My Stone-Hearted Billionaire Husband

Chapter 43: I’m Married

As she stepped into the spotlight, Kourtney radiated an aura of confidence that commanded attention. Her choice of attire, a simple black crop top, and baggy sky-blue jeans, may have been casual, but her natural beauty and inner radiance shone through effortlessly.

She was the epitome of timeless elegance, the kind of beauty who looked stunning in anything she wore.

Her long, brown, cascading hair framed her face, accentuating her striking features. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of emerald green, sparkled with intelligence and curiosity.

Kourtney’s flawless complexion also seemed to glow naturally, as if she possessed an inner light that illuminated her from within. Her slender figure exuded grace and poise, a testament to her disciplined lifestyle and commitment to self-care.

All eyes were fixed on her, eager to hear the words that had brought them all together on this momentous evening while Kathlyn bit her lips painfully. She was doing everything she possibly could to prevent herself from sneering out loudly, not wanting to give away how jealous she was about Kourtney’s mesmerizing looks.

Kathlyn could never stand not being the center of attention. It was like a disease!!!!

Meanwhile, Kourtney stood at the center of the room, her eyes scanning the faces of her beloved nuclear and extended family members, some of whom she barely even spoke with. Margaret, her mother, stood beside her, her expression stiff as she was also in the dark about what her daughter intended to say.

“Good evening, everyone,” Kourtney began with the usual greetings.

“Get straight to the point, my dear,” Grandma Florence was getting impatient already.

Kourtney nodded, her expression unwavering. She was already used to the Old Woman’s annoying acts but still loved her regardless. Matter of fact, Kourtney loved her Grandmother so much as she believed Florence was a sweet person on the inside who only loved to pretend to be tough on the outside. Her Grandmother was also one of the few who always got her back.

“Thank you all for being here today. I know this is unusual, but I have something important to share with all of you,” Kourtney declared, her voice steady and confident.

The room fell even more silent like a graveyard, and one could literally hear a pin drop. Despite Kourtney’s frigid and guarded nature, there was an undeniable magnetism about her that drew people in, leaving them eager to hear the words that had brought them all together on this momentous evening.

She took a deep breath, summoning the courage to reveal her secret as she did not intend to beat around the bush.

“So… The reason I called this meeting is because… well… I got married!”

Gasps of surprise rippled through the room as the Allens all exchanged bewildered glances. Intense silence ensued for a second as everyone processed the news.

As the shock settled in, Aunt Denise was the first to snap out of her trance. She let out a loud and bitter laugh. “Wow. What a loser I have for a niece.”

Not once has she ever tried to hide her hatred for Kourtney, especially not in situations and gatherings like this.

Kathlyn, in particular, was taken aback. That was not what she expected to hear from Kourtney. That was not on the list of things she had expected Kourtney to say.

‘How can you just get married? To who? Impossible!’ Kathlyn thought bitterly.

“I didn’t know my dear niece could stoop this low, marrying just anyone to steal the attention away from her sister’s upcoming wedding? How cruel!” Aunt Denise continued to spit, her words dripping with venom.

Kourtney ignored her, just as she always had. She knew that engaging with her insufferable aunt would only be a waste of her precious time since the woman was like a bipolar disorder patient. Instead, she focused on delivering her news.

Meanwhile, Luke furrowed his brows and leaned forward in his chair, his anger already simmering beneath the surface. “What is this all about, young lady? You married? Meaning what?”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Katelyn couldn’t help but smirk, relishing in the chaos that was about to unfold. Everyone knew that Luke had anger issues. He was this close to grabbing Kourtney by the hair, but their mother, Margaret, quickly placed a calming hand on his arm, much to Kathlyn’s disappointment.

“Honey, please be calm. Kourtney doesn’t know what she’s saying. Our daughter is only acting strange because she’s depressed. We have to take it easy on her,” Margaret said while glaring daggers at Kourtney.

Kourtney rolled her eyes. At this rate, her too much eye-rolling over the past week might cause her to visit an optometrist. But then she couldn’t help it. She knew even her Mum did not believe her words. And the worst part? She hadn’t even revealed the most shocking thing yet – her husband’s name.

She wondered how they would react to that news. Surely, someone might just end up kicking and dragging her out of the living room for being crazy and delusional.

“Mum, Dad, Everyone, I understand that this may come as a shock to all of you, but it’s true. I’m indeed married!” she spoke again, this time more loudly, while she flashed her glowing wedding ring finger for their eyes to see.

“Ahhh. Are you being serious right now, young lady? Have you lost your damn mind? Trying to steal the spotlight from our poor Kathlyn. How pathetic.”

“Oh Denise, shut up and let the poor girl speak. She could be on to something here,” Matilda spoke up this time in defense of Kourtney.

“Nonsense! On to what stupidity? That even looks like a cheap counterfeit ring. Just what do you hope to achieve by saying this when Kathlyn’s wedding is fast approaching? What a silly child!”

Kourtney smiled in pain. The way her Aunt was casually talking about “Kathlyn’s upcoming wedding” as if that wasn’t supposed to be her wedding happening on that date in the first place made her feel hurt and bitter.

“I didn’t get married to steal anyone’s spotlight. You all know I would never act so dense. It happened beyond my control,” Kourtney choked out, her voice trembling with emotion.

But her words fell on deaf ears. The room was filled with murmurs and whispers as if her announcement was nothing more than a trivial inconvenience.

Kourtney’s heart sank as she realized that her family didn’t seem to care about her feelings at all. No doubt, these people would never stop putting Kathlyn above her in everything.

She felt like crying just thinking about it.

Her own sister had stolen her fiance and wedding date, and they all didn’t seem to care that much. As if it was a pretty normal occurrence for siblings to snatch each other’s partners. No one had said anything or stood up for her.

But now she announced her marriage which had happened beyond her control, they treated her like a villain trying to upstage the “pure and precious” Kathlyn. Kourtney could feel the weight of their judgment and their eyes burning holes into her skin as she stood there in the middle of the living room.

Grandma Florence, who had been observing the situation with a frown, had finally had enough. She stood up abruptly, her voice booming. “Enough! Everyone shut up!” she commanded, her authority silencing the room.

Kourtney’s eyes met her grandmother’s, and she felt a new sense of relief wash over her. She knew that Grandma Florence would always support her, no matter what.

“Now, Kourtney, explain yourself,” Grandma Florence demanded, her tone firm but not unkind.

Kourtney smiled, her eyes shining with gratitude. “Thank you, Grandma!”

Taking a deep breath, she began to explain. “I know it may seem sudden, especially considering my recent engagement to Brandon. But things changed so quickly before I knew it. And I just thought you all should know.”

Finally, Kourtney’s favorite Uncle, Eliot Allen, known for his calm and level-headed nature, spoke up. “Kourtney, we’ve heard you, and now we just want to understand. Who did you marry? And why all of a sudden?”

“I… His name is Sebastian Woods. Kourtney announced firmly, her words hanging in the air.

Once again, the room erupted in a mix of shock and disbelief. This time, even worse!

Everyone’s mouth was agape as they all tried to comprehend the magnitude of Kourtney’s unbelievable confession..

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