Inevitably Yours

Chapter 95


“It will always be you,” Michael murmured just loud enough for my ears. This was a dream; it was simply too good to be true.

“I love you, too, Michael. It was always you; I was just too scared to admit it,” I whispered back. He ran his nose along mine as the song came to an end. I closed my eyes and basked in the beautiful electricity that flowed from his touch.

“Open your eyes, Blue,” he whispered. The song was over, and I could hear people muttering all around us as the next song began. They were probably unsure what to do.

I shook my head. “No, because when I wake up, it’ll all be gone,” I said. M kissed the tip of my nose.

“Trust me?” he asked. I nodded. “Then open those pretty eyes.”

I did as he said, opening my eyes to see him smiling down at me. Something loosened in my chest; this was real. “See, I’m not going anywhere. You would have to fight me to get out of my grasp now.”

Michael led me off the dance floor and out to the hall. We could hear everything resuming to normalcy and people rushing inside the gym. I look down at our intertwined hands, wondering if anything could be better. “We can stay or….” Michael said once we were a good way away from the main gym.

“I got everything I could have ever wanted out of this night,” I told him. His cocky grin was back; Goddess, I loved that smile. We continued toward the doors. “Wait!” I said, some kernel of reality slipping through. “My friends!”

He laughed, pointing out that everyone saw us leave together, then offered to help me find them. Sapphire was pushing me to go with him. She was dying to be marked so she could meet his wolf. He was right; it wasn’t necessary. “…I’m safe with you.”

M leaned back in. I thought he would k**s me again, but instead, he whispered into my ear. “Yes, you are safe with me.” His deep voice was calm, assured. His words were such a simple truth, but they sent a wave through me. Michael was my safe place. Every time things got overwhelming, I went to him. He never let me down.

“Let’s go,” he said. He pulled me along with him out of the school and into the parking lot. He went to a car I’d never seen and opened the door for me. With a bit of help, the puffy skirt of my dress was shoved into the car, and he closed the door. Once he was in the driver’s seat, I had to ask where we were going because nerves were winning over.

“You did all this for me?” I asked in disbelief. The twinkle lights were soft and didn’t obstruct our view of the star-filled night’s sky. Everything was so beautiful, a literal fairy tale.

“I want your first time to be special, Quinn,” he said gently, pulling me close to him again. My heart fell as his arms came around me. Here it was….

“Michael… I’m not….” I couldn’t say the words. He knew; why was he saying that?

Michael grabbed my chin and tilted my face to look into his. “Your first time can only be given freely, Quinn,” he said. His words ricocheted inside of me. It was like I finally surfaced from stormy waters. He wasn’t under any misconception; he was giving me the thing I needed. He was giving me a choice, and I didn’t need to be asked again. If I were to give it freely, it would be to him.

Too many things were fighting inside of me. I did the only thing that made sense at the moment- I kissed him. I kissed him hard and hungrily like he had the cure to my terminal disease. He was my cure, my Michael.

After a moment, he gently pulled back. “Do you want to change into something more comfortable?” he asked. His voice was so firm but gentle and loving.

“When we’re done,” I said, looking away from him. I could feel my cheeks warming. “Didn’t you want to see this dress on the floor?”

The low growl that came from him was all I needed to hear. I looked back at him, and he claimed my lips once more. His hands held my neck, not letting me get away from him. He didn’t need to because I had no reason to run from him. He was my safety.

I held onto him tightly, and his hands soon began to inch down. Everywhere he touched, I felt fire, a burning I needed him to extinguish. His hands found my chest, groping over the fabric covering my boobs. Suddenly it felt like a prison as his mouth moved from mine. His k****s traveled down my jaw, making a brief jump to the corner of my eye. They continued to my ear, where I could feel his warm breath teasing me.

“I want to see you out of this more than anything, Blue. But I need you to help me; I don’t know how you got into it,” he said in a low, authoritative voice. I was already a puddle, but everything he said just melted me again and again.

I bit my l*p to stop my giggle but failed. I turned, giving him my back. “There’s a clasp at the top,” I instructed. His calloused fingers deftly made work of the tiny clasp. “Then, the zipper,” I continued. He took his time, lowering that zipper centimeter by centimeter. I grabbed the front, feeling it begin to fall. It was strapless, so I would be able to just step out as soon as he did the last bit. “Now the ties. It laces up like a corset.”

With every bit of string he pulled, my heart raced faster. Soon, the dress was only being held to me by my own hands. I turned back to face him slowly, my whole body just burning, aching. He grabbed my hands gently and pulled them away from my chest. The dress fell, and he stepped back, holding onto me as I stepped out of the pile of yellow.

Michael dropped my hands and looked at me from head to toe, stepping further back. I looked away, feeling embarrassed by his assessment. He shrugged out of his jacket, tossing it nicely toward the tent. Then he began unbuttoning his shirt. “Goddess, I knew you were perfectly made, but it’s one thing to see it in pictures. None of them compare to the real thing, Quinn,” he crooned. The few feet between us felt far too wide.

Michael tossed his shirt to join his jacket and then stalked the couple paces left between us. His hands went to my waist, picking me up. I grabbed hold of him, needing to taste him again. I never wanted to stop. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he held me firmly. There was so much muscle to him now; the training hadn’t been for naught. His hands roamed over my exposed skin, feeling every inch he could. He moved us into the tent, ducking just enough to get in. He lowered me onto the soft bed, pulling my legs from around him. Before I could protest him putting me down, he held up a finger to tell me to wait. He stood, stepping back out of the tent to grab my dress.

“I do like the looks of this on the ground, but I wouldn’t want it to get ruined,” he smirked. He set my prom dress to the side of the tent and returned to me. He stood right in front of me, then slowly lowered to his knees. I was lying on the bed, propping myself up with my arms; Michael held my gaze. My whole body was burning, the anticipation almost ready to kill me.

“Are you ready?” he asked. His expression was soft and pleading. I was more than ready. I wanted to be his in every way imaginable. I nodded my head. “Tell me, Quinn.”

“Yes,” I said, my voice breathy. The corner of his mouth quirked up as his expression returned to hunger. He leaned forward over the bed, Hovering above me. I leaned into him, kissing him. Goddess, his mouth; it was heaven and hell all wrapped up in one. I didn’t know it was possible to be burned alive in such a fantastic way.

He pulled away, peppering my face with k****s. I couldn’t help but giggle as he went. He trailed down my jaw and back over to my ear, landing with an open-mouthed k**s on a very sensitive spot. A m**n slid from my mouth as he sucked and bit on my neck.

“Mark, mark, mark,” Sapphire begged.

His hands moved from either side of me, his fingers sliding up my sides and around my back. His touch was a drug, and I needed more. His fingers moved to my bra strap, flicking it open with expert precision. It fell down my arms, and I picked them up as he pulled the offending garment away with a sexy, throaty growl.

“I’ve been waiting so long to see you, Quinn,” he murmured. He pushed me back, laying my black flat against the bed beneath me. This time, his k****s started from my neck, right onto that sensitive spot once more. He lingered there for a moment before moving lower.

Every k**s, every touch was building something, a pressure between my legs. He moved down one arm and then the next. Why were k****s anywhere but your mouth so f*****g amazing? He kissed all the way to my fingertips, leaving soft, pouty k****s on each one. Then he moved to the other arm, repeating the whole process.

I wanted to touch him. Tentatively, I pushed my fingers into his hair, feeling the soft, dark waves. He paused, his gaze circuiting mine. He nodded slightly, giving me permission. He returned to his sweet touches, and I continued threading my hands through his hair. Goddess, it was so soft and thick.

He moved away from my arms and onto my chest. His mouth covered every inch of me or at least tried. Just when I thought he had touched every part of me, he found something new. My n*****s were painfully hard as he kissed everywhere but there. I never knew it would be like this. I closed my eyes, losing myself in the feeling, in him.

His mouth left my skin for only a moment, but I gasped as he finally sucked one n****e into his mouth. His fingers played with the other, rolling it between them, teasing me. “Michael,” I panted, and I could feel him smile with my sensitive peak between his teeth. He switched, giving the one in his fingers the same treatment as the other with his mouth and vice versa.

He hadn’t even touched my lower half, and I felt like I was going to explode. I was so aware of every movement he made. No wonder werewolves were so s*x crazed. Finally, M let go and moved lower. His lips kissed and sucked south, down my abdomen and to my belly button. His hands crept to my h**s, tugging away the final piece of fabric covering me.

He breathed in deeply, his chest rumbling as my panties were tossed away. I closed my eyes, trying not to be embarrassed about his eyes on me. It felt so different taking a photo. He gripped my legs, parting them, so I was completely open to him. Sapphire couldn’t take it; she was groveling in my head.

I felt him move back over top of me then his lips were on my stomach again. They continued their journey south, his breath hot and teasing over my core. He didn’t touch it, though; he moved down my left leg, leaving a trail of heat in his wake. When he got to my feet, he gently kissed the pad of each toe. He chuckled as I squirmed under his grasp. He moved to the other leg, repeating the process in reverse. By the time he got back up to my h*p, I was pretty sure the whole tent would catch fire. I needed him to put out the fire.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

He had to feel the same way because the gentle, sweet k****s suddenly turned hungry. He grabbed my h**s and pulled me onto his mouth. As his tongue made its first swipe at my p***y, he m****d like I was his last meal. It didn’t stop; it only moved with more fervor.

His tongue parted my lips, licking and lapping at the wetness pouring from me. My whole body began to tighten; I was right on the edge and ready to explode.

His tongue flicked over my clit, and it was like a release. My back arched violently as he held me to his face. Stars burst in front of my eyes as he continued to devour me. I thought Michael would stop when he got the reaction he wanted, but he didn’t relent. Sounds were coming out of my mouth that I had never heard before. I was pinned to the bed, unable to escape his delicious torture.

I lost count of how many times my body started to convulse, and I could no longer feel my toes. I grabbed his hair; he had to stop, or I would stop breathing soon. He looked up at me, his mouth slick with proof of the ecstasy he’d given me.

“Michael, please,” I panted. I had never felt anything like this, but my whole body yearned for him. My teeth were beginning to ache; I wanted to mark him.

“What do you want, baby?” he smirked. His hands began to massage my h**s, still in his grip.

“You, M. I need you,” I answered, still breathing hard.

Without breaking my gaze, he leaned forward and licked the length of my slit one last time. My head fell back, trying not to lose it all over again. He stood, getting off the bed. I watched as he undid his belt and slowly pulled it from his pants. He smiled at me before tossing it aside with his jacket and shirt. Then, he dropped his pants to the floor, and I couldn’t help but swallow at the bulge left in his boxer briefs. In one final movement, he swept his underwear away too and stood there staring down at me with dark eyes. If it was possible to o****m just by looking at an ungodly sexy man, I did.

He came back to the bed, grabbing a pillow from next to me. He reached beneath me and lifted me, putting the pillow under my h**s. I laid there with my legs on either side of him, trying to figure out why.

“Do you still need me?” he questioned, his voice quiet. I nodded my head. I needed him to breathe, to live. I needed him to help me feel alive.

“Let’s take this slowly,” he nodded. He grabbed his c**k and rubbed it up and down my wet lips. My h**s bucked at him against my will as he teased me with his hardness. A sound escaped my lips that was almost a whimper; I thought I would die.

Michael chuckled before he positioned himself at my entrance. I took a deep breath as he sank into me slowly, holding my gaze the entire time. He breathed deeply as he went, giving me something to follow. As he filled me and I adjusted to it inside of me, I thought I finally knew what heaven was like. My toes curled, a couple cracking from the force, as he finally came to a stop.

Everything inside of me was burning; how he could stand the heat between my legs was a mystery. He leaned forward, coming to k**s me deeply. His tongue slipped into my mouth, letting me taste him as he held our bodies together.

He let go of me, moving to speak low in my ear. “If you want me to stop, you just tell me. I want you, but only if you want it,” he whispered. I shook my head. I didn’t want him to stop; I never wanted to stop this feeling.

“If we do this, you’re mine forever, Blue. I won’t let you go; I’ll never reject you,” he continued. I whined a little, and he laughed again. His laugh always came from so deep in his chest; the sound made me soar.

“Who do you belong to, Quinn?” he asked. My body was revolting. I wanted him to move, relieve the itch he so painstakingly created. I tried to respond, but it just came out as a mumbled mess. “Words, Quinn. Tell me who you belong to.”

“You, Michael,” I cried louder. Goddess, move. Stop teasing me.

He leaned his forehead against mine and began to move slowly, gently. My eyes rolled back in my head at the sensation. It was pure magic. He stretched and filled every part of me, but it was only seconds before I adjusted to him entirely. As soon as I did, he started thrusting with a little more power, slowly driving into me more and more.

“Michael,” I cried. He smirked as he pulled all the way out of me. When I looked back at him, he pulled me into his arms and rolled, bringing me on top of him.

“Ready?” he asked, holding my waist. He pushed me up, so I was almost sitting on him. I nodded, biting my l*p. Still holding me up, he pushed into me from below, making me call out his name again.

He continued to thrust into me from the bottom, using his grip on my waist to pull me down onto him. I held onto his arms, trying not to lose myself, but with each delectable thrust of his c**k, I was losing my mind. My body began to clench in that familiar way; I was so close.

He changed, moving from thrusting into me endlessly to grinding my throbbing p***y over his c**k. The dam burst, and I screamed as the hardest o****m yet rocked through me. I felt him shudder below me, and then he was pulling me down onto him.

Pain pricked my neck for a second before another wave of pleasure blinded me. Michael exploded, and I could feel his c**k throb at the base while he pumped into me. Head to toe, there was a numb sensation in every part of me.

“Mark! Mark! Mark!” Sapphire bellowed. My teeth ached as they grew, and I couldn’t feel my lips against them.

I lifted my head, feeling almost drunk on the pleasure radiating through me. His neck was right there. I grabbed his shoulder to steady myself as I instinctively sunk my teeth into him. He lifted my h**s and continued stroking his entire c**k into me while he endlessly came as I marked him.

As everything began to calm, I pulled away from his shoulder, licking my mark to seal it. He slowly stopped moving, coming to rest still inside of me. I looked at M, who smiled and kissed me back.

“I love you,” he whispered as his eyes fluttered open again. I gasped in shock. His grey eyes now had a blue glow around the outer ring.

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