Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 60

“Did he break up with you?” Jane asked.

“No but our relationship is coming to an end just before it even started, I’m ruined” I cried into Zoey’s waiting chest again as she patted my back soothingly, whispering sweet nothings to me.

“You’re leaving? Tell me this is a joke” Jane said in a duh tone.

“Nope, it’s not” I finally said after much silence as I pulled away from Zoey.

“Why? Why did your parents make this decision all of a sudden?” Zoey asked with a frown evident on her face.

“They hate me, that’s why” I sighed.

“No Liv, don’t say that, your parents don’t hate you, they love you and they are just looking out for you, they only want what’s best for you” Zoey said maturely. I used to think I was the mature one of the three of us but I guess I was wrong. Everyone is mature in their own way.

“Yeah they don’t hate you Liv” Jane agreed.

“Of course they do, if they had any ounce of love in their hearts for me then they wouldn’t be planning on playing this cruel game to spoil my love life”

“They aren’t spoiling your relationship. After all Alex hasn’t broken up with you yet, you can do a distance relationship” Zoey advised.

“I don’t know Zoe…… you know how Alex can be and I don’t even know if I’ll ever come back to California again, I think this is it for us.” I said sadly.

“I agree with you Liv, I’ve known Alex since I was in middle school and he’s definitely not the kind of guy to keep a distance relationship……”NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Jane!” Zoey scolded.

“What? I’m only saying the truth so she doesn’t begin to have false hopes. We both know Alex very well, he’s a sex God. A guy who can’t last a week without having a girl in his bed, how do you think that guy would keep a distance relationship. I don’t mean to hurt you Liv, you’re my best friend and I can’t hide things from you or lead you on. You need to hear the truth even though I know it’s bitter. You need to forget about having a distance relationship with Alex. You’ll just get hurt” Jane concluded.

“I hate to say this but she’s right Liv, Alex isn’t that kind of guy, you’ll just get hurt in the end” Zoey added.

“But he loves me……”

“Love isn’t enough, we both know how men can be with their hormones. I’m not trying to weigh you down, I’m only trying to advise you, if you can talk about this with him and he agrees to maybe go with you to New York then it’s fine” Zoey said to me.

“I don’t know Zoe…… he doesn’t plan on coming to New York, he’s persistent about staying in California” I frowned.

“He loves you Liv, I bet he’ll consider you and move with you”

Alex’s POV

“There’s no way I’m going to New York with her! Are you even listening to the nonsense you’re telling me?” I barked.

“But man you love this girl” Blake reasoned.

“Yes I do, I love her so fucking much but that is no reason why I’d jeopardize my future here in California and move to New York, no it’s not happening!” I yelled angrily as I took another sip of my beer.

“Look at you man! You are miserable, do you think you can be able to live without her?” He’s really testing my patience.

“Come on dude, it’s Liv we’re talking about here, when did we start dating that I suddenly can’t live without her” I barked.

“So you mean you don’t love her? You can live without her?”

“No, I didn’t say that, I do love her, you know I do. But I don’t see myself moving to New York because of a girl. I have my future planned out even before I met Liv, I can’t just jeopardize it all for a woman” I said calmly.

“So you had your future planned out and now that you met her and fell in love with her, you won’t change it for her? You want to jeopardize your relationship for the sake of your future? You want to ruin your happiness for the sake of your future?”

“I…… I’m not ruining my happiness, my future is my happiness” I said to him sternly.

“Let me ask you one question” He started.

“Yeah go on” I eyed him and took another shot.

“Do you see a future with Liv?” I almost spat the drink in my mouth.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked.

“What I mean is…… do you see Liv in your future, do you see yourself being with her in the future as your wife?” He was being too serious with this issue.

“Man I……”

“I want a yes or no answer Alex, do you see her as your wife and mother to your kids?”

What the fuck is he saying?

“I’m waiting” He said impatiently.

“I…. um…… no, no I don’t see her as my wife or mother to my kids. We both know how I feel about marriage. It’s just some shit I don’t believe in. I don’t see myself spending the rest of my life with one woman in a bondage called marriage” I told him and I meant every fucking word I just said to him.

I mean, what’s the essence of marriage?

“So you mean that you don’t plan on ever getting married?” He rolled his eyes.


“Then why in the name of fuck are you dating Liv, what’s the essence of a relationship if not to get married?” He rolled his eyes.

“I’m dating for fun, I don’t know about you dude” I said casually.

“So you don’t love Liv, you don’t plan on ever making it official with her, you just want to waste her life, give her false hopes and break her heart?”

“Man I’m really surprised that all this is coming from you. How can you say things like this? I thought you use to be a worse player than me, what changed?” I asked.

“I’m done playing the games Alex, it’s gotten real. I’m done with the games.” He was serious.

“So you mean that you plan on getting married to Zoey one day?” I almost laughed.

“Yes and she will be the mother of my unborn kids. Man what’s up with you. I remember you beating shit out of me trying to make me realize that it doesn’t pay to toy with people’s emotions, what changed, I thought you love Olivia, what’s going on”

“Wow, I’m happy for you. Congrats man. Well yeah I love Olivia but I think it’s too early to be talking about marriage. I mean…. we just left high school, what’s all this madness” I was infuriated.

“It’s never too early to plan ahead, if you love someone then you’re willing to do anything and change anything to be with them” He said.

“I think you should tell that to Liv, I’m not the one leaving, she is. Yes I love her and I see a future with her but not as my wife. I see a future with her as the woman I love so much, the woman I want to be with, the woman who makes me happy, the woman who gives me Joy, the woman who will stand by me through my difficulties, the woman whose voice I will wake up to everyday, the woman whom I will kiss good morning and good night. The woman I will do anything for. But that doesn’t need to involve marriage. Marriage is too much of a commitment. Can’t we just live together and love each other for the rest of our lives? Why must we place the title ‘Marriage’ before we make it official. I don’t want to be called a married man or someone’s husband, I just want to be a man who has a woman by his side, a woman who loves him as much as he loves her. I hate kids and I definitely don’t plan on having any kids with anyone whatsoever. I love Liv and if she decides to stay with me then we can achieve all this but definitely not marriage”

“Wow, what a wonderful speech. I don’t know man…. You’re crazy but making sense and still not making sense at the same time. But I’m glad that you do have plans for a future with her” He smiled briefly.

“Yeah…. But she’s leaving bro, she’s leaving me” I didn’t know when tears slipped down my eyes.

I hope Blake doesn’t notice it, how can a whole Alexander Williams be crying over a girl. I’m sure Olivia has cast a spell on me. I hate how much I fucking love this girl.

“Have you thought about having a distance relationship?”

“Distance what?” I glared at him.

“Relationship, have you thought about it?”

“I……” We are interrupted by the door bell ringing.

“I’ll get it” He said.

“No don’t worry, I’ll get it. Maybe it’s Liv, I’ll really like to discuss with her about all this again now that my head is clear” I stood up.

“Okay then, soothe yourself” He smiled at me as I made my way towards the door.

On getting to the door, I pulled it open to find none other than Mrs. Henderson standing in front of my door with a bright smile on her face as she saw me.

“Hello Alex” She said with her charming smile still on her face. Liv really looks like her mom. So elegant and beautiful.

“Hi Ma’am…. Um…. My mum isn’t home and my dad is also out” I informed her.

“Oh that’s okay Alex, I’m not here to see your mum, I’m here to see you” She smiled.

“Me?” I was surprised.

“Yes, you…. Can I come in?”

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