Mermaid’s Lust

Chapter 23

[Kevin’s Perspective] 

After my girlfriend left, it seemed like my brain stopped functioning. I did not know how to respond or even how to rebut everything she revealed in front of all these people. 

What she did today actually angered me. I know that I said things that I shouldn’t have but she did not need to retaliate this way. I don’t even know how she knew Nina’s secret. 

I decided to follow her. 

“Hey. You better stop right there.” My voice was rough. 

“Why? What will you do?” She tried to challenge me. 

“What was that? Are you trying to ruin someone’s life?” I asked her. 

“Trying to ruin what? She doesn’t even deserve to live. She’s not a human being, she’s a monster!” She exclaimed. 

“What the hell? How could you say that?”

“How about you? Until when are you going to defend her? I thought you loved me Kevin. I thought what we had was real but everything you said inside that restaurant confirmed that you never loved me. It has always been her.” She said while her voice broke. 

“I’m defending her because you had no right to tell her secret to anyone. I don’t even know how you knew all about it.” 

“Since our relationship ends here, let me tell you that honestly.” She started off. 

“There was this one time when you got so drunk in a bar around town. It was around 4 o’clock in the morning. The bartender had to call the first person from your contact list and it was me. When I received the call, he told me that it’s almost their closing time and they need someone to pick you up. When I got there, I saw you right away and your head was lying on top of the table.” 

She paused for a moment. 

“The bartender told me that you started drinking at around 9 PM up until dawn. He thanked me for picking you up at that hour. After that we both carried you to my car. I thanked him gain and drove off.” 

She let out a heavy sigh.

“While I was driving to your apartment, you suddenly kept mumbling something. I thought you were saying that you wanted to throw up so I stopped for a while but then you said ‘I love you’. I felt giddy at first because I thought you knew I was the one who picked you up.” 

“Moments later when we arrived at your apartment complex, I asked for help from a security guard again. When we got inside your apartment, you suddenly grabbed me and pushed me to bed. I panicked since you were drunk, but what you did next shocked me.” She said, trying to calm herself down. 

“You suddenly cried and hugged me. You kept on saying “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” so I asked why and you said “I know you are different from others because you are a mermaid but I still love you.” I was shocked by your words” She continued.

“After that I asked you “What are you talking about?” because clearly I wasn’t a mermaid. But that’s when you told me. “I’m just really sorry, Nina, I’m so sorry”” Her started breaking. 

“From then on I tried my best to look for the owner of that name. So a while ago, when that girl introduced herself as Nina, I had my doubts already. But, then you confirmed it when you told me I was nothing but a substitute. Have I ever wronged you to be treated this way?” She suddenly asked with tears in her eyes. 

I wanted to curse. I was a complete jerk for doing that. I didn’t even know that she knew everything for a long time now. 

“You did nothing wrong. It’s my fault.” I tried to console her. 

I didn’t know she was going through so much. I thought she was being a total bitch a while ago that’s why I argued with her. 

“Sorry?” She scoffed. 

“Let me just tell you one thing Kevin. Don’t even bother apologizing to me because I will never forgive you for using me as your rebound. I will let you suffer with the fact that you will never be forgiven.” She quickly pushed me away and ran to the mall’s exit. 

Her confession had me thinking about a lot of things. Above all that, I have to make things right with Nina. She deserves an explanation of what happened. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

[Nina’s Perspective]

After Andy shouted at everyone in the restaurant, I froze because I was afraid people would retaliate.. I did not know why but the way he protected me from all these people made me appreciate him more. 

“Nina? Come on! Let’s go.” Andy told me. 

“Ah…huh?” I was oblivious. 

“You don’t have to be afraid. I’ll deal with them okay?” He tried to soothe me. 

I nodded but I wasn’t still moving. 

“Come on, Nina. Stop thinking so much about this. You have me right here.” 

I looked up and saw that Andy was calmly smiling at me. There was something warm about his smile that persuaded me to move. 

Just before we got out of the restaurant another diner shouted something. 

“Hey! Fish tail. Are you sad we are eating one of your own kind?” He asked while throwing a piece of fish towards us. 

“Hey! What did you say?!” 

Andy wanted to fight with the man but I tugged on his shirt and shook my head signaling him that he does not have to deal with people like that. I don’t want to see him get hurt because of a stupid comment.

“Pray to God that I never get to see your face again, because I will surely make you suffer.” Andy shouted back instead. 

Then we proceeded to leave the restaurant. When we got out, I saw the scene where Kevin and his girlfriend were talking. 

“Let me just tell you one thing Kevin. Don’t even bother apologizing to me because I will never forgive you for using me as your rebound. I will let you suffer with the fact that you will never be forgiven.” She quickly pushed Kevin away and ran towards the exit without even turning back. 

“Come on, Andy. This is not the right place for us.” I held Andy’s hands to walk in another direction. 

We hadn’t gotten far when Kevin stopped us. 

“Nina, wait, please listen to me.” Kevin desperately pleaded. 

I looked at him and I saw through his eyes the pain he was bearing. He looked like he really wanted to explain things to me. 

“Listen to what Kevin? That you happen to run around town telling people that Nina is a mermaid? Or are you going to tell her that what your girlfriend just did, has nothing to do with you? I’m really stupid for letting you get close to Nina.” Andy angrily countered. 

I pulled Andy away from him. I didn’t need his explanation, it was useless anyway. Everybody already knows that I am a mermaid. 

“Nina please, give me a chance to explain.” Kevin said again. 

I turned and looked at him. 

“What else is there to say, Kevin? I just can’t believe you told someone else about my secret that easily. I know she’s your girlfriend, but that was my secret, Kevin. You don’t have the right to tell it to other people.” I replied to him. 

“Nina, I didn’t. I didn’t tell her directly, I promise. I would never betray you like that.” He hastily explained. 

“Then, how did she know Kevin? How?!” My voice slightly raised. 

“It was a matter of circumstance. I was drunk and ….” I did not even let him finish his sentence. 

I raised my palm up to his face to signal him to stop. I know what he’s going to say. He is going to tell me that he spilled all my secrets when he was drunk and wasn’t aware of that until now. 

“Nina, please. Hear me out and believe me. I didn’t tell her, directly at least.” 

“Whatever, Kevin. I have heard enough of your lies and excuses. I will not fall for them again.” 

After I said that, someone threw water at us. 

“What are you doing standing there? Don’t you need to be at sea already.” Someone shouted. 

“I guess she doesn’t turn into a mermaid when she gets wet. I saw it happen in the movies” Another person said. 

This is really a cruel world. People will bully you once they find out what your weaknesses are. Sometimes I wonder if there are still people who choose to live a kind life. A life where positivity fosters instead of greed, hate and injustice. 

“Never come back here! Monster! You are not welcome here!” Another person shouted. 

I hung my head low. I was greatly embarrassed by the situation.

I tugged at Andy’s hands. 

“Andy, I want to get out of here please.” My voice was crumbling. 

Andy immediately turned and we ran towards the nearest exit while leaving Kevin alone.

[Kevin’s Perspective]

When Nina and Andy left because of the harsh words of all the people from the restaurant, I approached them angrily and started throwing punches. I did not care how many they were, what I cared about is that I somehow got revenge for Nina. 

Soon enough, I already heard whistles and shouts from security guards trying to break us apart. 

“Hey! How dare you?! Aren’t you a famous DJ? Just wait and see how your career goes down. I will sue you” Someone I punched, threatened me. 

“You deserve every ounce of punch that you got. Let’s just see each other in court.” I glared at him. 

“If anyone wants to join him in filing a report against me, go ahead. I’m not scared of you. You are inconsiderate fools anyway. You are the real monsters here. All you do is judge other people as if you are perfect.” I continued. 

Everyone I was fighting with suddenly calmed down. 

“If you plan to sue me. I will counter it. Consider yourselves warned.” I said and left. 

If they think that they can easily get away with what they did to Nina, they thought wrong. 

[Nina’s Perspective] 

When we were far enough from the scene, Andy and I stopped running and we found ourselves in front of the sea. We sat down to one of the benches nearby while panting hard.

“I want to leave this city.” I confessed to Andy. 

“Leave the city? Nina, where will you go if you leave this city? How are you going to live?” Andy asked right away. 

“I don’t have a definite plan yet but I want to leave this place. Everything that happened was just too much to handle. I don’t think I can live another day here if everyone finds out that I am a mermaid.”

“Then, let’s try to make them understand your situation. People are thinking beings after all.” Andy suggested. 

“Not everyone is like you Andy. Not everyone has a heart like yours. Some might empathize with me but I think more people would hate me.” I tried to get my point across. 

“Then, how about your family? Are you really going to leave them behind?” Andy asked worriedly. 

“I am already an outcast, Andy. Ever since my mom and dad started their own families again, they somehow forgot that I existed. I still love them but I think it’s time that I go my own way.” I reasoned with Andy. 

Andy stayed silent. I don’t know what he is thinking about right now but I can see that he is troubled and worried. 

I looked at the horizon where the sky meets the sea. It was a wonderful sight but I wasn’t happy with what I was seeing. I knew it was almost time to be a mermaid again. 

“Why is this life so unfair? Why does it have to be me? Why do I have to be like this? Are you punishing me because of my lavish life? Tell me your reasons!” I angrily shouted at the sea while sobbing. 

The world’s weight is resting heavily on my shoulders right now and I don’t know what to do. 

Andy immediately hugged me to calm me down.

“Hush, Nina, please don’t do this…” Andy tried to soothe me. 

“I just don’t understand why I deserve this!” I told Andy and cried on his shoulders again. 

“I don’t know either, Nina but one thing is for sure. Even if you live the rest of your life as a mermaid, I will be by your side. I will swim with you at the bottom of the sea as long as I can hold my breath. I will make ways to be with you Nina. Trust me.” Andy said. 

His words deeply consoled me. I was lucky to have a friend like him. He is even willing to go to such lengths just to be with me. 

He continued patting me on the back while holding me tight around his arms while I poured my heart out. Traces of my tears and snot were evident on his clothes but he did not mind at all he just continued to calm me down. 

After a while I pulled away. I looked at him and smiled. 

“I’m sorry for that. You can give me your shirt. I will wash them for you.” I said while pointing at the part where I sobbed hard. 

“It’s okay, Nina. I got this.” Andy said with a smile too. 

Just when everything seems okay, I suddenly sneezed. 

I wasn’t able to cover my mouth right away so a big snot bubble appeared. 

I heard Andy’s laugh right away, a few seconds later in popped.

“Let me get that for you.” Andy volunteered to wipe my snot with his handkerchief. 

He was still smiling widely at what happened and it somehow helped to lighten the mood. 

“Ah. Thank you. I didn’t mean for that to happen.” 

“It’s okay. I’m just glad that made you smile.” He confessed. 

“Nina, just remember, you are not fighting this battle alone. You have me, okay?” 

I nodded and smiled. 

“I will do everything to accompany you.” Andy said while looking at the sea. 

After that we stood up and went home. 

Upon arriving, I was already back to being a mermaid so Andy carried me to my underwater room. When we arrived, my dog and cat were already sleeping but they lifted their heads to check who arrived and went back to sleep. The sight was just adorable.

A lot has happened today so I wanted to sleep right away. 

“Goodnight Andy, I shouted through the glass. He looked at me and replied. 

“Goodnight, Nina”

Later on, while I was in deep sleep, I had a dream. 

My dream brought me back to my eighteenth birthday. The event was breathtaking. I can see everyone’s smiles as I walk towards the stage. I was wearing my gown again. When I got up the stage, Itnaked my mom and dad for taking care of me for the past 18 years of my life. After my speech, everybody applauded and then they shouted “Happy Birthday, Nina” altogether. Then, Kevin appeared. He walked towards the stage and stood beside me. He took the microphone from me and started saying “Everybody, Nina here is not a human being, she is a mermaid!” He said and laughed evilly 

My family and friends then started to come towards me. It made me feel scared. They also started shouting “Get out of here! Monster’s are not welcome here! You must die!” I shivered at their words. When they were about to grab me. I repeatedly shouted. “Stop! Don’t come near me! 

“Nina, wake up, Nina.” I thought I heard Andy’s voice. I wanted to see Andy, but I couldn’t open my eyes. My eyelids were too heavy. 

Later on, I felt someone slap my face and I was woken up by the pain. 

“Andy, I’m so scared. They all want me to die.” I hugged Andy.

 “Having nightmares again? Don’t cry, don’t cry, I’m here, don’t think about it anymore.”

 Kevin has become my nightmare since then. Why can’t he leave me alone?

“Don’t think about it, okay? I’m here. I’ll watch you sleep.” Andy tucked me in again and lied down beside me. 

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