My Stone-Hearted Billionaire Husband

Chapter 48: Men Are Scum

Brandon was the first to react, his facial expression changing from shock to admiration, then to lust, and finally to indifference and spite.

Kourtney couldn’t help but notice the lustful look in his eyes as he took in her stunning appearance. It was a look she had seen before, back when they were together, and it made her feel a strange mix of emotions.

Kathlyn, ever sharp and sensitive, had also noticed the change in Brandon’s expression. She had always suspected that he still had lingering feelings of attraction to Kourtney despite successfully stealing him away from her.

A bitter sneer formed on her lips as she stared at her so-called sister, who looked absolutely astonishing.

Kathlyn had dressed in a well-made cream-colored gown, but compared to Kourtney’s outfit and appearance, she felt like a pauper.

Kourtney looked too gorgeous and sophisticated in that white dress, stealing the spotlight from her, who was supposed to be the center of attention as the bride-to-be.

Today was supposed to be her day, the day the Smith family came to visit her family’s abode and plan the final details of her upcoming wedding to Brandon. Kourtney had no right to look this good and steal her shine in front of everyone like this.

She fisted her hands together, trying hard not to show her anger and spite. She couldn’t let people see how insecure and affected she was by Kourtney’s presence.

Meanwhile, Kourtney held her head high, refusing to let the judgmental gazes get to her. She started making her way towards an empty seat at the table.


“Well, well, well. It seems the joker has arrived,” Aunt Denise couldn’t resist the urge to start degrading Kourtney once more in front of everyone. It was one of her favorite hobbies.

“Yikes! Look at her, trying to steal the spotlight once again,” another family member muttered under their breath. But it could clearly be heard by everyone, including Kourtney.

“What exactly is it that you hope to accomplish? The young master Smith has already made his choice. No matter how good you dress up, he still would choose Kathlyn over you,” Denise kept spitting out venom, never trying to hide her disdain for Kourtney in front of everyone.

They all pointed accusing and scornful gazes at Kourtney as if she was the most malicious person in the room.

Brandon, who had quickly recovered from the shock of Kourtney’s spectacular appearance quickly put on an air of indifference. He became proud and arrogant, believing that she had indeed dressed to impress him at the lunch party because she still loved him too much to let go.

With a smug smile on his face, he leaned towards Kathlyn and whispered, loud enough for everyone else to hear, “Her tactics won’t work on me. Kathlyn is the one I truly love.”

Then he turned to look at Kourtney. “Stop living in the past and move on. There is nothing you can do to change my heart.”

Kourtney’s eyes narrowed as she heard Brandon’s words. His hurtful words stung her, and she could feel her blood boil.

How dare he belittle their past relationship like that? ‘Men are scum,’ they say. And she believed it.

She couldn’t believe he still had the audacity to think she was dressing up for him. What a moron!

Kathlyn, always the master manipulator, played the innocent, sweet, and meek girl. She put on a facade of concern, pleading with everyone not to speak ill of her sister. “Everyone, please, that’s enough! It’s not Kourtney’s fault that she fell in love with Brandon,” she said, her voice dripping with false sympathy.

Witnessing Kourtney’s astonishing beauty when she stepped into the diner hall just now had her feeling a wave of envy and bitterness, but Kathlyn had always been so good at masking her true feelings.

Everyone believed her to be a sweet soul who could never hurt a fly and needed to be protected, unlike Kourtney, who had a harsher and independent personality, always bold and quick to put on airs. Kourtney had never needed anyone…

Brandon, feeling a surge of protectiveness towards Kathlyn, became annoyed, “Stop being too kind to her when she doesn’t do the same to you. She doesn’t deserve it. Even now that she knows we’re together, she still tries to come between us.”

This time, Kourtney’s anger really flared up. “Oh, you flatter yourself too much, Mr Smith. I dressed this way because my husband, Sebastian Woods, was coming to pick me up. It was never because of you. Everyone knows I would never go back to my vomit.”

Brandon’s smug smile faltered, and he looked at Kourtney with a mix of surprise and annoyance. He hadn’t expected her to stand up to him so boldly.

“By the way, I hope you’re all ready to meet my husband. He’ll be here shortly,” Kourtney added with confidence and a bright smile.

She couldn’t wait to see their faces when Sebastian showed up and proved them all wrong.

Kourtney’s family members exchanged puzzled looks, unsure what to make of her bold statement. They couldn’t believe she was still putting up the act since last night.

The members of the Smith family who were present at the luncheon were also confused after Kourtney mentioned Sebastian Woods, they mostly thought it was a joke, while Brandon continued to blink in surprise.

Kathlyn had told him about what Kourtney had said during the meeting last night, but then everyone had dismissed it, saying she was probably drunk or feeling depressed to come up with such baseless claims.

But now, hearing her say the words again, when she was obviously sober enough wasn’t something he expected. And it didn’t sound like she was joking either!

The room erupted in whispers and murmurs. Kourtney’s words had struck a nerve, and it was clear that she wasn’t going to back down on her claims.

Aunt Denise, not one to back down easily, scoffed and retorted, “Oh please, Kourtney. Aren’t you ashamed? Are you really going to beg for the attention of a man who has already dumped you?”

“Get over yourself, girl. Brandon doesn’t want you anymore. You shouldn’t even be in this gathering,” Tasha Smith, Brandon’s cousin, who had always had a grudge against Kourtney, couldn’t resist joining in, adding more fuel to the fire.

“No, that’s not” Kourtney tried to defend herself, but her words were drowned out by the noises of insults and snide remarks from the rest of the guests.

The room fell into a state of chaos as different tongues continued to drag her through the mud, making degrading comments and questioning her motives.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Even her usual supportive Aunt Matilda and Uncle Eliot, who had always come to her rescue before remained silent this time. It seemed like even they were starting to doubt her sanity and intentions.

Before Kourtney could respond to either of Tasha’s or Aunt Denise’s remarks, Grandma Florence, the matriarch of the family, intervened.

“Enough!” she exclaimed, her voice commanding attention. “This luncheon is meant to bring our families together not tear them apart. Kourtney, you will leave the dinner table immediately. I will not tolerate any more disruptions.”

Kourtney’s eyes widened in shock. “Bbut Grandma….,” she wanted to protest.

However, Grandma Florence had had enough of the drama. With a stern expression, she instructed one of the servants to lock Kourtney up in her room.

“Stop being a nuisance, young lady. You’re grounded! You won’t come out of your room until after this diner party is over,” she declared, her voice leaving no room for argument..

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