My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 72

Lake POV

“Alpha, your blood work looks better this morning.” “Thankfully, because you didn’t have a lot of silver you should be a hundred percent quickly.” “Good that means I can get the hell out of here today.” “I have to bury my father and find out who killed him to make them pay.” “Alpha you should take at least a couple more days to recuperate before you start killing evil wolves” the doctor says with a smile. “My only question is why I haven’t been able to reach Razor if I didn’t have that much silver.” “As soon as the silver is completely gone you will be able to reach him, I’m more concerned about you.” “I appreciate your concern but I’m fine, so sign the discharge and let me go.” “Yes Alpha, I’ll get everything ready while you get dressed.” The doctor leaves and I stand heading toward the table with my clothes on it. I should have told Jason to bring me fresh clothes but I didn’t think about it. I start to dress in the same clothes I wore for the ceremony. After I slide my shoes on, I pick the watch up off the table that my father gave to me. My father was never a sentimental man, which is why I was shocked he gave me anything. I slide it back on my wrist vowing to myself that my father’s death will not go unpunished. .I look at the watch on my wrist. It’s the only thing my father has ever given me that meant anything so the least I can do is wear it. The doctor comes back in and I sign my discharge papers before I head back to the pack house.

I reach my office and link Jason but I can’t get through. He has a block up which isn’t odd for him, but I thought he would at least not do that with everything that happened. He’s probably entertaining a she- wolf if I know him. A knock sounds on the door, “come in.” Atticus followed by Elder Bradford walk in and stand in front of my desk. “Alpha, I’m glad to see you up and around” Elder Bradford says. “I’m sorry about your father.” “Thank you, Elder.” “Alpha, may we speak with you about what happened” Atticus asks. I take a deep breath. “Of course, please have a seat.” They both do and Atticus begins to speak. “Alpha, Elder Bradford and I have some details from the night of the ceremony we need to

share with you.” “I’m listening” I say coldly. “After much discussion with the omegas from the kitchen and other warriors we are concerned that two people that are close to both you and your father were involved.” I sit back because I’m definitely intrigued to see who he tries to blame for this. “I know how hard this is to hear but we believe the Luna is conspiring with one of the pack warriors to not only kill your father but also you.” My expression never changes. “Alpha Lake you don’t seem shocked by what Atticus just said.”

“Honestly, I had tried to tell my father of my concerns about Jessica trying to harm him before all this happened.” “He refused to listen to me despite everything I told him I had seen.” “I believe she is definitely one of the people responsible for his death.” “I wish he would have listened to me and we wouldn’t be burying him tomorrow.” “You can’t blame yourself for your father’s stubbornness Lake” Elder Bradford says. “I don’t, I blame the people involved in killing him” I say looking at Atticus. “You said that a warrior was involved, who do you suspect?” “I know this is going to be hard to hear Alpha but we believe it is Jason that is working with the Luna.” I feel like I’ve been slapped. The audacity of this ba**ard to suggest my best friend, future Beta, and most trusted pack member would harm my father and betray me, makes me see red. I stand slamming my hands on my desk. I’m sure if I could feel Razor he would be pushing to take over. “That’s funny you should blame someone else, Atticus, because I believe it’s you who have been helping that b**ch.” Now it’s Atticus’s turn to look affronted by my statement. “Alpha I may have failed to protect you and your father from this treachery but I would never harm either of you.” “Nor would I help someone harm you or Alpha Raymond.” “My loyalty has and always will be to this pack and its leaders.”

“Alpha Lake, this is a serious accusation to make against Atticus.” “Do you have any proof to support this accusation?” I know how stupid I’m about to sound, but I only suspect. I have nothing to prove my feelings. “I saw him talking to Jessica alone on the Alpha floor.” “What reason would he have to speak to her without my father present?” I can see the hurt on his face. “Despite what your father may have said to you Alpha he had his own suspicions about the Luna.” “He also knew she wasn’t working alone.” “He had asked me to watch her and her interactions with the pack members.” “He believed she

had gotten a male pack member to work with her.” “What you witnessed was her confronting me after I saw her talking to Jason.” “After Jason came back from his training, I had caught them speaking several times out of the earshot of other pack members.” “I told your father what I had seen.” “That is why he insisted that warriors be in the kitchen except Jason on the night of the ceremony.” “He specifically ordered he be kept away from the kitchen.” “How do you explain the poisoning then since Jason was with me that night?” “Alpha obviously you don’t believe anything I say right now so I will bring the omegas that were in the kitchen for you to speak with.” Atticus stands to leave. “If you need me for anymore questioning Alpha just link me.” He leaves without another word. When I look back toward the Elder, I can see disappointment on his face. “I know it’s hard sometimes to see the character of a person when you believe you know them, but you really need to be sure of the facts Alpha Lake.” “I will be performing your father’s burial tomorrow, so I will give you some time to think about what I said.” He stands and I bare my neck to him. When he leaves, I fall back into my seat. This can’t be true. Jason wouldn’t betray me.

Belinda POV This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I need to make sure he puts that watch back on Lizzy.” “They must have taken it off when they were working on him.” “Well, you had better get it done because he is in charge now.” “He can put you out and Raymond won’t be here to protect you.” I throw on a sundress and head downstairs to head to the pack hospital. I’m just about to walk out of the pack house when I see the Luna talking to Lake’s future Beta. Why would she be talking to him? She notices me and walks in my direction. The Beta rushes up the stairs I just came down. “Good morning, Belinda” she says with a sweet smile. “Good morning, what can I help you with?” “I was wondering where you were heading this early in the morning.” “Is there a reason you need to know my plans.” “I would be very careful Belinda, I’m still the Luna of this pack.” “For now you are, but that is going to change very soon.” She steps so she is toe to toe with me. “I don’t know what game you’re playing little girl but I guarantee I’ll win.” “I doubt that.” “When Lake and I mate I might just make you an omega for the fun of it” I say and turn walking out the door.

Once I find out that Lake left the hospital, I head back toward the pack house. I walk toward Lake’s office but I stop when I hear voices. I get close to the door and I can hear them talking about who killed Raymond. They believe that b**ch is working with the Beta. I hear Lake growl and bang the desk. I’m sure he doesn’t want to hear that his future Beta betrayed him. I walk farther down the hallway ducking behind the wall so I won’t be seen. I wait until I see the two men leave the office before I come out of where I’m hidden. . After a few more minutes I knock on the office door.

Lake POV

A knock brings me out of my thoughts. “Come in” I say and the door opens on a smiling Belinda. “Lake, you had me worried.” “I went to see you at the hospital and they said you left.” “I’m fine Belinda and honestly I have a lot to figure out with my father’s death and funeral.” “I want to be here for you.” “I know you said you weren’t interested in being mates but I promise you I would be the best mate and Luna for you.” I really don’t have it in me to keep going over this with her. I stand coming around my desk with the intention of leading her out of my office. As soon as I’m near her, I feel that pull to her again. What the hell is happening to me? “I don’t know but you better figure it out” Razor says. I breathe a sigh of relief to hear his voice. “You scared the sh*t out of me Razor.” “Don’t worry you’re not getting rid of me that easily.” “I just needed a rest.” I chuckle and look back down at a smiling Belinda. “I appreciate your offer to help me but honestly right now I need to be alone.” I walk her to the door and close it. “Razor, we have to figure out why I feel drawn to her.” “Your damn right we do because we aren’t touching her with a ten-foot pole.” I chuckle glad to have him back.

Gabriella POV

“Gabby, I think you have worked hard enough to take a break.” “Why don’t you go watch a movie with your sister and Nicholas?” “Dad, I have responsibilities. I can’t just go have fun.” He smiles and turns my chair toward him. “I love your dedication and resolve to be a better Alpha than me, but being a leader is about balance.” “It’s ok to take time for yourself and enjoy life.” “You will not be a great Alpha if

you never take time for yourself.” “I always spent time with your mother and you kids.” “There is nothing here that can’t wait.” I smile “ok dad let’s just finish this paperwork and then I’ll go have some fun.” He smiles and we work for another twenty minutes before I head down to the theater room. Nicholas and Serina have every snack on a blanket on the floor. When Serina sees me, she jumps up and hugs me. “I didn’t think you were really going to come.” “What are we watching?” “Your favorite movie, Jaws.” I laugh and sit down between them. I pick the popcorn up and for the first time in a while, I just enjoy spending time with my family watching a movie. Dad’s right. I need to relax at least sometimes.

We are just starting to clean up when I hear the theater room door opens. I look up to see Leslie and Macey come walking in. I expect Monica to be next but they seem to be alone. They look nervous but I don’t trust them anymore, then I trust her. I stand up and move in front of Serina and Nicholas. “What do you want?” “We don’t mean to bother you, Alpha, but can we speak to you a moment alone.” “Absolutely not” Serina says, stepping up next to me. “I promise we aren’t here to make any trouble we just need to talk.” I turn to Serina. “It’s fine I’ll be up in a few minutes.” I can see Serina doesn’t like it but she doesn’t argue with me. Once they are gone, I wait for them to speak. “We wanted to talk to you about Monica.” “If Monica has something to say to me, she can do it herself instead of sending you two to do it.” “Monica doesn’t know we’re here”, Leslie says. Now I’m confused what they could possibly want to talk about. “Monica is wrong for the way she is treating you but we thought you should know why she is so angry with you.” “She has made it perfectly clear that it’s because I’m a human in a wolf pack.” “I promise you that even if it started out that way its not the reason now.” “If this is still about Bret, I’m not interested in him besides she has a mate out there.” “It is about Bret but it’s not about your interest in him.” “Bret is Monica’s mate, Alpha.”

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