Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia)

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Hearing this, Cordelia was dumbfounded.

Her eyes widened, still foggy from disbelief, as she turned to look at Yates. His stomach was still upset, so he was stuck sipping on soup, yet somehow, he managed to exude an aura of calm defiance. Merry, always one for drama, couldn't help but chime in, "Yates is finally getting his moment in the sun! Floyd's been overshadowing him for so long, this is like sweet revenge!"

Cordelia just sighed softly, a hint of pride in her voice. She understood the sentiment. Before, it was Little Flame always begging Gamer to join the esports club. Now, the tables had turned, and the roles had reversed!

Little Flame, once the underdog, was now calling the shots, having the upper hand over Floyd. Cordelia couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. She wasn't particularly fond of Floyd's tendency to keep everything bottled up inside. It was clear he cared about Little Flame, and their bond had always seemed strong. What was the reason for his resistance to Little Flame joining the esports world? Couldn't he just speak up so they could all work through it together?

Merry even concocted a wild theory that Yates's granddad had offered Floyd a sum of money to keep him away from his grandson - the stuff of soap operas! Munching on popcorn, she glanced at Everard and said, "Lia, honestly, it's better to be upfront. It's like with couples, right? If you don't talk things out, misunderstandings are bound to happen."

Cordelia nodded in agreement. Everard, with a more serious look, added, "Some things are left unsaid because it's not yet the right time."

He had his secrets, reasons for being close to these kids that he couldn't reveal until they were older and ready to handle the truth. Everard thought this as he looked back at Floyd. To those unaware of the full story, Floyd's actions seemed incomprehensible. But Everard knew, once you have someone you truly care about, nothing else matters as much. In a rational sense, Floyd's actions, though they had upset Little Flame, were perhaps for the best.

The trio continued their discussion, watching the standoff between the two.

After a couple of sips of soup, Yates handed his bowl to the nurse. With the room cleared, except for them and three onlookers pretending not to be engrossed in the drama, Yates's defiant aura filled the space. Smiling with a hint of arrogance, his fiery red hair making him all the more imposing, this was the Little Flame Cordelia first encountered.

Yates spoke up, "Bro, you've given five years to EW Club, with little to show for it. But did you really think you could outplay the corporate game?" He stared down Floyd, "The me you abandoned, the me you didn't want, was always your most loyal ally. Your so-called teammates, your supposed responsible figures, would drop you at the slightest hint of profit."

Floyd, trying to keep his composure, slowly said, "Yatesy, does it have to be this way? Investing in an esports team is just throwing money away. There won't be any return!"

Yates's words were cutting, "I'm just buying some happiness, something to not feel so stifled! And to show you, everything you refused to give me, I can easily obtain."

Because he cared, he avoided the esports scene. But he had the money, the means to buy any team he wanted. Did Floyd really think his disapproval was enough to stop Yates? It was all because of care, until Floyd's words yesterday hit hard.

The esports world had Floyd, but not Yates...

If that was the case, why should he continue to endure this suffering?

Yates glared, "I've entered the scene. If you wish, you can still be the captain of EW Club. That position is yours if you want it. But if you refuse, then please, just leave."

Floyd's face tightened. He stared back at Yates, then, with a bitter laugh, picked up a large water bottle, threatening to harm himself. He said, "Yatesy, if you're so set on esports, then I'll just end my career today."

Merry, unable to contain herself,

stood up, "Come on, do you really

need to go this far? Yates's skills are

sought after by many teams, all

rejected! Do you think what you're

doing is truly for his best? Yates just wants to play games with you!"

But Floyd remained unmoved, his decision firm.

Cordelia couldn't help but speak up, "Can't we all just enjoy the game together? What's so bad about that?"This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Floyd smiled, his tone gentle,

"Playing offline together is one thing, but joining the competitive scene is another. He spoke as if coaxing a much younger Yates, "If you want to keep playing, I'm here. We can team up, play casually. But entering esports... that's off-limits

Yates was livid, "Who the hell wants to just 'play games' with you? I'm here for esports!"

Floyd simply shook his head, "No."

Cordelia frowned, "What are you so worried about? It's not like playing a game of esports is going to kill him, right?"

Floyd didn't answer, just offered a bitter smile. At that moment, despite Yates's apparent upper hand, owning EW Club and having the power to overshadow Floyd, he felt an overwhelming sense of oppression.

He glared at Floyd, his eyes rimmed red with anger, the rage making him practically steam. His voice was ice cold as he spat out, "When I cared about you, you could use that to threaten me. But now that I don't give a damn, your threats mean jack tome! Floyd, if you're hell-bent on wrecking your future, be my guest! It's no skin off my nose!!"

Floyd continued to look at him, a wry smile crossing his face at those harsh words. His voice was smooth and soothing, like a balm to the soul, offering a sense of security. He slowly said, "Fine."

Then, in a decisive move, Floyd lifted a glass bottle and smashed it against his own hand without the slightest hesitation. His eyes were resolute, showing no second thoughts.

Cordelia's heart skipped a beat, anxiety flooding her.

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