My Fake Lover


I smiled and grabbed my diploma. I scanned the crowd and found my mom and my little brother, who was waving at me. I waved back as I saw my mom bring up her camera, obviously taking a picture.

I smiled a I shook the principles hand, and some other grown up people who I never seen in my life.

This day couldn’t get any better.


After the graduation, Caleb, Emily, Tyler, and I went out on something that felt like a double date. We went to an expensive resteraunt, that of course, Tyler’s dad set up for us with his money.

But today, Tyler and I planned something else.

“Oh god, I look so weird. Thank god we got to graduate before my belly got any bigger. I’d look hilarious in my gown.” Emily said as she rubbed the skin of her hard stomach, looking at it through the long mirror standing in my bedroom.

I looked at her stomach. The baby bump was showing, but it wasn’t too big. Call me crazy, but pregnancy kinda looked good on her. With her short blonde hair and her huge smile that never leaves her face. I guess she passed the crying phase. I mean, I’d feel kinda bad crying over having a baby, but wouldn’t be able to stop thinking of how your just going to become a teenage mother.

“You don’t look weird at all. Now let’s talk about weird when your stomach is stretched out like a balloon.” I said as I walked by her and looked at myself through the mirror so I could look over my outfit. “So, how do I look?”

I had short jean shorts so I can finally enjoy the summer sun, and a white lose tank top that goes longer a little past my butt and it stays short at the front. So if I picked both arms up, my stomach would be exposed.

Emily pulled her shirt back down and put her hands on her hips. “You look hot girl.” She said. “All you need is a little-”

“No more makeup.” I cut her off. “And besides, a little lip gloss is enough for me.”

Emily wasn’t one to where makeup herself, unless there was an event. But she thinks I should wear it. Why? I have no freaking idea. She’s weird like that. But again, she’s Emily, she’s always weird and crazy in a cute kind of way.

Emily shrugged and smiled. “Now hurry up, your going to be late for your little date.”

“It’s like impossible to be late, its a picnic for only Tyler and I.” I rolled my eyes as I grabbed the blanket and picnic blanket I set up. “And we could stay as long as we want.

Tyler and I are going to have a picnic and of course, I was the one who had the idea. Tyler wasn’t really the romantic type. But at times he’d be romantic to me when he’d whisper sweet things in my ear, comes over to stay with me over night, makes me feel better when I’m upset just by giving me a rose. So yeah, he can be romantic. But not the type to arrange a picnic or a fancy dinner for us.

But it was Tyler’s job to pick the place while I got ready the food. But I had no idea where he was taking me. Obviously somewhere that has a nice, green grass surface.

I slipped on my white flip flops and walked out my room, Emily following behind.

“Hey mom,” I said as I walked into the kitchen. “I’m going out.”

“Okay honey, have fun.” She said with a knowing smirk spread across her small face.

I rolled my eyes but still had a smile playing on my lips.

Emily and I walked out the door to see Tyler leaning against his hot expensive sports car as he was going through his phone.

“Have fun girl, and remember, if you plan on doing the dirty deed, please, use condoms, you don’t want to end up like me and become a teen mom.” Emily said with a teasing smirk.

I turned around and glared at her playfully as my face heated up in embarrassment. “What the hell Emily?” I laughed as I slapped her lightly on the shoulder.

“Just saying.” She shrugged, her smirk never leaving her face.

I rolled my eyes and made my way towards Tyler, when I was a few feet away, he looked up at me. “Hey babe.” He said just before I tip toed and titled my head to the side, leaning against him as I kissed him, with the blanket and picnic basket still in one hand as the other hand wrapped itself around his neck.

Tyler’s hand rested on the small of my back as the other one went to my hair.

His hands moved to the bottom of my cheek, pulling me in deeper. He bit down on my bottom lip and I immediately let him in, letting him taste me deeper. I had to fight the urge of just pulling his shirt off so his perfectly hot body could be in view.

So instead, my hand dropped the picnic basket and blanket to the ground and slipped underneath his shirt so it rested on his bare skin.

We kissed deeply until we were both out of breath.

“Hey.” I finally replied, breathlessly.

“Ready?” Tyler asked before I backed a few steps away so he could lean up from his car.

I nodded as a blush made its way to my cheeks, wondering if anyone spotted is in out heated make out session.

Tyler picked up your basket and blanket from the floor for me, and placed it at the back passenger seats.

••••••••••NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“This place is so beautiful. How did you find it?” I asked in awe.

There was a beautiful pond a few feet away from us with a small mini waterfall falling into it. The water was so clear, we could see the bottom sand and pebbles.

There were also many couples walking they’re dogs, holding hands as they’re just taking a walk, strolling a baby, or even having a picnic like we were currently having.

“I used to come here with my mom.” He said with a sad smile. “When she was alive.” He added, putting an arm around my waist.

We were currently sitting down on the blanket. With Tyler’s legs spread out in front of him, as I sat in between them, leaning my back against his stomach as he kept his arms around my waist and his chin on the crook of my neck, tickling my ear as he spoke. I just wanted to stay like this forever, it felt so comfortable.

We already finished eating the small amount of food and drinks I brought, but we decided to stay longer and enjoy the moment and the beautiful view.

I closed my eyes as I let the slight breeze blow in my face. It was getting darker out, the sky turning orangish.

“Sometimes my dad would come with us when he didn’t have work. But it was usually just my mom and I when I was younger. Until my mom left us, of course.” He said sadly.

I suddenly felt bad, knowing he lived without a mom for half his life. But I was so much like him, I never lived with a dad.

I turned my head so I was looking up at him with a sad smile. “I love this place.” I whispered. “And for now on, it could be our place.” I said softly, reaching my head up to kiss his cheek. “We could come here like we did when you were younger.” I whispered when I slowly pulled away from his soft cheek.

He smiled at me, making his blue eyes shine brightly. “I love you so damn much.” He whispered, kissing my lips. It was a pretty weird position for us to be kissing, but when his lips against mine, everything around us didn’t matter and I didn’t feel anything except his soft pink lips on mine. The way we were sitting and making out didn’t end up uncomfortable.

I pulled away and smiled back at him. “I love you too.” I finally answered.

“Do you really?” He asked teasingly, looking at me in the eye, making my heart do flips and turns from the way he was looking at me, with true love.

“With all my heart.” I nodded before bringing my lips back to his.

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