His Sweet Little Mate

Chapter 94

Chapter 94 All night, the thoughts of her inability to come up with an idea suitable for her speech kept Abby awake. She tried so hard, but sleep just wouldn’t come to her when the thought of failing Micah in front of so many people plagued her mind, leaving her anxious and fidgeting. But she couldn’t even toss and turn in the bed, being locked in Micah’s embrace, who hugged her to sleep after a hectic day filled with meetings, running here and there without reprieve. Her mate was fast asleep right now, yes, but he would wake up if she were to breathe a little too hard. After all, his senses as the King of the werewolves were no joke. Even in sleep, he would be so alert he could wake up in an instant if he heard the air blow in the wrong direction. As such, both her worries and the fear of disturbing his sleep resulted in a sleepless night for herself. But then, Abby didn’t need to act too long when the King woke up about three hours later to leave for the day again. Abby didn’t know what prompted her but she continued her act until Micah left and opened her eyes only when it was at least half an hour later. A long sigh escaped her lips before she chewed on them, thinking of a way to solve this problem, but ended up staring at the chandelier above her head until the remnants of the darkness were chased away by the bright sun. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t think of anything else but asking for Ezgar’s help again as she didn’t know whom she could trust with such an important task. She couldn’t ask Micah, even though she failed without even trying, while her maids weren’t suitable for the task. The only person she was comfortable around other than these three before she met Ezgar was Dex, the royal g a m m a, who disappeared after they returned to the capital. Another long sigh escaped her when Abby remembered that there were so many things she needed to take care of, with the speech she was going to give on that day being the most troublesome issue on

her plate now. Chapter 94 With all these thoughts swirling in her mind, Abby ended up staying awake the whole night. Sherianne would kick a fuss up if she were to see her right now. Her face would have paled even more, thanks to her never ending worries and sleepless nights.

“This isn’t going to work,” Abby huffed, as she jumped out of the bed. She quickly got ready for the day and by the time her personal maids, Alyssa and Reyna, came to wake her up, carrying her breakfast, Abby was all set to go out, but not before taking her morning meal and medicines. “Alyssa, come with me,” she told the girl, who immediately followed her master as they hurried to the garden. Even though it was a long shot, Abby couldn’t find a way better than this to achieve her current goal; that was to seek Ezgar’s help. After thinking all night, Abby concluded her only chance at finishing the speech was highly dependent on Ezgar’s help. She noticed how he came to the garden everyday around breakfast time and before the sunset. So, here she was, hoping for Ezgar to visit the palace and then pass by the garden. This time, she would ask for his help and hope he would not turn her down. And fortunately, the man turned up around fifteen minutes later. From the looks of it, he was taking a walk in the garden after having his breakfast. “Sir Ezgar,” Abby immediately called him, as she approached him with hurried steps. “Lady Abby, how are you doing today?” Ezgar bowed to her as a greeting before asking about her well being in a voice so calm, Abby couldn’t believe her ears. After all, she thought the man would definitely not be so nice to her after she stood him up the day before, if he didn’t start scolding her the moment he saw her. But the man was actually asking her how she was doing, while all the hostile feelings Abby thought he would harbor were nowhere to be seen, as if her disrespecting him by refusing his helping hand didn’tContent © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

bother him at all. In fact, Abby could see his face lighting up with the same bright smile that bloomed on his face the few times he met her before, giving off the older brother vibe. It was as if nothing had happened before. “Lady Abby?” Ezgar had to call her name twice because the girl went into a stupor calling his own name. after “Yeah, I’m good. What about you?” A still bewildered Abby asked back, as she pulled her lips into a small smile. 16.33 Thu, 11 Apr Chapter 94 Abby couldn’t believe her luck when Ezgar agreed to help her readily and told her to meet him in the tutoring hall, where she had her lessons with Sherianne, after having her lunch. The girl couldn’t thank him enough as she left to deal with other things that might need her attention so that she could go and prepare the speech with Ezgar’s help later peacefully. And here she was, waiting for the man to appear, with all the papers and ink ready. It was Alyssa, who accompanied her again, but she didn’t ask Abby why she was meeting Ezgar again. On the other hand, Abby didn’t have enough time to worry over rumors and such when she had more important things to deal with first. A knock on the door prompted Abby to hit brakes on her thoughts as she could see Ezgar walking into the room after Alyssa went to open it for him. “Did I make you wait too long?” Ezgar asked as he settled on the chair across from Abby. “No, I just came as well,” Abby brushed it off as she immediately delved into the work. “Did you come up with any ideas?” What Abby meant was Ezgar’s words from the other day, where he promised to think of more ideas for her speech. The man could tell the same as he nodded his head. Abby offered Ezgar afternoon tea as they discussed his ideas.

“Why don’t we add a few lines about your life back in your pack?” Ezgar suddenly said, catching Abby off guard as she paled a little. But because she had always been out of spirits when Ezgar met her, the man couldn’t tell the difference, while Abby fell completely silent. “Since you are the beta’s daughter, you can even add one or two points about how you helped your father before,” Ezgar said again, assuming Abby would have been involved in the pack matters, at least, to a tiny extent. Being the son of the former royal beta himself, he knew how things in influential families work. “My father never took my help,” Abby whispered. Her throat tightened remembering the reason he never even talked to her like a father should. “Oh, then we can’t use it for your speech, being honest is more important, no?” Ezgar Chapter 94 made light of the situation again as he thought Abby’s father was just a typical man of power, not listening to his mate or daughters, He mistook her silence for her being sad over her father’s narcissism, but Abby didn’t dare to correct him at all. “I’m suddenly curious about your mother,” Ezgar said, maybe because he wanted to change the topic. “She left me ten years back,” Abby blurted out, and Ezgar was confused for a moment before she finished her sentence. “And this world.” Ezgar felt his throat tighten with sadness seeing Abby’s face wither further in seconds. He wanted to bring back the smile he wiped out mentioning her father, but ended up making her tear up. So he decided to avoid topics related to her pack as they continued to work. “Thank you so much,” Abby told Ezgar, as she saw him out of the tutoring hall. “Pleasure is mine. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” Ezgar said, as he took his leave since it was already so late. It took them a whole day to finish the speech, but at last, they were able to agree on an idea and then worked around it to finally complete the task.

Abby could finally breathe out a sigh of relief. With this speech finished, everything was back on track. She left the tutoring hall with a small smile as she enjoyed her walk to their bedroom, however, her peace didn’t last long as the thought of talking in front of so many people brought a frown to her face. Moreover, Micah was not back for dinner tonight as well. Seeing the empty room, Abby couldn’t help but recall how she had fidgeted in discomfort when Ezgar asked her if she did not ask for her mate’s help. “Why didn’t you ask for King Micah’s help?” Ezgar asked, looking genuinely confused. Abby felt sad when she couldn’t even get a chance to look at his face properly for the past two weeks, let alone have enough time to chat about the preparations under her responsibility. Chapter 94 She forced a small smile as she told him the truth. “Micha has been busy with the ceremony as well and always returns exhausted. I don’t want to overwork him by sharing my worries.” Hearing her answer, the man fell silent and didn’t bring Micah up again. Even when he asked about her friends, Abby could only resort to changing topics, yet again, not wanting to talk too much about her life from before.

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