Luna On The Run!

Mating In Jeopardy

In Blue Blood, the seat of the Alpha King…

He failed to turn up for my birthday and missed my first shift.

My white wolf with blue shadings is a beauty in her own right, and the pack could not hide their admiration when they saw her. After Ariel’s white and gold wolf, mine is also unique. My father was so proud of me, his eyes shining with satisfaction.

He had expected me to have a special wolf, and for the pack to go crazy at the sight of the beast in their Alpha Princess. So he organized a big party, with a huge buffet and everything. Congratulations came from all over, even from wolves outside our pack.

Some unmated Alphas had come too. Obviously to try their luck and see if I would be their mate. A mate in my father’s family is a privilege and brings great honor to the Alpha and his pack. I smiled secretly, knowing their journey was in vain. As tempting as it is to be an Alpha’s mate, being cherished by a Beta is what matters most to me. I want a mate like my brother-in-law, who loves my sister unconditionally and no less. His rank is irrelevant, I don’t need an upgrade.

But Eric remained absent.

A thousand and one times I stared at the door of the ballroom, hoping that he would finally enter and apologize. And then our wolves would finally confirm that we were mates, and he would strut across the dance floor with me, our eyes only on each other. But it didn’t happen.

I know that Midnight Moon is still in Code Red, the social media posts suggest that the situation there is just not progressing.

Ariel eventually fled Midnight Moon again, it didn’t take a fortune-teller to know that would happen soon enough. My sister and her mate are soulmates in the deepest sense of the word. It was pretty stupid of Zane to accept the Council’s deal, it was only a stay of execution. Ariel belongs to Gorgio, nothing can change that.

Eric is now close to my ultimatum. He has one week left to show up and claim me. But it was just a bluff, he is my mate and I will never let him go, not ever. I reach for my mobile again and press his number. For the umpteenth time, the call goes to voicemail and I leave a message that I know he won’t answer.

There is only one thing left to do. I have to go back to Midnight Moon. Eric has no idea what’s in store for him when I’m there. No excuse will save him, I mark him on the spot. He is mine and I have no intention of letting him slip away.

I put on black jeans and a shirt of the same color. I pulled my hair back and wiped my face with a facial tissue. Today I go without make-up. After checking that my bag contained all my personal items, I left my suite to look for my father. I could smell him in his office.

As I walked in, I saw a worried frown on his face. But his eyes are hard and I know what that means. Zane has got him at his worst.

“Dad, what’s wrong? Your expression doesn’t promise much. Is it Zane?”

He growls irritably, pointing to a chair for me to sit in.

“Ariel ran away again. And she crashed her car in Human Town. Zane put a choker around her neck to keep her from moving too far or making contact with Gorgio. And now it is working against her. I am shocked by this brutality, Ariel is not just a she-wolf, she is high-ranking, with a higher status than Zane. My blood begins to boil, I am so ready to finish this man.

“And now the King has seen it all. The woman who helped Ariel escape is his cousin. And he knows about the choker. Queen Faith went to the hospital to tell Ariel that she had fled again to an unknown destination.”

“But why doesn’t she just remove the choker? Or else call Gorgio or you or me? I’ll go get her right away.” But my father shakes his head.

“Only a witch can remove it. There’s a spell on it. That’s why the King is angry, Zane had no right to do that.” You know, I didn’t like this Alpha at first, but now I feel a deep hatred for him growing. Choker and witch spell, this one’s got a death wish. At this moment there are several wolves looking for his stupid head, if he survives this debacle he can hit the jackpot.

“We have Xanna. Who would be happy to help break the spell. No problem with that”. I breathe a sigh of relief, Zane has clearly overestimated his worth. In Blue Blood we are all tradesmen, freeing Ariel from a choker with a spell is a small job.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“My daughter, the cards are not that simple. Xanna is in Eclipse Howl now, Gorgio needed her help for a project. She is not back yet. But that’s not all.”

Now I am sitting on the edge of my seat, sure that I will not like what follows. It gets worse as my father resumes the story.

“Gorgio has declared war on Midnight Moon. I have sent warriors myself and the King is sending Lycans. I do not know how this will end, but I must protect my daughter and her cub. What Alpha Zane has done to her is unacceptable.” His eyes glow and I know that negotiation is not his primary goal here.

“A pup? Is Ariel pregnant? Ooohh, Daddy, Gorgio will be over the moon. I am going to be an aunty”. My joy is overshadowed by worry. The choker has to come off so that Ariel can keep her pup safe.

“The Council is also sending warriors. Gorgio and Ariel broke the treaty. And now Gorgio is going to war with Midnight Moon, while he himself is to blame. This could go either way. But nothing must happen to my daughter and my grandchild. Our warriors are here to protect them as well.” My father is determined, this will be a battle of the strongest in the werewolf community.

“I will go there. I will defend Ariel in her absence. No one can judge her without hearing her. And besides, I have a personal stake in all of this.”

My father furrows his brow. “A personal interest?”

“This whole affair is putting my mating in jeopardy. My mate is unable to become a Blue Blood because he’s loyal to Alpha Zane and must fight this war by his side.”..

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