It Comes In Three's

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Aler’s POV

We unhook Jason from the metall chair, keeping his hands and ankles tied, as we drag him up and into the living room.

“Close her door.” I ask Del, who nods once and moves down the hallway towards Lottie hiding her away from the commotion.

As I hand Greg the unlocked iPhone, I can feel the weight of the situation bearing down on us.

The urgency to find Anna and bring her back safely consumes my every thought at this rate. I watch as Greg connects the phone to his laptop. preparing to track the enemy’s location once we make the call.

He switches on three other machines, clicking different buttons as he does so – seeming focused on the ta

task… at least he’s good for something!

“Alright, Jason,” I say firmly, forcing him to sit down on the leather sofa- my eyes fixed on him. “You re going to make a call to Tommy and Holden now We need to know where they’ve taken Anna and what their next movies are. Can you do that for us? 1 finish.

Jason’s hands tremble as he takes the phone, fear evident in his eyes as he is now seconds away from betraying his own team. He nods once and dials Tommy’s number, the room falling into an expectant silence as now we wait, and hope for him to answer….

I watch intently as Jason holds the phone up to his mouth, his hands still bound, awaiting for Tommy to pick up. Every passing second feels like an eternity, only amplifying the tension in the room…

Finally, there’s a click, and Tommy’s voice comes through the speaker,

“Jason?” Tommy’s voice sounds guarded and annoyed, curiosity laced with caution as he picks up

I hold my breath, knowing that our next moves depend on the information we can gather from keeping him on the line. Jason clears his throat, his voice quivering slightly…

“Tommy,” He begins, his voice wovering. I’m in the hospital. He lies effectively, making it believable.

I observe Jason, his hands trembling as he holds the phone out inches from his face.

This is the moment we’ve been waiting for, the pivotal point that could lead us to Anna’s location. I lock eyes with Greg, silently urging for him to work faster as he taps away and eyes the screen carefully,

As Jason begins his charade, fabricating a story about being taken to the hospital after the fight, I try to contain my impatience.

We need Tommy to believe this lie, to keep him on the line long enough for Greg to track him. I clench my fists, feeling a mixture of determination fueling my every move.



“Did you get Charlotte?” Jason plays dumb, impressing me ever so slightly with the tactic, as Tommy chuckles darkly down the line…

“Couldn’t find the bitch!” Tommy starts, causing me to tense at the transparent distaste he felt for Lottie.

Piece of shit!

“So we took the friend instead! The one she’s been living with! We aren’t far from the farm, should get there in the next twenty.” Tommy laughs, showcasing his deranged personality with the enjoyment he got out of this whole experience.

“So when can you come back for me?” Jason questions next, eyeing us briefly as if to say he was running out of ideas….

“Fuck do I know? Make your own way home? Do you seriously think I’ll saunter back into that town after taking the girl? Fucking idiot!” His harsh side comes through next, as Jason evidently tenses slightly from his tone.

“O–Oh… right yeah… I didn’t think… Jason mumbles, as the line falls silent.

I panic slightly, terrified that he would hang up before we picked up his location, as I instruct with my hands for Jason to say something else… anything!

Chapter 67

His mouth opens and closes, as he blunders and doesn’t know what else to say, as my temper rises quickly… all before….

Greg gives us the thumbs up, as I almost cheer in success before remembering that Tommy

was still on the line…

“Is someone with you?” Tommy grits suddenly, as Jason’s eyes widen

“It’s the nurse… I better go she’s changing my drip. Jason begins to lie effortlessly again, as I sigh slightly- thankful that we now had them pinned.


Tommy doesn’t bother to say a goodbye, and instead cuts the line–bringing a sense of life back into the room as we all relaxa

“They are going East… wherever that phone goes now, we will be able to know where they are.” Greg informs us, turning his laptop around to show me the moving tag as he blinks along a map – indicating their truck is still driving.


“It’s time to go to war lads! I announce, as lace claps – seeming hopeful again with the breakthrough.

At least now we know Anna has been tied up this whole time and they haven’t yet caused any serious damage… the only problem now was… they’ve got a head start to the farm!

*Please don’t kill me… Jason’s quiet voice suddenly meets my ears, as I study his broken demeanour now…

“You’ll be lucky! I stof, before I watch him place his swollen face on his hands….

“I really did try not to ever take things too far… sure I said some nasty shit to her… helped grab her and take her places… but I was never the one to do the cutting…never the one who came up with the ideas… I was just a coward! I was too scared of my own friends to do or think otherwise! I’m a prece of fucking shit I know that! But if you let me live… I swear to God I’ll turn myself in tomorrow moming for it all! I even tell the cops everything about Tommy! I have proof of it all! He keeps pictures and videos on his phone – that’s how fucked up he is! You just need his phone to get him

locked up for this! Please believe me! I’m so sorry!” Jason begins to rant, sobbing into his hands now as I watch him carefully.

Del and Jace both eye me, as my mind encourages me to put him out of his misery… all of the apologies in the world aren’t worth what he’s done to Lottie..

With that thought alone, I pick up the hammer from the floor, approach the quivering man slowly, hold it high above my head – aiming it directly for his skull – before…

“Alex don’t!” I freeze, turning instantly to find Lottie by the door, as Jason continues to cry and breakdown beneath me.

“Put that down!” Lottie warns me, as I fight against what my mind is telling me to do…

He deserves this…

“Tommy deserves this punishment more than him… sure he’s been homble… but I can’t help but think he’s been the fall guy for Tommy this whole time! I’ve heard everything you know? Im asking you to listen to me Alex- put the hammer down!” Lottie finds her voice, firm and convincing, her face red and swollen from the amount of tears she had shed…

She won’t forgive me if I do this…

With that thought, I lower the weapon, handing it to Del who studies the situation quietly.

Jason avoids eye contact, refusing to look up at Lottie, as she stands by the door – hands shaking by her sides.

“Im sorry Charlotte… I know that means nothing… but I need to say it… Il tum myself in tomorrow you guys can take me there yourselves! Jason continues to cry, as Lottie seems to mentally battle with her emotions.

“Keep him in the cellar. We will hand him in tomorrow like he has asked. Let’s find Tommy, get Anna back, find Tommys phone and have him locked up forever! The three of them can regret their decisions over the years that they will spend behind bars!” Lottie states firmly, as I nod – almost as though I were under a trance with her sudden dominance.

Something has switched in her… she’s ultimately had enough of their bullshit… and yet she still refuses their death. A true angel despite what she has been through.


Chapter 67 Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

My angel…

“Lock him up in the cellar and stay here with him Del! Greg, you are coming with us to help track them! Lottie… Before I can instruct her on what to do she cuts me off completely.

“I’m coming. I’m sick of hiding! Lottie snaps, her gaze burning against my own, as I all but nod at her request.

“Fine.” I crumble, as everyone makes a move- and I lead us out and back to the car.

We are coming Anna….

We will find you…

Chapter Comments

Debra H

yeah she does, she is facing her fears.

EJ Kincaid

She has to do this to gain her life back.

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