Love Aint Always Pretty

Chapter 89: 89 Lie

Chapter 89: 89 Lie


- statements which are untrue; to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive; to create a false or misleading impression; to bring about by telling lies

Origin: Middle English


There was a huge gift on Damon's hand and I was surprised with it. He bought a gift to Melissa but never dared to give it? Why? This means a lot to me because out of all Melissa's birthdays he never, not even once, gave her a gift. Every family occasion or special holidays like Christmases, he never gave her anything. Never.

Even though I hate Damon so much because of all the cruel things he has done to me, this tiny thing he did for Melissa is huge, considering Melissa doesn't even bring his last name. It means he does love my daughter. He's at least beginning to love her. I know Damon is still a nice guy despite what he has become now, and he has his days all the time but right now I am really moved.

He looks at me. "What are you doing here?"

"Is that a gift?" I asked. "For Melissa?"

He gazed at it.

Neither of them said anything.

"Damon?" A smile appears on my face.

John smiles at me, but... Ruefully?

"It's a gift. Melissa won't like it." Damon says.

I chuckle. "Damon, don't be shy. Melissa has been waiting for you to give her something. She will love it. Anything from you."

Damon takes a deep breath and drinks from his glass of... Liquor? That's obviously liquor.

I arched an eyebrow at him. "Don't you think so Mr. John?"

"I definitely do, Mrs. Patricks."

I smiled at Damon, "Why didn't you give Lissa her present along with the others? She's opening all of her gifts now. We could add it along with my gift."

"No! I'm throwing this." He says firmly.

He finally handed it to Mr. John as quick as he could and I ran closer to them to pull it back but Damon takes a grip tight on it. Melissa would love it. But why is he hiding it from her? Why does he deprive Melissa from a love of a father? At least, even for once, he would be nice to her. That's all I ask from Damon. But he's being an asshole again.

"No! Don't throw it! Damon!" I began pulling it away from Damon.

He pushed me and I successfully grabbed the small card attached from the box. I quickly ran my eyes over it, reading what the card contains and I was surprised by what I just saw.

To the most beautiful angel on her fifth birthday,

May you have many more birthdays and blessings to come. I'll see you & your mommy soon!

Uncle Nick

I gaped.

It's from Nick.

My head moved right at Damon and he's staring at me angrily. With all the anger raging inside of me, I pulled my hand and slapped him. I know I shouldn't have done that because he will hurt me back but I've had enough of all these lies he caused me. He's hiding the first birthday gift that Nick had given to Melissa. I couldn't let that pass and not even in my entire life imagined that he could go this far.

"How could you?!" I yelled.

Mr. John bends his head down after what he witnessed.

"How could the both of you do this to us?! How could you do this to Melissa?! How could you?! Damon! How could you!" I continuously hit his chest.

He takes a grip on both of my wrists and stopped me. I'm crying as I pull myself away from him but he holds me tightly so I won't slip away. I cried harder and louder. All of the things that I've been through is coming to me. I hit Damon again, I reached for his hair and pulled it. He grunts.

He strongly pushes me and I fell down the ground. Mr. John quickly helped me and held me so I could stand again but I pulled myself away from him.

"You are the most horrible man I have ever met Damon! Not even once in my life didn't think you could do this! Not even once!" I screamed, not caring about the guests from downstairs.

Damon quickly pulled his hand up and slapped me. I fell onto Mr. John's arms. I began to cry even more. Damon looks at me and every time those eyes lands at me, I want to rip it out from his eyeballs and burn him in hell. He marches out of the room cos of his anger while he left me with Mr. John.

He helps me sit on the couch and handed me a ply of tissue. He kneels before me and I don't want to look into Mr. John's own eyes because I am too mad. They could do anything related to me, they could pull me away from Nick but they couldn't do this to Melissa. Even though she doesn't know Nick is her father, at least she would know Nick exist in her life.

I want Nick to be a part of her life. I want her to know about Nick. I want Melissa to be a part of Nick's life even without me in it. I want them to meet so badly. But Damon is doing everything he can behind my back to stop them from meeting each other and it's really selfish of him. He doesn't even like Lissa but he's doing this to her.

"Mrs. Patricks I am really sorry. I should have told you earlier." Mr. John says to me.

I wipe my tears, "I thought you weren't one of his idiotic bodyguards that keeps on following me. I didn't know you could do this Mr. John. I trusted you."

"I'm so sorry. I truly didn't want to do this but he forced me."

"I should've known. You worked for him for years, of course your trust is with him."

"At first yes, my trust was with Mr. Patricks. But after all these things that I'm hearing about that he's hurting you and him being so strict to you and Melissa, I know I had to do something."

"By what? Hiding the birthday gift that came from Nick to Melissa?" I spit.

He shakes his head. "I have to tell you everything I know."

I watch him as he stands away from me. I watch him as he starts to get nervous. I am nervous when he said everything he knows.

"This isn't the first birthday gift Nick has sent Melissa." He tells me.

My eyes widened by what he said. Mr. John started grabbing my hand and dragged me to this door that was hidden behind a huge curtain which leads to a wide silver vault. A huge vault that I have never seen before all these years that I have been in this mansion. I watch him as he unlocks it and he even knows the password to it.

He opens the vault and my heart drops.

There were tons of gifts inside. All in wrappers of colors pink and white.

"What are these?" I asked.

"All of the gifts that Nick has been sending you and Melissa all these years. Damon hid it from you. He told me to hide it from you. I'm so sorry Mrs. Savannah." Mr. John's voice weakens.

My tears flooding my eyes as I start to march my way inside. I take a look at every small greeting cards that were attached to the gifts, some were from Melissa's past birthdays, the Christmases and New Years, valentines day and a few more occasions and holidays. There were a few baby toys around and baby clothes too, a small wooden horse with a pink ribbon, a beautifully carved crib, and a few gifts that were meant for me and Lissa.

"He never missed Melissa's birthday. And yours too." Mr. John says.

I began to weep silently as I watch everything before me.

"He sent cakes and flowers yet Mr. Patricks would throw it all away but I kept the flowers for you."

I feel my heart breaking whenever I think of all the things I hid from Nick and how I hid the truth from him all these years and how he's still sending us gifts. All these gifts standing before me knowing that it all came from Nick, I feel guilty. All these withered flowers before me makes me feel sick to my

stomach. That feeling when sadness is eating my heart makes me think I'm a worst person for what I have done.

Suddenly, Mr. John handed me something and it was a pile of....


"What are these?" I asked.

"Mr. Wilde would send you letters too, monthly for all these five years have passed by. And he never missed a single month. But Mr. Patricks hid it from you as well. He told me to burn it every time you'll receive a mail, but I kept it all. I think it's time to let you know now."

My jaws dropped in disbelief of seeing how thick the piles of letters were on his hand. I quickly grabbed it from him and wiped my tears. I stare at it one by one, Nick had written his name on it. It's hand written. I smile sheepishly as tears build around my eyes again.

"Don't let Damon know that I've already known about this." I say.

He stares at me, "I'm truly sorry Mrs. Savannah."

I started walking away from him but he calls out my attention again.

"There's one more thing he hid from you." He blurted.

My heart skipped.

"About your family..." He trailed off.

I quickly turned around and faced him. "What about my family?"

He didn't answer.

"What about my family Mr. John?" I exclaimed. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

"He never helped your family." He says.

I gaped.

"He lied to you about it. He threatened your parents on not telling you the truth. He bought your company. He kicked your father and your brother out from their position." He adds.

I feel cold flushes running all over my system. I covered my mouth with my hands in disbelief.

"I don't believe you...." I say weakly.

"I am really truly and heartily sorry that it took me five years to say everything to you." He says.

I slapped Mr. John after finding out what both of them had lied to me. I feel my hands shaking because of anger. I've been through hell for nothing? I took it all in, I sacrificed my life for them but all of this was a show? A lie?

Damon have gone far enough of ruining the entirety of my life and my being. I'm not gonna let this one go away. I'm not gonna let this one slip. Out of all the things he did to me, physically, this one is the worst of all.

"Why did you do this to me?! Why did you let him ruin my life Mr. John? Why did you let him do this?! Why did you let me suffer when you know everything he has done?!" I yelled.

"I am very sorry ma'm. I am making it up to you now. I was blinded by money but then I know what I was doing was wrong. I'm so sorry."

I ran out of Damon's library with the pile of letters in my hand because I couldn't take everything what Damon has done behind my back. I'm so mad that all I wanna do is cry and kill him in front of these

people. I want to end this party but I thought of Melissa. It's her birthday today. I want to burn this house. I want to bury him alive. I want to hit him as hard as I could for all those fucking lies for five years.

I ran to the empty bed and shut the door close behind me. I cried for a little while and saw a few of his stuff inside our bedroom. I stare at his perfume collection, I ran to it and pushed everything off the table. Every single bottle broke and different scents of perfume filled out master's bedroom.

I grabbed a pair of scissors and started cutting all of his clothes that I could grab from his closet. I pulled out all of the sheets from our bed and threw everything. I disarranged every single thing I could move inside this bedroom. It was all I could do but at least it's giving me a little satisfaction.

I crashed on the bed along with the scattered letters that were on the floor. I want to do the things he did to me but I'm not strong enough like him. I want to hurt him like how he hurt me but I couldn't. I'm not demonic like him.

I stare at the letters while my tears kept falling down my face. More tears keeps falling down and it were all wetting my cheeks. I transferred to the floor and sat down then grabbed the letters to move it closer to me. I started piling them again and my heart melts when I see how a lot of letters that Nick had written me and it was all arranged in months. I opened the first letter he wrote.

Dear Savannah,

Let me start off my letter by saying, hello. I'm not really good with writing so bear with me. Now, how are you? How's Melissa? Did she get out from the hospital safely? I hope everything is doing great with the two of you.

Well actually, I can't find any words to say on how I've been missing you a lot since I left England. I'm sorry I left you again, I was just mad that time, mostly at myself. I am the one to blame anyways. I wasn't mad at you neither to Aries. I was just jealous when I heard it. Sorry I was being a jerk again.

As much as I want to email you all the time, I've decided to write you a letter starting on this day instead, in that case Dakota won't know I'm still communicating with you. She checks my emails. I don't expect you to write back but I promise I will send you letters once a month. I would do it daily but I figured you may get tired of receiving it and Damon might suspect you. I don't want you to get into trouble. I hope you don't mind.

Savannah, lately I've been thinking of taking you away from Damon after what he did to you because he doesn't deserve you. We should file a case against him. I'm not saying I'm the one who deserves you because clearly I always hurt you too. A lot of times actually. I'm just like Damon. When I found out about the things he did to you after seeing your bruises, I just want to kill him with my own hands. I know you asked me to give him a second chance and I hate it that you still stay with him despite what he did.

When something comes up you know you can always call me. You know that you can always tell me. You know I'll always be here for you when no one else will. I'm here. Don't be afraid to tell me, because I am willing to fly to anywhere you are just to make sure you're safe. Just to make sure I am with you.

I want to run away with you so bad but Dakota said she would file a case against me if I back out from the contract. Baby, I love you so much that all I think about are the things that are illegal just to be with you. I'm torn between chasing you and then staying with Dakota. Im sorry cos I shouldn't feel this way. I should always choose you but I can't because staying with Dakota means we have an assured future to whether even if the future is always uncertain for you and me.

If money and power weren't the only things that's pulling me away from you, we could've been a happy family now. To be honest I still wonder who's Melissa's father is because if it's from another man, even if it's Aries' child, I would accept her as my own because I love you. I was even hoping Melissa was mine because you named her after my mom and the combination of our names. Funny how I was thinking of that. Sorry.

Well I guess my letter ends here for now since there's no more space on the paper. Just know that I'm here for you. I miss you. I love you.

Only Yours,


My tears are flooding.



Young And Beautiful - Lana Del Rey

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