Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18

Before the Storm

Before the Storm

For a moment, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be rescued anymore. If whoever came to rescue me had to

go through them, then…

“Grab the girl,” the man who appeared to be the leader of the group instructed curtly.

“Come here, girl,” one of the men approached me.

I yelped at the slight pain as his fingers dug into my arm before he basically yanked me up to my feet. It

wasn’t easy for me to maintain my balance with my ankles bound together and I almost fell over. The

man didn’t seem to care much for my welfare as he pulled on my arms and began dragging me to

where the other men were gathered in the center of the warehouse.

A few steps from where we started, the man realized that I couldn’t walk in the state that I was in and

decided to half carry and half drag me instead. I whimpered as my feet were dragged roughly across

the floor until we reached out destination.

“Sit and stay still,” the man said as he shoved me down onto a wooden chair.

“Tie her to the chair, quick. It’s almost time,” their leader commanded.

Another man approached me, and I flinched when I saw the thick rope in his hands. The sudden

development in the situation had truly started to frighten me. I stared in shock while my body trembled

from fear as the man began looping the thick rope around my waist. He tied a large knot behind the

chair and just like that, I was tied to the chair. I quickly found out that I could hardly move at all. My

heart beat loudly in my chest as panic gripped me.

After my initial shock had passed, I realized that the leader mentioned something about it being ‘almost

time’. Time for what? Is something supposed to happen?

“What are you doing?” I protested as another man approached me.

“No more speaking,” he muttered.

My eyes widened and I cried out. After trying to struggle by turning my head to the side to no avail, the

man succeeded in taping my mouth shut. Speaking was no longer an option.

“Don’t worry missy. We’ll be done with you as soon as we get our money,” the leader said before he

started laughing loudly.

As if that was supposed to bring me any sense of comfort.

It’s ‘almost time’

I see, Hayden is going to come save me soon, right?

“Are you sure about this? I thought you always say that your back hurts…” Hayden asked as he shot

Luka a teasing look.

“Shut up. I feel completely fine right now,” Luka replied but his hand did go to his back.

“Let’s go,” Ethan muttered before walking ahead.

Three teams of men followed their respective leader. All teams had received thorough briefing on the

mission and what is expected of them. Despite the mission being a simple one of interchanging ransom

money for a hostage, the importance and sensitivity of the situation had made calling for a

comprehensive meeting necessary.

“Listen up all of you. This mission has various priorities which are to be taken care of in this order. First

priority, secure Malissa as soon as possible and ensure that she is safe. Second, ensure Malissa’s and

Hayden’s safe evacuation out of the site. Third, kill them all! Don’t let even a single soul escape. I want

them all dead. Shoot them, stab them, bomb them! Then, you will all check that none of them are still

breathing at the end of the mission. I will not tolerate anyone escaping out of this alive!” the boss

explained the mission before ending with his harsh and loud screaming.

“We will also help out on this,” Ethan stated without backing down.

“I will not ensure your safety, Silva,” the boss said before shooting Ethan a glare.

“We will take care of our own…and of Malissa,” Ethan replied decisively.

“Do whatever you want,” the boss said.

“I’ll take over the briefing now. Listen closely…” Hayden announced loudly so that everyone could hear.

When he made sure that he had everyone’s attention, Hayden began the real briefing of the mission

while conscious that time was quickly running out. The appointment time was fast approaching and

getting the men ready and armed was the priority. After having a short conversation with Ethan to

strategize, the two had figured out a plan that comprises of using three separate teams of men. Initially,

Hayden did not want to get any help from Ethan, but he had to admit that having Ethan and his men’s

help would help the operation run more smoothly. Ethan’s plans were also as calculating and detailed

as ever.

“We will separate into three teams. I’m guessing your old man won’t join in the fun, but I know that Luka

can’t let some fun pass him by. You, me, and Luka will each lead a team. Your team will go in first for

the negotiation and to trade the ransom money for Malissa. The key here is to do whatever it takes to

secure Malissa, I’m sure that you understand that. The plan won’t proceed forward until she is safe by

your side. I doubt that those men will do anything rash, but you never know. After they get their money

and you get Malissa, we proceed to phase two. My team and I will surround the warehouse before

entering and attacking,” Ethan explained before he paused to see if Hayden was still following.

After a nod of Hayden’s head, Ethan decided to proceed with his explanation of the plan.

“Somehow during that, you need to get Malissa out. I doubt that those men will be willing to let Malissa

go freely even after they get the money anyways. Violence will break out for sure. My men and I will kill

as many of them and as fast as possible. You and your men just focus on guarding and getting Malissa

out to safety. Once you two are out, Luka and his team will come in and basically slaughter everyone

as per the boss’s orders,” Ethan concluded with a confident smile.

--To be continued…This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

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