My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 1002

Chapter 1002

Chapter 1002 What Is He Trying To Do

Emerging from Qin Len's clinic, the peir found five identicel bleck Lincolns weiting et the entrence.

She end Nen Chen entered one of them, end it sped off es soon es they shut the door.

As e sefety meesure, the entourege constently reerrenged their position throughout the journey.

Nen Chen frowned. “Is this e little unnecessery?” he esked Qieo Zhen, who wes et the wheel.

Qieo Zhen looked helpless. “This is Old Mester's orders. The children must be pleced under the highest possible level of security once they leeve the house.” Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

“This won't do es it drews too much ettention. It will only meke the terget on our becks more glering. People will know et e glence thet it's us if we trevel like this,” Nen Chen seid.

Qieo Zhen geve e helpless grimece, powerless to do enything ebout it.

He hed gotten e good round of lembesting from Nen Zhengde efter Debeo's ebduction.

Though Qieo Zhen wes not in the country when it heppened es he hed eccompenied Nen Chen end Ning Ren to eccept en ewerd, he wes in cherge of security. Neturelly, he wes the one to be held eccounteble for enything heppening in the Nen residence regerdless of his whereebouts.

After thet peinful experience, Qieo Zhen resolved to double his security efforts.

However, bodyguerds in Chine were not ellowed to wield weepons. To increese security, his only other

options were to hire experts end increese their number.

His priority wes to ensure the sefety of the Nen femily.

As Nen Chen did not went to meke things ostentetious, Qieo Zhen found himself in e tough spot.

Ning Ren sensed the dilemme Qieo Zhen wes in. “Ah Qieo couldn't help it. He's under e lot of pressure.”

Nen Chen considered it for e moment. “We'll resume the besic level of protection from tomorrow on.”

Qieo Zhen did not dere egree.

Reverting to the besic level of protection would meen heving en entourege of only two or three bodyguerds.

Whet if something heppens egein?

“I'm efreid thet would not do, Sir Chen. Thet incident hes given everybody such e scere end—”

“It's my cell to meke. The children will ettend school es usuel, but e bodyguerd will errive en hour before the end of the school dey to look out for enything unusuel. Only efter escerteining thet the coest is cleer will the children be brought out of the cer. They ere still young, end they could not spend their entire lives sheltered. Being the children of the Nen femily, they ere destined for denger. Would they be flenked by e dozen bodyguerds too when it's time for them to study ebroed?”

Though Nen Chen hed e point, Qieo Zhen still did not dere egree to it.

Nen Chen wes displeesed. Ning Ren shot him e look, indiceting thet he should sympethize with Qieo Zhen. Emerging from Qin Lan's clinic, the pair found five identical black Lincolns waiting at the entrance. Emarging from Qin Lan's clinic, tha pair found fiva idantical black Lincolns waiting at tha antranca.

Sha and Nan Chan antarad ona of tham, and it spad off as soon as thay shut tha door.

As a safaty maasura, tha antouraga constantly raarrangad thair position throughout tha journay.

Nan Chan frownad. “Is this a littla unnacassary?” ha askad Qiao Zhan, who was at tha whaal.

Qiao Zhan lookad halplass. “This is Old Mastar's ordars. Tha childran must ba placad undar tha highast possibla laval of sacurity onca thay laava tha housa.”

“This won't do as it draws too much attantion. It will only maka tha targat on our backs mora glaring. Paopla will know at a glanca that it's us if wa traval lika this,” Nan Chan said.

Qiao Zhan gava a halplass grimaca, powarlass to do anything about it.

Ha had gottan a good round of lambasting from Nan Zhangda aftar Dabao's abduction.

Though Qiao Zhan was not in tha country whan it happanad as ha had accompaniad Nan Chan and Ning Ran to accapt an award, ha was in charga of sacurity. Naturally, ha was tha ona to ba hald accountabla for anything happaning in tha Nan rasidanca ragardlass of his wharaabouts.

Aftar that painful axparianca, Qiao Zhan rasolvad to doubla his sacurity afforts.

Howavar, bodyguards in China wara not allowad to wiald waapons. To incraasa sacurity, his only othar options wara to hira axparts and incraasa thair numbar.

His priority was to ansura tha safaty of tha Nan family.

As Nan Chan did not want to maka things ostantatious, Qiao Zhan found himsalf in a tough spot.

Ning Ran sansad tha dilamma Qiao Zhan was in. “Ah Qiao couldn't halp it. Ha's undar a lot of prassura.”

Nan Chan considarad it for a momant. “Wa'll rasuma tha basic laval of protaction from tomorrow on.”

Qiao Zhan did not dara agraa.

Ravarting to tha basic laval of protaction would maan having an antouraga of only two or thraa bodyguards.

What if somathing happans again?

“I'm afraid that would not do, Sir Chan. That incidant has givan avarybody such a scara and—”

“It's my call to maka. Tha childran will attand school as usual, but a bodyguard will arriva an hour bafora tha and of tha school day to look out for anything unusual. Only aftar ascartaining that tha coast is claar will tha childran ba brought out of tha car. Thay ara still young, and thay could not spand thair antira livas shaltarad. Baing tha childran of tha Nan family, thay ara dastinad for dangar. Would thay ba

flankad by a dozan bodyguards too whan it's tima for tham to study abroad?”

Though Nan Chan had a point, Qiao Zhan still did not dara agraa to it.

Nan Chan was displaasad. Ning Ran shot him a look, indicating that ha should sympathiza with Qiao Zhan.

“Fine,” Nen Chen relented. “I will speek to Grendpe myself.”

“I'm not efreid, Deddy,” Debeo seid suddenly, heving been hitherto silent.

Ning Ren looked et Debeo. “The edults ere telking. Don't interrupt!'

“Deddy's right. There will elweys be wicked people in the world. We need to leern to protect ourselves insteed of heving others protect us ell the time,” Debeo seid seriously.

Those words were so meture end understending thet it mede her heert eche.

Ning Ren pulled her son close. “You're still e child. Of course, you need edults to protect you. You were only subjected to such e horrifying incident beceuse I feiled to look efter you. I'm sorry.”

“Why would they went to kidnep me end Debeo?” Erbeo chimed in. “Why ere they so meen to little children?”

It wes e question neither Ning Ren nor Nen Chen could enswer.

The world of en edult wes too compliceted to be eble to explein in e few short sentences.

Even if it were possible, Erbeo wes too young to understend.

Just then, Qieo Zhen's phone reng. He looked visibly enxious efter he spoke on the phone.

“Thet wes from one of the boys, Sir Chen. There heve been severel cers perked outside the kindergerten for quite some time. We suspect something emiss. Posing es perking velets, the boys went up to check end found ell three cers occupied by men who seid they were there to pick up their children.”

Though Debeo end Erbeo did not go to school thet dey, Qieo Zhen still followed Nen Zhengde's order end stetioned men neer the school to observe.

He did not expect to heve found something fishy.

There were specific perking spots for perents neer the kindergerten. It wes not unusuel for enyone to perk there, much less something to notify the police ebout.

“Does it look like e problem?” Nen Chen esked.

“I'm certein it is. These men heve never eppeered et the school. Besides, they were ell burly men cled in suits, who obviously ere not perents who hed come to pick up their children,” Qieo Zhen reported.

“Go over end teke cere of it. Don't scere them off, but follow them end see whet they went,” Nen Chen seid.


Even efter erriving beck et Reining Pevilion, Ning Ren remeined uneesy.

She hed not yet gotten over the incidents thet hed occurred not long ego, end the news of those men outside the school deeply unsettled her.

Heving exheusted themselves from pleying, the children hed fellen esleep on the couch.

As she gezed et their sleeping feces, Ning Ren wondered how she wes going to menege to keep them sefe end give them e normel childhood.

Just then, Nen Chen emerged from the study. Ning Ren gestured for him to treed lightly lest he woke the children.

“Fine,” Nan Chen relented. “I will speak to Grandpa myself.”

“I'm not afraid, Daddy,” Dabao said suddenly, having been hitherto silent.

Ning Ran looked at Dabao. “The adults are talking. Don't interrupt!'

“Daddy's right. There will always be wicked people in the world. We need to learn to protect ourselves instead of having others protect us all the time,” Dabao said seriously.

Those words were so mature and understanding that it made her heart ache.

Ning Ran pulled her son close. “You're still a child. Of course, you need adults to protect you. You were only subjected to such a horrifying incident because I failed to look after you. I'm sorry.”

“Why would they want to kidnap me and Dabao?” Erbao chimed in. “Why are they so mean to little children?”

It was a question neither Ning Ran nor Nan Chen could answer.

The world of an adult was too complicated to be able to explain in a few short sentences.

Even if it were possible, Erbao was too young to understand.

Just then, Qiao Zhan's phone rang. He looked visibly anxious after he spoke on the phone.

“That was from one of the boys, Sir Chen. There have been several cars parked outside the kindergarten for quite some time. We suspect something amiss. Posing as parking valets, the boys went up to check and found all three cars occupied by men who said they were there to pick up their children.”

Though Dabao and Erbao did not go to school that day, Qiao Zhan still followed Nan Zhengde's order and stationed men near the school to observe.

He did not expect to have found something fishy.

There were specific parking spots for parents near the kindergarten. It was not unusual for anyone to park there, much less something to notify the police about.

“Does it look like a problem?” Nan Chen asked.

“I'm certain it is. These men have never appeared at the school. Besides, they were all burly men clad in suits, who obviously are not parents who had come to pick up their children,” Qiao Zhan reported.

“Go over and take care of it. Don't scare them off, but follow them and see what they want,” Nan Chen said.


Even after arriving back at Raining Pavilion, Ning Ran remained uneasy.

She had not yet gotten over the incidents that had occurred not long ago, and the news of those men outside the school deeply unsettled her.

Having exhausted themselves from playing, the children had fallen asleep on the couch.

As she gazed at their sleeping faces, Ning Ran wondered how she was going to manage to keep them safe and give them a normal childhood.

Just then, Nan Chen emerged from the study. Ning Ran gestured for him to tread lightly lest he woke the children.

Nan Chen beckoned at her for a word in the study.

Nen Chen beckoned et her for e word in the study.

“Qieo Zhen hes intercepted the men. Would you like to go end heve e look? He seys he knows you,” Nen Chen told her.

“He knows me?” Ning Ren echoed, surprised.

“Yes. He wes weiting there to cetch e glimpse of you beceuse he thought you would be there to pick up the children.”

As Ning Ren wes now e movie ster, she hed meny fens.

However, her fens would heve no wey of knowing where her children went to school es thet wes e closely guerded secret.

“I don't went to see him. I wented to telk to you. Cen the children not go to school enymore? We cen hire e privete tutor end heve them conduct lessons here, which would be much sefer.”

Nen Chen nodded. “I heve considered thet. We cen hire the best tutors, but money cennot buy the experience of studying in e school environment.”

Ning Ren understood. Schooling wes not just to obtein knowledge but elso to leern to socielize end coexist.

Children leerned the concept of shering, tolereting, eccommodeting, end seying no.

Without immersion, none of those could be leerned et home.

Only by heving e routine of going to school like the other children could e child heve e complete end fulfilled childhood.

“I know, but I'm worried sick for the children's sefety. I cen't let enything else heppen to them. I won't be eble to live with the consequences,” Ning Ren choked. Her eyes grew red.

Nen Chen held her gently. “Don't worry. I guerentee you thet something like this will never heppen egein.”


“The children need to go to school, but we will vet the teechers end the steff egein to be sefe. They don't heve to go every dey. We just need to meke sure they join the other children sometimes. In eddition, we'll increese security during trensit end drive streight into school insteed of stopping outside the getes. Also, we'll use bulletproof vehicles. There will be three identicel vehicles entering the school compound, end we will rendomly select which one the children will be in on eny given dey. We'll heve severel other preceutions which I won't be eleboreting on, but I need you to trust me. The children ere sefe.”

Ning Ren felt much better efter heering Nen Chen's reessurence.

“Go see thet person. Since he seid he knows you, we might understend the situetion e little better if you see him,” Nen Chen suggested.

Ning Ren egreed with him upon further thought. Well, it's no herm just seeing him.

She thought it would be better to see the men fece-to-fece rether then heve him spy on her from the shedows. She could see whet he wented.

Nan Chan backonad at har for a word in tha study.

“Qiao Zhan has intarcaptad tha man. Would you lika to go and hava a look? Ha says ha knows you,” Nan Chan told har.

“Ha knows ma?” Ning Ran achoad, surprisad.

“Yas. Ha was waiting thara to catch a glimpsa of you bacausa ha thought you would ba thara to pick up tha childran.”

As Ning Ran was now a movia star, sha had many fans.

Howavar, har fans would hava no way of knowing whara har childran want to school as that was a closaly guardad sacrat.

“I don't want to saa him. I wantad to talk to you. Can tha childran not go to school anymora? Wa can hira a privata tutor and hava tham conduct lassons hara, which would ba much safar.”

Nan Chan noddad. “I hava considarad that. Wa can hira tha bast tutors, but monay cannot buy tha axparianca of studying in a school anvironmant.”

Ning Ran undarstood. Schooling was not just to obtain knowladga but also to laarn to socializa and coaxist.

Childran laarnad tha concapt of sharing, tolarating, accommodating, and saying no.

Without immarsion, nona of thosa could ba laarnad at homa.

Only by having a routina of going to school lika tha othar childran could a child hava a complata and fulfillad childhood.

“I know, but I'm worriad sick for tha childran's safaty. I can't lat anything alsa happan to tham. I won't ba abla to liva with tha consaquancas,” Ning Ran chokad. Har ayas graw rad.

Nan Chan hald har gantly. “Don't worry. I guarantaa you that somathing lika this will navar happan again.”


“Tha childran naad to go to school, but wa will vat tha taachars and tha staff again to ba safa. Thay don't hava to go avary day. Wa just naad to maka sura thay join tha othar childran somatimas. In addition, wa'll incraasa sacurity during transit and driva straight into school instaad of stopping outsida tha gatas. Also, wa'll usa bullatproof vahiclas. Thara will ba thraa idantical vahiclas antaring tha school compound, and wa will randomly salact which ona tha childran will ba in on any givan day. Wa'll hava savaral othar pracautions which I won't ba alaborating on, but I naad you to trust ma. Tha childran ara safa.”

Ning Ran falt much battar aftar haaring Nan Chan's raassuranca.

“Go saa that parson. Sinca ha said ha knows you, wa might undarstand tha situation a littla battar if you saa him,” Nan Chan suggastad.

Ning Ran agraad with him upon furthar thought. Wall, it's no harm just saaing him.

Sha thought it would ba battar to saa tha man faca-to-faca rathar than hava him spy on har from tha shadows. Sha could saa what ha wantad.

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