My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 140

78 Reunion

Archer POV

As we run from the hospital, I’m still in shock that the boys shifted. Their wolves were magnificent and powerful. “They are my pups, how could they not be” Brutus says. I laugh because he will never change. When we reach the eastern border, I catch the scent of vampires again. I expected there would be more than the ones we had already destroyed. As Brutus stalks toward the trees just over the border, a group of men step out from the trees. My men growl but none of us move. Ten men stand before us and drop to their knees. I don’t know if this is a trick or if they are truly surrendering. I shift while my men stay in wolf form. I am much bigger than the men. I push my aura forward and they all drop their gaze. “One of you better start talking.” He never looks up but one man starts to speak. “We were sent here by Drayce Black of the Blood Coven to attack. We have chosen to disregard his orders and surrender ourselves to your pack. We will no longer stand with him.” “What is your name?” “My name is Waylen.” “Waylen, I am Archer, the former Alpha of the Scarlett Rose. I hope what you say is true and this is not a ploy, because I will have no problem letting my wolf rip you all apart.” They finally look up and nod their understanding.

Adrian POV

Jayden and Brooke left with the others an hour ago to take the pups to the Scarlett Rose pack. It is time for Drayce and Joseph to pay for all they have done. We are sitting in the dining room having lunch when Andrew gets a link. After a few seconds, he looks back at me with a smile that puts me at ease. “We need to go to Jayden’s office. The guard patrol just linked me that we have visitors.” My heart clenches in my chest at his words. He takes my hand leading me toward the stairs. As we walk toward the office a hundred thoughts run through my mind. Could this really be happening right now?

How will she react when she sees me? I know that goddess said she would come, but what if I look too much like my father? I think about praying to the goddess but I’m not even sure what to ask for. I know I am not to blame for what he did, but it doesn’t change who I am. A knock sounds on the office door and I feel Andrew behind me offering silent support. The door opens and I hold my breath. A woman that has my hair and eye color steps inside. The guard leaves but my focus remains on my mother.

She stops dead and is staring at me. I have no idea how she is feeling or what she is thinking. I’m unsure what to do or what to say. “Adria” a man says her name from behind her. I realize that she isn’t alone. A man and two girls are standing behind her. His voice seems to bring her back into the moment. She walks until she is standing in front of me. “My name is Adria, I am” she stops like she is trying to find the words. “You are my mother.” She smiles at what I call her. I wrap my arms around her and the tears start to flow freely. She wraps her arm around me and runs her hand down my hair. I feel like a child who was hurt and my mother is offering me comfort. A feeling I never knew as a child. After a few moments, I pull back and she brushes the hair from my face and wipes the tears from my eyes. “I have thought about this moment since the day you were taken from me. You are so beautiful and I will never let anyone take you from me again.” She turns looking at the man and girls behind her.

“Adrian, this is my mate Porter and your sisters, Rebecca and Gia.” I’m confused about how she could know what my father named me. “How do you know my name?” She turns back with a smile “your father never knew my name, he always called me mutt. When the healer took you, I begged her to suggest Adrian as your name to your father. I wanted to give you a piece of me. I never expected to leave that room alive.” She looks back at the man. “I only survived because of Porter.” I step around her and wrap the man who saved my mother in my arms. “Thank you for being the man you are.” He kisses the top of my head. “I just wish we could have taken you with us Adrian. You may not be mine by blood, but you are my daughter just as Rebecca and Gia are.” I pull back and look into his kind eyes. I hug both of my sisters. It’s crazy what I have gained. A wolf, two sisters, a brother, a father, and a mother. I thought it would only be me, Brooke, and the pups. My life is so full and I won’t let anyone take that from me.

A throat clears and I turn to see a smiling Andrew. I walk back till I’m standing next to him. He wraps his arm around me. “This is Andrew, my mate and the Beta of this pack.” My mother chuckles, “does Joseph know what you are to this pack sweetheart?” “Not yet, but he will soon.” Her face falls and I see worry and fear replace her happiness. “What’s wrong mother?” “Joseph is a monster and he will not hesitate to kill you or your brother. Where is your brother?” “You don’t have to worry. Joseph and Drayce have no idea what is coming for them. Jayden will be back soon. He took his pups to a safe place before the battle.” The smile returns to her face. “I have grand pups.” “Yes you do. They are the most perfect little boy and girl, Henry and Anna.” “Who is your brother’s mate” she asks, excited to hear about her pup’s happiness.

I think about the fact that the goddess gave both Joseph and Jayden omega mates for the first time. The goddess gave my brother an opportunity to accept his omega mate, which he did without hesitation, unlike his father. “Jayden is mated to an omega that was born in this pack just like you were. He accepted her and Joseph tried to stop them from completing the bond. He failed because, just as Porter saved you, I saved Jayden’s mate.” She gasps and pulls me into another hug. “I’m so proud of you for not becoming like your father.” “He wasn’t my father. He was just a sperm donor.” I pull back and point at Porter. “That is my father.” Porter smiles with pride all over his face. We all take a seat and wait for Jayden to return.

Jayden POV

We reach the Scarlett Rose pack. I hate the thought of our pups being away from us but I know this is the safest place while we deal with these ba**ards. We park the SUV and I help Brooke out of the car. As we walk toward the pack house, a group of men being led by Archer come out of the woods. I scent that some of the men are vampires. I step in front of Brooke and Jo holding the pups. Serina, Lake, and Nicholas head toward them. I watch staying on alert in case there is any trouble. When they finally reach us, I can see they pose no threat. “Jayden, it’s good to see you again”, Archer says. “You too, Archer. May I ask what’s going on”, I ask looking around at the men. “Drayce sent Waylen along with

about fifty men to attack the pack. These men gave up freely and refuse to fight for Drayce any longer”, Archer says. “I mean no disrespect but how do we know that they mean what they say.” One of the men step forward. “Drayce cares nothing for us. He sent us here knowing that we could die. He didn’t lead us against an enemy. He sacrificed us. He has no loyalty to the coven. He only cares about what he wants.”

“I have already told Waylen and these men that until everything is settled they will be placed in the cells for the protection of the pack”, Archer says. I should have known that Archer would be kind but smart about dealing with these men. I hope for their sake they are being truthful. We head for the pack hospital when I get a link from Andrew. “Jayden, you need to come back now.” I stop walking and a pit forms in my stomach. “What’s wrong, is the pack under attack?” “Visitors have arrived but it’s not a threat. Your mother is here.” Brooke must feel my nerves. “We are on our way back.” I break the link and Brooke steps toward me. “What’s going on” she asks as she takes my hands. “Andrew linked me that my mother just arrived at the pack.” She smiles and wraps me in a hug. “Let’s go see your mother.” “Give me the pup and go see your mother Jayden. After we check on Tabby and Lake sees Gabby, we will come to the pack”, Serina says. “I will head back with Serina, Nicholas, and Lake after I see my pups”, Jo says. I kiss our pups before Brooke hands Anna to Serina. Brooke and I head back toward the SUV.

Jocelyn POV Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

We start to walk toward the pack hospital and Henry starts to fuss. They slept most of the way to the pack and I’m sure they are both hungry. As we approach the hospital, I catch the most delicious scent of coffee and chocolate. “Mate” Emery growls in my head and I stop walking. I can’t face that right now. Jayden had accepted Brooke before we were taken. No wolf is going to want me and my pups. “Jo, what’s wrong” Serina asks. “Henry needs to be fed. Maybe I should take him and Anna to the pack house and feed them. You can grab Brooklyn and Wesley and bring them to my room.” “Are you sure you’re alright? Don’t you want to see Gabby and Tabby?” “Of course, but I don’t want to overwhelm

them, besides, Henry isn’t going to wait.” “Alright, we won’t be long. I take Anna and head to my room. Once I have fed them both, I lay them in the cribs. Emery is pacing back and forth in my mind. “Emery”, I start to say and she stops me. “No, don’t Emery me. It is my mate too, Jocelyn. You have no idea if your right or not.” “I know that, Emery, but what if he rejects us? What if I’m right?” “Then he isn’t a worthy mate and we will have lost nothing. We can’t live in the land of what ifs. We need to know either way.” A knock sounds on the door, bringing me out of the discussion with Emery. Serina opens it holding Wesley and Brooklyn with a smile on her face. Before I can ask why she is smiling, the scent of chocolate and coffee invades my nose. Emery is losing her sh*t and I guess I’m about to come face to face with the man the goddess chose for me whether I want to or not.

Jayden POV

We arrive at the pack and I have butterflies in my stomach with the thought of meeting my mother. I open Brooke’s door and take her hand. We head inside the pack house and up the stairs. I reach for the handle and push open the door. Adrian is seated on the couch next to a woman that I know is my mother. She stands and I can’t contain myself. I have her in my arms without a word. “I’m so sorry for what he did”, I start to say but she stops me. “You are not your father. Do not apologize for his actions.” I don’t try to hide the tears as they run down my cheeks. My mother is alive and here with me. I never thought I would have this moment in my life. I finally pull back and she places her hand on my face. “Jayden, I’m proud of the man you have become.” She takes my hand in hers and leads me over to a man and two girls I hadn’t even noticed. The man stands sticking out his hand. “Jayden, this is Porter, my mate. He is the one that saved me from the coven.”

I take his hand, pulling him into a hug. “Thank you for saving my mother and loving her.” “That is something you never have to thank me for, son.” I expected that to feel wrong coming out of his mouth but it didn’t and I don’t correct him. “These are your other two sisters, Rebecca and Gia,” my mother says. I hug them both. “Welcome to the Onyx Moon” I say to all of them. I turn to Brooke, “this is my mate and Luna Brooke.” They all hug her and I feel a sense of peace despite what we will soon face. “I

hope you plan on staying here now that we have found each other.” “We will figure all that out later, right now I want to hear about my grand pups.” I chuckle and we all take a seat. I look around at my family as we talk. These people who love me and each other. I think about the man that was supposed to love me and be a father. Who cared more about power than he did about his mate and son. He is no father and in a few hours he will only be a memory.

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