Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 37

I got home at exactly 5pm. I haven’t seen Alex since break time. I went upstairs and took a quick shower. I changed into a grey hoodie and pink sweatpants.

I left the room and went down to the kitchen. I took out a left over Mario chocolate cookie from the fridge. I pulled the wrapper open and took a bite of the delicious treat. I left the kitchen and went into the living room. I lied down on the couch with my legs crossed as i switched on the television.

I was busy watching National Geographic when the door pulled open with Alex standing by the door. He shut the door close behind him and i immediately stood up to my feet with my arms crossed as i waited for him.

“Hey Liv”He smiled.

“Don’t hey Liv me Mr, you have some explanation to do” I scowled at him.

“Not now Liv, please”He said as he sat down on the couch beside me.

“Come on Alex, i know you’re the one behind what happened to Blake, spill it out already” I sat down beside him, facing him.

“Liv I……”

“Stop lying to me Alex, i know you did it, admit it already”I frowned.

“Fine…. yeah i did it”He admitted.

“Why? I know he’s a jerk and he deserves every bit of it but why did you do it? I thought he’s your friend”I questioned.

“I don’t wanna discuss this right now, please”He said standing up as he headed towards the stairs but then i ran up to him, obstructing him.

“What’s this Liv, move out of the way”He looked pissed.

“Not until you tell me why you beat up Blake”I folded my arms.

“Argh, why do women always have to be so damn annoying?”He groaned.

“I’ll be less annoying when you tell me exactly what i wanna hear”I told him.

“Fine”He said and went back to sit down back on the couch with me following behind. I sat down beside him.

“So?”I asked eagerly waiting for his response.

“Um…. you know that night when you were drunk and I’d brought you home” He started.

“Yeah?”I asked, unsure.

“You told me what he did to you”He said quietly.

I did?

“Okay?”I said, waiting for him to continue.

“I was furious so i……”

“The next morning when you’d disappeared and i asked you where you went, it was his place you went to, right?”I completed for him.

“Yeah…. um…. let’s just forget about it”He said, standing up and i also stood up along with him.

“You fought with your best friend for me?”I questioned.

“Well…. he doesn’t have the right to act like that to you or any girl, what kind of guy would kick a girl out of his house? i only knocked some sense into him”He said, his anger flaring up.

“But he’s your friend right? why would you do that to him for me?”I asked.

“Because he put you in that state where you were even almost……”He paused.

“Almost what?”I asked with questioning eyes.

“Nothing”He said dryly.

“Almost what Alex? tell me”I pushed further.

“It’s nothing, just a slip of the tongue, i was just angry because he made you drink so much and i didn’t like to see you in that situation and he also hurt your best friend”He said.

Why do i have a feeling that he’s hiding something from me? i decided not to force it.

“Aren’t you supposed to be a jerk? Aren’t you supposed to be worse than Blake in breaking girl’s heart? so why did you take my side instead? why do you care so much about me all of a sudden?”I asked with hopeful eyes.

“Because…… i don’t know, i just do”He said calmly.

“Alex i wouldn’t want to be the reason for your friendship tearing apart”I said and he burst into laughter immediately making me confused.

“Friendship tearing apart? who said anything about my friendship tearing apart? Blake and I have been friends since childhood and we’ve had our fights severally, it’s nothing new, he’ll still come around. I only beat him up to knock some sense into him since that’s the only language that he understands”He said.

“Oh…. okay?”I said unsurely.

“Yeah don’t worry about him, he’ll come around, just worry about yourself”He winked at me playfully. I was glad that he has lightened up the tense atmosphere.

“You should go and freshen up, Zoey, Jane and Cade will be here anytime soon”I told him.

“What…. why?”He asked.

“Just to hang out”I told him.

“I don’t have any problem with Zoey and Jane but what the fuck is that moron coming here to do?”He asked.

“Why do you hate him so much?”I asked.

“Because he’s an asshole and a jerk”He spat.

“What did Cade ever do to you Alex?”I asked.

“Everything”His eyes turned dark.

“What?”I asked.

“I don’t wanna talk about it and don’t you dare try to force it out of my mouth, I’ll be in my room”He said and left.

Remind me how i became friends with this asshole again?


I sat down on the couch watching Tv with a bowl of ice cream in my hand. I took a spoonful of ice cream and chucked it into my mouth, laughing at the program i was watching.

I heard the door bell ring and i immediately got up running to the entrance. It must be Zoey and the rest.

I pulled the door open to see Cade, Zoey, Justin, Jane and one other boy I’d never seen before.

“Hey guys” I greeted as i let them into the house, shutting the door behind as we walked into the living room.

We exchanged pleasantries as we all sat down on the couch.

“Who’s he?”I asked, gesturing at the blonde boy in grey t-shirt and blue jeans. He’s kinda cute i had to admit.

“My cousin”Jane said.

“Oh.”Was my dry response.

“Hi I’m Matt”The boy stretched forth his hand for an handshake. I took his hand and gave him a sheepish smile.

“I’m Liv” I said.

“Nice to meet you Liv” He smiled and let go of my hand.

“Oh this tastes amazing, where did you get it from?”Zoey asked.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Not again! My eyes widened in horror as i stared at Zoey who was now in possession of my ice cream bowl, scooping it into her mouth.

“Hey that’s mine, i didn’t say you could have it!” I squeaked.

“I didn’t ask”She smirked.

“I should have hidden that ice cream before opening the door”I facepalm myself.

“Too bad you didn’t, now it’s mine”She giggled as ahe continued stealing my ice cream. That’s my favorite ice cream!

“Let’s share it Zoe”Jane said as she came to the living room with a spoon in her hand.

What the fuck! When dis she even leave the parlor?

She sat down beside Zoey in attempt to join her.

“Hands off Roberts, this is mine alone” She squatted Jane’s hand away as she possessively claimed the ice cream bowl.

“But you can’t finish that much ice cream, it’s big enough for us to share” Jane said.

“Watch me” Zoey said as she took another spoonful of ice cream. I chuckled at Jane’s frowning face.

“Fine then, eat alone. I pray you die of diabetes”Jane folded her arms.

“I’m a child of God, those kind of prayers doesn’t work on me”Zoey said as she continued eating the ice cream.

“Your a child of the devil, infact your devil’s apprentice” Jane scowled and i couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Let’s watch a movie guys”Cade said disrupting us.

“What movie?”I asked.

“Let Zoey decide”He said.

“Why Zoey?”Jane furrowed her eyebrows.

“Because I’m awesome” Zoey answered.

“Ugh, you sound like Alex”Jane groaned and we laughed at her expense.

“Where’s Alex by the way?”Justin asked.

“In his room, drowning in misery”I laughed.

“Ha ha, so funny, I can’t stop laughing”Alex said as he approached us.

What’s he doing here?

“Hey man”Justin said and stood up to hug his friend.

“Hey guys”Alex said and pushed me over on the couch, making space for himself as he sat beside me.

“Hey!”I squealed.

“Hey Alex, nice for you too join us”Zoey said. Zoey was the only one enjoying all this.

“Yeah…. you kinda wanna stop eating that cause it’s expired”Alex said to Zoey who immediately dropped the bowl, spilling ice cream all over the place with her jaw dropping.

“Expired!”Zoey exclaimed while Jane burst out into laughter.

“Gotcha!”Alex also burst into laughter.

“You fooled me didn’t you?”Zoey narrowed her eyes, fuming.

“Ha! typical Alex”I laughed out my lungs.

I knew he’s always up to no mischief.

“You fucking retard, you made me drop my sweet bowl of ice cream!”Zoey yelled furiously.

“Sorry…. fine I’ll get you another one” He said, throwing up his hands.

“There’s none left in the refrigerator”I informed him.

“I’ll buy”He said.

“Then get your ass out of here and get me some ice cream!”Zoey yelled.

“I hope you know that ice cream belonged to me so I’m the one who Alec will be buying some for”I informed her, earning a scowl from her.

“Fine, I’ll get a bowl of ice cream each for you girls” He stood up.

“And popcorn”Jane added.

“Abd Pizza”I added.

“Fine…. I’ll get popcorn, ice cream and Pizza”He said, pulling out his keys from his back pocket. “I’ll be right back”He told us and we waved at him excitedly as he left.

“Zoey, you might wanna clean up the mess you made”I told her, pointing at the messed up ice cream all over the floor.

“Ugh!”She groaned and stood up, going towards the kitchen.

After cleaning up the mess, she sat down beside me as we all decided on a movie to watch.

We decided to watch fifty shades of grey. During the movie, Alex came back with our orders and distributed it to us before joining us to watch the movie.

After we finished watching the movie, Alex sat down on the floor while we were all debating on what to do next.

“Um…. let’s play a game”Jane suggested.

“What game?”I asked.

“Spin the bottle”She told me. “Who’s in?”

“I am”Zoey squeaked.

“Me”Justin raised his hands.

“Me too”Matt said.

“Count me in”I said.

“Me too”Cade said and we all faced Alex who was quiet the whole time.

“What?”He scowled.

“Are you playing?”I asked.

“Why would i play some dumb childish meaningless game with you guys?”He frowned.

“Come on Alex, it will be fun”Jane persuaded.

“If he doesn’t wanna play then don’t force him, he’s a dumbo after all”I smirked, earning a glare from Alex.

“I’ll play”He said.

I knew just the right buttons to press in order to get him.

“Fine, I’ll get the bottle”I said and went to the kitchen.

I came back out with an empty bottle which i placed on the ground as we all   sat on the floor with the bottle in the middle.

“I’ll go first”Jane said excitedly as she spun the bottle which landed on Cade.

“Cade, truth or Dare?”She asked.

“Truth”He answered.

“Who’s your crush?”She asked.


He better not mention my name.

We all stared at him, waiting for his response.

“I don’t have a crush”He answered simply.

“Liar”Alex spoke and we all shot him a glare.

“Alex!”I yelled.

“What?” He shrugged.

“Your turn Cade”Jane said and Cade bent over to spin the bottle. The bottle landed on Zoey.

“Zoey, truth or dare?”He asked.

“Truth”She smiled.

“Do you still have feelings for Blake?”He asked and i shot him a nasty glare.

“Cade!”I yelled and he then gave me a sympathetic

“It’s okay”Zoey whispered and gave me a reassuring smile. She paused and took a deep breath. “Yes”

“Oh”Was Cade’s dry response as he handed the bottle to her which she spun and then it landed on Alex.

“So Alex” She smirked “Tell us about you and Zoey’s kiss in details”She said eagerly, making everyone gasp.

“What?”He muttered.

“I haven’t chosen whether it’s truth or dare”He clarified. Bursting her bubbles. We broke out into laughter.

“Oh…. right…… choose dare please”She begged.

“No…. i choose truth”He rolled his eyes at her, making me chuckle.

“Fine then, do you like Liv?”She asked and i scowled at her.

“Yeah…. as a friend”He responded. For some unknown reason, i felt slightly hurt that he likes me only as a friend.

Ugh, what’s going on with me!

“Oh…… your turn Alex”She handed the bottle to him and he spun it. The bottle landed on Matt. Alex groaned.

“Who’s this guy by the way?”Alex scowled.

“He’s Jane’s cousin, be nice!”I told him.

“Fine…… truth or dare?”He asked Matt.

“Dare”Matt seemed to have no idea how mischievous Alex could be.

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