It Comes In Three's

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Lottie’s POV

I click to take a mirror selfie, enjoying the new found freedom of having my own social media accounts – which didn’t have to be kept private anymore since Tommy, Jason and Holden were all in prison.

My account had reached over twenty thousand followers, ever since I started posting videos and pictures.

I found that it was something I enjoyed – myself and Anna – styling and pulling together outfits for different events and party’s before sharing them with the world.

With my following growing every day, some small brands had even started to send me free packages to try out their sports wear, clothes or products!

I loved it, and Alex was happy enough to let me put my life out there every day since he knew I was a lot safer now than I was before…..

I take a video, showing off my outfit of the day which consisted of a baby blue comfy set, white Nike sneakers, white Nike socks and my hair tied back in a slick bun.

We planned on going to Aunt Rinna’s today for lunch, which I couldn’t wait for, since everyone would be together again…

“Lottie?!” I hear Alex shout from downstairs, as I grab my handbag and exit the closet – following the direction of his voice.

I make it to the kitchen, halting in my steps when seeing some random guys standing in the room – as they all eye me briefly, sipping from their coffee mugs…

Alex most certainly isn’t in here?

With that thought, I suddenly feel someone tug at my hand, pulling me back out of the room. I turn to find Alex, as he leads me towards a quieter spot away from the men doing the work in our yard.

“You good?” I question him oddly as he pulls me into the first spare bedroom that we come to.

“I told them they could have coffee, that’s why they are in the kitchen by the way…” Alex begins to explain, closing the door before continuing-

“Anna is picking you up soon to go over to Rinnas, I’m going to stay here longer to let those guys finish the decking work – I want it done today.” He continues, as I nod at his plan.

Surely this isn’t the only reason why he pulled me in here…

“The garden looks so much better already!” I comment, taking note of the progress, as he smiles triumphantly and nods.

“It will be done in a few days I hope… anyway, that’s not why I pulled you in here.” Alex clears his throat, seeming to suddenly look bothered by something.

I knew it…

“So what is it? What’s happened?” I question, as I decide to move to the bed to take a seat.

Alex follows me with his eyes, choosing to remain standing as he squares himself up slightly and sighs.

“So I called the prison this morning to report the letters…” He begins, causing me to realise what this conversation was actually about…

‘I wanted them to know what sort of shit he was sending you! He shouldn’t be able to contact you at all from in there – especially that easily!” Alex fumes, as I watch his brows pull together.

‘I was so pissed off about the whole thing because I honestly couldn’t wrap my head around how he was able to just send you so many letters without them at least being seen or checked by a guard!” I nod slowly as Alex talks, giving him the floor as he rants on…

“So when I called up to report it, they said that apparently he hasn’t even sent the fucking letters! At least not directly himself! They said there’s no way he sent them from inside the prison! He must be having someone else write them from the outside!” Alex grits, making direct eye contact with me



Chapter 81

as my mouth falls open at the news.

“Wait what?” I blunder, as I grow confused at what he was saying.

“The prison officer told me that any letters written by the inmates are always both read and checked to make sure that one, they aren’t violent, and two, they aren’t addressed to the victims or anyone related to the case!” Alex continues, pulling a hand down his face in agitation.

How could that be? There was so many letters too? All on the same paper, same envelopes, same handwriting!

“I’m having it looked into. He must have someone visiting him regularly and he must be telling them what to write. I will figure out who it is so don’t worry too much doll!” Alex notices my discomfort at the news, as he moves towards me and takes my hands in his.

If it’s someone on the outside helping him then I might not actually be as safe as I think…

The realization sent shivers down my spine, undermining the sense of security I had built up over time since they had been locked up!

If Tommy had someone on the outside helping him, it meant that his influence and reach extended beyond those prison walls…

I tighten my grip on Alex’s hands, seeking desperate comfort and reassurance from him.

“What if he finds a way to harm us again? Even through other people?” I whisper, with the fear creeping back into my voice.

The nightmares of the past resurfaced, threatening to consume me once more. The thought of anyone wanting to help those three, especially Tommy, made me ill.

To help them, you’d have to be just as evil as them, if not worse!

Alex’s eyes softened as he gazed at me, his voice filled with strength. “I won’t let that happen Lottie. I will always do whatever it takes to keep you safe!” He states firmly, as I nod.

I knew he would… but I couldn’t help but worry over all of the ‘what if‘ scenarios that were replaying through my mind!

“So what’s our next step?” I ask, my voice slightly steadier with his reassurance however still shaky. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Alex released a sigh, his mind already racing with plans and possibilities. “I’ll reach out to the authorities, demand a thorough investigation into the matter. We need to know who is helping him and how they’re managing to bypass the prison’s security measures. If they don’t find out who it is fast enough, then I’ll take shit into my own hands!” He speaks with conviction.

Nodding slowly in agreement, I knew deep down Alex would do everything in his power to have this handled properly. Tommy’s actions would not dictate the course of our lives. I had fought so hard to regain control, and I wouldn’t let him drive his way back in to take it away again!

“You can’t let fear consume you or dictate your actions Lottie, do you understand?” Alex questions, his tone holding conviction.

“We’ll continue with our plans for today with the group and we will have a good time! Nothing can happen to you again, there’s too many good people around you now and we won’t let bad shit happen to you – trust me on that!” He continues, looking into my eyes as he means every word.

“O–Ok.” I nod, shaking off the unsettling feeling as best I can for the sake of both myself, and Alex.

We don’t deserve the torment of Tommy, especially from behind bars!

As if on command, my phone begins to buzz loudly, as I retrieve it and find Anna’s name on the screen as she calls me. I answer it quickly, as Alex watches me intently.

“Hey girl I’m outside! Ready to go?” Anna’s chirpy voice fills my ear, Instantly causing me to smile.

“Yeah I’ll be out in two!” I inform her, as she gives me an ok before hanging up the call.

“I’ll be with you at Rinnas soon. You know you can just text me if you need anything? I’ll have this shit worked out before you know it doll!” Alex pulls me to stand with him, before embracing me in a tight hug.

He leans down to place a gentle kiss on my lips, lingering there for a moment before pulling back again.


Chapter 81

“On another note… last night was fucking incredible…” Alex groans out, as I blush bright red at the dirty encounter we had upstairs in our new bedroom.

“Yeah, yeah! Let me go now my friends waiting!” I giggle out now, as he begins to playfully kiss down my neck.

This man! Such a damn tease!

“Quit it!” I laugh louder, causing him to chuckle too before releasing me as I push playfully at his solid chest.

“Get going doll! You’ve kept poor Anna waiting a while!” He smirks, as I shove his shoulder playfully and pass by him towards the door.

“I’ll see you at Rinnas – I love you.” I call back to him over my shoulder, grabbing my handbag, before rushing towards the front door to get my friend.

I won’t let the prison incident ruin this day with my friends… I refuse!

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I think it’s Clara




Say Wr

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