Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Chapter 93

We loaded the plane up and everyone fit in there nicely. It didn't take, but just a few hours from the time we took off to land. If we had shifted and ran it could have taken a few days. When we stepped off the plane, we were greeted by Miranda and Brent. Miranda's arms were wrapped around my neck in a hug. I hugged her back, happy to see her well. Brent shook Everest's hand before shaking mine.

Our group followed them into the Kingdom. They had every post stationed with double, maybe triple the number of warriors. Their Kingdom was much bigger than ours when it came to their warriors. Our territory was larger, only because the further north you went, the less populated it was.

When we walked inside, we were led to where we would be staying. We put our things down and I dove onto the bed. It formed around my body and it felt like I was lying on a cloud. I rolled over and looked up at the ceiling, closing my eyes, thinking about the next few days. We would be incredibly busy with their mating ceremony and then her crowning. I listened to Everest moving about the room. Drawers were opening and closing as he put away his things. I knew I should do the same, but I didn't feel like it.

Suddenly, my body was nearly flung off the bed, only to fall back into it. "Oof!"

I opened my eyes and looked at a smiling Everest. "Comfy." He winked at me. Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

"I was." I frowned.

"Was? What happened?" He was wearing a look of confusion on his face.

"Yes, was! You know, until a mountain of a man jumped onto the bed and nearly launched me into the ceiling!" I let out a giggle.

His hands were on my sides, tickling me. This caused me to fall into a fit of laughter. I squirmed around on the bed in a failed attempt to get away.

"Stop, stop, stop." I managed to say between laughing and gasps of air.

When he stopped, he had me pinned down on the bed. He lowered his face down to mine. He was maybe an inch away and I could feel his hot breath on me as his eyes searched my face. His smile seemed a bit mischievous. I was in the process of tapping into his mind when suddenly my entire right side of my face was wet. He licked me, I couldn't believe he did that. My mouth hung open in shock before a small laugh came out.

"Gross!" I faked a cry of displeasure.

"Gross? You liked it you little weirdo!" He leaned down and licked the other side of my face.

"Ahh!" I screamed and began thrashing about to free myself.

A knock came from the door and I made a pouting face. "Fun time is over." I commented.

"Yes, unfortunately it is." He agreed, moving to free me as he stood up, getting off of the bed. "Come on, let's go. Oh, I emptied your suitcase for you." He smiled at me, extending his hand to me.

I took his hand and smiled back at him. "Oh, babe, you did not have to do that. I could have done that when we got back later." I told him as I followed him to the door.

"I know you could have, I just know you hate packing and especially hate unpacking suitcases." He smiled and opened the door. The man who opened it, I would have to assume, was one of Brent's right-hand men. I know that he had a small group of trusted men to help with his kingdom and duties.

I watched as the man took a step back, allowing us room to exit, then he bowed to us. "King Brent has requested both of you to his meeting hall."

"Very well, will you please show us the correct way," Everest told the man and he bowed his head. Everest and I followed behind him. This castle was massive and took us almost eight minutes to make our way to our destination. I did enjoy all of the art and statues along the way. The halls, from what I saw, were very tastefully decorated. I really wouldn't mind having a tour, seeing how massive the castle was.

The man who led us knocked on the door, Brent's voice came through the other side. "Come in, Randal."

Ahh, I didn't even think of asking his name. I glanced over at Everest and saw that he realized that he didn't think to ask either. It was understandable though, I had a million things going on in my mind. Randal opened the door, holding it open and bowed as we walked past him. Brent was standing in the middle of the room with Miranda by his side. They both wore a happy expression.

"I hope that you both will find your rooms not only comfortable but suitable too," Miranda commented.

"Yes, if there is anything that either of you need, please feel free to press the intercom located by the door. It will direct you to our staff director who will then filter your needs to the proper sources." Brent commented.

"Thank you, everything seems great. Should we talk about plans?" Everest commented.

"Yes, please have a seat." Brent motioned to the rolling office chairs at the table next to him and Miranda.

We allowed them to sit first and sat only after they had scooted up to the table. We moved to sit across from them. This way, it would be easier to pass papers back and forth. We sat and rolled up to the empty table. I looked over to Miranda and could feel her excitement about to explode.

"Have you found your dress for your crowning ceremony after you transition?" I gave Miranda a warm and friendly smile.

"Yes! It is a gold ballgown dress with off the shoulder sleeves. It has embroidered flowers coming from the floor up to the corset bodice. I have it in my room if you would like to see it?" She said excitedly.

"I would love to. I assume gold is part of your color coordination?" I asked her.

"Yes, it is black and gold with red roses as our focused centerpieces," Miranda confirmed.

"Sounds beautiful, I can't wait to see your vision come to life. Hey, would you like to come with me to purchase a dress?" I asked Miranda.

"I would love to accompany you." Miranda smiled and turned to look at Brent, who cleared his throat.

"You two will not be going alone. I will accompany the two of you, as well as an entire crew of warriors. The store will be cleared and every entrance or exit will have two warriors standing guard." Brent told the two of us and turned to look at Everest.

"Naturally, I will be joining all of you. I myself will need to buy a tuxedo. They don't travel well in a suitcase. I have also learned from previous mistakes and will not make that same mistake twice. I will also have three witches come with us. One of them will be Melissa, naturally." Everest gave a small smile and nodded to Brent.

"Okay, let's move forward with our plans then," Miranda said cheerfully.

"Yes, we have around two hundred and fifty warriors and witches all together that have come together." Everest told them.

"We greatly appreciate all of the help," Brent told us both, with Miranda giving a nod.

"It is no problem at all," Everest told him.

Brent pulled a remote out from his pocket and clicked the button. Soon after, a knock sounded on the door and in walked Randal with a few things in his hands. He laid everything out nicely and neatly in front of us, before bowing and leaving. I looked out at the table. There was a stack of folded papers that looked like mini maps of the Kingdoms' borders, a stack of post assignments, and a list of dates that I only assumed were for the next few weeks we would be here.

"Go ahead and take whatever you would like. These will all be passed out tomorrow morning at breakfast, lunch, and dinner to all of the warriors, ours included. They have not seen the schedule yet nor have they been assigned rotating stations. We have about six hundred of these flyers to pass around. We wanted to get both of your approvals before this was set in stone," Brent told us.

Everest and myself both picked one of each up and looked through them. Everything was detailed by the hour. Where each person should be and when each person should be there.

"This is fantastic work. This must have taken a lot of time." I told them both.

Brent nodded his head. "Thank you, it did take a lot of carefully thought out planning. Miranda, though, has a great attention to detail and powered through most of it." I watched as Brent placed his hand on top of Mirandas, caressing her hand with his fingers.

"You did great work, truly. This is so incredibly detailed," Everest commented. "Fantastic work."

We went over the paperwork together for the next few hours, checking details and adding in details for us. We planned on the following day to go and find my formal outfits for the next few weeks. All in all, we would need three. I would need one for the mating ceremony, crowning, and then when everything was said and done, one for the party thrown. I contemplated getting a fourth but ultimately decided against it.

After a few hours, we finished our meeting, agreed on a meeting time tomorrow to find our outfits, and headed back to our room. I sat down on one of the reclining chairs and propped my feet up. I pulled my phone out and sent Trevor a text, trying my best to stifle a yawn.

"Hey Trev, how is everything going? Are your brothers minding you? We miss you three very much."

He responded to me almost immediately "Hey, it's super boring but the bunker place is pretty cool. I didn't know that it was all underground."

I smiled and sent him a reply, "Yes, pretty cool, huh? I didn't know it either until Everest showed me. Be safe and give the boys my love please."

"I will. You guys be careful too. Tell Everest I said hi. We miss you guys." He replied to me.

I sat my phone down and looked over at Everest. "The boys send their love and they miss us." I smiled at him and he returned the smile.

"I miss them too. Soon we will all be happy together, I promise." He told me as he walked over to me, leaning down and placed a kiss on my mouth. "Come, let's get some rest before our busy day tomorrow." He took my hand and led me to our bed, holding onto me as I fell asleep in his arms.

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