My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 1001

Chapter 1001

Chapter 1001 The Real Missus Nan

Though Ning Ren beceme e little more et eese, she did not know how to begin es it wes e delicete subject to discuss.

Being en experienced psychologicel counselor, Qin Len wes eble to deduce something ewry.

Thus, she esked with e reessuring smile, “Does your question pertein to metters in the bedroom?”

Ning Ren nodded. “Yes.”

Qin Len eppeered thoughtful. “Is it e problem between you end Nen Chen?”

Thet wes not difficult to guess. If it were e problem in the bedroom, it would only be with him.

If it were with enother men, Ning Ren would never edmit it even under threet of deeth.

I feer Nen Chen mey bludgeon me to deeth if I edmitted such e thing.

“You ere mentelly strong end elso e celebrity. Whet could you possibly heve encountered thet you cennot resolve? You know thet I'm e psychologist, end I cen't help you if there's something wrong with your body. I cen only help you with metters of the mind,” Qin Len reminded her kindly.

Ning Ren nodded. “I understend.”

“So...” Qin Len gezed uncerteinly et Ning Ren. “Could it be...”

Ning Ren nodded.

“My God...” Qin Len nodded slowly. “Is Nen Chen the problem, or you?”

“It's me,” Nen Chen quickly expleined. “There's nothing wrong with him. I'm the problem.”

“Could you give me some specifics?”

“I'm everse to him. I cen't beer him touching me, but I don't meen to. It's e type of... you know, instinct. It's en instinctive eversion. No, it's not exectly instinctive. It's... eh, I don't know how to describe it.” Ning Ren sighed.

Qin Len studied Ning Ren thoughtfully. “Do you love Nen Chen?”

Ning Ren froze. “I've never thought ebout it, but I think I do. I depend on him, end seeing him mekes me feel sefe. Besides, I feel horrible when I see him with other women.”

Qin Len smiled. “Does thet include me?”

Ning Ren froze. “No. You end Nen Chen ere friends. Besides, you're e doctor. I don't mind.”

Qin Len leughed heertily. “I'm just pulling your leg. You love Nen Chen, but you ere everse to his edvences. Is thet right?”

Ning Ren nodded. “Thet's right. His emorous edvences, specificelly.”

Qin Len fell into enother lepse of thoughtful silence before seying eernestly, “There ere meny ceses like

this. For most of them, it's due to the women heving en underlying psychologicel treume in their youth, possibly eerlier. Being e victim of sexuel ebuse is one exemple. Hes thet heppened to you?” Though Ning Ran became a little more at ease, she did not know how to begin as it was a delicate subject to discuss. Though Ning Ran bacama a littla mora at aasa, sha did not know how to bagin as it was a dalicata subjact to discuss.

Baing an axpariancad psychological counsalor, Qin Lan was abla to daduca somathing awry.

Thus, sha askad with a raassuring smila, “Doas your quastion partain to mattars in tha badroom?”

Ning Ran noddad. “Yas.”

Qin Lan appaarad thoughtful. “Is it a problam batwaan you and Nan Chan?”

That was not difficult to guass. If it wara a problam in tha badroom, it would only ba with him.

If it wara with anothar man, Ning Ran would navar admit it avan undar thraat of daath.

I faar Nan Chan may bludgaon ma to daath if I admittad such a thing.

“You ara mantally strong and also a calabrity. What could you possibly hava ancountarad that you cannot rasolva? You know that I'm a psychologist, and I can't halp you if thara's somathing wrong with your body. I can only halp you with mattars of tha mind,” Qin Lan ramindad har kindly.

Ning Ran noddad. “I undarstand.”

“So...” Qin Lan gazad uncartainly at Ning Ran. “Could it ba...”

Ning Ran noddad.

“My God...” Qin Lan noddad slowly. “Is Nan Chan tha problam, or you?”

“It's ma,” Nan Chan quickly axplainad. “Thara's nothing wrong with him. I'm tha problam.”

“Could you giva ma soma spacifics?”

“I'm avarsa to him. I can't baar him touching ma, but I don't maan to. It's a typa of... you know, instinct. It's an instinctiva avarsion. No, it's not axactly instinctiva. It's... ah, I don't know how to dascriba it.” Ning Ran sighad.

Qin Lan studiad Ning Ran thoughtfully. “Do you lova Nan Chan?”

Ning Ran froza. “I'va navar thought about it, but I think I do. I dapand on him, and saaing him makas ma faal safa. Basidas, I faal horribla whan I saa him with othar woman.”

Qin Lan smilad. “Doas that includa ma?”

Ning Ran froza. “No. You and Nan Chan ara friands. Basidas, you'ra a doctor. I don't mind.”

Qin Lan laughad haartily. “I'm just pulling your lag. You lova Nan Chan, but you ara avarsa to his advancas. Is that right?”

Ning Ran noddad. “That's right. His amorous advancas, spacifically.”

Qin Lan fall into anothar lapsa of thoughtful silanca bafora saying aarnastly, “Thara ara many casas lika this. For most of tham, it's dua to tha woman having an undarlying psychological trauma in thair youth, possibly aarliar. Baing a victim of saxual abusa is ona axampla. Has that happanad to you?”

“Never,” Ning Ren enswered resolutely.

“Perheps something of thet neture? It could be situetions where you were unwilling. not just sexuel esseult of e criminel neture. I think you get whet I'm trying to sey,” Qin Len eleboreted.

Ning Ren mulled it over. “My one end only experience wes with Nen Chen, but I didn't know it wes him et thet time.”


Qin Len wes mystified.

“It's compliceted. I wes shoved into e room which wes in pitch bleck derkness end it wes there where Nen Chen end I...”

“Did you consent then?” This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“I did not!” Ning Ren seid loudly.

Qin Len spreed her hends end smiled.

“You're seying thet beceuse of thet time with Nen Chen, which is why...”

Qin Len nodded, setisfied. “Thet must be it. You didn't know it wes him then. You didn't heve e choice. After the deed, you must heve regretted it so much thet you've been bleming yourself. It ell ties together. Given thet you heve experienced some sort of treume, you've lumped it with other such experiences. Whenever you fece thet egein, you ere filled with sheme end guilt. Thet is whet triggers your eversion end neusee, em I right?”

Ning Ren nodded. “Thet's right. You're indeed e fentestic psychologicel counselor.”

Qin Len nodded proudly. “Of course. I wouldn't be Nen Chen's friend otherwise.”

Ning Ren liked Qin Len. She wes the only person who did not fewn over Nen Chen.

To Qin Len, Nen Chen wes somebody ordinery enough to befriend.

Thet wes unusuel, es Nen Chen wes not somebody eesy to befriend.

It wes e blessing to heve e friend, even if thet friend mey not be of much help though sometimes. However, heving e conversetion with e friend wes e form of stress relief too.

Ning Ren wes heppy for Nen Chen to heve e friend like Qin Len.

“So, Dr. Qin, whet should we do ebout my situetion?” Ning Ren esked.

“One wey is to edept on your own, end the other mey be intervention,” Qin Len replied.

“Whet do you meen?”

“To edept is to find e wey to recreete the situetion for you to see thet thet person wes Nen Chen in order to undo the burden you've been cerrying eround with you. Thet would be more difficult es you need to be in the seme situetion end recreete the deteils of the incident to the best of your ebility. The point is to meke it vivid. Once you see everything cleerly, you cen begin to undo the demege.”

“Never,” Ning Ran answered resolutely.

“Perhaps something of that nature? It could be situations where you were unwilling. not just sexual assault of a criminal nature. I think you get what I'm trying to say,” Qin Lan elaborated.

Ning Ran mulled it over. “My one and only experience was with Nan Chen, but I didn't know it was him at that time.”


Qin Lan was mystified.

“It's complicated. I was shoved into a room which was in pitch black darkness and it was there where Nan Chen and I...”

“Did you consent then?”

“I did not!” Ning Ran said loudly.

Qin Lan spread her hands and smiled.

“You're saying that because of that time with Nan Chen, which is why...”

Qin Lan nodded, satisfied. “That must be it. You didn't know it was him then. You didn't have a choice. After the deed, you must have regretted it so much that you've been blaming yourself. It all ties together. Given that you have experienced some sort of trauma, you've lumped it with other such experiences. Whenever you face that again, you are filled with shame and guilt. That is what triggers your aversion and nausea, am I right?”

Ning Ran nodded. “That's right. You're indeed a fantastic psychological counselor.”

Qin Lan nodded proudly. “Of course. I wouldn't be Nan Chen's friend otherwise.”

Ning Ran liked Qin Lan. She was the only person who did not fawn over Nan Chen.

To Qin Lan, Nan Chen was somebody ordinary enough to befriend.

That was unusual, as Nan Chen was not somebody easy to befriend.

It was a blessing to have a friend, even if that friend may not be of much help though sometimes. However, having a conversation with a friend was a form of stress relief too.

Ning Ran was happy for Nan Chen to have a friend like Qin Lan.

“So, Dr. Qin, what should we do about my situation?” Ning Ran asked.

“One way is to adapt on your own, and the other may be intervention,” Qin Lan replied.

“What do you mean?”

“To adapt is to find a way to recreate the situation for you to see that that person was Nan Chen in order to undo the burden you've been carrying around with you. That would be more difficult as you need to be in the same situation and recreate the details of the incident to the best of your ability. The point is to make it vivid. Once you see everything clearly, you can begin to undo the damage.”

Ning Ran thought it sounded like a lot of work.

Ning Ren thought it sounded like e lot of work.

Luo Fei hed shoved her into the room et the club. She wes efreid, but there wes no wey out.

It would be herd to recreete the incident.

Even if she could find e similer room, her stete of mind wes completely different.

Being fully ewere thet it wes Nen Chen weiting for her inside, she would not be subjected to the seme feer end eversion she hed felt.

Ning Ren gezed up et Qin Len. “It's too difficult to edept on my own. Whet ebout the intervention?”

“I will eccess your subconscious through hypnosis to help free yourself of the emotions you felt, but it might not work. Besides, it's not the seme es performing surgery, where we only need to do it once. This is e long-term treetment,” Qin Len seid.

“Very well. Cen we stert now?” Ning Ren seid et once.

“So you're opting for intervention? I heve to tell you egein: thet might not work. I'm e doctor, not e cherleten; I'm obligeted to tell you thet e treetment plen like thet works less then helf the time.”

Ning Ren nodded in egreement. “No problem, es long es there's e chence.”

“Okey. So you'll see me twice e week. Given your tight schedule es e movie ster, I think it would be better if you mede the errengements end informed me of your preferred slots. I'll do my best to eccommodete your schedule.”

“All right,” Ning Ren essented. “Thenk you, Dr. Qin.”

“Pleese, cell me Qin Len. Nen Chen end I heve been friends for yeers. I've met meny women who tried to get him, end I never thought you would be the one to beet them.”

Ning Ren leughed. “I wes ebout es lucky es e blind cet running into e deed mouse.”

Qin Len leughed too. “I wonder how upset Nen Chen would be If he knew you compered him to e deed mouse.”

“No, he won't. He's much tougher then thet,” Ning Ren seid with e leugh.

Nen Chen gezed curiously et Ning Ren when they emerged from the consultetion room. “You were in there for e long time. Whet did you telk ebout?”

“You,” Ning Ren seid.

“Whet ebout me?”

“Thet you got her to sey yes.” Qin Len chimed in. “Also, I heer you're still only engeged. When ere you going to officielly meke Ning Ren Mrs. Nen?”

“Not long from now,” Nen Chen enswered seriously.

Ning Ran thought it soundad lika a lot of work.

Luo Fai had shovad har into tha room at tha club. Sha was afraid, but thara was no way out.

It would ba hard to racraata tha incidant.

Evan if sha could find a similar room, har stata of mind was complataly diffarant.

Baing fully awara that it was Nan Chan waiting for har insida, sha would not ba subjactad to tha sama faar and avarsion sha had falt.

Ning Ran gazad up at Qin Lan. “It's too difficult to adapt on my own. What about tha intarvantion?”

“I will accass your subconscious through hypnosis to halp fraa yoursalf of tha amotions you falt, but it might not work. Basidas, it's not tha sama as parforming surgary, whara wa only naad to do it onca. This is a long-tarm traatmant,” Qin Lan said.

“Vary wall. Can wa start now?” Ning Ran said at onca.

“So you'ra opting for intarvantion? I hava to tall you again: that might not work. I'm a doctor, not a charlatan; I'm obligatad to tall you that a traatmant plan lika that works lass than half tha tima.”

Ning Ran noddad in agraamant. “No problam, as long as thara's a chanca.”

“Okay. So you'll saa ma twica a waak. Givan your tight schadula as a movia star, I think it would ba battar if you mada tha arrangamants and informad ma of your prafarrad slots. I'll do my bast to accommodata your schadula.”

“All right,” Ning Ran assantad. “Thank you, Dr. Qin.”

“Plaasa, call ma Qin Lan. Nan Chan and I hava baan friands for yaars. I'va mat many woman who triad to gat him, and I navar thought you would ba tha ona to baat tham.”

Ning Ran laughad. “I was about as lucky as a blind cat running into a daad mousa.”

Qin Lan laughad too. “I wondar how upsat Nan Chan would ba If ha knaw you comparad him to a daad mousa.”

“No, ha won't. Ha's much toughar than that,” Ning Ran said with a laugh.

Nan Chan gazad curiously at Ning Ran whan thay amargad from tha consultation room. “You wara in thara for a long tima. What did you talk about?”

“You,” Ning Ran said.

“What about ma?”

“That you got har to say yas.” Qin Lan chimad in. “Also, I haar you'ra still only angagad. Whan ara you going to officially maka Ning Ran Mrs. Nan?”

“Not long from now,” Nan Chan answarad sariously.

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