LOVE AND SEX (the mafia’s slutty wife)

Chapter 28 Screwed


“Welcome Mr Matteo. Do you have a reservation with us.” The receptionist asked as soon as they walked into the restaurant.

“I don’t but I was hoping there is one for my wife and I.” Damon said drawing Serena close to him.

She smiled and looked at the receptionist who had her mouth agape. She swallowed and looked Serena up and down, no doubt wondering what exactly Damon saw in her.”

“Of course, please follow me.” She said after some time.

Damon held onto Serena’s hand as they followed the receptionist who passed them to a waiter that directed them to a special table away from the ruckus in the restaurant.

They made their orders and while waiting, Serena could feel Damon’s eyes on her.

“What? You are still staring at me” she asked

“Nothing, I love looking at you.” He said.

“So, the receptionist… did you guys ever have anything?”


“Really, Nothing at all? Because that was not the vibe I got when you announced our marriage.”

“Everybody knows we are married, Serena. Incase you haven’t noticed, I am very popular and our wedding was literally the talk of the century.”

“Yes everyone knows and they also know that you did not marry me because you wanted to.”

“Where is this coming from, Serena.” Damon asked.

Serena had no idea why she felt so angry at him, sitting there all cool while that receptionist looked over her. He had done the sweet thing by naming her his wife and drawing her close to him in front of everyone and she was sure that the gossip blogs tomorrow would carry pictures of them holding hands but she wasn’t appeased.

“Did you fuck the receptionist?” Serena asked and then cringed at how crude she sounded.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Damon pinned her with an intense stare and then enunciated slowly.

“I did not and I will not. Does that satisfy you?”

Serena did not respond, instead she looked away thoroughly embarrassed at how she had sounded.

The waiter came with their food and she dug in, afraid to look up for fear that he would still be baring her soul with those intense blue eyes.

They were in the middle of their food before Serena felt the presence of someone else by their table. True enough when she looked up, it was Cassandra, the ex who had tried to slap her before.

“Damon” she crooned, eyeing Serena who looked coolly at her.

“I haven’t seen you in a while, I thought for a while you were hiding from me.” She said, bending down to place her hands on their table and thereby thrusting her breasts in Damon’s face.

Serena’s heart leaped for joy when Damon did not acknowledge her obvious flirtation and she felt even more overjoyed when he signaled security.

“Really? You aren’t going to respond because of the country pumpkin you married?” She asked oblivious to the security man headed her way.

“If you ever throw shades at my wife again, I will make sure you never speak.” Damon said in a clear voice.

That seemed to shut her up as she allowed herself to be escorted out, all the while glaring at Serena.

“I am sorry about that” Damon said later.

“It is nothing. I want to apologize for my outburst earlier, it was totally uncalled for and unfair to you.”

“It was nothing, you have every right to be pissed. Say the word and I would have her killed.”

Serena eyes snapped up to meet his, he was serious!… no, his eyes were twinkling, he was kidding.

“Ha ha… very funny” she said although she blushed to the tips of her toes.

“Do you need anything else before we return to the warehouse?” He asked, watching her face closely.

“We should get some food for my father, no need for him to die before we actually get Information.” She said avoiding his eyes.

“Of course” Damon said and signaled the waiter who rushed to his side,

Everyone wanted to serve them, it was disgusting to see them rushing to his side, Serena thought.

No feelings of theirs were genuine, they all just wanted the fat tip he was sure to drop.

Damon, oblivious to her thoughts ordered food and they both waited in silence for it to arrive.

Serena thought about what her father had told her, she could hardly contemplate on it because of the arrival of Damon at that time but now that she thought about it she was chilled to the bone, what if she told Damon about her father having no idea where the drugs were, was she safe? And if she did not tell him, he was only going to continue torturing her father.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Damon interrupted, watching her face with interest.

“It is nothing, I just want this whole drug fiasco to be over and done with.”

“It will be as soon as your father gives us the location of the drugs. As much as I also want it to be over with, the drugs belong to top and important individuals who would not take no for an answer.”

Serena looked at him, her confession at the tip of her tongue but she decided against it, she was not going to tell him anything and she hoped to God her father could endure torture.

They packed up and true to himself, Damon left a fat tip for the waiter who had asked them, he thanked them profusely no doubt imagining all the things such amount would do for him.

They got to the car and Damon opened up the door for Serena to climb in amidst the flashes of cameras from every angle.

“Is there something you want to tell me, Serena?” Damon asked on their way.

Serena’s hear slammed against her chest and she looked at him, he wasn’t looking her direction but on the road and yet she had a feeling he was glaring at her at this moment.

“No, there isn’t. Why?” She asked.

“Because I am wondering what exactly you discussed with your father that made you to lie to my face about him not being able to talk.”

He knew!


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