K-Brothers And The Little Maid

Chapter 34

Leigh-Ann’s POV

Kael didn’t respond but just sat like he wasn’t there. That made it worse.

“What the fuck are you waiting for huh?”

I held my breath and then walked into the Buffet room to get the glass of water. I had to do this to avoid trouble. Besides, Kael didn’t say no to it. He didn’t even utter a word.

Eleanor was still there but looked like she was done eating. But wait a minute. Did she really eat here while others were out there?

“Hey” She called out once I came into view “I’m just so nervous around those guys. They make me feel like nothing”

I mouthed an ‘Oh’ then got the glass of water from the waiter. How did she read my mind so easily? “But you signed up for the Special Study right?” I had to ask because I didn’t know.

“I’m a transfer scholarship student. My mum died a long time ago and I’ve been with my dad since then. He’s this busy person and also gets this transfer often so he got one recently and we’re here”

She looked quiet and beautiful. Hm.

“Um… looks like someone is waiting for you. Why don’t we talk later cause I wanna do some reading”

I nodded and smiled then walked off. Why should she say she feels like nothing around the brothers? Well, I wouldn’t blame her cause most times I felt the same way too. Like I was just some piece of garbage.

“Pick the menu and serve our orders. You’re such a slowcoach” Tess huffed once I had dropped the glass of water. Just let it go, Leigh, she’s only trying to get to you. I convinced myself.

I picked the menu and walked off then returned with their orders. As I made to drop them on the table, I kicked on something and lost balance. Everything on the tray spilled over. Oh, damn. Tess is always doing this.

She stood at once, her dress fully messed up. “You piece of rotten garbage” She fired then slapped me hard on both cheeks. Holy Christ!

I held onto my cheeks as hot tears filled my eyes. I felt like reciprocating the action and beating her up till she forgot what her name was but I held myself. I had no right to do that, besides, I was one silly and clumpy maid.

“Kael, is this really what you have as a maid? She isn’t worth it”


Tess’s POV

I got into the washroom and tried to clean my dress. I should’ve slapped her harder. No, I should’ve used her stupid face to clean up the mess from the floor instead.

“Are you here to get back at Kael as you said or you’re here to hurt Leigh-Ann for making Kael dump you?” Kenver asked as he leaned on the doorway with his arms crossed.

When did he get here? I had left him with the rest of the brothers not too long ago.

“It looks like you’re here to seek Kael’s attention” He added with a deep scowl on his face. I sighed and got over to kiss him.

“Don’t mistake my actions cause I’m here for both of them. Why would I want that piece of shit you call a brother back huh?” I asked and kissed him again “It’s now you and only you”

He didn’t say a word but gave me this cold stare instead. Okay, this isn’t playing perfectly.

“If you’re tryna play games with me, Tess, then you should know it wouldn’t end well” And with that, he walked out.

I touched my lips and turned to look at myself in the mirror. To look at what I was becoming. I had kissed Kenver and it tasted different. His lips didn’t taste like Kael’s and I felt so bitter. Somehow, I wished all I had said about not wanting Kael anymore were true but they weren’t.

I felt so happy that Kael didn’t say a word when I had slapped that snotty maid of his but damn him. I still loved him and wanted him back.

I just decided to get on with Kenver so I’ll get back at him but knowing that the maid was still around him made me so mad.

“Am back for you Leigh-Ann, am back for you”


Kyler’s POV

After school, I walked out to the parking lot with my driver and guard following behind me. I couldn’t wait for my brothers but I had something important to do and had to leave immediately.

“I’ll drive,” I said once we approached the car and without a word, Malik threw the car keys. I caught it at once and turned to the driver’s side “Am leaving alone”

I drove out of the school premises at full speed, hitting the driveway. I was fucking late already, an hour to be precise, and increasing my speed, I dived through different cars.

I know the cops would be on my back any moment for over speeding but I don’t give a fuck. Let them come. They knew better than to mess around with me.

Aside from being one of the well known Brothers, I was especially known for not taking shit from anyone. The authorities had this hint of fear when it came to me and were sure to keep their distance from me and my brothers.

Sighting the traffic lights from a distance, I lowered my speed before it turned red indicating we needed to stop. Was this piece of crap really necessary?

I was growing impatient already and kept tapping my fingers on the steering. Casting a glance at my watch, I clenched my jaw and raked my hair with my fingers. God damnit, I was so fucking late and I hated that the traffic lights added to it.

A car pulled up beside mine but I didn’t turn to have a look as my eyes were focused on the lights.

” One of the K-Brothers!” The lady in the car squealed and I turned immediately. Her mouth and eyes were wide open with her hands on her chest. She looked like she was gonna pass out and I scoffed. Ladies were always acting like they had nothing inside their skulls.

Once the traffic lights turned green, I sped off. My brothers fancied being worshipped by the ladies. Well, except me. They were the last set of humans I’d want to have anything to do with and If I were to choose between being with any of them and dying, I’d kill myself first.

Before I could hit the brakes, I had run over someone without knowing. The fuck!

I have been so bent on reaching my destination without checking out what was happening.

I rushed out of the car in an attempt to help whoever it was. Maybe I could rush the person to the hospital if he or she was injured but before I got over, I didn’t find anyone. I looked around and caught someone in a black gown running off. Who the fuck is that?

Not minding the chaos I had caused on the road, I sprinted after the person, and from the look of things, it was a lady. She had a hijab over her head and her black gown kept flying due to the wind.

She ran into a building which happened to be a fun park with lots of people. I cussed under my breath and increased my pace. The fact that I was running after an unknown lady made me so upset. Let’s pray I don’t get a hold of whoever she is.

The people’s attention gradually turned to us, me especially because I was well known, and adding to it, ladies ran after me, getting in my way. They kept yelling out which caused a lot of commotion.

I pushed them behind and looked around. Shit, there was no sign of her, I lost her. All thanks to these bitches around.

Not giving up, I kept running and looking around hoping I’ll catch a glimpse of her. Who was she? Normally, I wouldn’t run after a strange lady but I had to because I had knocked her down. I needed to be sure she was okay. I’m heartless but not to innocent people.

My eyes caught a black dress from afar and I looked up immediately to see her. She was standing behind the wall and peering at me as if waiting for me to find her. Once our eyes had met, she dashed off and I picked up the race again. Now I knew this was a setup. She must’ve planned everything up and I wasn’t gonna back down. Not until I find out who the hell she is.

She kept jumping and climbing on things like an expert and being one myself, I followed suit. This was her game and I was gonna play it perfectly. I took another part of the building to get to her and I did but before I could get a hold of her, she had slipped away making me grab her hijab instead.

It went over her head but she ran off immediately not minding If I had her hijab or not. She knew her identity was gonna get disclosed and had to escape as soon as possible but I was way smarter than that.

As I made to go after her again, I found this necklace on the floor. It looked expensive but I picked it up anyway. It looked like something that belonged to her.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“Aren’t you tired of playing these games huh?” I asked fondling the necklace with my hand. “I have something that belongs to you”

I didn’t get a response so I kept walking and checking around. She’s so dead in my hands. I paused and examined the necklace. It looked like a locket so I opened it up to see what was inside it and to my dismay, it had pictures of people in it. Not just ordinary people but one which has always haunted my dreams.

Seeing that, I fisted it in my hand and went in search of this strange lady, this time more determined to find out who she was and how she got the necklace. This wasn’t a coincidence. She had just the right one.

I heard a foot race and picked up immediately. She was faster but I knew I had to catch her before she escaped. She climbed on the fence and jumped down before I could get to her. I rushed over to do the same but saw her limping off already.

She won.

I punched the wall angrily and yelled out. She had dropped the necklace off and escaped perfectly. This was all her plan but thank goodness I never laid hands on her cause she would’ve been a dead meat.


As I drove back home, memories from the past came back to me. They never left but most times, I forgot them.

I stared at the locket one more time along with the hijab and fisted them in my hand. The necklace had the face of someone who brought nothing but hatred, fear, and weakness in me.


Authoress POV

She pulled the black dress over her body and limped into the bathroom. She had been close to death but thank goodness she escaped narrowly.

Of course, she knew what could’ve happened if he had laid hands on her and had to prevent it by jumping off the building. She didn’t mind breaking her bones so far she escaped his grip.

Once the cold water from the shower had touched her skin, she shivered and moved away wrapping her arms around her body.

She was scared to even think of him and couldn’t easily forget the deadly look in his eyes the last time she had looked into them. It terrified her and haunted her dreams.

“Oh, Kyler…” She shuddered and sat on the cold floor, huddling her legs.

The mission was accomplished. He needed to know and though the necklace didn’t convey the main information, at least it triggered his memory.

She smiled satisfactorily and closed her eyes. The mission went as planned.

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