on drugs?” Beau asked, giving me a worried look.

“No-not at the moment.” I eyed him sarcastically. “Am I not allowed to be angry? Do you always expect me to be the life of the party?”

The strange look on Beau’s face had changed to a pitiful chuckle. I know what he was thinking. Vince has gone through a lot, and I feel bad for him.”

It wasn’t like that. It was just me trying to correct whatever mistake I had made with my brother. It was just me caring for his future, so he didn’t have to end up like me.

“I just want him to do well.” I lowered my tone. “I thought you of all people would understand.”

“I do understand,” Beau stated. “But a good education and good grades do not guarantee an escape from this life.” He tried getting through to me. “Look at us.”

“Don’t be so hard on your brother-you’re not the only one having a hard time. Please remember that.”

Even after Beau had left, I could not let go of his words.

I was not the only one having a hard time, and maybe, just maybe-taking out whatever frustrations I had on my younger brother hadn’t been the smartest move.

Rather than being angry with Luis—I was just disappointed. I was angry with myself for failing him and for letting this happen. Getting married to a stranger and having dozens of people counting on you was not something I would wish upon anyone.

The Morales and my uncle were a pain in the ass, and I didn’t want them to control Luis life because God knows what I might end up doing.

I knew it was a lot to ask for a 14-year-old, but Luis having his life together would be one less burden.

Still, I owed him an apology.

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