It Comes In Three's

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Chapter 108




Lottie’s POV

“We don’t have to do it here if you don’t want to? Anna eyes i me sympathetically, as I pace back and forth in the mall bathroom.

Thankfully, we had found a quieter hathroom, one that a lot of people would easily walk by without spotting it,

“I’m just scared of what happens next!” I admit, feeling flustered by the idea.

I had never experienced a scare like this… a life changing result that would turn my whole world upside down…

“It’s completely understandable to be scared, Lottie, Anna replies gently, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. “But remember, we don’t know for sure yet. Let’s just take the test, and then we can figure out the next steps together from there. Her tone is soft, offering me as much support as she


Taking a deep breath, I nod, trying to gather my courage. Anna hands me the pregnancy test kit, and just as I am almost ready, my phone begins to ring loudly causing us both to groan.

I pull it out, sering Alex’s name, before I turn it to show Anna, What would the chances be in that?!

“Hi Alex, are you ok?” I answer him, knowing he would no doubt stress more if I hadn’t.

“Lottie? What’s going on? The guys just called to say that you and Anna went to the bathroom in the mall and haven’t came back? They said it’s been a while too! Alex rants, evidently worried, as I force out a laugh an attempt to ease his anxieties.

“Yeah sorry! Anna felt really sick after lunch, we’ve been in here a while because of it! She’s picking up slightly though so we won’t be much longer.” I explain, as Anna shakes her head in disbelief of my lie.

“Hmm right, ok. If you both don’t head out of there in the next fifteen, I’ll start to grow concerned doll. You better not be lying to me… I won’t hesitate to send the guys in there to check! Alex trails off, almost knowingly, as my body grows tense.

I didn’t mean to lie… but I also didn’t want to admit the truth of what we were really doing just yet either…

“No I promise Alex, everything is fine, we will be out of here in no time and we will head over to the office.” I inform, as he sighs heavily down the line.

“Fine. Don’t be long. I love you.” He tells me, as I smile slightly before saying it back–ending the call.

1 look to Anna, as she laughs slightly- “Why me?! Couldn’t you be the sick one?!” She giggles, as I shake my head and smile.

“Are you kidding? If I would have told him I was sick, he would have had a full doctor team sent over here just to get me!” I laugh, exaggerating the story as Anna giggles and agrees.

“Yeah true, he no doubt would!” Anna laughs, as my eyes fall back down to the small box in my hands….

“He also said that if we aren’t out of here in the next fifteen minutes that he will send the guys in here to check on us!” 1 add, as Anna gasps at the thought.

“He’s crazy! What if we just really needed to, you know, go to the bathroom! He doesn’t even trust us to go to the damn bathroom now?!” Anna retorts, as I laugh loudly at her reaction.

Yeah that does sound totally ridiculous come to think of it… I have to speak to him about this one later… he has to chill out!

Well, let’s just get t


over with then shall we? I breathe out steadily, as Anna nods.

I enter one of the stalls, closing the door behind me. My heart is pounding out of my chest as I read and follow the instructions on the test kit.

Ok, so I just have to awkwardly hold this little stick and pee on it? It can’t be too hard…

I do as it instructs, thinking that this has to be the weirdest thing I have ever done in my life…

Chapter 108

“You ok in there?” Anna’s voice sounds concerned now, as the tension only thickens between us with the severity of what this could be.

“Yeah… I’ve just uh… peed on it? Do I just wait now?” I question oddly, placing the stick to the side as I wipe and fix myself.

“I guess so?” Anna speaks out, as I find slight comfort in the fact that I didn’t have to experience this alone.

After I think I have did it properly, I anxiously step out from the cubicle and wait for the results.

As I wait, I can’t help but think about Alex. I don’t know how he’ll react if I am, in fact, actually pregnant.




We’re already dealing with so much, and I worry that this might be too overwhelming for him. But I can’t keep this from him either? Perhaps I have to Just wait before I tell him? Heck, I might not even be pregnant to begin with!

“How long does it say to wait?” Anna ponders, as we both avoid looking at the stick – our nerves growing. Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

I had hidden it on the counter behind one of our shopping bags on the off chance that someone would walk in here….

It also meant that we couldn’t see the result without moving the bag which made me less nervous..

*I think it said one to five minutes?” My voice quivers, as Anna takes my hands and gives them a squeeze.

“It’s ok… we’ve got this! I would say it’s heen a couple of minutes already… so we can wait a couple more before we look!” Anna comforts me, as 1 follow her soothing tone and nod.

Finally, after what feels like forever, we decide that we are running out of time. Alex would no doubt send those two in here to physically check up on us if we didn’t leave here in the next five minutes or so!

I go towards where the test is placed, before completely freaking out and turning away from it….

“Anna you have to look! I can’t do it!” I panic slightly, as Anna hushes me in an attempt to calm me down.

“Shh it’s ok! I’ll do it! Don’t worry!” Anna’s voice trembles now, as I move out of the way to allow her access to the test.

Anna takes a deep breath before cautiously picking up the pregnancy rest. Her eyes scan the tiny window where the result should be visible. I watch her face carefully, trying to gauge what the test is showing from her reaction alone…

Anna’s face turns from apprehension to surprise, and she looks back at me, her eyes wide with disbelief. “Lottie… uhh… it’s came up positive, Her words meet my ears as I almost collapse.

I lean back to hold onto the counter as my heart drops, and I feel a mix of emotions Blood through me–shock, fear, and worry.

It can’t be positive…

I take the test from her hands to look at it for myself, and there it is, the unmistakable sign of a positive result – bold as it could be!

Tears well up in my eyes as I try to process the news, glancing up to Anna who seems speechless now herself.

“Oh no,” I whisper, my voice trembling. “What do I do now, Anna? How am I going to tell Alex about this? I don’t want to tell him yet! A tear quickly falls from my eye, as she wastes no time on pulling me into a hug.

“We’ll figure this out together, Lottie. You don’t have to face this alone or tell Alex–not until you’re ready.” Anna rubs circles of comfort on my back, as I cry into her shoulder.

“But… how can we handle all of this right now? With everything else that’s already going on?” I sob quietly. “Alex and I are already dealing with so much. I don’t want to burden him any further.”

Anna gently pulls back before brushing a tear from my cheek. “Lottle, I know it’s overwhelming, but remember that Alex loves you. He’ll want to be there for you, no matter what. And who knows, this could be a beautiful thing for the both of you. Maybe it’s what we all need?”

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions for the time being. “Yeah… maybe you’re right. I just… I don’t know where to start. How do I even begin this conversation with him?” I close my eyes to think, my mind clouded with too many racing thoughts.

Chapter 108


“We’ll figure it out together, you don’t have to rush and tell him right away.” Anna reassures me. “First, take a moment to collect yourself. It’s okay Bonus

feel scared and unsure right now. Once you’re ready, we’ll talk to Alex together, and you can share your feelings and concerns with him.”


Taking her advice, I wipe my tears away and take a few deep breaths to regain my composure. I suddenly remember that we don’t have much longer before those silly guys come in here looking for us.

Anna hands me a tissue, and I give her a small smile of gratitude. “Thank you, Anna. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I say, feeling fortunate to have such a supportive friend by my side.

“We’re in this together, Lottie, Anna replies, squeezing my hand. “Let’s head back to the office. When you’re ready, we’ll talk to Alex, and no matter what happens, we’ll face this as a team.”

Nodding. I follow Anna out of the bathroom. My heart is heavy with the weight of this unexpected news, but knowing that I have Anna by my side gives me a glimmer of hope for the future.

We spot the two guys, who practically sigh with relief when they see us both

both walking towards them…

*Sorry guys! I felt really sick after that lunch!” Anna speaks up, as they both eye one another before nodding in understanding now.

As we walk back to the c

“You’ve got th

car, bags in hand, I continue to breathe in and out steadily to keep my emotions under control…

this Lottiel Anna climbs into the car, turning to look at me–absorbing my panicked features.

“You’re never alone!” She adds, as I nod – completely lost for words.

Im actually pregnant… with Alex’s baby… what will I do?

Chapter Comments

EJ Kincaid

I think Alex will be happy because he loves her so much

visitar: finally


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