Married To My Sister's Husband

Chapter 12 The All-in Game

Chapter 12 The All-in Game


I saw him again. It wasn't a's never a nightmare each time I see him.

It's a happy dream, maybe a memory lost in the space of my mind, but somehow I manage to wake up

in tears.

He didn't say much, only the words that mattered to a 9yr old then, 'Let's leave together', 'take my hand

and don't let go', 'I'll hold you, so you don't have to worry about getting lost again', 'sleep now, I'll not

leave your side, I promise'.

I couldn't say anything, so I didn't even ask for his name, maybe because I trusted and believe he

would not leave my side.

I had another fever...I was at the infirmary half unconscious, but when I finally woke, he was gone.

I was told that his guardian had come to pick him which made no sense. I thought he was like me,

alone in this place. But one thing became clear, he was not like me at all. He had a family that loved

and worried about him.

I couldn't remember who I was, I felt lost and my memories were in shambles each time I tried to

remember, then I opened my eyes.

I woke up from my sweet-sad dream with tears streaming down the side of my face to my neck. I was I


Did I have that dream again? What was it about? Who was in it? The harder I tried to recall the dream I

just had, the more intensified the migraine trying to explode my head was.

Like always, I couldn't recall what or who my dream was about, and as the passing of the night, it

pulled my dreams along with her.

I turned to find myself on the bed surprisingly. I could at least remember that I slept on the couch last

night, so how come? How was I on the bed now? Could it be Markian? No, it couldn't be.

For the past few nights we've been married back at home, he always slept in his study. I hated it, and it

made me feel guilty each time he did that. So, why would he help me to the bed when I clearly wanted

him to sleep on it comfortably by giving him his space?

While I was contemplating on how I got to the bed, the sexiest man I have ever seen walked out of the


Markian was oozing of perfection as water trickles down his black silky hair- that seemed to have

added in length since the wedding, unto his very manly wet chest and down his stomach.

He was a wonderful sight to behold, but at the same time my cheeks were burning with excitement. I

tried to turn away, or blink -because my eyes were starting to burn, or even breath, but I couldn't do any

of the above.

I just sat there, eyes wide open, ogling at the fine specimen in front of me. I was finally brought to

reality when his eyes met with mine, I swear I would have died of embarrassment.

I mentally slapped myself for suddenly feeling so horny, and getting all kinds of crazy ideas. But most of

all, I was dissapointed as to how much I wanted Markian not just emotionally, but also physically.

He gave that smirk of his that sends my heart beat racing pass normal, but I also knew what it meant. I

was caught red-handed again, so I quickly turned my head to the other side pretending to look around

the room.

For the first time since we arrived, I was able to appreciate the beauty and exquisite nature of the suite

we stayed in. Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

"You're awake? Perfect, so what do want to do today?" he asked me.

Wait, I'm i still asleep? Of course I am, things like these are too real to be true anyway, they only

happen in my dreams. I swiftly turned to see if those words really came from Markian, but got the shock

of my life.

I suddenly came to a halt as I could feel his breath on my face, his lips only few inches from mine, with

his hair pushed out of his face -which seemed to have been finger-combed backward, I could see his

grey-blue eyes staring deeply into my soul.

This is strange, I feel like its a dream but why I'm I sudden feeling so hot below my abdomen? My

breathing changed and my heart beat became intense, its pounded so hard I felt like it could jump out

at any moment.

I swallowed hard and with my last will I turned to the opposite direction, but that will suddenly broke into

pieces as strong firm fingers pulled my chin back to face Markian.

He was staring at my lips intensely making me feel even hotter -i don't know how possible that was, but

it became torturous.

"I...i...i.." swallowing hard again, I felt to embarrassed as to how hopeless my words were turn out to


I slowly cleared my throat, but it didn't help, it made it hurt even more. "I' you want to

do, I don't have any plans" I finally replied.

With this revelation, he pushed my face aside and pulled out from the bed he was bending over and

using his other hand as support.

"Are you sure? I thought since you meticulously planned all these, you might actually have plans to

back up your efforts, don't you think?" he spoke disdainfully.

I'm not dreaming, this is my reality and this right here is the Markian I have to live with. His cold aura

was back but the hotness and sharp pain below my abdomen wasn't going away.

What? Plan? What plan? It was his idea that we go on a honeymoon without even consulting me. And

now, is he trying to falsely accuse me right now?

"I...don't understand, what do you mean?" I requested. I was proud of myself for having the courage to

even ask, but quickly felt the need to crawl under a rock and hide again as his face turned red and his

eyes dark.

He's stares now seemed to bore holes in my skin, it was really scary. I tried to get off the bed and run

for safety, anywhere but in front of him would be ok. But he caught me by the shoulder and pushed me

against the wall close to the bed.

As my back met with the cold wall, my heart almost shot out my chest. I was terrified now, because I

wasn't sure what he would do next.

All I wanted was a normal morning, nothing fancy. Just a good morning that would go with me taking in

the savor of the beautiful flowers placed at the balcony of our hotel suite with a cup of sweet coffee.

I didn't plan to go anywhere, I had no intention of doing anything out of the normal for the next 13 days,

so why are we fighting right now?

I tried to push him away, but he was way bigger and stronger than me. I felt raw fear envelope me, I

was finding it difficult to breath now.

'Please, somebody...anybody, please, save me'. I could see myself struggling to shout, was I

drowning? I can't seem to move, something is restricting my movement and no matter how hard I try to

reach for air, I couldn't.

Until Markian's husky voice brought me back to reality as I almost passed out. Ironic, isn't it?

The same person who was the reason for my panic attack just now was the same person who brought

me out of it.

"This game you are trying to play, I'll play along. But know one thing, no one has ever beaten me a

game before. I always win."

'I'm not playing games' I wish I could tell him that, but that wouldn't change anything. He hates me so

much and nothing I say would change that.

"You're...hurting me. Please go" I pleaded with teary closed eyes. When I opened them, he

scoffed and let go.

"I hate this, and the fact that you know how to act so well just drives me insane. I am the victim here!

Not you!" he yelled.

I knew everything happened because of me, and I can't help but wonder at a time like this, what it

would have been like if I had never showed up at the courthouse that day.

But no matter how I look at it, if I'm given a second chance to go back in time, I won't do anything

differently. This realisation alone torments me and makes me feel like the villain.

I wanted to run away, anywhere, just to leave Markian's presence, but something stopped me and I had

to let words spill out without proper thought.

"I'm...a victim too! I didn't get married to you because I wanted to, I did because if I hadn't, my mom

wouldn't have forgiven you!"

Great. Adding to all my bad qualities I had to add lying to it as well. Yes, it's true I can't imagine what

my mummy dearest would have done if I had disappeared that day, but I knew one thing. No matter

where I decide to hide in this world, she would sniff me out. And Markian would be in big trouble as well

when that happens.

I saw him arch his eyebrow, making him look meaner than he already was. "Did I ask to be saved by

you? If I could recall correctly, you've never liked me so why did you think you had the right to save

me? Ahh, that must have been the strategy both you and your mother decided to use to trap me. The

mother would threaten to ruin Castlehill, while the daughter would step in to save it. Wow, what a nice

plan, and just like that I was trapped." he sighed and sat on the bed, with water still dripping down his

naked chest.

This is just insane, here is the man who just sent me into a panic few minutes ago and now, all I can

think about is grabbing a towel and rubbing it all over his body from his neck, to his broad shoulders,

down his well defined chest and stomach.

Heat rushed through my body as I watched him move his hand in demonstration as he spoke. The way

his muscles and biceps contracts and relaxes at each movement he made was about to drive me


He was talking, but I couldn't hear anything as blood rushing through my veins seems to have

accumulated in my ears.

What kind of powers does he have over me? Only him can make me so scared now and in the next

second make me feel like a horny, sex deprived wench.

"I spent all night thinking, but realised that I can't successfully escape this trap I'm in unless I master

my environment and make it my personal playground. I never had intentions of playing house with you,

but I'm compelled to, I don't think there would be any need to hold back anymore. I would play house

and everything that comes and goes with it. In fact, things from now on would go according to my rules

and none of them would favor you I promise," he said with so much hate.

A part of me was scared to even think about what he meant -he has a way of saying very little with

verse interpretation, while the other half wants to find out what he meant.

What is wrong with me? How can my head and heart be in shambles at the same time. I felt that sharp

pain in my lower abdomen so I ran to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and cringe at the reflection that looked back at me. I just woke up and

didn't have time to freshen up before my confrontation with Markian, but how could I look so paltry.

And Markian was so close to me, what if I had morning breathe? I could see myself blush as a result of

how embarrassed I was. I'm sure it wouldn't make a difference since he already hates me, but no girl

wants to be seen by her crush looking like a dried up pumpkin.

The bathroom was very bright, big and comfortable. There was a bath tub and a stall at the foot of it,

and the room smelled like pink roses with a mix of peach fragrance.

I hurried to the stall and took a quick shower for fear that I wouldn't catch up with Markian and he might

leave before I was done. I shampooed my hair with the hotel's shampoo that smelt like apple mixed

with mint. It was so relaxing.

I cleaned myself up and slipped back into the travel clothes I'd worn -without the pants hurriedly, but the

room was empty when I came out. I don't know why I felt disappointed but I was. So, I just dressed up

in a comfortable gown, I let my hair flow down my shoulders and back while I put on a pink lip stick.

I'm in the Caribbeans for the very first time in my life and I wasn't planning on spending it in this hotel

room alone. The ocean was looking so nice from our hotel room, and the smell of the ocean breeze

was just exciting and it drew me in. So I stepped out alone and headed to the beach.


Daniel went to the Caribbeans for a business trip, but I knew better.

Our father sold his shares in Shanghai group to him, making him the biggest shareholder, seconded by


This means that when a board meeting is called in 3 weeks time, I would most likely lose my position to

my kid brother if I don't act fast.

Before he returns, I need to make allies and make demands from people who are indebted to me.

I knew a day like these would come, so I prepared for it, but I never knew it would be these early.

Growing up I never wanted anything other than what was mine, but when my father got sick to the point

of death, I was compelled to drop everything that made me happy and take on the responsibilities of

running the company.

I put my best to it but I never settled in, knowing that a time would come when I have to give it all back

to Daniel.

But when that time came, I just couldn't give it up. I was excited and content to learn that Daniel didn't

want to be C.E.O of Shanghai group, so I continued to oversee the affairs of the company until it

became all I could do and think about.

When my father asked me to break off my relationship with my college sweetheart then, I didn't even

bat an eyelash and did as I was instructed.

I lived and worked for the company putting my all into it, so that when the day finally comes again when

they would want me to stand down and let my younger brother take charge, I can put up a fight and

protect that which is mine.

But even after everything that I have had to sacrifice for the company, my own father didn't even think

twice before selling his shares which I have been asking him of all this years to Daniel, giving my little

brother his full support just because he is the male and the company is his birthright.

I was rounding things up at the office, it's barely been 18hrs since I arrived back at Shanghai. I felt my

phone buzz and I stretched to get it at the end of the table were it is being charged.

Why was Markian calling? I hoped everything was ok with Livy, and wondered if she had messed up

the plan after so much effort I put into it.

"Markian? Hello" I answered seeming excited.

"Have you suddenly gone insane or did you perhaps forget your place? How dare you try to disgrace

and downgrade me, do I seem so helpless and pitiful to you?" Markian asked in rage.

'Oh no Livy,what did you say to him?'

"You'll watch your words and tone of voice when you speak to me Markian." I replied making the fact

clear that I won't have him talk to me rudely because of some petty issue he has with his wife.

"You should have thought about your self-respect and that of others before you went ahead to do as

you please".

Ok now I'm confused, what exactly is he accusing me of doing?

"Will you calm down and be more explicit, I don't understand what you mean at all." I requested calmly

even though deep inside of me I wanted to explode at his disrespect towards me.

"Do you know how embarrassed I was in front of the Aligarh investors when they told me that the

contract have already been signed with Shanghai group almost 18hrs ago? I looked like a complete

fool not having the slightest clue what was going on. I have spent years building my prestige and

reputation with these people, and I will not stand and watch anyone try to tarnish my image, you


Oh, it was about the company and not Livy. For a moment there I thought Livy may have told him that I

helped her in the plan to try and seduce him.

I really don't care about other people's business unless I have something to gain from it, which was

why I'm trying to help Livy.

She and Markian now have the majority of the Castlehill shares which means winning her over is very

vital, especially if I want to take down my brother, my father and Markian in the future.

There you have it, I'm not very nice. I only win people over because I need them and nothing more. So,

since this wasn't at all about Livy but Daniel, I was a bit relieved.

"I had nothing to do with that Markian, I promise" I replied innocently.

"What do you mean by it wasn't your doing? who else is CEO of S group if not you?" he asked.

"Well if you need to know, S group has been given over to Daniel, so I am not CEO anymore. If

something happened with S group then it's all Daniels doing, not mine" I ratted out.

If war with Markian is what Daniel wants then I'll help them start the war.

"Do you mean to say that this was Daniel's handiwork? How, and when did he become in charge of S

group. Why am I not aware of this until now? Tell me, where exactly is that ingrate now?"

I have no idea why he's asking me all these questions when it should be Daniel who should be


"I don't know why you were not aware of this, but I do know where Daniel is at the moment. He's at the

Caribbean's, so if the Aligarh's signed a contract with him, it means he's closer to you than you know.

This is all i can say, I'll hang up now". And that's how you start a war.

Since Daniel looked me in the eyes and told me that he has decided to take back from me what was

he's, I will not give it to him without a fight.

He is Markian's problem now and I can't wait to see how this turns out.

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