King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

49 More Than He seemed


It was the day Enrique was leaving. The weather was cool, and although the sun was shining, it didn’t match the mood of the Rossi Mansion. Looking at him standing there with nothing but a small cross-body bag with some cash and a passport, broke my heart.

He was a child with his life ahead of him, but seeing the empty look in his eyes, it was like he had given up on his life. Kataleya stood hidden behind the front door. She didn’t say anything to him or try to meet him again, he had said nothing to her. I could hear her stifled s**s as she peeped out through the crack, knowing that this was the last time she’d see him. I hated seeing her in pain too… “Are you sure you don’t want the phone?” I asked, holding up the phone he had passed back to me.

“No thank you, Queen Luna.” He replied, his eyes cold.

“He doesn’t f*****g trust it.” Alejandro said, crouching down before the boy. “So, one of my men will take you to the airport, you get on the flight and you’re in Puerto Rico. Are you sure you’ll be ok once you’re there?”

I know he wasn’t keen on sending a ten-year-old alone, but everything was prepared and he’d be allowed onto the flight.


Alejandro exhaled in defeat and nodded. “You’re a stubborn little f****r. Here’s my number, if ever you need it.” He handed him a black card and then held up a small velvet pouch. I heard Kataleya gasp from behind me and I wondered what happened. I was about to go check on her when Alejandro stood up. “Now I don’t want to force you or anything, but if my girl gives you a d**n gift, you keep it.” I looked at the small pouch in his hand, realising what he meant.

“I don’t want it.” Enrique replied coldly. “You haven’t got a f*****g choice, kid.” Alejandro growled, opening the boy’s bag and placing it inside. “Keep it.” I heard Kataleya’s footsteps retreating and looked at Enrique, who was frowning coldly at it. “I will throw it away when I get to Puerto Rico.” He spat, turning away from us. “Goodbye.” I said quietly, walking towards him. I placed my hand on his shoulder but he pushed it off and hurried towards the waiting car, getting in and slamming the car door shut after him. “Enrique…” “Let him go.” Alejandro said, quietly taking hold of my wrist. I looked up into his eyes, before nodding as I watched the car drive off.

“I’ll go to Kataleya.” I replied softly, pulling away. My daughter was in pain, I hated how things had ended.

Hurrying inside, I went to find her, only to spot her in the lounge. Delsanra had her arms around her, stroking her head soothingly. “It’s going to be ok, my little pot of cotton candy.” She comforted her. I could tell she was barely able to sit up by herself. We needed to figure everything out fast. I walked over to them, and sat on the other side of Kataleya, who was crying into Delsanra’s lap. “I’m sorry,” I whispered to her.

I knew she was hurting, but I didn’t know what more to say…

“Kataleya, boys are dumb. Come on! Do you want to go play?” Skyla tried, coming over to her sister.

“No Sky, I don’t want to play.” Kataleya whispered, trying to stifle her s**s.

Delsanra and I exchanged looks. I stroked Kataleya’s hair and at the same time placed my hand on Delsanra’s, allowing myself to heal her a little. “Don’t cry over him, Kat.” Dante added from the sofa, where he was lying down. “Don’t be mean, Dante.” Skyla scolded. Dante sighed heavily. “I’m not being mean.” He opened his eyes and looked at me with a thoughtful expression on his face, it unnerved me. I wasn’t sure why but it…

My heart began racing and I felt an odd surge of fear rush through me. Why though?

I stared back into his red eyes, unable to hear Kataleya crying any longer. It was as if I was being sucked into a burning abyss of power. He didn’t blink, just holding my gaze. My head felt like it was being crushed, the fear within me growing, but why? He was only looking at me.

“Mama? Mama!” Skyla shouted, making me gasp. My eye contact with Dante broke, and it felt like I could breathe once more. “Y-yeah?” I asked, my heart still racing wildly.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him smirk slightly, making me nervous once again. Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

“I was saying we should have a girls sleepover; me, you, Aunty Mari, Delsanra, and Sienna, oh and Ahren can come too because he’s a baby. All us girls.”

“I don’t know… I mean, sure, if Delsanra is up to it.” I didn’t want to agree, especially if she wanted the comfort of her mate at such a trying time. “I don’t mind, it sounds fun!” She replied, smiling happily despite the tiredness on her face.

“Then I think we should get some midnight snacks ready and a movie.” Maria said, entering the room, a small smile on her face. “Dante will be the only child left out then. Shall we invite him?”

“No thanks.” Dante added at the same time, Skyla shook her head vigorously.

“See, Dante doesn’t want to come.” “Delsanra and Mom need to stay with their mates.” Dante added, staring at the ceiling. “That’s a first.” Delsanra replied with a giggle. Dante tilted his head and looked at her, pouting slightly, and to my surprise, a little blush coated his cheeks. “I’m just saying…” He mumbled.

Maria frowned thoughtfully and nodded. “Well, I’m sure we can have a girl’s night, then Delsanra and Kiara can go to their own rooms, and the five of us can stay together.” She suggested “Ok! Pyjama party!” Skyla jumped excitedly. Kataleya had become silent, her s**s becoming tiny sniffles, but I could tell she was in pain. I lifted her from Delsanra’s lap, the woman looked like she was going to faint at any

moment, “Come on my little angel, things will get better.” I whispered, kissing the top of her head. I just hoped they would get better soon.

Night had fallen, and somehow the girl’s time had become a family night. So everyone was in the cinema room with blankets, pizzas, desserts, and snacks. Rayhan was holding Sienna in his lap, with his arm around Delsanra, who was leaning against him. Maria was sitting with Ahren and Dante. Skyla was right at the front with Marcel, whilst Kataleya was between Alejandro and me. We were watching a live-action movie.

“This is the life.” Skyla stated, taking another pizza slice. I was quite surprised at the amount she could eat.

“Eating pizza and watching a movie is life?” Dante asked, sceptically.

“Yes.” Skyla replied confidently. “It’s fun.” “Fun.” Dante scoffed. “Alright, no arguing.” Maria intervened lightly and I was glad she spoke; from what I saw, those two did get a bit temperamental.

I still worried about speaking up as I had forgotten everything. What if I said something that upset them… Remembering what had happened earlier with Dante, I glanced over at Alejandro.

He was breathtakingly hot, a beast in all aspects and one that I craved. There was just something about him devouring me that made my core knot. ‘Keep thinking like that, and I will f**k you all over again.’

I blushed when his voice came in my head. I knew there was a way to block your mate out, but I wasn’t used to it and often forgot.

‘I wouldn’t mind reliving that night all over again.’ I replied back in a flirty tone, keeping my

gaze fixed on the screen ahead.

‘F**k, Amore Mio.’ He growled back. I almost giggled when he readjusted his position, grabbing a sharing pack of Doritos and putting it on his lap. I smirked before glancing down at Kataleya, who was staring at a chocolate bar in her hand.

“Want to eat it?” I asked her gently.

She shook her head and I didn’t push it, although I was sure it would melt soon enough if she kept a hold on it. ‘Alejandro. Dante, he’s special, isn’t he?’ ‘Aren’t all these fuckers?’

“They are… but I mean, there’s something different about him… Earlier we had a moment where our eyes locked, and I felt as if he was looking into my soul. It scared me and I don’t know why.’ I said through the link, knowing I sounded stupid.

Alejandro frowned thoughtfully.

“That’s strange, but with Dante it’s best not to ignore s**t, I’ll talk to him.’ He replied, making me feel a little relieved.


‘You can make it up to me after.’ Our eyes met, and his eyes dipped to his crotch pointedly, making my cheeks burn. ‘With pleasure.’ I responded, tossing my hair. He smirked, but before he could respond, our attention fell to Kataleya.

And what I saw made my heart break. She was fiddling with the chocolate, trying to open the wrapper, but what devastated me was that she was trying to do it with one hand, using her mouth to help her. Her other hand rested on her lap, clenched in a ball, silent tears streaming down her cheeks. I was unable to hold back my own, pulling her into my lap and hugging my daughter tightly.

The painful truth was that it was going to take a lot for her to get over the trauma that she was suffering or to come to terms with it to some extent. This enemy had committed the worst crime by targeting

children, and I will never forgive him.

ALEJANDRO It was much later, Kiara was helping Maria get the children in bed, although Ray’s pups had fallen asleep whilst watching the movie. Sienna was with her parents for the night, seeing Delsanra’s state was getting worse was making me f*****g uneasy.

Maria, Marcel, and Liam would leave tomorrow, and I hoped they found the answers we needed. Liam had gone back to his pack to spend time with his mate and pups before their trip, which hopefully wouldn’t last too f*****g long. He would be back here in the morning, Raihana was going to come down in the morning to spell them so they appeared human.

As for our other lead, I was going to go to Italy myself, I didn’t want to leave the rest behind but I didn’t really have a f*****g choice. Scarlett was going to stay at the Blood Moon Pack and Elijah would come here. I hated that I had to leave the kids and Kiara, but Rayhan and Elijah would be here, which gave me a little f*****g reassurance. I had just settled my d**n debt with Skyla, who said I apparently owed her a hundred pounds for using the f**k word. I swear the little devil was robbing me. She had walked off smug as f**k, leaving me irritated as f**k.

I had now come to Dante’s bedroom to help him settle to bed, although the f****r acted like he didn’t need any help. The f**k was wrong with these kids? What Kiara had said earlier was still on my mind, I planned to ask him about it.

“Wanna share what happened earlier? Between you and your mama?” He looked at me, his red eyes calculating. It was kinda hard to explain but it felt like he was f*****g looking into my head. “Stop with the

staring s**t, answer me pup.” “What did she say?” He asked after a moment, lying back and placing his hands behind his head.

The dark veins moved slightly under his skin as he stared at his overhead ceiling of the galaxy “She said she felt scared.”

He smirked.

“Why would Mama feel scared of me?” His eyes snapped to me, raising an eyebrow pointedly. I frowned, my stomach sinking as a thought occurred to me. “What are you f*****g saying?” “I’m not saying anything, I’m just asking, why would Mama fear me?” “Are you trying to say something else is in her head?” He shrugged but didn’t say anything, but I got the f*****g answer that I so f*****g did not need… “You should take Mama to Italy with you.” He added, closing his eyes.

I frowned, leaning over and brushing his hair back, I hated how he had the weight of the f*****g world on his shoulders. I hadn’t told him about Italy but he knew… I often wondered how much he knew. Could he see the future? The outcome? Did he know what was going to happen?

We once asked him and he had replied; I can’t say too much or the balance will be destroyed.

The haunted look in his eyes at that moment had made me promise myself never to question him about it again.

“I’ll take her with me.” I promised, standing up. “Must be f*****g hard to have to deal with all that s**t. You must feel f*****g tired.”

He smirked slightly, his eyes remaining shut. “Or I feel like the game master, watching all the pieces move on the chessboard.” Came his arrogant reply.

I glanced back at him sharply.

“F****r.” We both said at the same time. I smirked, shaking my head. “Night.”

“Goodnight, Dad.” I dimmed the lights, leaving his projector to illuminate his room. I left the door open a crack so Milo could keep an eye on him through the night and made my way down the hallway.

‘Drake. Kiara will be going with me to Italy. We leave in two days. Make sure her papers are ready as well.’ I said through the link.

‘Got it, Alpha.’

Dante’s words replayed in my mind as I returned to my bedroom, seeing my nympho removing her earrings, a beautiful smile on her face. It f*****g killed to know she was still in the grasp of the enemy. Did they know exactly what was going on? Did I have to start hiding the truth from her?

I knew the answer to that and it f*****g killed me with guilt. I had just won her trust. By hiding certain things from her, would it affect her faith in me? Closing the gap between us, I kissed her with everything I f*****g had..

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