Mated to the Alpha triplets

Chapter 13. Aftermath

Chapter 13. Aftermath


I managed to finish my work and went back to my room. I tried to focus on my assignments and the group project we had been given that day, but I couldn't. My mind kept wandering no matter how hard I tried to forget the events of that day. I couldn't forget about the kiss I had shared with both Lucien and Lucas and I couldn't help thinking about Lucas' drunk words.

If he felt like that, protecting me… his mate, why did he reject me? Because I am an omega or because of his brothers?

What if it was because of Helen? Is he in love with her?

My heart squeezed painfully in my chest and I hurriedly discarded that train of thought. I went back to the group project I was working on and began to surf the internet for more information about the topic we were assigned.

I eventually fell asleep around 1:00a:m.


The following morning…

Knock! Knock!! NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

I woke up reluctantly to open the door. It was Miss B.

“Good morning, Miss B.” I greeted her.

“Morning, Olivia. Alpha Damon told me to hurry you up for school. He also asked you to meet the triplets as they will be taking you to school today.” She said as I yawned.

Just then I remembered what happened between the triplets and I. I wondered if their attitude would change towards me or if they would actually remember what happened.

I thanked Miss B and went back in. It was 7:40 a.m. when I checked the time. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and have my bath. I walked back into my room to put on my clothes.

Just then I realized that I had no clothes to change into other than the ones I had worn the previous day. I hadn't thought of that when Miss B had informed me that I would have to spend the night at the palace. I picked up the same clothes I wore the previous day and wrinkled my nose at its smell and how wrinkled it was. I had no other choice than to put it on and I groaned again as I thought about how I probably looked with them on.

Great, another round of taunts coming my way when I get to school.

My phone rang and I picked it up to see that it was Josh calling me.

“Good morning, Olivia. I hope you're up and ready to go, I'm nearly at your place.

“You have to go to school without me today, Josh. I’m at the palace and hopefully will be catching a ride to school with the triplets today.” I said.

“What? How?” Josh asked.

My eyes fell on the wall clock. “I will talk to you later Josh. I don’t want to be left behind," I said before hanging up.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and all I saw was a dirty girl. I reluctantly took my bag and headed out. I ran into Miss B in the corridor. She looked at me and was surprised.

“Why are you wearing these? I did inform you that you would have to spend the night at the palace. Didn't you make any arrangements for today?”

“I… forgot, Miss B. Is it that bad?” I smiled sheepishly.

“Yes, Olivia. It's that bad. You can’t go to school looking this way, follow me.” She added.

I followed her quietly and we stopped in front of a big door. It was captioned “Vivian’s closet.”

Miss B opened the door and I followed her in. The room was well furnished and was filled with a lot of expensive clothes and they were for ladies. I saw some clothes for babies and others for a grown-up lady. It was basically a boutique, I thought as I gaped at the splendor.

I feel like I've spent most of my time here at the palace gaping at things.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I turned to Miss B and asked who the closet belonged to.

She smiled before answering my question.

"The Luna had always wished to have a daughter and so when she fell pregnant with a girl a couple of years after triplets were born, she went all out. Unfortunately, the pregnancy was a difficult one and the baby died in childbirth."

“Oh… I had no idea.” I said.

"Very few people did, she spent most of the pregnancy on bedrest." She said as she shook her head sadly.

Miss B quickly went through the closet and brought out a black leather jacket, a white t-shirt and a pair of black trousers. She handed them to me and asked me to change into them.

“Is it okay for me to accept this?” I asked.

“It’s fine, Alpha Damon knows about this.” She replied.

I quickly put them on and Miss B looked surprised.

“What? Do I look strange? Maybe I should take it off… ”

“Oh no… no… you actually look great in it.” She said smiling.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Olivia. You look really good.”

Miss B led me out before going back to the kitchen. I bid her goodbye and also went out to the driveway. I saw the triplets standing by the car door, all frowning and with shades on.

Despite my nervousness, I couldn't help but smile at their pale and grumpy faces. I was sure they all had hangovers and I resisted the urge to yell out, I told you so.

My amusement dissipated when they turned to face me and I stumbled a little. I became very conscious of myself as I walked towards them, and resisted the urge to pat down my hair or look down at my clothes.

"Hello…" I croaked as I walked closer and winced inwardly at the way I sounded

Real smooth Liv, real smooth.

Lucas grunted, "Get in."

I wondered if they had forgotten what really happened yesterday. I walked over to them sluggishly thinking about how to act around them. I can’t act like nothing happened and at the same time, I can’t tell them what transpired between us.

“Get Your lazy ass here now, Olivia or else we are leaving you behind,” Logan yelled out.

Feeling oddly exhilarated but also scared, I got into the car and sat in the backseat behind Logan. The atmosphere inside the vehicle was tense, and I could sense the lingering awkwardness from the previous day's events. The triplets were clearly not their usual selves, and I couldn't blame them, given their hangovers.

The drive to school was mostly silent, save for the occasional grunts and sighs from the triplets. I kept my gaze out of the window, trying to avoid eye contact or any further confrontations.

As we neared the school, Logan finally broke the silence. "Olivia," he said, his voice a bit gruffer than usual, "about yesterday..."

I turned to look at him, unsure of what he was going to say.

"I don't remember much, but I'm sorry if we were... difficult," he said, his expression somewhat apologetic.

Lucien, who was driving, chimed in, "Yeah, we had a bit too much to drink. It won't happen again."

I stared at them with my mouth hanging open, they were apologizing. I wondered briefly if they were still drunk.

"It's okay," I said, deciding not to press further. "Let's just move past it."

We arrived at school, and I quickly got out of the car, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. The triplets had acknowledged their behavior, but the complexity of our relationships remained unresolved.

As the day at school went by, I tried my best to focus on my classes, trying to push aside the confusing emotions that swirled within me. The classes passed in a blur, and soon it was time for lunch.

I made my way to the cafeteria, grabbing a tray and selecting some food. I spotted Josh at our usual table and joined him, we hadn't had a chance to talk all day.

"Hey, Liv," Josh greeted me with a warm smile. "How's your day been so far? By the way, you look good.”

“Thanks, Josh.” I sighed, taking a bite of my lunch. "And I must say, my day has been kind of complicated, to say the least."

Josh raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Complicated?"

I hesitated, unsure of how much to share. "Well…"

"You can tell me anything, Liv. You know that."

I recounted the events of the previous day, from the unexpected kisses to the confrontation with Helen and the awkward car ride to school today.

Josh's eyes were widened to nearly the size of saucers by the time I finished. "Wow, Liv, that sounds like a soap opera. Are you okay?"

I shrugged, feeling a mix of emotions. "I'll survive, Josh. It's just... everything feels so complicated right now."

Josh reached out and squeezed my hand. "You're strong, Liv. You'll figure it out. And remember, I've got your back."

I managed a small smile. "Thanks, Josh. I appreciate that."

As we continued eating, I couldn't help but wonder about the triplets and their actions. I couldn't shake the feeling that they were messing with me.

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