Mermaid’s Lust

Chapter 24

[Kevin’s Perspective]

After what happened to the restaurant and mall that day, I was restless. My heart ached at the sight of Nina running away with Andy. The way she shrank in Andy’s arms and how Andy was so protective of her. It was the kind of sight I never want to see again. 

I know I hurt her in so many ways, that is why I wanted to apologize. So, seeing her in that restaurant made me think that it was finally my chance to make everything alright with her. Although, apparently, the Gods had another plan. 

When my so-called girlfriend called Nina out, I knew the situation was going to get out of hand. She made things incredibly complicated for me. All I wanted was to clear things up between us and that’s it but she had to ruin everything by proclaiming that Nina was a mermaid. 

Now, how can I make it up to her? What should I do next? 

Also after the scene I made in the mall, everybody I fought with, ganged up and filed a report against me. The hearings and trials were exhausting but it already ended today. I won the case. Everybody including the restaurant owner paid a fine for bothering me.

I know this is some kind of injustice where a rich man gets away with a case because of money but I had to do it. This is the least I can do for Nina. She didn’t deserve to be judged, accused and humiliated that way. Everyone who said harsh words towards her needed to pay. 

I am actually glad that my lawyers really fought hard for me even though my case was helpless. 

After all, how could they tell the judge that everything happened because I was trying to defend a mermaid?

All these thoughts keep juggling in my head for a while now. 

I am at a bar right now. I am alone and I am trying to wash my worries away with alcohol. 

“Can I have another bottle of whiskey please?” I told the bartender. 

“Bottle of whiskey, coming right up!” The bartender replied. 

The music was so loud it was making my head pound. The dance floor was also packed with men and women grinding their bodies with each other. I just sat at the VIP table quietly while observing them. How I wish I could have fun like that too. If I wasn’t this miserable, I would have been put there grinding too. 

I laughed at the thought. Moments later, the bartender came back with my bottle of whiskey. I popped it open, transferred some to my glass and drank it in one shot. The alcohol was heavy and it made my stomach burn but I liked it. Since I had no one with me, I kept on drinking and drinking and after a while, the bottle of whiskey was already empty. 

The music suddenly changed. After a few minutes, all of a sudden, a girl walked up to me and started dancing in front of me. I just stared at her, uninterested. 

I called for the bartender again. 

“Give me another bottle of whiskey, please.” I said and the bartender immediately nodded. 

I like this place very much because the VIP seats are close to the bar. You can easily shout your orders. 

After a while the bartender handed me my second bottle of whiskey. Upon its arrival, I immediately chugged down a glass and felt the exciting burn in my throat and stomach again. 

This is definitely what I need to get Nina out of my thoughts. However, the girl who was dancing in front of me, resembled Nina. 

“Ah, f*ck!” I thought to myself. 

When the music stopped, the woman scooted closer to me. 

“Hey, handsome! Can we have a drink together?” She asked seductively. 

“Sure! Why not!” I answered but that was the alcohol talking. 

The woman then tried to reach for my whiskey but I slapped her hand away. 

“Get one for yourself. You can put it on my tab” I told her proudly. 

“Ohhh, what a rich and generous man…” She trailed to say. 

After that she lifted her hand up.

“One glass of martini please.” She said. 

“Typical woman’s drink!” I whispered but she caught it. 

“There is nothing wrong with that. So… what’s with all these bottles of whiskey?” She asked while rubbing herself onto me. 

“Just dealing with something at the moment.” I replied. 

“Must be matters of the heart.” She exclaimed. 

Her words caught me off guard so I looked at her but I was bewildered at the sight. She was wearing heavy make-up that made her look like a clown. Her appearance made me sick to the point that I wanted to throw up. 

“Oohhh!” I vomited on the woman. I didn’t mean to direct it at her, it’s just that I happened to be looking at her direction. 

“What the hell? Ewww” The woman shouted as she stood up. 

The bottom part of her dress was covered with my vomit.

“So.. rry… I didn’t mean to.” I said. 

As she was frantic, I looked at her again and her face made me throw up again. This time, all my cookies went to her shoes. 

“Oh my God! You are so disgusting!” She shouted and finally left. 

I smiled to myself. The next time you try to drink with me, make sure that you are decent looking enough. 

After my encounter with that woman, I decided to leave. I know I made a mess at my table so I left a few thousands more for the cleaning job. 

As I walked out the bar’s doors, the cool breeze welcomed me. I was walking down the sidewalk without knowing where to go when I suddenly thought of Nina again. 

I decided to go to her. I guess alcohol really makes you bold enough to face your fears. Since I was drunk, I stopped for a moment to remember my way to the island where she was living. I struggled and stumbled along the way. I wasn’t walking straight and my sight was a little blurry. 

I really wanted to talk to Nina. If I don’t do it this way, I will never be able to talk to her. I know I wouldn’t have the balls to talk to her if I was sober so doing this, in my state, is the right thing to do. 

It took me quite a while before I finally reached the island. At this point, I am a little sober. Upon arrival, I saw an old lady again. The old lady that I met before. It was grandma Lucia.

“Grandma Lucia.” I greeted her.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Oh! Handsome! It’s nice to see you again. What brings you here?” She asked spontaneously. 

“Oh, Grandma, have you met Nina? How is she doing now?” I asked pretentiously. 

I have met Nina already, a few days back and I have hurt her yet again but I can’t admit that to grandma. 

“Yes, I have!” She replied cheerfully. 

She paused for a moment and looked around. 

“Look over there! She should be at home right now.” She said while pointing at the little cabin. 

Moments later, Nina and Andy got out of the cabin. They were running around and having fun. I can even hear their laughter all the way from here. 

“Do you know who that guy is?” Grandma suddenly asked me. 

“I…uh… no… I’m not sure” I stuttered. 

“You know what, a few days after you left, that boy came here too. At that time, I was the only person around so he approached me and asked me if I knew anything about Nina.” She started to narrate so I listened quietly. 

“I told him that she was living there, in that cabin. After saying that I thought he would leave right away but he didn’t. He was hesitant at first but he asked me anyway. He asked me if I knew why Nina became a mermaid. He told me that his gut is telling him that I know something so he asked away.” 

“His question shocked me at first but I can see the persistence in his eyes. I knew that if I didn’t answer him directly, he would continuously ask until he got the answer he wanted. So, eventually, I told him that the reason why Nina became a mermaid was because she touched something that shouldn’t have been touched. She pulled out the heart-shaped stone because she thought it was only a beautiful coral.” 

“What’s with the heart-shaped stone, grandma?” I asked curiously. 

“It is sacred to the sea and this island. It is something that shouldn’t be bothered. In this island, it is believed to give curses and punishment to whomever touches it and that punishment is to become a part of the sea.” 

I stayed silent so grandma continued. 

“You know, he is actually different from you young man.” She said while her gaze was on Andy. 

From where we are, we can still see Nina and Andy goofing around. I felt a slight pang in the chest. The person doing that with Nina, should’ve been me. I know I can make her happy and not make her cry, but that wasn’t the case anymore. I have already hurt her enough so I don’t deserve to be with her anymore. 

I remember the night we parted ways. Nina told me that she was selfish for staying with me because the odds will never be in our favor. Now, thinking about it, it was actually me who was selfish. Nina let go of me because she was afraid she would ruin me but I just selfishly left her. I did not give her any explanations, I just abandoned her. 

I finally understood the reason why she smiled bitterly when I turned to leave. She hoped that I would stay with her, no matter what the situation was. She wanted me to want her as much as she wanted me. She tested my love and loyalty for her but I failed her. I think I finally understand why I lost her. 

“How is he different from me, grandma?” I asked her again. 

“He did something that you could never do.” She replied. 

I looked at her puzzled. The thought that immediately came to mind, was the time I needed to spend with her. 

I know that Andy and Nina have been best friends ever since but Andy shouldn’t have enough time to be with her all the time. He has a job in the city too so it’s impossible for him to spend so much time with each other. 

“He is very persistent. He likes to tackle things head-on. He actually asked me how he could stay with Nina all the time. So, I told him that if he really wanted to do that, he must give up something big inorder to stay with her forever. At that time, he only looked at me then left. I knew that he knew what I meant but decided to just leave. Honestly, I felt sad because I assumed that no one would care enough to stay with Nina.” 

Grandma’s words made me think. What if I didn’t leave Nina that night? Would something have changed? 

“So, he just came here to visit Nina every day right? And leave after when she’s a mermaid again?” I asked since I’m still curious. 

“No, that’s where you differ.” Grandma suddenly exclaimed and smiled. 

“I know that you stayed with Nina as much as you could during the day and made her happy the left her alone at night but that wasn’t the case with that boy.” Grandma said. 

Her words left me completely shocked. A thought lingered in my head but I internally denied it. It can’t be right? It’s absolutely impossible. 

“He left to find the heart-shaped stone. I saw him struggle day and night, trying to pull out each and every coral that might be the heart-shaped stone. After a couple of days, his hard work paid off. He was able to locate the stone and he pulled it out.” 

“Do you realize the difference now? He became a mermaid because he wanted to stick with Nina for the rest of his life. He did not care about the consequences of his actions. All that matters to him is that he can be with Nina day and night.” Grandma finally said. 

My knees started to wobble, I almost couldn’t stand firm. I never thought that Andy would be willing to give up his normal life to be with Nina, 

“Oh! Young man, are you alright?” Grandma helped me to keep my balance. 

“Ah. I’m okay grandma. Thank you for all the information.” I said and gave her a small smile. 

After that I walked aimlessly towards where Nina and Andy were. 

I looked at them with pain in my eyes. I wanted to walk up and say “Hi” but I didn’t want to bother them anymore. They are already living happily with each other. 

As I observed them, I wondered. What if I was given another chance to give my life up for Nina? Would have I done it? 

I thought about it for some time until I came up with an answer. The answer is no. I still won’t give my life up. I have fans who would love me and I love the job I have now. How could I possibly give all that up for the woman I love? I sincerely think that I couldn’t do it. 

After contemplating, I looked at the sky and let out a heavy sigh. 

I guess I don’t really love her as much as Andy does. I guess I just have to deal with the fact that I really lost her forever. 

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