Love Magic: Two Different Hearts

Chapter 57: My Treat

Chapter 57: My Treat

Kaylee's POV

"Glen I think that your birthday is still far" I said to Glen since he suddenly decided to treat us today

making me eye him in curiosity.

"Did something happen?" I hear Ace said also since we were all looking at him in curiosity and he was

just smiling at us.

"Just eat your food and order more since it's my treat today. And if you don't like it then you could just


"NO" we immediately said in horror.

(This guy only treats us once in a blue moon and we can't let this chance to walk away since I will

make him pay. He always makes me go broke each time I would treat him) I thought in anger while

looking at him.

"Smile all you want but remember I will make you go broke today" I mumble evilly and Ema nudge my


"Something is not right here?" I hear her say and I look at her and she was looking at me in worry.

"Why? What is not right?" I asked her and she chuckles nervously while looking at me.

"Uhm... your smile kinds of creeping me out" she said and I just fix myself and then stand straight and

then look at her.

"Well usually, Glen doesn't treat us and more likely we treat him" I said to her and she kinds of get it

because she nods her head and then looks at Glen.

"Well then we better thank him for inviting us" she said and then I just smile at her as she went near

Glen and thank him for inviting them.

He managed to invite me, Ema, Ace and Mark and I kind of feel that something is fishy but I shrug it off

and think about the treat of Glen.

"Okay then, are you really sure that this is not one of your joke or pranks" I inspect while looking at

Glen and he was smirking at me.

"I assure you that I won't make you pay all of it" he said reminding me what he did back then and I

glared at him.

"What do you mean all?" I hear Mark said and then I looked at Glen and he was giving me an innocent


"That is not an important matter so let's just order now" I mumble trying to change the subject and it

worked though Mark is still asking but I glared at him to stop.

(That time Glen and I went to eat outside and I thought that he was going to treat me back then but he

was a devil hiding his real plan because he made me pay the all of it and you won't believe how he told

me his reason) I sob while glaring at him.

(He said that he fucking left his wallet and he didn't even bring extra cash making me pay all the food

that we ate and I freaking ordered some expensive dishes. And you know what is even more annoying.

Turns out that he was just hiding his wallet because he offered to pay the cab when I kept nagging him

so much for the treat. So, imagine how angry I am at him) I screamed in my mind and glance at him

calmly even though I want to strangle him.

"If you think that you would trick me again then I won't fall for it" I pointed my fingers at him before I

calm myself down.

"Oh... I think that the menu is already here" he mumbles while looking away avoiding me eyes.

(Get ready since I would make you go broke) I thought while I chuckle evilly in my mind as I take the

menu from the waiter.

"Then we should better let Mark and Ema be the first one to order" I mumble before I give the menu to

them and then I saw that they were both uncomfortable but I just look at Glen and he was just looking

at them relaxed.

"Don't be shy and just order whatever you like since it's on me" Glen encourage the two while smiling


"Don't worry about the price and just pick whatever you want" he told us while he gives us all a

reassuring smile.

"Okay then I would just order this and that" I hear Ema said nervously while pointing something and

when I looked at it was one of the cheap ones making me look at her.

"Nope that is not good. You should try these and these" I told her while pointing the expensive one and

he just looks at me in shock.

"It is too expensive; I can't eat that?" I hear her mumble but I just smile at her.

"Don't think about the price and just pick whatever you want" I reassured her but she was a bit hesitant

but I smile at her.

"Don't think too much and enjoy the meal here besides this is the first time that Glen will treat us in 3

years so better take this chance" I told her and she looked at me shocked.

"3 years" she said in shock and I nod my head at her.

"You heard me right, 3 years" I said again while looking at Glen.


Ace's POV

(What is this kid up to? Calling us to come here after school. If he thinks that this would make me talk

to him then he is mistaken he should do better than this) I thought while eyeing him as he just smiles at

us like nothing bad happened back then.

"Ace are you really sure that we could eat here and your brother would really pay for it?" he asked me

while looking kind of worried.

"I don't also know what he is planning" I whispered to him honestly and he got more even worried.

"Then maybe we should just look for another place" he told me and I look at him.

"Then tell that to him" I whispered to him and he looks at me in defeat.

"But Ace you were the one who suggested this place when he asked us where do we want to go" he

said in disbelief making me gulp in nervousness.

"Did I?" I asked nervously while looking away and he slap my back.

"Of course, you did" he said in irritation making me groan and look at him annoyed.

"Don't give me that look because you dragged me here so better pay my meal if something goes

wrong" he said and I sigh in defeat.

(He was right I dragged him since I intended to order everything and the more of us the better. I also

need to have the expensive place so that he will go broke. I will make you pay for the times that you

made me spent more money on you than on my dates) I thought while looking at him in pure joy.

"I will make you use all your money you prick, so better get ready" I mumble dangerously while looking

at him and he is just smiling like an idiot.

I then look at Mark and he was looking at me in question.

"Buy everything that is expensive and don't worry he has tones of money more than all of us here

combined" I told him and he looks at me in surprise.

"How can that be possibly true?" he asked and I told him the reason and he looked at me in disbelief.

"You mean all the assets of your grandparents belongs to him" he said and I immediately cover his


"Not all but half of it since our grandparents have children and grandchildren you idiot" I covered his

mouth while the others look at us in question.

"Uhm... let's just eat okay" I mumble while changing the subject and I have managed since they all then

look back at the menu.

"Just order what you want" I told him and then I glance at my brother and saw him happily looking at

the menu.

"Wait and I will make you pay tons of money" I smirk while he suddenly looks at me and I then look From NôvelDrama.Org.


"Hey Ace I thought that you said that you won't talk to him. Why did you even immediately agree to eat

with him?" I hear Mark said and I want to strangle him now.

I then slowly look at him dangerously and he looks at me nervously while immediately looking at the


(This fucker really wants to die... huh) I glare at him and he immediately cover his head with the menu.

"Oh... I think that I will have these and these" he mumbles while scanning the menu looking for

something to eat.

"Don't be shy all of you and just order what you want" Glen suddenly said making me and Kaylee look

at each other and then we glance at him and he was just showing an innocent smile but the truth is a

devil is hiding there so better watch your backs.

(Of course, why would be shy when we want to empty your wallet) I thought as I look at him.

"Are you sure that I can order whatever I want?" I hear Kaylee started and I saw him nod in agreement.

"Yup anything that you want but be sure to eat it okay. Don't waste food" he challenged making Kaylee

frown at him.

"You said it, and if you are going to play pranks then I will really hurt you, you idiot" Kaylee threatened

making me feel sorry for her.

(I suddenly remembered that they went to a very expensive restaurant and then he was tricked by Glen

that it was his treat just like what is happening today and then at the end he made Kaylee pay the bill

all by herself. Kaylee was in shock that he wanted to kill Glen but Glen then bought her clothes as a

compensation to what he did... thought it worked so they are back from being best buds again)

"Then if you say so... I will order these and these and I also want one of this and that. I think that this

will be good too. I want more of these and also add some with this" I hear that Kaylee started and I look

at Glen and he was just relaxed making me groan and then grab the menu too.

"I also want these and that. Better to also have these. I also want to try these pastries and I also want

to order what she had just ordered" I ended while pointing at Kaylee and I smirk at her and she also

gave me smirk then we turn to look at Glen and he was just smiling at us.

(Don't act you idiot) I though while looking at him.

"Is that all you want?" he even asked like he was mocking us but we won't be beaten.

"Well we can just order later anyway" I challenged and I hear Mark gasp in shock.

"What do you mean we can just order later? What you both order are enough for all of us" I hear Mark

whispered and I also saw Ema talking something to Kaylee.

"Aren't you going to order?" I hear Kaylee asked Glen and he was smiling at us before he nodded.

(Let's see how you will handle it) I thought while looking at him and he slowly puts down the menu.

"Oh I already ordered at the same time while you are both ordering" he said and I look at Mark and he

was looking away.

"You hear what he ordered?" I asked him and he looks away avoiding my eye.

"Mark" I call him and then he slowly looked at me and he looks like his soul is about to leave his body.

"I think that were going to wash plates" he said in trance making me grab him and shake his body but I

think that he was really knocked out.

I then let go of him and then turn to the waiter and then asked him what he just ordered and I was

shocked when the waiter said it.

"Uhm... Sir he also ordered the same as you two" he said nervously while pointing at Kaylee making

me immediately look at Glen and he was smiling like an idiot.


at him and he immediately raises his hands to stop me while the waiter looked shocked as heck.

I was now getting nervous and angry since I think that he will make us split the bill. I then slowly pull my

wallet and saw that I have only few paper bills and I think that it won't be enough considering the price

of the dishes that I have picked.

I then look at Kaylee and she was also looking at her purse then she looks at me and we both look at

each other in horror.

"It won't be enough" I mumble while we slowly look at Glen and he was gulping and then shrinking in


"If you won't pay this time, I will really not talk to you" I mumble dangerously while looking at him.

"If you are kidding, I won't also talk to you and good luck dealing the others at school" I hear Kaylee

threatened him and he was now cowering before he immediately raises his hands again stopping us

from getting closer to him.

"Honestly, it was not really my treat" he said and that made us even more angry since he really tricked



"I KNEW IT" Kaylee

"So you tricked us" I said while now wanting to strangle him until he pukes money.

"Wait... wait..." he immediately said while pushing us away and then we halted but still glaring at him.

He made a few distance while we are still eyeing him since if he escapes this place, we'll hunt him


"Tell your reason and better make it reasonable" I retorted and he then slowly puts down his guard and

look at us.

"Well it was Sir Michaels treat" he says and he kinds of drop a bomb making us all look at him and then

both Kaylee and me calm down and then went back to our sits like it was some kind of magic spell.

"Why didn't you tell so" I hear Kaylee said and I also want to say the same.

"I think I will order some more" we both said in unison since now that we know that it was that bastards

treat then we need to satisfy our anger to him.

"WAIT WHAT..." we all hear Mark said in shock making us all turn our eyes to him and he was looking

so shocked and scared like he had just heard a horror story.

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